Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1019: Is it bad for someone to back up?

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This night, Feng Yuxi still entered the palace before the child, and he stayed in the small palace where Zirui lived. But did not disturb Zi Rui, but secretly observed the child, want to see what he is not around, what the child is doing.

Zirui actually has nothing to do. After being scared last night, he slept very late today. He sat alone in the house and drank tea. He drank a few gongs. There are people in the palace who are watching him, and I don’t know if the child has found it, but what about monitoring it? Zirui did nothing, everything was as usual, only a few books were asked by the next person, and the lights were read at night. It seemed to be very attached to a Yunxiao Academy student.

Gradually, Feng Yuxi found that there was a palace lady in this palace. It was not her. The original vigil was not her, but she gave the big man a silver dollar to the vigil and said something good to let the man Go to rest, she came to guard. After the successful change, the palace lady was very cautiously staying outside the door. During the period, she went into the house once and said to Zirui: "The slave is outside the door. If Feng Shaoye has something to tell the slave, then he will see it." Zirui nodded no surprise, the woman also made a look at Zirui, and whispered a sentence: "The slave is the person at the top of Feiyu, please rest assured."

When Feng Yuxi heard this, the lips twitched. She knows that this person is definitely not a person of Xuan Feiyu, because Xuan Feiyu can't enter the palace himself, how can he send someone to come in? However, she also knows that the other party is kind to Zi Rui, and it is even more convincing that the other party must be from the Tianfu Palace. At the beginning, she had asked the two emperors for help. The second emperor also promised to let Shidezhen look for a way to take care of it. Yesterday was the first day. It was definitely not deployed so quickly. Today, I finally sent someone, and the reason why The banner of Xuan Feiyu is because Zi Rui is the most familiar with Xuan Feiyu. If you want to mention the empress, I am afraid that the child does not know who it is.

Sure enough, I heard that there was a person on the side of Feiyu. Zirui had some looseness in his expression, but his vigilance was still very high. He did not express his position until the palace woman retired, and he was slightly relieved. Closing the book, I went to bed and went to sleep lightly.

Feng Yuxi is very distressed by this younger brother. He will suffer so many crimes at a young age. In the past, because of the sale of Feng Yuyuan, Zirui broke a finger, and now because of his own side, let Zirui be forced into the palace and become a hostage. Although no one has clarified the hostages, in fact, this is no different from the hostages. The Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzheng decided that Zirui had to think about her work in the palace, so as to threaten it, but she did not know what to do.

However... Feng Yuyi made up his mind, she will stay with the child Rui every night, as for the day, Xuantian will also have arrangements to ensure the safety of Zi Rui. However, the hostage time will not be too long. One day, sooner or later, she will steal the child Rui, and then the crime of losing the child will be detained on the head of Xuantianmo. At that time, all the members should be pressured to see how the person should explain.

In the Zhaohe Hall, Yuan Shuzhen is still accompanied by the Tianwu Emperor's side, and the two of them linger in the night, which is very affectionate. Without Zhang Yuan guarding on the side, Yuan Shuzheng has blatantly let the Taiyuan Hospital give Tianwu Emperor a nourishing and strong. Yang's medicine, every day's meal is also prepared according to the supplement of Yang, to ensure that Tianwu can live a dragon and night.

She twirled here, and the head of the palace, but because of the rumor that Yuan Shuzhen lost the bracelet sent by Emperor Wu of Heaven when he entered the palace, and even the Jingci Palace of the Queen did not let go.

The Queen was awakened at midnight, facing the squad's Yulin army, and was angry at the scene. But no one listens to her again. For these people, the current Yuan Shu is far more important than a queen.

The queen had no choice but to send someone to the emperor, but he heard that the emperor was stunned by Yuan Shuzhen. At this time, please go and hit the knife. She was so angry that she could only breathe this breath. . What if you don’t swallow it? Who are you looking for? Who is listening to her in this harem? She even thought that even if she took out the phoenix to suppress people, she would take her to the phoenix in the favor of Emperor Wu of the Yuan. The phoenix will be in the hands of Yuan Shuzhen, and by then, the end will be miserable.

People searched arrogantly from Jingci Palace. They found nothing and arrogantly left. There was no such thing as a queen. Feng Zhaolian looked at it all with a cold eye. A thought turned in her heart: Yuan Shuzhen was not looking for a bracelet at all. This 80% is looking for someone!

Finally, the people of Sogou searched the entire harem, and found nothing in the other palaces except the ones that saw the more horror in Radisson. But there is another place where they didn't go, that is the Moon Palace. Someone asked the leader who wanted to search for the cold palace, but then he shook his head. She always remembered the words of Yuan Shuzhen: "Besides the Han Han Palace, you can go anywhere." Although she did not know why she is now Yuan Shu I still quit the cold palace, but she did not go to search there and she was relieved. The Queen is good to deal with, but the Moon Palace, but the Lord who is not afraid of fear, is not easy to provoke.

