Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1017: Fear of four hours

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Xuantianmo only got up from the bed at noon, but in fact he woke up before the morning in the morning, but because the pill that the phoenix feathers fed in the body began to smash, so that people wake up However, the will is in an extreme excitement, so that a woman is found around, and "use" without saying anything. (good-looking novel

Under his movement, the woman soon woke up, she had a moment of confusion, but when she found out that she was being done by a man for men and women, some were not afraid, but excited.

Yes, it is excitement, because she finds that the man who is bullying her is the Eight Emperor Xuantian.

Although I still don't understand why I was going to serve an eleven-year-old boy, now I have become a comfortable eight-prince, but it is more valuable than the Fengzi Rui. She has a choice of being a clerk who is trained to be a affair. It’s not a matter of obedience. Now that things have such a turn, it’s a great opportunity for her.

Therefore, the woman made all the stops, worked hard with the movements of Xuantian Mo, and made all the means that she had learned, and made Xuantianmo feel comfortable and comfortable as much as possible.

Where Xuantian Mo can notice this, he was taken medicine, and the whole child is confused. It is just instinct to act with this woman. It is impossible to see what the person looks like, let alone Listen to the words of compliment that the woman occasionally said. He only has the most primitive movements. He only wants to use this kind of action to vent his desire that his physical strength has accumulated. He only knows that if he does not vent, the desire will rush out of his strength and take his life away.

The woman had not found Xuantian Mo's abnormality at the beginning, but she was afraid when the love continued for more than a minute.

As a qualified person in charge, what can be done to please a man, she has learned, but it is just learning, and there is no real knife to practice. The clerk must ensure that his body is innocent, because they are all serving noble people, and absolutely can't take the broken to help the "clear things" of the nobles. This woman is still the first time this time. Xuan Tianmo’s tossing method has made her hurt and live. She can still bear and cater to it at the beginning, because she always remembers that the palace has raised her mind and said that it will hurt for the first time. But it will be fine after a while. She really did it after a while, but she didn't think that Xuantian ink was endless, and it didn't stop for so long.

Where the person who was taken the medicine knows how to pity, it is completely hard action. She hurts to sweat coldly. She almost didn’t faint a few times, but she was so helpless that Xuantian was so fierce that she was on the verge of coma several times. In the state, he was violently hit and slammed back. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

The woman has a feeling of being inferior to death. She asks for mercy with Xuantianmo, but Xuantian can't hear it. She shouted for help, and the outside person heard it, but who would save her eight emperor's favored woman, that is, to kill this woman, it is also a woman who deserves to live, whoever has enough support will take care of this matter. Even if the outside person heard the woman crying and crying, he did not hear it. What should he do? He only admire the fierceness of His Royal Highness.

This love continued until noon. Finally, Xuantian ink completely vented his physical desires, and his consciousness gradually recovered. When he saw the person under his body, he suddenly became a glimpse, and then he was from the woman. Turned over and asked her, "Who are you?"

The woman was half-dead by his scourge. At this moment, lying on the bed, he couldn’t say a word, the lower body was in a mess, and a lot of blood flowed out of the body, dyed the bedding of a bed.

Xuantian ink felt sick, got up and went to bed, dressed in self-care, but he was thinking, why did he have a lucky woman? When is this woman who sent him to his bed?

With such doubts, he opened the door and asked the next person to guard the door: "Who is the woman in the house?"

The next person sneaked, and returned with a sentence: "Isn’t your Royal Highness brought it back?"

Xuan Tian ink eyes: "When did the king take the woman back to the government?"

"But" the next person is also circled. "But since the beginning of the morning, she has been inside, and my Highness has been there."

"Early morning" Xuantian ink was completely awake, and when the nerves moved, I felt that something was wrong. He slammed the door and slammed it back into the room.

At this time, the woman has already eased some of it. It will not be as ventilated as it was just as much air intake. When she sees Xuantianmo and comes back, she is still scared. She subconsciously asks for mercy: "His Royals spared slaves." The slaves can't stand it anymore. Ask the priest to let the slaves rest. If you still want to, will you continue tomorrow?" She wants to get up from the bed and lick her head, but the body is more painful, and the blood in the lower body is still Constantly flowing, her face turned pale. She was helpless, but she had to lie on the bed and continued to say: "The Eighth Hall is alive and alive, and the slaves are physically weak. They ask for the Eighth Highness to spare." The voice is weak and there is always the possibility of fainting again.

