Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 988: Are you coming to cry?

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Twenty carriages, plus Feng Yu's car, a total of twenty-one masters, representing twenty-one houses, such a team came to the front of the royal palace 'door' and asked to see the eight emperors, Sheng Wangfu The person first refused. . Wщw. Update is fast.

But when they saw the Xuantian song, they felt that the refusal was useless. When did the savage princess accept the rejection of others? As long as she is standing here, is it still useful?

So the people reluctantly put these people in, and Xuan Tiange took Feng Yu, who was very ignorant of the outside, and rushed to the side, saying: "You all keep up with these! You may not be familiar with it, but I am familiar with it! I used to play all these places when I was young! Going away, I will take you to the courtyard of the Eight Emperors, but I will remember them. I will see the Eight Emperors, no matter what time. No matter how much his face is broken, it is hard to laugh! Although it is difficult to see the 'female' scratching, we are concerned and condolences, but we can't be partial."

Behind them, all the ladies nodded and said that they understood the central idea of ​​today, and then followed the footsteps of Xuantian song, and it did not take long to go to the courtyard where Xuantian ink lived.

"Starling! I am coming to see you! Are you very happy? Is there a very stimulating move?" Just stepped into one foot, Xuan Tiange has already shouted around his neck. Feng Yuxi listened to want to laugh, still happy? Also ‘radical’ move? I am afraid that the eight emperors are going to vomit blood, right?

Facts have proved that Feng Yuxi’s understanding of the Eight Emperors is in place. Xuantianmo has a feeling of wanting to vomit blood at this moment. Others are still lying on the 'bed' couch, there is no pain in the body and bones, and they don’t want to move. At this time, they heard the sound of the mysterious song of Xuantian Tian, ​​and said that they are together with Feng Yu? How does he listen to him not like to see him, is it like coming to the market?

Under the service of the next person, he finally sat up on the bed of the bed. Before finishing the clothes, the 'door' was pushed away unceremoniously, and then accompanied by a sigh, he The cousin who was regarded as a treasure by Tianwu Emperor came in with enthusiasm.

"Oh my mynah!" This is the opening remarks after Xuan Tiange listened to the house, because she saw the half of the face that Xuantian ink was scratched by the empty mountain. "How did you become like this?" Isn’t this disfigured? I thought it was only a slight scratch, but now it looks like it’s quite serious. It’s so scary that it’s impossible to recover in this life?” While talking about the Feng Yu, who was around, "Auntie, do you say that there is still cure?" When he spoke, he reached out and went to Xuantianmo's face to 'touch'. [Super good looking novel]

Xuantianmo certainly couldn't let her ‘touch’, and quickly hid away, and said with particular anger: “How old are you? How do you still move your hands?”

"How old I am also your cousin! I am not embarrassed to care about your injury. Are you a big man who is shy?"

shy? Xuantian ink was almost not killed by this word. He is a big man, how can he relate to the word shy?

Waiting for him to talk again, he listened to Feng Yu, who had already quietly opened his mouth: "It’s very difficult, even if the 'meat' grows out again, it must be left."

The words were quite ‘big’, enough to hear the ladies who followed. Seeing Ren Xifeng with the windy day ‘Jade’ two eyes, suddenly loudly said: “Ah? Can’t be good? The Eighth Highness is too pitiful!”

"Yeah yeah! The ugly man who will become a grimace in the future, even if there is a prince's identity, it is difficult to have a beautiful girl willing to marry the Sheng Wangfu?"

"Yeah! After all, this face is terrible. If you wake up and see it in the night, you will have to be frightened by the anger. No one can care for his own life because of the status of a king. Hey, the Eighth Highness It’s pathetic.”

The two men took the lead, and the young ladies who followed were like the order, and they immediately knew what to say. So, everyone followed the words of Ren Xifeng, and said that it was the five 'flower' eight' door. Only a little bit of time gave a Xuantian ink to the country to go to the country to see an ugly woman. ', the commissioner has to make a fortune for a lifetime. Some people even said: "I have loved the Eighth Highness before, but now he is like this, and the last love in my heart is also scared."

Xuantian ink listened to the big head, he could not understand, he is a man, not a ‘female’, what? A face injury is equivalent to ruining a lifetime? Who gives this rule? The man’s husband, who hasn’t had a small scratch, how can these people say that they can’t live with him?

He wants to defend himself, but he is a big man, facing more than 20 'female' people, it feels like falling into the sparrow's nest, listening to the end of the ear, and opening his mouth a few times The 'plug' word didn't 'plug' in, almost didn't kill him.

Under the leadership of Xuan Tiange, these ladies expressed their "eager" concern to the Eight Emperors. Some people even smeared a few tears, and some even said: "If the Eight Emperors don't dislike, the **** around me. Also 'very pretty' sensible, let her aggrieved, go to Shengwangfu to be a righteous!"

