Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1020: Nothing can be found

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Since Wu Ying was promoted to the position of chief eunuch, he has occupied Zhang Yuan as his own. All the furnishings here and the gold and silver jewels and silver tickets left by Zhang Yuan are taken for granted. . To this end, Wu Ying had a few nights of dreams, just for this flying wealth. You know, this is not what you can't earn from a lifetime! It can be seen that Emperor Wu of Heaven has a lot of favors for Zhang Yuan.

However, he is a person who lives in the palace. He can't go out of the house at will, and he can't just bring people out of the palace. It is against the rules of the palace. These objects and money can be enjoyed in the palace. It is not impossible to transport them. But at least he has to stabilize his heel and let everyone recognize his position. This is a good thing. So now, everything that Zhang Yuan got before is still in the house, and there is no shortage.

Feng Yu was not at all polite, and he was not afraid of being suspected at all. He directly moved the house. If it was not too troublesome, she would like to move those tables and chairs together. Even so, the scenes at the moment keep the Wu Ying back and scared to death. This matter must be checked, but it can only be a headless case, and it is impossible to find out.

She was very satisfied with her achievements. She patted her hands and left, but followed Zhang Yuan to the sinners until she saw the **** who was sent by Zhang Yuan to the sinner, and then the person in charge of the sinner. It was very powerful that he threw him into a shop in the north of the room, where he lived in a room with four people, and this quietly followed.

At this time, apart from the new Zhang Yuan, other sin slaves are working outside, even Zhang Yuan is only allowed to come in and replace the clothes of the sin slaves, and then go out to work immediately. I heard that there are more than two hundred pieces of clothes waiting for him today, and there are five big cylinders waiting for the full water. When Feng Yu came in, he looked at those big cylinders. He only thought that if he was not idle all day, he would fill up with two cylinders at most. The five cylinders were deliberately ruined.

Zhang Yuan was almost desperate, staring at this dirty, cold and disgusting room, sighing and starting to dress up. Feng Yuying rushed before he changed clothes, and gently covered his mouth and said: "Don't say anything, it's me."

Zhang Yuanzhen felt that this royal king was a fairy, so he came in silently. You must know that the sinner’s eyeliner is also a lot. In his yard, there are many palace people who are working. Was Wang Hao coming in?

Of course, he knew that the concealed thing of the master could not be asked, nor should he try to figure it out. He only nodded and said that he knew the identity of the other party and would not make a loud noise. This was then released by Feng Yu, and then a small packet of money and A few silver tickets were put in his hands, and they listened to Feng Yuxi. "It’s all stolen from Wu Ying’s house. Should it be you saved before? You can rest assured that all your previous things are me. I stole it for you, put it in a safe place, you want it, I can give it to you anytime, anywhere. Or one day I got out of trouble and then cleaned up the new house as I did before. But now You are in this place, but it is inconvenient to leave too much money on the body. These are the first to keep the emergency, and give the sin slave a large amount of money, at least the five tanks can be saved."

Zhang Yuan looked at these things, and his tears fell down with disappointment. He wanted to kneel down to give Feng Yu a hoe, but he was stopped by Feng Yu. Feng Yuxi shook his head and said: "Now is not polite, it is important to keep your life. Including the people in this room, you should also give some small favors, try to make your life better. The father is now sick. This is a change in temperament. We are all trying to get him to recover as soon as possible. If you lose your life during this period, one day the father will wake up, fearing that you will get angry again."

Zhang Yuan wiped his tears and thought about the old emperor who had no conscience. The tears flowed hand in hand.

Feng Yuxi did not intend to talk to the little eunuch, the money left, and the body shape flashed away. Zhang Yuan felt that his eyes were a flower, and the blink of an eye did not see the royal king, and his heart sighed that the other side’s effort was so good, just like the emperor’s side guards, and the whole day was gone. Think again about the old emperor Feng Yuzhen said because he was born with a strange disease, could not help but worry.

Leaving the sin slave, Feng Yuxi did not go straight out of the palace. The sky is already bright, and the people in the palace said that the emperor started to go early in the Qiankun Temple. I didn’t want to come last night, and I was still mentally up. She then turned her direction and ran to the end of the Cunshan Palace.

Li Wei checked it, and Yuan Shuzhen’s place must also be checked. If there is a cultivator, she feels that the ninth ** is hidden in the Shoushan Palace. Although I still don't know how to deal with a teacher, I am afraid that I will find out that I can't help each other for a while, and I can't even arrest people on the spot. At least you have to be mindful, and then go out and find another way.

However, her thoughts are still naive. After getting to the Shoushan Palace, it was planted in the last one.

There are no outsiders at Cunshan Palace!