At this time, Xuantian Mo also felt that there was some pain in his body. After all, tossing for so long, it was the iron that had to be ground. He couldn't help but ask the woman: "How long have we been?"

The woman said: "The whole four hours."

"Four Times" Xuan Tianmo was shocked: "I don't stop for a moment."

The woman nodded, "I don't stop for a moment." After that, I tried to look down at myself and look at it, but such a small movement can make her scream. She reluctantly gave up, looked at Xuan Tianmo with a look of pleading, and silently calculated whether this life could be saved. Can the eight emperors have some pity for her?

However, when she saw the cold face of Xuantian Mo, she felt that the hope was not great. The person’s eyes seemed to be smoldering, and I did not know whether it was anger or the fire that still did not dissipate until now. But no matter which kind of fire, for her, it is a life and death disaster. She is just a slave. She is accompanying the affair in the palace. Although it is for the enlightenment of the young master, it is not excluded that the individual affair is given to the adult master for his pastime. If you are next to the younger son, you may get the younger ones and have a worry-free second half of life. Of course, some young masters are not willing to face their most nervous and violent ones, but they have killed the people. . But if you follow the adult master, it will basically follow. There is no difference between women.

Although this woman has also raised the idea of ​​wanting to make a good decision, she wants her to give her a good future, but at this moment she wakes up, but she feels that she really thinks too much and is too beautiful.

She looked at Xuan Tianmo with horror, and saw that the anger in her eyes was burning more and more. She was all stunned and shouted subconsciously: "His Royal Highness."

"Which people sent you" for a long time, Xuantian ink opened, but still asked her.

The woman thought about it and told the truth: "The slaves don't know. The slaves only remember to arrange slaves to wait for the young masters of the Feng family. The slaves went, just remember that they haven't had time to start, and the latter things will not be remembered. It’s already on the bed of His Royal Highness.” She looked around again, and she guessed which palace was in the palace. The adult emperor stayed in the palace and said that he was still infected with the woman. This is Not committed to the palace taboo

Xuantian ink did not care about this woman, but suddenly a fear rose from the heart. Last night, he reminded him that the treasure house of Sheng Wangfu was robbed, and it was so silent. The other party went to Shengwangfu as if it was flat, so casually, even he did not notice it. He used to think that there was someone betrayed in the government, and he should be outside with the thief. For this reason, he once changed the royal family up and down. But I did not expect that after a lapse of nearly a year, this kind of thing happened again, and the other party's means made him under the eyes, but he still had the other side's way.

Xuantian ink transported the internal force and analyzed his body. He immediately felt that something was wrong. The reason why he was entangled with this woman for a long time was that he was taken medicine. This is terrible. Not only can you enter the royal palace silently, enter his room, but he can completely give him such difficult steps, but he has no awareness of the reason. What is this world? Not

Xuan Tianmo’s cold sweat has taken off. He even thought that the other party could do so much, and he could completely kill him. Although the mysterious man did not do this, he also let him understand the truth. The knife of the family is placed on his neck. This life is not taken, but is temporarily reserved for him. When do you want it, at any time. It can be taken anywhere. And he did not even have a little resistance. I slept until now, and I was able to spoil a woman. So tonight, I might have lost my life to sleep.

The more he wanted to be more and more afraid, the body subconsciously screamed, and the woman on the bed was puzzled. It is obviously her fear, but why is the state of the eight emperors now more fearful than her? What is the emperor fearing?

She didn't think too much about it. She lost too much blood and stunned for a while. She struggled to stay awake, but she didn't resist her energy. The woman fainted, but in the moment of fainting, she felt that the original pain seemed to change, not so painful, but it was itchy. But not too deep, the consciousness is already coma.

Xuantian Mo looked at the person on the bed. This is obviously the idea he and Yuan Shuzhen had come up with. He wanted to give the Feng Zirui a confession, to remind Feng Yu that they were not too arrogant, nor were they Can't find a place to start. He was originally excited about this idea, and he was still looking forward to seeing the face of Feng Yu and Xuan Tianming after knowing the incident, but did not expect that this new round of action against Feng Yuying eventually became a self-restraint. And he became the self again.

This is the first time that Xuantian Mo is unclear, but at this moment, I am thinking about it, who can even send the woman to the royal palace without knowing it, who is Feng Yu or him? That nine brothers Tian Tianming?

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