Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1021: How can anyone catch me?

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The woman looked at the suspicion from Zirui’s eyes and couldn’t help but laugh. “The younger brother of Yu Wang’s brother is much more cautious than the average teenager. When the time comes, our goddess said, borrowing the name of His Royal Highness may be able to win. For a while, but after a while, I will definitely be guessed. I didn’t expect the young master to doubt it so soon."

Feng Zirui has a look, and there is Li Guang in his eyes: "You really are not the people of Feiyu! Who is the goddess you said? What is the purpose of using Feiyu's name to approach me?"

The palace lady quickly explained: "Feng Shaoye is in a hurry, listening to the slaves to finish the words. Although the slaves are not the descendants of Feiyu, but can not say that there is absolutely no relationship with the descendants of Feiyu. In fact, the slaves are sent by the emperor. Taking care of the young master, and the reason why the Dean maiden will take care of the young master is because Yu Wang asked the second priest and asked him to help him.

Listening to her, she said that Zirui had a sigh of relief. I thought about it for a long time. This time: "Shi De, I know, is the mother of the second emperor, Feiyu’s grandmother." After that, see the palace girl nodded. He only then widened his heart and finally eased the atmosphere: "Then we are still our own people."

The palace girl nodded, "Yes, it is my own person." After that, he persuaded Zirui: "The young master can take a rest, and the early dynasty will be scattered. The Emperor of the Noon also has to deal with government affairs, and will not call this side."

Zirui shook his head, but he persuaded the other party: "This sister, you should go to rest and stay up the night for a night, it must be very sleepy."

"The slaves are fine. When they see the young master sleeping in the morning, they will be squatting for a while. They will not stop in the palace for a few days. When the slaves come, the German goddess is also specially smashed, and must be spirited, regardless of daytime. Still at night, you can't relax your vigilance."

Zirui nodded and thought of what she said.

In the early morning of Qiankun Temple, the eight emperors who had been ill for a day finally showed up. Emperor Tianwu did not have the opportunity to listen to the minister's handle, and directly concerned about the illness of the Eight Emperors. In addition to public care, but also rewarded a lot of good things, but also money and rare herbs, the situation can not wait to empty the treasury. For a moment, Xuan Tianming even produced the idea that Feng Yuxi first went to steal the treasury, so some good things could not enter the thief's nest of the old eight.

Tianwu Emperor's concern for the Eight Emperors was very useful for the Eight Emperors' Party. Everyone felt that his face was bright, and he felt that he had chosen the right person this time. The Eight Emperors will inherit the Datong in the future. Those who had followed the Eight Emperors were also relieved, and the Eight Emperors were really able to do things. In the face of the imperial controversy of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Nine Emperors could turn things around. This person will definitely do something in the future.

At last, it was almost caring. Tianwu Emperor and the Emperor of the Eight Emperors stayed in the palace for a meal in the afternoon. He specially prepared the royal family to prepare their favorite dishes.

People listen to it, okay, have you been home to the church? The politicians wanted to say a few words, but they thought of the temper of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and then thought that some people had already hit the pillar because of this incident, but they still could not cause the attention of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and they had no confidence. You can only let Tianwu Emperor play his own temper.

However, at this time, Xuantian went to the previous step and interrupted the words of Emperor Wu of Heaven. He said: "The father of the emperor, when the age is over, the old princes of the southern boundary and the tributaries of the ten small countries have been shipped to In Beijing, the children’s court was presented to the House of Internal Affairs. This is a book of ceremonies, and the father is also asked to look up.” He said, holding up a book in his hand.

Wu Ying, the **** of Tianwu Emperor, quickly went down and was preparing to hand it back to Tianwu, but he heard the emperor on the dragon chair saying, "This little thing doesn't have to be stunned, Moh, look at it! You have to learn to understand the old tribute. Let’s consider whether those small countries have confused us. Secondly, you also give your mother a good thing to pick up. These years are really too owed to her. ""

This said and went to the harem house, and some of the courtiers frowned, but no one dared to say anything, even the left and right sides chose silence, do not want to talk to the old emperor.

Xuantian ink respectfully took the book from Wu Ying’s hand and said: “The children’s courts follow the purpose.” After that, he looked at Xuan Tian’s eyes and smugly licked his lips.

Xuan Tian Ming did not say anything and returned to his position. Subsequently, the seven emperors Xuan Tianhua also reported that the East Gate’s old tribute arrived. Unsurprisingly, Emperor Wu of Heaven handed over the errand to the Eight Emperors, and once again told him to remember to pick good things for Yuan Shuzhen first.

In addition, it is announced that there will still be a palace banquet on the first day of this year. Officials in Beijing and above are allowed to bring their families into the palace. The palace feast was held by the empress and Yuan Shuzheng, and Tianwu said: "At this year's palace feast, there is a big event to announce."

