Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1023: Evil, a group of people

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Feng Zirui was on the ground, and the number of rituals was perfect. Standing in front of her was two nobles and two nobles, plus their respective palace ladies, a group of people who were screaming, and all women, fat powder, and They are not looking good.

Zi Rui took a while to hear someone talking, but it was: "Feng Zirui? Who is Feng Zirui?"

Not waiting for Zirui to answer, immediately someone said: "I don't know my sister? Feng Zirui is the son of the former Zuo Xiangfeng Yuyuan! It is the waste squad, and finally the Emperor rushed to feed the horse. Think about it. Already?"

The person who spoke before said, "Oh," he said, "It turned out to be the child of Fengjia. Isn’t that the younger brother of Yu Wanghao? Hey, it’s a good look, but it’s a pity—" She talked The long sound, the next sentence is the heart of Zhirui Rui, "unfortunately, broke a finger."

The broken finger is a humiliation for Zi Rui, but he is not concerned about being physically disabled, but because the broken finger is given by his father. Whenever he thinks about this, he will think of the former Feng family and think of the former Feng family. Those who are unfairly treated, his heart will also hurt like a knife.

But he can't say anything at the moment, because the words are spoken from the mouth of the palace, he is not qualified to refute. He didn't even dare to stand up, even if he was so cold that he had some pain in his legs, he couldn't say a word. I hope that these women can do well. Don't be too embarrassed. If you don't listen to it, it will be fine. He will have no problem for a while. Don't regenerate extra things. In this palace, it is better to have more than one thing, not to mention that the palace is no longer the palace that he knew before.

However, things always do not develop in the direction of people's minds. These ones, who are thinking about Bajie Yuanshu, are willing to let Zirui like this. The appearance of Feng Zirui is not only a solution for them, but also an excellent opportunity for Ba Jie Yuan Shu. So the four looked at each other and immediately reached an agreement: that is, never let the boy go.

At that time, everyone was standing next to the small lake in the Imperial Garden. The lake was not big, but it was flowing water, so there was no ice. Even if there is no ice, this winter will also see people bursting into cold. When a noble person turned his eyes, he pulled a scorpion from his head and threw it into the water without saying anything until the golden sputum entered the water. This pretending to be exclaimed: "Oh! My scorpion is falling, this can be What should I do? That is my favorite dice!"

Immediately next to it, someone added: "But the gold enamel with five-color gems? That's a rare thing!"

"That's that one." The nobles who throw the scorpion into the water will play tricks. There are tears in both eyes. "That thing was sent to me by my mother's family last year. It is said that all Dashun can't find the second one. Even the Queen's Empress has praised it, but now..."

"That's got to hurry and get it!"

The two of them sang and sang and said that they were lively. The one-woman who was standing on the side also opened his mouth. It was actually watching Feng Zirui say, "The woman who is going to the lake to fish is not allowed to do this. Let's come out. I only took the maid and didn't bring the eunuch. At the moment... the young master of the Feng family, here is a man, how do you say this is good?"

"Beautiful girl!" Waiting for Feng Zirui to speak, that month is the first step to open the mouth, a word to point out the identity of this person, she said: "Feng family is still young, too old This year will be eleven years old. I don’t know if it will be water. How can he fish? In this winter, the lake is cold and cold, and if people go down, they will lose their skin if they don’t freeze. The young master of the Feng family was invited by the emperor to enter the palace. If this is a disease, he will turn back to the emperor and ask him if he is afraid of being a slave."

"Bold!" The beautiful woman stared at the moon, and she felt that the girl was familiar, but she could not remember where she had seen it. Think again, the left and right Feng Zirui is a foreign, the maids around are all palace people, staying in the palace for a long time to see who is not familiar with it? So she hated and hated: "Where the master talks, where can you accommodate a slave?"


"Nothing!" Mei Yan interrupted the words of the month, and directed at the maids around him: "Go, give the palace a palm!"

The maid said nothing, rushed to the front and grabbed the collar of the moon to open the bow, and the ears slammed into the fan, and the fan could not say a word.

Zirui was anxious, and quickly screamed: "Please ask the girl to spare her sister, don't fight again, Zirui will be water, Zirui will go fishing, ask the girl to let her stop!"

"Stop!" The beautiful hand lifted, stopped the maid's continued beating, but the moon has already seen the blood in his mouth, and his face is swollen. Mei Yan sneered and asked Zirui: "I really want to go fishing? This is your voluntariness. Don't blame this palace for not reminding you. If you freeze today, you are going down, be careful not to come up."

"The niece is assured that Zirui is willing to do so, and this matter is nothing to do with the maidens."

"Good!" A few people in the United States were very satisfied with this result, so they said to Zirui: "Then go! It’s too late, I’m afraid that the blind man doesn’t know where to go.”

Zirui knew that today's business must be avoided, so he bit his teeth and stood up and walked straight toward the lake.

