Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 987: Let's go travel

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I wish the empty mountain does not know what Feng Yuxi said in the end, but she at least understands that as long as Feng Yu is willing to help, she is at least safe in life. This script didn't want to stay, but it shouldn't be sent out so quickly at this time. She had to stay for some more time. The eight emperors and Yuangui people had to add more pots to them!

Under the full treatment of Baicaotang, the situation of the poisoned people in the north of the city has been alleviated. Although the frozen people can't resurrect, others have done everything possible to save their lives.

Two days later, the Royal Palace launched a planned construction of the city. The drawings and design concepts are provided by Feng Yuxi, a unified brick and tile dwelling. There is no independent yard. Just like the apartment of the later generations, there is one room and one house. The room is separated from the room. There are two rooms and one living room. There are three rooms and one living room. , according to the proportion of each household to allocate. There are almost no solitary people in the north of the city. Even if they were single-person tramps or squatters, two or three people were assigned to one group and then assigned to one house.

When I was thinking about the winter disaster, Feng Yuxi had already joined the Yuwangfu in the capital to build new houses for the victims. However, the scope of the disaster was relatively wide, and it was not as concentrated as it is now, so there was no too unified planning. It was repaired in the original house. The house that was originally rebuilt was also recorded under the name of Yuwangfu. This time, the same is true. All the houses are registered under the name of Yuwangfu, and they are freely supplied to the poor people in the north of the city.

This time, because the victims were all concentrated in the north of the city, it was already expected that the house in the royal palace was under construction. The north of the capital city will become the unique place of the Nine Emperors, and these favored people also It will become a force fully loyal to the Nine Emperors and the Ji’an County.

After the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo was beaten by the poor in the north of the city, he was very sensible and reported directly to the Ministry of Justice. Xu Jingyuan officially accepted the case, but only brought back the Eight Emperors. Every day he went to the Criminal Department to go to the church, but none of the mobs caught.

Xuantian ink pointed out that Xu Jingyuan had handled the case unfairly, but was sentenced to a block by Xu Jingyuan. "This official is just a passing scene. In this case, the emperor said that he should personally try it."

So Xuantian ink smashed, and the stone pressed in my heart did not fall for a long time. There is a bad foreboding in a hurry, and the intuition tells him that this time, I am afraid that it is very difficult to pass the Heaven Emperor.

Too many poor people die, so that the direction of the DPRK can no longer be biased towards the side of the Eight Emperors. In addition, the officials under his party's feathers were also born with centrifugation under the influence of the empty mountain, and no longer speak for him. For a time, everyone in the DPRK mentioned that the Eight Emperors had to swear a few words. Some people even talked about the Yuan Guiren in the palace. More than once, they asked Tianwu Emperor to connect the Yuan and the nobles.

Tianwu’s recent mental state is not very good, and he is always languid. The thing in the north of the city is that he is angry at the chest, but there is always a feeling of lack of energy.

He is indeed sick, not a serious illness, a little cold, but the whole body is weak, and his heart is on fire again. This is a fire and a heart attack, it seems exhausted.

The reason why this is a fire, the root cause is still qi by the Eight Emperors. There were so many things in the days before the Emperor Wudi knew clearly, although the surface did not show up, but the fire in the heart is not the general big. Both of them are sons, and the palms of their hands are all fleshy. In order to make a big leap, what he wants to see is the two children’s fair fight, and let him see who is better at this world. Of course, the more part of the reason is that he does not want Lao Jiu to always carry the burden of “cloud son”, so that he must be poked by the hearted person.

As early as when the jade mine was in trouble, he wanted to clean up the old eight, but this old eight is also a multi-pronged strategy. There is a hundred-handed mouth, so that not only the jade mine is arguing by him, but even the south. The big things in the world have been unsuccessful with the death of General Bixiu.

Tianwu’s heart squats, but he understands that the reason for this result is also his own attitude. Lao Ba is also his son. He has always been reluctant to see this son fall in the same way as the oldest third. After all, this is a pro. Just like the old fourth, he made such a big mistake, he just shut people in the palace, until now, he chose to forgive.

He is a strict emperor and a kind father. He hopes that these sons can live in harmony with each other, but he always remembers that they were all born in the royal family. One day they will stand on the opposite side. I always hope that this day will come later, but now it seems that it is coming, and he has to face it.

"Xu Jingyuan." Tianwu opened his mouth, and his voice was as tired as his look. "You are limited to three days, and the case of Chengbei is sorted into a book. Eight emperors are also good, Yuanguiren is good, you let go and check, as long as you can find it, Write it to you on the fold. Be clear and clear, and be clear and clear. Three days later, at this time, you have your own decision!"

The courtiers took a breath of air and instinctively told them that the emperor was determined to clean up the house. The Eight Emperors, the first generation of Sheng Wang, will be degraded? Those who are part of the Eight Emperor Party are also secretly scared, for fear that this change will be implicated in them.

The Seven Emperors Xuan Tianhua and the Nine Emperors Xuantian Tian quickly looked at each other and both sides saw anxiety in each other's eyes. I don't know why, in the face of Tianwu's final decision, the heart of his two people raised it up. They always felt that something was going to happen, but they didn't know what was going to happen.

The Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo was arrested by Zhu Yunshan and was beaten by the people. After being reported to the Ministry of Punishment, he was left in the Shengwang Palace and refused to go out. Even the early mornings were not injured because of injuries. In private, Xuantian ink has been trying to find a way to see the empty mountain, until he heard that Zhu Kongshan was sent to the county government by Feng Yuxi, he still sent a set of dark nights in the county. The main government wants to get people out. As a result, all the secret guards sent by Sheng Wangfu have gone and there is no return, just as the county government is the abyss of eating people, and people are shuddering when they think about it.

Xuantian ink found out that the empty mountain was not fruitful. He also heard that Tianwu Emperor gave the criminal department three days to sort out the case, and then he decided to make a decision on the case. His heart was faintly worried. He always felt that this was a very Hard to escape. But this time he is sincere. This time, it’s really not what he did. Those broken cotton coats have nothing to do with the Yuangui people. The Yuangui people are obviously doing well. When was it replaced? He wants to think about it. He only thinks that those cotton clothes have been exchanged for awkwardness. If you think about it, you can only have problems in the production process.

They said to the people in the north of the city that they were doing it in the palace. They were the hands of the ladies and sisters. But in fact, how can the palace do so many things, Yuangui people do not have so many people, it is necessary to produce so many coats in a few days, it is a big project. Therefore, it was the palace lady under the Yuan Guiren who found the tailor shop in the city and gave it away. The silver ticket was given, and a large number of people were hired by the tailor shop to make the cotton coat in the specified number of days.

He asked Yuan Guiren whether there was any stupidity here. Yuan Guiren denied it. He also believed that Yuan Guiren would not make jokes about his future. So... Xuantian ink eyes squinted, and a thought was hit in his heart. Empty mountain! It must be that the empty mountain has made a ghost inside!

What can you think of? He can't find the empty mountain now, knowing where people are, can't catch it. **** it! Xuantian ink realized that, in the final analysis, it was Feng Yuyu and the Liangzi who he had set up, but he did not expect the other party to help him in this event.

Sheng Wangfu arranged for someone to find the tailor's shop for the cotton jackets of Yuangui, but the next person said, "All the people involved in sewing the cotton coats were invited by the Xu Yuanyuan to the criminal department, and they have not been released. Now the tailor The shop is closed, there is no one inside."

Xuantian ink immediately understood that this is all the way to break him. This thing, I wished the empty mountain set, made hands and feet on the cotton coat, and took medicine when the porridge was so ruin that the people in the north of the city died of poison. In the end, all the things pushed to him, he became the target of the public, I wish the empty mountain is still the living bodhisattva in people's eyes. That Shantou even said that he had been forced to occupy the body. I was afraid that it had already broken the boat. Xuantian ink head regretted it once and regretted that it should not be early to the Liu’s hands, so that Zhu Yunshan’s heart was up. That big resentment.

What else can he do? Nowadays, the face is caught and can't be seen, even if it is going to the criminal department. All kinds of pain in the body and bones make him want to do a lot of things and he has more than enough energy. The only thing that can be done right now is to pin the hope on the side of the criminal department. I hope that the brain of the source can be smarter, and the case can be found out and the innocence.

I think this is what I think, Xuantian ink knows that Xu Jingyuan is the oldest person and can never help him. In addition, there is Feng Yuyu mixing in the middle, even if the source has found out the truth, it will not be said truthfully. This point can be seen only by Feng Yu's protection of Zhukong Mountain in the county government.

At the head of Shengwangfu, the Eight Emperors Xuantianmo was annoyed all day, and the Yufu side, after Fengyu’s handling the bodies of those who died in the north of the city, originally wanted to go to the county government to see the Zhukong Mountain, and then talk to her. . However, people have not waited for the government gate, and they saw a horse-drawn carriage outside the team coming to this side. The head is a luxury palace car, she knows that it belongs to the Wuyang Princess Xuan Tiange, and then look back, okay, the carriage of the right Xiangfu, the carriage of the General of the Pingnan General, and countless large and small officials The carriages were all lined up, and they went very slowly until they stopped at the gate of the Royal Palace. The order was well maintained.

Xuantian song picks up the curtains and looks out. At first glance, I saw Feng Yu, who is standing at the entrance of the government, and she is happy. She is waving at Feng Yu’s aunt: "Auntie! I am going to find you." Quickly, come on my car, let's go to the royal palace together."

"Well?" Feng Yu is puzzled. "What are you going to do in Shengwang?"

Xuantian song said with a smile: "Our my brother was scratched by his cousin, but it is very miserable. You said, I am a cousin. You are a younger brother. If you don't visit, is it too morally unreasonable? "She said while pointing to the rear team: "Look, I said to visit the Eight Emperors, there are so many people who are willing to go with you, you don't shirk, I see you have a good job. Come on, get on my car, let's go."

She said here, immediately there are two crickets to invite Feng Yu. Feng Yuxi was almost forcibly pulled onto the palace car. As the palace car slowly started, she slammed the curtain out and saw the back. Ren Xifeng and Feng Tianyu were beckoning her at the window, and she asked happily whether she would eat them. With the dim sum, this gave her an instant illusion of being reported to the tour group...

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