In the early morning of today, the last sentence of Emperor Wu of Heaven set off the high point of discussion. After the tide, after the next dynasty, people have their own guesses about this. Most people think that this is to establish a prince, and they can't help but directly congratulate the Eight Emperors. Xuantian Tianmo understands that it is still early for the emperor to establish the prince. Today, Emperor Wu of Heaven should not immediately give the prince.

Right side of the wind, the heart also made a total, he went to Xuan Tianming, whispered and asked: "What do you think of the nine nobles?"

Xuantian meditation: "It has nothing to do with the Prince. It should be to set up a noble."

"The expensive?" The right eye frowned. "This is to hold the Yuan Shu ?? Your Highness, then go on like this, but we have to be prepared here, in case it suddenly changes to the sky, when it is time to fight I was caught off guard. The old minister looked at the emperor like this... Hey!" He sighed and did not continue to speak, but the words were extremely disappointing to Emperor Wu. In the past, the old emperor was also self-willed, but he was not out of the ordinary. He also favored the nine emperors, but he would not be able to refute things with the political affairs. What's more, the Nine Emperors compared with the Eight Emperors, but it is too much to be good, and there are too many skills. What's more, behind the nine emperors still stood a Feng Yu! That is simply a fairy.

The right phase is no longer speech, and the pace is slowing down, silently following the head and going outside the palace. Xuan Tian Ming is also open, and Xuan Tianhua around him said: "Can the South side send someone to go?"

Xuan Tianhua nodded. "There has been sent people, but after all, the road is far away. It will not be a few days to get a reply. We still have to find it from Beijing. The nurturing person must be hidden in Beijing, or simply Hidden in the palace."

"Auntie in the palace is checking, and Beijing is pleased to ask the Seven Brothers. I have to run the big camp in the past few days, I am afraid that I will not care too much."

The two brothers here discussed how to save the Emperor Wu of Heaven. On the other hand, the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo has gone to the direction of the Sanchong Palace. For yesterday's business, he had to make a confession with Yuan Shuzhen as soon as possible. After all, when he entered the palace this morning, he had already heard that Yuan Shuzhen had searched the palace last night, but the other person had to search for it, but now he is in his house.

In the Cunshan Palace, Yuan Shuzheng was still listening to the flattery of the two palace ladies, until the Eight Emperors came in and sent the two palace ladies, leaving only the moon show waiting around.

As soon as Xuan Tianmo sat down, he immediately told Yuan Shuzhen about what happened yesterday. He also heard Yuan Shuzhen’s trepidation.

Like Xuantian Mo, she couldn't understand what kind of people used to enter Sheng Wangfu, and could throw people into the bed of Xuantian ink silently, and even give her son medicine. All this is done so neatly, so that they can't prevent it, then if the other party is going to kill? I don’t know **** my son, how can I die? She was shocked by a cold sweat and reached out and grabbed the sleeves of Xuantianmo. "Be sure to check. If such a person can't find out, you are too dangerous." After that, he asked the sentence: "Will it be old nine?" The Palace has heard more than once that he is the best in your brothers."

Xuantian ink nodded: "The mother is relieved, and the son will definitely investigate the matter. As for the old nine, he does have good martial arts, but his son is not bad. Maybe he can't beat him alone, but he will not be fooled. This level. Just..." He thought again and couldn't be sure: "The gimmick around him always feels strange, and I am afraid that this thing can't be separated from her."

"You mean the owner of Ji'an County?" Yuan Shuzheng asked with an eyebrow: "Isn't you still talking to the palace a few days ago to get the Ji'an County master? The palace said that the woman is no more than ordinary people." Li Wei is also playing her idea, even in the palace, even the mourning of the dynasty to the old nine, but people still do not have a good life? That gimmick, you better not to hit her idea."

"But if she can stand by my side one day and do things for me, it will be more powerful than the 11,000 empty mountains." When it comes to Feng Yu, Xuan Tianmo has come back to the spirit, and even With Yuan Shuzheng, he also said the benefits of Feng Yuyu, and said that Yuan Shuzheng sighed.

It’s just that they never imagined that all these words were heard in Feng Yu’s ear. The ones who were said to be ghosts are now hiding under their eyes, but they don't know anyone.

Feng Yuqi was irritated at this moment and wanted to whip his whip. A Lily was not enough. This is another Xuantian ink. How can she be so rare? This face is not so amazing. At most, it is a middle-class and superior. In this beauty, the Dashun is everywhere, and it is not in the eyes of such a few emperors.

She can't figure out everything about this. How many people have seen her? Where is it? Where did she look at her? Can't you change it? D.

Feng Yu’s heart was particularly depressed. He still had to listen to the career of the corner. He listened to Yuan Shu’s words: “The thing of Shantou will be said later, this palace still advises you not to remember too much. This is not reliable. You said that the Xiaoshi people came to your house, and the palace would not be searched in the palace." She thought again, very solemnly said: "If you can't do it, we will speed up the progress of this matter. If you don't get on the throne in a day, I will not be practical in my heart. I will go to the early morning, and the old man will wait for the palace."

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