The small yard where Zi Rui lived was also searched, and even searched more carefully. Feng Yu was hiding in the dark, knowing what they were looking for, which led her to laugh. Only the eight emperors did not enter the palace this day, fearing that they were so confused in their hearts that they forgot to send a letter to Yuan Shuzhen. Yuan Shuzhen did not know that she had searched the entire palace. The person who is looking for is now in the house of her son, and she has been half-dead by her son.

She didn't intend to see the farce in the palace. Zi Rui can guarantee safety tonight. Feng Yu did not stay here, hiding his body to the far side of Zhang Yuan.

Yuan Shuzhen, Tianwu Emperor finally could not resist the enthusiasm of his love, and fell asleep after the outbreak. Yuan Shuzhen got up and quietly walked outside the hall. The near-waiting palace female moon show immediately came forward and told her the discovery of Li Ning’s Changning Palace.

I heard that Li Wei actually sneaked in the palace and slandered the curse of Xuantian, and Yuan Shuyi smiled. After laughing, he waved his hand and said, "Don’t be embarrassed with her. She is willing to let her go, make a curse. The people are the nine emperors. We are still worried that the Nine Emperors will be killed by the curse. Oh! Really dead, I am afraid that Li Wei does not have the ability. However, she took the initiative to recite the pot, why not let us do it? The most taboo in the palace, she also climbed up against the wind, and one day sooner or later, she will stop the disaster for us."

Feng Yuyu stayed in Zirui for a long time, and until the end of Zhang Yuan, the sky is already bright. She had been in the palace for the first time, and she had not left the palace until dawn. Counting the calculations, Xuantian should have already arrived at the palace gate, and it is necessary to enter the palace and the early dynasty. However, when passing the Zhaohe Temple, the Yuan Shuzhen came out from the inside. The old emperor was afraid that it was squeezed again. Maybe you can't get it.

Zhang Yuan’s injury was much better. She sat down on a big tree and looked down. Two palace people were holding him out of the firewood. Although the walk is still a bit awkward, it is not as good as the previous ones. Coupled with the painkiller she gave, she could still eat two tablets when she couldn't stand it.

The palace man who helped him to the yard said: "Yuan Gonggong, today you are going to the sin slaves. Let’s say, we are waiting for the emperor in the Zhaohe Temple. After so many years, there are some friendships. The slaves are thinking. Help you, for example, pretend not to see anything, let you take the baggage in your hand. But you also know that at this moment, Wu Gonggong said in this courtyard, let him know that we let you take it. A bag, there is still a lot of money in the bag, so our little life can be lost here!"

The eunuch’s voice was weird, the tone was stranger, and the person was very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yuan listened to them, and quickly took the baggage in his hand and took it to his arms. He said nothing, but the two manpower around him was much bigger than him, plus he was injured after all. The work was taken away by others.

There was a lot of money in the bag, and the robbing, the silver fell to the ground, causing more eunuchs in the yard to come and snatch.

Zhang Yuan glared at the people who were robbing him of his money. He was crying and tears. He said with a cavity: "I will treat you not to be thin in the day. How can this lifeless silver be left for me? You don’t know the place in the division. I don’t have a bit of money in my hand. I have to go through it in a few days. How can you be so greedy?”

There is a palace man who said: "It used to be before, now is now. You used to be the red man of the emperor's side. We naturally got you. But now you are no different from the gods, whoever is close to you. It’s hard to keep a little life. You didn’t know that morning, the two of you who were asking for medicine were crucified, and they all worshiped you.”

Zhang Yuan desperately watched the silver being robbed, and two others were beaten because of the unevenness. He sighed and turned and looked at his big room before, and he was very emotional. Think again about the two small eunuchs who are shackled, it is even more sad. He squatted in the direction of the Zhaohe Temple and shouted: "Emperor!" Then the three heads slammed down, and when they were lifted up, they saw blood on their foreheads.

Someone took him out of the courtyard and went to the sinner. Feng Yuxi was staring at the big house, and he had an idea in his heart.

The figure went into the house a few times. This is the place where Zhang Zhang lived in the past. All the objects were enjoyed by Emperor Wu of Heaven. Tianwu Emperor used to like Zhang’s son, and there was nothing good to forget. He is a child, sometimes Zhang Yuan looks at what things look good, and does not see the outside world with Tianwu. Anyway, he is impossible to go out of the palace in this life, there is no relatives outside, things are given to him, and he still has to stay here. In the palace. So much so that the house of the eunuch’s general manager was almost catching up with the style of Zhaohe Temple.

But now, these things have become Wu Ying's, let alone the silver in the house. Feng Yu thinks, she can't let the little **** be busy for the rest of his life. She will do well in these things, and temporarily take it for him!

Then the idea started, and all the good objects in the house were quickly taken up by her, including the silver in the roots, the silver ticket under the pillow, and the gold and silver jewelry in the bedboard...

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