In other words, she searched the entire palace of the Cunshan Palace, including the main hall and the partial hall, and searched a large circle inside and outside. No suspicious people were found at all, and no suspicious things were found at all. This Zangshan Palace is so clean that it can't be picked up. All the palace people are normal. They are all doing things in the palace. She can be sure that there is no suspiciousness. But this is strange! Lieutenant in the emperor, the temperament changed greatly, the most profitable people are Yuan Shuzhen and the Eight Emperors. If Yuan Shuzhen is clean here, is it difficult for adults to be in Shengwangfu?

That is even more impossible! If a person is really in the royal palace, there will be no eight-prior son who will be decapitated when he is sent to the execution ground. The man has to act early and can't wait until Xuan Tianmo has an accident. What's more, in those days, Xuantian Mo was imprisoned in the death row and could not communicate with the outside world.

Feng Yuzhen felt that the head was really awkward, so she simply did not leave, so she stayed and waited for Yuan Shuzhen to come back. I wanted to hear what she said in the palace.

Yuan Shuzhen came back from the Zhaohe Temple, and did not let Feng Yu and so on. It took a while to return to the palace. But she didn't do anything surprising. When she came back, she went to bathe and change clothes. Then she lay on the soft couch. The two palace ladies gave a full body massage. While pressing, she said, "The whole body hurts. The emperor is really two." More than a decade ago!"

The two women’s mouths of the massage are also sweet, and they all talked to Yuan Shuzheng: “The goddess is no different from more than 20 years ago. It’s young and charming. The emperor doesn’t like it! This is the emperor’s love for the goddess. If you are a slave, you can still give the emperor a prince.

Upon listening to this, Yuan Shuzhen couldn't help but giggled and smirked, and finally stopped, and this again said: "The prince is even, the emperor so many sons, that is, regenerating a prince is not much more Let him be happy. Not to mention the palace is just looking young, but the age is still there! But this time there is no less to nourishing things, if this stomach is arrogant, if you can conceive a princess, then it is called the big one. Good thing. In our Dashun, the birth of the emperor is not a joy, the birth of a princess is a big joy."

"Yes! The maiden must be able to give birth to a beautiful little princess! Oh no! It is two, must have a twin."

The two palace ladies gave a look at Yuan Shushu, and Feng Yu’s eyes were a little scared. She has forgotten this thing. The ancient woman was a person, and Yuan Shuzheng entered the palace at the age of fifteen. Although it has been said for more than 20 years, it can be counted as less than forty years old. The age plus the maintenance in the palace, coupled with the grace of the past few days, may indeed allow her to conceive again. This woman is so arrogant now, if it really makes her pregnant, the palace can really become the mother of their mother and child.

Feng Yu sneaked down the decision, and later secretly gave her some contraceptive drugs in the tea she drank. Although the tricks were sinister, she could use her in Yuan Shuzheng to make her feel scared.

She was waiting at the Cunshan Palace. She thought that the Eight Emperors would be able to come here if they had a chance to go. The two mothers and the children would come together to make some substantive topics.

At the same time, in the remote courtyard of the palace, Feng Zirui also sat up from the bed, no more sleepy.

Speaking of it, if the person at the end of Yuan Shuzhen came to search halfway last night, he could still get up earlier. After all, living in this palace, vigilance is always maintained, and the emperor has already gone up, he can not sleep. However, last night tossed out, and no one can sleep well. Zirui is an eleven-year-old child. It is the age of lack of consciousness, which is later.

He sat on the bed, the first thought was to think: Did my sister come last night? It should be coming! Although he did not see it, he felt. That is the sister who is connected with him. He can feel that his sister is there, but he has not appeared to see him. He also knows that her sister must not be assured that she is alone in the palace, so she secretly looks at it and wants him to really grow up and face things alone, so he chose not to see.

Zirui grinned, and this moment has a feeling of concern, it is good. Now he can feel that he is fighting side by side with his sister and brother-in-law. Although this kind of battle is more concealed, it still makes him feel excited.

Not long after, there was a palace lady who pushed in the door and was the gimmick who had watched the night last night and talked to him.

Zirui looked at her and put a basin of water on the shelf, and then walked over to herself. First, she took a gift, and then said: "How can the young master not sleep for a while? Toss that last night, I am afraid that it is not yet Wake up?" The voice was very light and with real concern.

Zirui shook his head and said: "Don't sleep, enter the palace is a guest, the emperor is in the early morning, how can I sleep? Good habits will be criticized, if it is passed out, I will be nothing. I am afraid that some people will say that my sister is incapable of discipline." He finished, and stared at the palace girl for a while, and suddenly asked: "Are you really a person sent by His Royal Highness?"

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