Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1022: Can't kill

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Speaking of it, Yuan Shuzhen is not really enough to serve Tianwu. After all, she has been living in the palace for so many years. How can a woman of her age not want to be close to her husband? But compared with the throne of his son, the life of Wu is too worthless. After all, the honor that Tianwu Emperor can give her is only a moment, and once Xuantian ink succeeds, she can give her a lifetime.

Xuan Tianmo did not think that the time was ripe. He reminded Yuan Shuzhen: "Don't forget that the tiger is still in the hands of the old nine, but that is the half of the military power of Dashun. Plus he has the original, more Half of the rivers and mountains are held by him, we must not act recklessly. Otherwise, the throne will be seated, and will not be stable."

He said that Yuan Shuzhen was helpless. "Yes, the military power is still in his hands, but I dare not mention it with the emperor now. You don't know, last time I mentioned a month of cold palace, you The father immediately showed signs of a headache. If it weren't for me, I was afraid... it would be loose."

"Mother-in-law must not be eager for a while." Xuantian ink nervously reminded her: "That Yunxiao and Laojiu have been in his heart for so many years, and it is not so good to clear them. Let's take it slowly."

"Well." Yuan Shuzhen nodded. "I have calculated it. If you want him to listen to us completely, at least half a year."

The words of the mother and the son heard that Feng Yu was a little confused. She even suddenly had a feeling that there was no such thing as a person from the South, nor an outsider at all, but Yuan Shuzhen himself? But for so many years, if Yuan Shuzheng will, then why use it now? What did you do before?

After the Eight Emperors sat for a while, they left, and Yuan Shuzheng did not do anything else. Instead, he took advantage of the Emperor’s handling of government affairs to lie down and rest. Feng Yuxi also no longer stayed, hurried out of the palace, and my heart was still thinking about what I saw and heard in the Shoushan Palace.

When she returned to China, Xuantian was preparing to go to the big camp. She was anxious to tell him about the things in the palace. Xuantian Ming told her: "In the capital, the seven brothers are checking, I also arranged people in the palace. Staring at Yuan Shuzhen, there is nothing to discover at the moment. At the moment we have nothing to do but wait for it, unless..." He thought about it and said: "Let Yuan Shu kill! That Lu Ping is not saying If the person who raises the donkey is dead, will her face be fine? If Yuan Shuzhen is a person who raises her, will she die if she is dead?"

Feng Yuxi has no choice but to shake his head. "There is no difference between the cockroaches and the cockroaches. Some people who are raising cockroaches are dead, and the cockroaches that are raised will be invalidated. Those who suffer from cockroaches will naturally be good. But there is also one that is raising cockroaches. The person is dead, and the person who is shackled also dies together. And I see the father and the like, I am afraid that the 80% of the next is... heart. Don’t ask me what my heart is, I don’t understand much, but In short, it is impossible to act arbitrarily, otherwise it will harm the father." She sighed and looked at Xuan Tian’s meditation: "You go to the big camp, even if one day our military power can’t be saved, at least keep it. People, after all, that is also a lifeline."

Xuantian stunned her head and comforted her: "You can rest assured that my people, even if there are no soldiers, can never do anything for the old eight. What's more, we still have a large number of people in the northern boundary of the northern boundary and In the West, it’s not that easy for the old eight to want to unite the three worlds."

The lieutenant of Emperor Wu of Heaven seemed to be a stalemate. Feng Yu was busy all night, and immediately retired after returning to the government. In the palace, he finally had to return to his **** supervisor Wu Ying, but he looked at himself. The room that had been robbed screamed with a scorpion.

All the palace people I heard were surrounded. They didn’t understand why Wu Ying would make such a cry. But when they entered the house, they understood everything. However, they understood everything but did not understand anything. People looked at this empty room slyly, and one question mark was drawn in their heads.

Wu Ying hated to gnash his teeth. The first person to think of was Zhang Yuan, so he asked aloud: "Who is the sin slave who sent the chapter away today?"

Immediately, two small eunuchs went forward: "It was sent by the minions, but when the chapter went away, nothing was taken? The bag that had been squatting in the hand was also pulled away by us. There are dozens of broken silver pieces, all of which have been robbed by us." He said, while reluctantly took out the silver from the sleeves in the morning to grab the chapter.

He took the lead, and all the people involved in the robbery had to follow the money together. But it’s just a few dozens, but it’s too far from this room. Then someone said: "Wu Gonggong, this thing has nothing to do with the chapter far away, he is just a person, there is still a wound on his body, and how to steal things can not be stolen so thoroughly. Moreover, he steals silver stealing The silver ticket is still, how much can be hidden, but..." He said and pointed around the room. "These wonderful things are gone. He wants to steal, where to hide? This is a room full. what!"

