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Ren Xuan Tianmo wanted to break his head and couldn’t think of the truth of this matter. He took the woman on the bed to the next room, did not throw it out, did not kill, and even invited the doctor to treat him. . Because he also counted on what the woman could think of again after he woke up, for example, how to get out of the palace, how to enter the Sheng Wangfu, even if there is only a little clue, it is very important for him.

On this day, the atmosphere in the palace is not easy. First, when Emperor Wudi of the early dynasty discovered that the Eight Emperors did not come, and no one was on leave, he was anxious, and immediately sent Wu Ying to Shengwangfu to inquire about the situation. The people who can live in the palace can not say that their own masters have delayed the early morning because they are lucky! Therefore, he could only be called a disease for the Eight Emperors. He said that the Eight Emperors suddenly became ill last night, and they were too sick to go to the DPRK.

When Wu Ying brought the news back to the palace, the early morning had already dispersed. Tian Wudi was eating snacks accompanied by Yuan Shuzhen. When the news of the illness of the Eight Emperors came, the two were very worried. Immediately, he ordered the hospital to send people to the royal palace to treat the eight emperors.

When the doctor came to the Sheng Wangfu, Xuantian Mo was bathing, while bathing and distressing his lower body, that aching and sore, but made him unforgettable in this life.

The doctors waited for a while before seeing Xuantian Mo, but Xuantian Mo was sick to see them. It was like a decent doctor to give the pulse to the doctor. That is the doctor’s heart, the eight emperors are not sick at all? Since people have called the disease, it must have their own plans. He is also smart, combined with the current situation of the Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzhen, combined with the attitude of the emperor, to the deceitful also to the Eight Emperors deceived a cold and dyed a little cold, and then opened the warm side of the party Child, but it is no harm to eat.

Xuantianmo was very satisfied with the time of the doctor's knowledge, and gave the rewards to send the other party back, but did not want to, when the doctor came out of the government, just happened to meet two doctors who also entered the royal palace. Only those two were to see the woman, not to see the Eight Emperors. After they left the house, they whispered while walking. One of them asked another: "Is this really impossible to say?"

The people on the side nodded and said very firmly: "Absolutely can't say! We are dead."

"But why? But it is a woman. It doesn't seem to have any status. If you don't know where to find the singer, you can get the disease and throw it out. It's not the daughter of the house. What can you say? We are going to see a doctor, isn’t it this?”

The other person shook his head. "Let's look at this. Let's come, let's keep the woman's life. It's still useful to keep the eight emperors. The woman's state fool can see that she just broke. People are fortunate, can be broken in this royal palace, and can ask the doctor to rule, then this body besides the eight emperors to give, who else? She is infected with such a disease, it is with him How can the Eight Emperors not be infected? We don’t know what to do with this. It’s best to pack things and leave the capital immediately after going back. Otherwise, once the Eight Emperors discover that they are physically ill, the first thing to do is to kill. Kill the mouth, keep this secret. Let's not delay, it's important to escape."

Seeing the two doctors rushing to speed up, the doctor who came out of the palace was shocked by a cold sweat. He stood still, turned his head and looked away from the Sheng Wangfu, not far away, and his heart was tangled.

Do you want to tell the Eight Emperors? He had just diagnosed the pulse of the Eight Emperors, but if it was the last night, it would not be diagnosed in such a short time. But if it is true that the two doctors said that the woman was sick, the Eight Emperors must not escape. In today's situation, if he does not say it, this matter will not be found in his head in the future, because the symptoms of the Eight Emperors are at least five days later. If so? That would have the opportunity to stand up to the Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzheng. With the current attitude of the emperor, the emperor will soon be the Eight Emperors.

He was a little excited, but when he thought about it, he felt that his thoughts were too impulsive. How many days did the emperor have a good time for the Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzhen? He has been so good for the Nine Emperors for so many years! This matter has to be observed again.

In the royal palace, no one knows about the woman’s illness. The two doctors only gave the medicine to stop bleeding, and gave a lot of supplements to save the woman's life. At this moment, at the end of the palace, Yuan Shuzhen looked at the child who came to accompany the Emperor of Heaven to eat the other side of the normal, and the heart made a tangled.

How does this child look the same as yesterday? It is said that this small age, suddenly arranged for the affair, at least should come over and ask the emperor? Or ask someone to ask? Or even if no one asks, it’s a bit unnatural to be more or less. How does it look like nothing? It’s hard to be... She’s in the heart, is it that the child had already opened the night before last night? But she doesn't look like it!

Yuan Shuzhen’s attention is very direct. Zirui can naturally feel it, but he keeps in mind the phoenix that Feng Yu’s squatting before he left, so he tries to keep himself in the same state as yesterday, as if something It has not happened the same, everything is as usual.