Yue Rong looked anxious and wanted to stop, but immediately the four maids came to stop her. She had no choice but to ask for it: "The beautiful girl, the grace! The younger Feng is too young to forsake this. Or... Let's go to the slaves! Although the slaves don't know how to get water, they just fight for death and they will find them back to the goddess."

"You?" Mei Yan suddenly smiled. "What kind of thing are you? Is it qualified to meet the noble five-color gemstones? Hey! Give the palace a good look, don't let her call in the chaos." Under the command, the few maids simply smashed the mouth of the moon, lest the movement in the garden be too big, attracting more people.

At this time, I heard a "plop", and Feng Zirui had no choice but to jump into the lake. When the icy cold of the lake hit the whole body, the child could not stretch the limbs, and the whole child could swim less than three times, and they sank to the bottom of the lake.

His heart rose desperately, the lake ice is too ice, and the body is frozen at once, not to mention looking for a hairpin, is it necessary to be here today? Zirui’s faint regrets, how good it is to stay in that small courtyard, why bother to come to this garden? In the palace, all of them are eating people, and the more people look good, the more drug-stained they are, the more they are drug-stricken. He doesn’t understand, what are these things that are not good, why are they so difficult? ?

Of course, the words of Yue Rong are also echoing in his mind. These are all close to Yuan Shuzhen, and they are all close to Yuan Shuzhen! Yuan Shuzhen is the mother of the Eight Emperors. It is against the Nine Emperors. Isn’t it a matter of course to clean up him?

Thinking this way, the body continued to sink to the bottom of the lake. Zirui feels that there is a child who is going to infiltrate the coldness of the soul and tie his body like a knife. He doesn't want to look for any more money. It is just a head from the other side. The purpose is to kill him. If he is dead, can the other person be satisfied?

Seeing that the child sank into the bottom of the lake, there was no movement for a long time, and the moon was so mad that he bit the hand of the palace lady holding her mouth. The woman in the palace had a pain and released the person. She refused to take care of anything else and ran away. Mei Hao and others also saw the moon show running, and immediately told the maid to chase, then Qi Gui said at this time with concern: "Is it going to die?"

Another Liu Guiren answered: "He wants to really die, will we have trouble?"

The toon that has not spoken has opened his mouth and said: "The emperor should have nothing to do with it. After all, there is a lady who is obsessed with it! It is afraid of the nine emperors, in case he made a crazy whips and came in to smoke people..."

In this case, people couldn't help but shudder, and even the beautiful ones stunned. But then I will return to God, and I can't help but smile. "Reassured, this time is no better than in the past. The palace is the world of the Eight Emperors and the Shu-Yi Niang. Do you think that the Nine Emperors will easily enter the harem? Not to mention Take the whip to smoke people, I am afraid that he will be arrested by the Yulin army as soon as he enters the palace gate. Let's wait and see the excitement." After that, he glanced at the lake and his eyebrows were still slightly wrinkled. That is to say, this beauty is also a bit embarrassing. If Feng Zirui is really dead, will they really have nothing to do?

I was thinking, at this time, I heard the footsteps coming in a hurry. I didn’t wait for a few people to look back. I heard a "plop" sound. Some people jumped into the water and went straight to the bottom of the lake and quickly sank. .

Qi Guiren pointed his eyes and said: "It seems to be an eunuch."

Liu Wei is more detailed: "It is the **** of the Queen's Empress."

A few people reacted to this. When they turned back, they saw that the Queen led the Queen to come here. While walking, they pointed at them and said, "The Queen Mother, they are, they deliberately threw the donkey into the lake. Then forced the young master of the Feng family to jump off the lake to fish."

There was also a red woman who was accompanied by the Queen. In the cold days, she was dressed very thin, not even a cloak. The woman is not someone else, but she still relies on Feng Zhaolian who is not in Jingci Palace. For a person who grew up in a thousand weeks, Dashun's winter is too small for pediatrics. He really doesn't feel cold at all.

But this is not cold, the body is not cold, but the heart is cold day by day.

After a few people approached, waiting for the Meilu and other people to salute the emperor, Feng Zhaolian looked at the people with a look of disgust, and said nothing, lifted one foot and gave one of them down. The man also "fluttered" and fell to the lake, but it was the Qigui who took the initiative to throw the cockroach.

The beautiful woman was shocked. She stared at Feng Zhaolian and wanted to blame. She could face the face of Zhaolian, but she didn’t know how to open it. This person is too beautiful, and it is also a good thing. Even the people who want to marry him are embarrassed to speak. What is the realm?

Can be beautiful, I am embarrassed to open, Feng Zhaolian can not be so enlightened, he pointed to the remaining three people and the Queen said: "The female who is evil, should be driven out of the palace to the aunt Going to the temple, still staying in the palace? Don’t blame the old emperor for not touching them for more than 20 years, and it’s too ugly to grow.”

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