Indeed, when a house is full, even the big boxes of jewellery are gone. Wu Ying’s heart hurts almost without going back, but at the same time, she feels that this is full of surprises. In the end, who can move so many things? Still doing so unconsciously?

Wu Ying stunned, standing in the place did not know how to do well, but someone put forward a bold idea, he said: "Is it going to be... the emperor? The chapter is far from the former red man, he is favored On what part of the children, we can all know that the slaves always feel that the emperor suddenly sent Zhang Yuan to the sin slave. This is a bit weird. Wu Gonggong said, will this be the emperor? Afterwards, I regretted it, but I couldn’t help Yuan Shuzhen’s face, so I secretly helped Zhang Yuan to collect these things. The emperor’s side has a dark guard, and the dark guards want to do something, let’s really I can't find it."

He said that Wu Ying is a radical. It is possible! This analysis makes sense. But if this thing is really done by the emperor... He must find a chance to talk to Yuan Shuzhen, and the eight emperors must have to be prepared.

Life in the palace is boring, especially after the monks, except to go to Jingci Palace every morning to ask the empress, there is nothing else to do in the whole day. Now it’s good, there is a task of Ba Jie Yuan Shu, but I can sleep in the morning of Yuan Shu, and I will be called by the emperor at noon. They have no place to go, and they will go to the royal family in threes and fives. Go to the garden to enjoy the plum.

It is normal to say that we are going to the garden. However, today the emperor did not pass the call to the ruling. The child was flustered in the palace, and said to the palace lady who was waiting for her. Or do we go to the garden to go shopping, this winter wants to come to the emperor to stay in the palace to warm, should not go there, we go around, it is too stuffy."

Yue Rong sighed, in the end is still young, always boring in the yard is unbearable. She nodded, but still faintly worried, so she reminded: "Let's go, but can't go too long, come back at most half an hour, is it good? In case the emperor called, no one in the house It’s not good. Besides, the inside and outside of this yard are all eyeliners. The things we go to visit the yard will soon be spread out. If they are not in good condition, they will be used by those who have the heart. Which one is fine in this palace, no I can't prevent it."

Zirui nodded. "I know, let's go back soon. I don't know how long it will take to stay in the palace. It's always breathable."

Yue Rong did not know him, he arranged his robes for him, and then put on a big bang, and then greeted the next person in the palace, saying that once the emperor called, he immediately reported a letter to the Royal Garden. This took Zi Rui out of the palace.

Speaking of it, Zirui does not really want to go to the Imperial Garden to play. The place is full of girls. He is a boy, what is it to enjoy the plum? He just wants to go out from this small palace, feel the atmosphere in the palace, and see the situation in Yuan Palace and the Eight Emperors, there can be obvious changes in the palace.

With such a mind, Yu Rong led the Royal Garden. This road is carefully observed, and it can be found that there are many more Yulin troops in the palace, and the Yulin army is not uniform in wearing, and there is also a part that is obviously transferred from other places, not the original in the palace. The most terrible thing is that those who patrol the station will see a look at him, although they have not said anything, but obviously can see the rejection.

Zi Rui was careful all the way, even if he went to the garden, he had no heart to appreciate Mei, and he looked at the front three or five groups of palaces and frowned. He whispered to Yue Rong: "Yue Rong's sister, it seems that I was wrong. It was such a cold day that there were also girls who were willing to go out to the yard. Since there are nieces here, then Zi Rui will go inside. Not suitable, let's go back."

Yue Rong saw that he was so sensible, his heart was very relieved, so he nodded again and again, pulling Zi Rui will go back. The blind man with the sharp eyes has already seen them, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Hey! Who is that? How can a man appear in the Imperial Garden?"

This scorpion alerted the other sisters who came together, and turned their heads to look at Zirui. These people are all members of Yuan Shuzheng. They know well about Feng Zirui’s entry into the palace. If you look at this little boy, even if you don’t remember what Feng Zirui looks like on weekdays, But he can also guess his identity one or two. Once this identity is recognized, there are countless bad thoughts turning around in these embarrassing minds. Some people don’t even think about it. In the direction of Zirui’s departure, they shouted: “Who is the head?” ?stop!"

Yue Rong felt a big head. She stayed in the palace for a long time. She understood that once we spoke in this tone, we couldn’t help but hold the hand of Zirui and whispered: "The young master should be careful. They are all people at the end of Yuan Shuzhen."

Zirui nodded and turned around, politely praying for the front, then loosened his hand, and walked forward until he was three or four steps away, then stopped. The robes were brought to the ground with the moon, and this was the way: "Grassmen Feng Zirui, seeing the maidens. I took the temptation to disturb the priests."

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