Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 989: Traveling with the group is a peace of mind!

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Perhaps the crying of women is too much, or it may be that such crying is so sorrowful that even the descendants of Shengwangfu could not help but sorrow. Soon, there were cockroaches to wipe the tears together. After a while, the little babies began to cry together.

Except for those martial arts guards who were not affected, others cried, and the more they cried, the more they went to the bottom, and the people screamed to the ground and shouted under the leadership of the ladies: "Her Temple, hello! You are poor! Eighth Highness! You are so miserable!"

Xuantian ink did not vomit blood from vomiting. He almost doubted what medicine Feng Yuxi used for these people and ruled the tears of these people. Are they coming to see the patient or crying?

This kind of crying lasted for half an hour. Finally, Xuan Tiange made a speech: "Okay, don't cry anymore, my brother is still not dead. It is a bit early to cry. It is your tears." Wait until the time of crying, cry again!" After that, he looked at Xuantian Mo and said: "The starling's face is not very good. I want to come to the body is too weak, then you should rest well! We will not bother. ”

Xuantian ink did not want to say a word, only nodded, I hope that these gods will go quickly.

Xuan Tiange also followed his heart, and soon took people out, just sighing and walking and saying: "Hey, my brother is all good, just watching a woman's eyes is really bad, with Jiu Ge. I can't compare it. My brothers, it’s really worrying, I don’t want to save my mind. I’m going to stop, let’s go see the fifth brother, tell the younger brother’s end, let him and Fengjia The four ladies are getting along well, but don’t follow the footsteps of the starling."

Finally, people are empty, and the house is quiet, and only the people of Shengwangfu are still on the ground. There were tear marks on people's faces. At this time, they suddenly reacted. Why do you cry? Why are you still squatting? How did you cry when you didn't know it? What happened just now?

Looking at the confused people, Xuan Tianmo once again suspected that Feng Yuxi had given these people strange medicines, so that the mind was not clear. He shouted at this group of ignorant people, and vented the anger that had just been in his heart to the bodies of these people. In the end, he still vomited a blood.

Besides, Xuantian songs, they said that they went to find the five emperors and went to find the five emperors. The group of people left the Shengwang House and went to Liwangfu in a mighty manner. After that, they caught the five emperors, but they made a good warning. They analyzed the losses of the eight emperors and analyzed them with the five emperors. They persuaded him to follow the phoenix. Miss Four is good, and the tragedy of the Eight Emperors must not be staged again in Li Wangfu.

At the same time, Xuantian song also said: "Women! Can't be bitter, but can't be used to it, just the four sisters of Fengjia, five brothers, if you don't strictly discipline, I'm afraid she can do it better than Miss Zhu. The thing is coming! Hey, the five brothers look better than the starling, your face can never be destroyed in the hands of a woman, do you know? My sister is really good for you."

Xuan Tiange took the lead, and the young ladies at the back also followed me with a sentence, and everyone stayed in Li Wangfu for more than an hour, and said that the five emperors gave me a stunned rise and almost did not collapse. They just said goodbye.

Feng Yu Shou thought that this was over. As a result, Ms. Zhong discussed it. I felt that the first two were negative energy. The negative characters in the day were not conducive to physical and mental health, so they decided to go big. The emperor and the second emperor took a trip and went to a happy place to ease their mood.

So she sat in the palace car of Xuan Tiange, licking the seeds, and went to the other two palaces along with the team.

This day, from Shengwangfu to Liwangfu, and to Jingwangfu and Yuanwangfu. Every trip has people arranged. When there is a place to receive people, every time I get off at a place, I am very user-friendly to arrange for everyone to line up to go to the toilet. Later, after going to Jingwangfu, Jingwangfu also managed so many people’s meals. .

Feng Yu thinks that traveling with the group is a worry!

Some people can worry about it, and the main manifestation of this trouble is the head of the Eight Emperors. In order to avoid the development of this matter to the point of being out of control, he repeatedly tried to find a way to go to the county government to grab the Zhukong Mountain, and even thought of threatening to use the life of the Zhukong people, so as not to wish the empty mountain to drum up again.幺 moth. It is a pity that the county government is so tight that even the flies can't get in. He is bored. One has no master's house, and what is it so strict? As for the family, Xuantian Mo is not stupid, knowing that even if it is threatening, it is useless. I wish the empty mountain hate to wish the family hate that they are all dead, including the same for the Liu family, so it is definitely not a good idea to control the family.

He hasn't thought about how to solve this problem, and he wants to do crisis public relations. He has nowhere to start. The whole people in Beijing have hated his teeth. The poor hate him because the city is dead, and even more annoying is that the rich and the officials also hate him. The reason is that all the doctors and good medicines in Baicaotang are used in the north of the city, which directly leads to the doctors not being used enough, and the medicines are also broken, so that they have no place to see a doctor and no place to buy medicine.

As a result, the gate of Shengwangfu became the hardest hit area. Every day, a large number of people came to throw mud, throw snowballs, and even throw axe. The guards who were scared to keep the door did not dare to stay outside, and they hid in the yard.