Not waiting for the opening of the Eight Emperors, Xuan Tiange immediately waved his hand and took the words over: "No, no, we have said that everyone is equal. You can’t just marry people because you are the next person. Going out, let alone marrying a ugly ghost who is ruined... Oh, my brother, I didn’t mean to smack your heart, I said the wrong thing. But the words are not rough, you know that I have nothing to hide from. There is no way for the emperor to take me, and you will not be angry with me. In short, I mean, you can’t let another person ruin because your face is ruined, so that’s the hoe. It’s not fair.” After that, he turned to ask Feng Yuwei: “Auntie, I’m right!”

Feng Yuying is about to get out of the internal injuries. Where to visit the patients, this is clearly a squad, and the faces of the Eight Emperors are almost mad.

However, she is very happy to see this effect, and very well with the words of Xuan Tiange: "Yes! Everyone is equal, whether it is the emperor or not, if people do not want to force marriage, then it is equivalent Yu Qiang 'rape.'"

Xuan Tianmo almost did not collapse, strong traitors? He is a prince, what kind of ‘female’ person does he want, and he is guilty of **** a traitor?

However, today he is destined to be ‘plugged’, and there are too many ‘female’ people in the house! As soon as you say a word, he is a big man caught in this group of sparrows, it seems so nondescript. Although he was annoyed when his face was caught, he didn't think it was bigger than the sky. But everyone looked at him with a sympathy and extreme look. It felt like he was gone. The face can't live the same, Fengtian 'Jade' also came up specially, and said: "Eight of the Eighth, we can understand your mood, after all, the cousin who has a husband and wife with himself has scratched. It’s a good thing to say that it’s not good to listen. Just like a couple of people living, the 'female' of others is a man’s life, and they are all men’s, but your 'female' has broken this law. Turned over, at home she became a person who dominated the king, you said that you have no face! This is not, not only do not listen to you, she actually hit you! Eighth Hall, you rest assured, this matter We will never say anything outside, knowing that we know that we know that at most, we go home and swear by our family, and we won’t pass the whole Dashun people well-known."

Xuantian Mo wanted to ask her, and now it has been passed down like this. Who else doesn't know? What, a Beijing city is not enough, do you want to go to other provinces?

Then, Ren Xifeng also said something, she said: "Let's not take this incident too seriously, man! Who hasn't had a big injury or a minor injury, my father's injuries are countless. Qing." Xuantian Mo just thought that this is still like a sentence. As a result, Ren Xifeng immediately came to the sentence: "But my father's injury was left on the battlefield in the early years, it is a man's merit! The injury of His Highness was tortured by the 'female' of the family. What is this?"

Feng Yu thought for a moment and said: "It should be considered a shame."

"Oh!" Xuantian song is awkward, "But it is not! This is called shame! But you must not be too anxious to get angry, but we are not laughing at you, but also 'very' sympathy with you, after all, you are injured Well! To say that it hurts on the face, it is not completely unruly. I remember that in the past, I used to eat something called a beauty in the palace. It is said that it can repair the damaged appearance, what is it..."

"Zihe car." Feng Yuzhen reminded her, "It is the 'female' after the child has finished the child, with the child's placenta stripped from the mother, there is a high value of 'medicine'. The star brother Xu does not understand the purple river The collection process of the car? Then I will simply tell you that if you want to use the purple river car to enter the 'medicine', you must first collect the fresh placenta of the healthy 'women', rinse it in clean water, remove the fascia and Pick up the blood vessels around the umbilical cord, squeeze out the blood, rinse it several times, and gently wash it until it is clean, then tighten it with a thin wire loop, sew around the line, and cook in a boiling water pot. Remove the placenta when it floats, cut off the amniotic membrane on the side, and then bake it on a smokeless coal fire until it is crispy."

She talked patiently, but she told Xuan Tianmo a few times to vomit. I want to remind Feng Yu to say it again, but how can I stop it, but Xuan Tiange also helped: "The thing is said to have been **** when taken out from the body of the woman. A bit of a smell, but disgusting! But myna, for your face, my sister, I am willing to look for this for you. I can't see this, in order to ensure the freshness of the purple car, I simply find a few to be produced' Women's people are sent to Shengwangfu. You should eat and drink first to ensure the nutrition and health of pregnant women. When they have children, they will directly buckle the purple river car. This is fresh and hot. what do you think?"

Xuan Tianmo couldn't help himself. He leaned over to the edge of the 'bed' and spit. He was shocked that all the ladies had stepped back and covered their mouth and nose.

Feng Yu wrinkled his eyebrows and worried: "Is the starling being sent to the internal injury by Miss Zhu? Otherwise, how can it still vomit? The starling is too ruined! You are still so young, how can you wish the family? hand!"

She said this, Xuan Tiange immediately turned around and shouted at the crowd, and the ladies, like the group training, even lifted the scorpion to the corner of their eyes and cried.

More than twenty young ladies cried together, screaming a little 'sucking', and letting go of a little bit of nothing, the people of Shengwangfu looked at the scene, and suddenly there was a feeling of having fun in their house... ...q

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