Tianwu Emperor smiled and talked with Zirui. From time to time, he ate another dish that Yuan Shuzheng had brought over. The color looks very good. Yuan Shuzhen’s calculations in his heart turned over the sky. For the first time, I was anxious about how the Emperor Wudi’s dinner was not finished. After eating, she went to see the party and she had the opportunity to go to the woman to ask. Last night's situation. There is a sense of uneasiness in her heart. I always feel that it was a bad thing last night. I can think of it, but I can’t think of anything that can be done in this palace where everyone is strict and inside and outside.

Finally, when the dinner was used up, Tian Wudi said something to Zi Rui, and asked him about his homework. Zirui politely courted Emperor Wu of Heaven and Yuan Shuzhen, and also respected Yuan Shuzheng. There was no such thing as a sneak peek. After the ceremony, he left the Zhaohe Hall and returned to his own small palace. Yuan Shuzhen personally waited for Tianwu Emperor to swear, and then accompanied him to the table outside the table, until Tianwu Emperor began to look at the fold, she then retired. When leaving, Tianwu Emperor still said: "If you don't want to go back to the good palace, the outside is cold, the road is still far away, just rest in the Zhaohe Temple, and you still have to come over at night."

Yuan Shuzheng hurriedly thanked him, but he still insisted on going back and said that he could not be pampered and arrogant, which would leave a message.

This sensible thing made Tianwu Emperor listen very comfortable, and then nodded to let her go, and kept saying: "Just waiting in the palace, waiting for you to approve the extension, send someone to pick you up." People look like a loving couple.

Yuan Shuzhen did indeed return to the Cunshan Palace. The first thing that can be done after returning is to call the person who is close to her. Before that, the doctor who visited the Eight Emperors from Shengwangfu returned to the palace and returned to the emperor. He only said that the eight halls were stained with some cold, no problem, and it would be good to eat a few medicines, but now she was panicked. I always feel that Feng Zirui’s last night can have some relationship with her emperor. What is the relationship?

Responsible for cultivating the clerk in the palace, he came to the face of Yuan Shuzhen, and slammed it down. He said directly: "The old slave is guilty, please swear by the lady."

Yuan Shu's hand trembled, the hot tea dripped out, and she gave her a hot mouth. But she can not care about her own hands at this time, and quickly asked with the question: "What happened in the end? Say!"

Then he said with a cavity: "The girl who was assigned to the Fengjia Master was missing last night! It was the return of the young Fengjia master in the morning, saying that the young master of the Feng family slept well and the clothes were dressed. Neatly, the bed was neat and tidy, and there was no one except him in the house. The little cockroach had indeed been in, the people saw it, and he heard the voice after entering. But then there was no movement. They thought it was asleep, and thought it was the two people who couldn’t hear it, but it was discovered this morning that Xiaoyan’s disappearance and asked the young master of the family, but he said that no one had been in his room last night, he slept very well. Dead, don't know anything."

Yuan Shuzhen was shocked in his heart. "Is it missing? How is it possible!" This palace is now densely packed. All the deployments are people of the Eight Emperors. How can a woman be so lost? "Have you ever seen it?"

"The old slaves also felt that the situation was serious. They searched secretly in the palace for a whole day, but they didn't even find a shadow." The cockroaches were also puzzled. "It is like a person suddenly disappears. It’s like it’s not seen at all, just like the young Feng family said, nothing happened last night.”

Yuan Shuzhen was shocked by a cold sweat. No wonder Feng Zirui was so natural today. He dared to fall asleep last night. He didn’t even know that the woman had gone in, and the woman just went in for a little while, certainly not. Got it, then you are gone. What is the reason for this? Is the woman hiding herself, or is there a helper around Feng Zirui?

She was puzzled, but she was not embarrassed. She only said: "Continue to find the palace. Even if you dig three feet in this palace, you have to find someone to the palace! Also, don't worry about it. Those squatting palaces, when they went inside to search, said that the palace lost the bracelet that the emperor sent when he entered the palace. Every corner must be found, even if it is the Queen’s old woman’s Jingci Palace, Over!"

This time, the palace immediately began a blatant search, causing the harem to sigh and sigh again and again, but did not dare to say anything. Yuan Shuzhen is now the person at the heart of Tianwu Emperor. Even the Queen has chosen to endure. Even Yunxiao has no action. What else can they do?

It is a pity that the search for nearly one night has no result. It is just that the people in the harem are sleeping well. They are wondering what kind of madness this Yuan Shuzhen is making. Is it really just looking for a bracelet?

In the face of such search, the most feared is actually Li Wei. She was not afraid to find any bracelets. She was afraid that the things in her house were discovered by outsiders. It is also a spiritual position and a coffin. What should I do once I have been discovered?

However, the more you are afraid of what is coming. There are so many things in her mind that she has nowhere to hide. The people who came in and searched it and turned it over. People could not help but be surprised. The leader who took the lead thought about the relationship between Li Wei and Yuan Shuzhen, but did not say anything, but chose to temporarily hold Li Wei, and then secretly sent someone to report to Shu Shu Niang...

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