On the third day, Zhu Kongshan was secretly sent to the Criminal Department for trial by Feng Yuxi. Under Xu Jingyuan’s trial, Zhu Kongshan pushed all the crimes to Xuantian Mo’s body satisfactorily, and she herself became aggrieved. Victim. Xu Jingyuan even found the body of the palace to examine the body of Zhukongshan. After receiving the reply from the non-virgin, he added another crime to the complaint of the Eight Emperors.

And those tailors who made cotton coats for the Yuangui people, these days are also in the Ministry of Justice. According to the tailor shopkeeper, some people in the palace claimed to be the yuan of the nobles who gave them money, asked them to hurry up the winter clothes, and sent a lot of bought materials. But cotton is going to prepare for themselves. They took the money and prepared to work, but the next day they came to a palace girl, telling them that the cotton used was not too good, and that the old things in the storeroom would be fine. There is no need to put too much in each piece of clothing. If it is not enough, it will be filled with waste. In short, the cost should be lowered. Also said that those winter clothes are just to warm the cattle and sheep, almost on the line. Not only did he say these words, but he also returned half of the silver ticket he gave yesterday, so that the remaining half was only enough to be made later. Not only used old cotton, but also a lot of **** black cotton that was bought back, which was taken from the broken clothes worn by others for several years.

This shopkeeper also said that he is justified: "Since it is for cattle and sheep, then the things we handed in are good enough, the animals are only, not for people to wear!"

Xu Jingyuan felt that people were right. The people did it according to the standards used for the animals. Who knows that after they took it, they gave it to others. Of course, he deliberately ignored the fact that he was tailored according to the proportion of the person's body. He only recorded the words of the treasurer in the fifteenth and tenth, especially the key information that Yuanyou ordered people to do so.

After three days of trial, the case was finally put into a fold, and it was presented to Emperor Wu of Heaven on the fourth day.

Everyone waited for the ups and downs of the Emperor Wu of Heaven, but see Tian Wudi holding the fold for a long time, all kinds of tangles on the surface, for a long time can not decide. Xuantian’s eyebrows wrinkled, and Xu Jingyuan’s eyes were handed over, and Xu Yuanyuan immediately slammed forward and said: “The emperor, some people have shown that the empty mountain has been brought outside the temple. She insisted that the case should be re-stated in front of the emperor. The sin of His Royal Highness!"

Tian Wudi’s face was even more entangled. He listened to Xu Jingyuan’s words and never even spoke. When the courtiers waited anxiously, they heard Xuantian Tian suddenly said: "Since people are coming, bring them up, listen to what you have to say!"

Xuan Tianming made a speech, and someone immediately took the Zhukong Mountain to the outside. Tianwu smashed Xuan Tianming, and finally did not say anything. He only looked at the empty mountain to the temple coldly and cried out loudly: "The emperor! The woman must sue the emperor! Ask the emperor to be a woman and be the master of the world. what!"

With this voice as the master, I wish the empty mountain to use itself as a starting point, and to change this whole thing to another angle to explain, the final truth becomes - "The woman was born in Aozhou, and she insisted on helping the state of Pengzhou since childhood." Poor people, this point, as long as you reach the state of Canton, it is easy to find out whether it is true. In the winter, the women came to the capital to visit the two aunts in the palace, but occasionally saw so many in the north of the city And the poor, they couldn’t help but want to help them. The women used their own silver to change winter clothes, repair temples, build porridge sheds, and persuade many sisters who met in Beijing to be good, very Quickly, I got the support of many people in the north of the city. At this time, the Eight Emperors saw the benefits, and they must let the women and women declare that this is a good thing to do with the money of the royal family. The women have to be under the fence and have to think about it. Who is doing it, as long as it is done, it is always good for the people, so there is no care. But the Eight Emperors did not have a penny from beginning to end, but they gave a lot of jewelry to the women and women. Money, maintain The porridge shop in the north. The women wanted to persist until the end of the winter, so that the people could eat and wear warmth, but did not expect that the behavior of the Eight Emperors and Beasts was gradually exposed, not only in the Shengwang House, but also occupied the body of the woman. He Even the United Yuan Guiren made a black heart winter clothes frozen people, but also put poison in the porridge soup to poison more people! Emperor Mingjian, the woman said everything is true!"

There are some remarks about it, and it is generally the same as that of Xu Jingdan, but it is exactly the same as the original Xuantian Mo. Wishing the empty mountain to look at Tianwu Emperor, I feel that the emperor has a look that is very similar to the Eight Emperors. So deep, so confident, and so unbearable to compete with it.

But she came today, but it is not just to say these words with her mouth. She also does not think that Emperor Wu of Heaven will listen to the testimony of her little woman. Even she thought that the emperor is wise and martial. Going to check, will find out the truth.

But what about that? When she came here, she wanted to force Tianwu Emperor to be angry, forcing his impulsive force, forcing him to check his mind without thinking, and he must be convicted of the crime of the Eight Emperors.

On the empty mountain surface, a layer of absolute color emerged. Suddenly, he got up and rushed to the column on the side of the hall. People were shocked, but they did not stop. They only listened to the empty mountain and yelled and shouted: "The Eight Emperors are a beast, and the women are sinned by death!"

Then, with a bang, I wish the empty mountain successfully hit the pillar, the blood splashed on the spot, no sound...

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