Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1025: Feng Yu's revenge

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The so-called kindness has long since come to this Dashun Dynasty, and it has been cleaned up a little bit in these indifferences and intrigues. Her Feng Yu 珩 is not the Virgin, she has always had revenge, and her people, moving her money, are equivalent to moving her scales, she will not let go.

Liu Guiren, Shannon, Meilu, she remembered these names, although I don’t know what palace I live in, but this is easy to handle, there is still a chapter in the sin slaves. It’s still very easy to ask in the past. Things.

Zhang Yuan knows very well about the palace. It is very detailed to Feng Yuxi to indicate the direction in which the people lived in the palace. Feng Yuxi did not stay in the sin slaves, rushed to the enemy's residence, leaving Zhang Yuan standing on the edge of the sinner's latrine, looking at the background of Feng Yu's scorpion, guessing whether it will happen in tomorrow's palace. murder. I always feel that Yu Wang’s face is not right. How did those people provoke this jade face?

Three people, three kinds of end. For the direct command of Zi Rui's beauty, she hates her heart. She simply puts people into the space and then throws them down at the lakeside of the Imperial Garden. When I threw it down, I did not forget to tie two large stones to the beautiful woman to help her sink faster and give Qigui people to be companions. "I don't like to get together and make a fuss, then it's a good time in the yin dynasty!" She looked gloomy, and soon after seeing the beautiful water, she lost her shadow and returned to the residence of Liu Guiren and Shannon. And go.

It’s not her hate, but the other’s viciousness that makes her feel unforgivable. She was distressed and owed to the younger brother. Until now, she saw that the little finger that Zirui had broken was uncomfortable, but some people had to be embarrassed about her only younger brother. If the Queen and Feng Zhaolian went in time, I am afraid that the life of Zirui will be gone, right? She dare not think about the consequences. The only thing she can do is to uproot all hidden dangers and not leave a crisis.

Liu Guiren and Guifei were slightly better at the end. They were not directly thrown into the river and drowned, but they were stunned after being fainted. Feng Yuxi took advantage of the space to take it to the Zhaohe Hall.

Today, Tianwu was a little tired. She was also fond of Yuan Shuzhen, but she did not toss for too long. She was already asleep when she arrived, and even Yuan Shuzhen fell asleep in Tianwu’s arms.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Feng Yuzhen still used the drug to faint the two people, and then threw the two women together on the dragon bed, one side of Tianwu, and it was a bit far away. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she gave the Tianwu Emperor a pulse, but did not find an abnormality in the pulse. At this time, Tianwu did not wear clothes, and a black line in the chest was faintly seen by the eye-pointing Feng Yu, which caused her to frown.

Stretched to the black line of the chest and pressed, and did not find the actual thing, the black line seems to float on the surface of the skin, like normal pigmentation. But she just felt that something was wrong. Then I looked at the temple. The vigil of the vigil was already ordered by Yuan Shuzhen. She simply sent Tianwu Emperor to the palace and sent it to the operating room bed.

Of course, she didn't want to do surgery for Tianwu. She just wanted to take a perspective film and wanted to see what was in the chest of Emperor Wu of Heaven. In addition to doing a brain CT, she also wants to have a comprehensive understanding of the internal conditions of the brain.

At the moment, the time is tight, and Feng Yuxi has almost no delay. No matter whether Tianwu Emperor did not wear clothes at all, he looked at the patient’s eyes with a professional doctor and gave him a systematic system from head to toe. an examination. After that, I waited for the result, and immediately transported Tianwu out, and then placed the person on the bed, and then returned to the space and went out of the palace in a hurry.

The next morning, after Rui Rui woke up, at first glance, he saw a pile of drugs inexplicably on the table. He moved his mind and shouted subconsciously: "Sister? Are you here?" Wait a moment, I found that no one answered him, and I couldn’t help but be a bit lonely. However, those drugs made him believe that it was sent by Feng Yu, because such medicines were impossible except for Feng Yu. He was happy to go underground, even the shoes did not care to wear, immediately shouted: "Yue Rong sister! Yue Rong sister!"

On the night before the month, she guarded Zirui and didn't sleep. She was shocked again yesterday. At this time, Zirui insisted that she did not let her stay up all night, and let her go back to sleep. However, the gimmicks in the palace have long been used to waiting for the master at all times, even if they go back to rest, the next day will never wake up later than the master. Zirui called two times, and she walked in with the water basin. She saw his bare feet at a glance and hurryed: "How does the young master barefoot? This place is cold and cold, careful and cool, fast Put on your shoes!"

Zirui also obediently went back to the bed to wear shoes, while wearing a medicine pointing at the table said: "Moon Rong sister looks at them, those are the medicines sent by my sister, there is typhoid, and there are If you rub your face, try it faster. My sister's medicine is the best in the whole world."

The name of the King of Medicine, Ji’an, is the name of the Lord of the Ji’an, and it’s also a slap in the face of the moon in the deep palace. Although a person who is in the palace is used to what he is playing, he does not feel that he is wronged. What's more, the next person has no permission to use the drug, but now her master is Feng Zirui, and Feng Yuyu came to deliver the medicine. Yue Rong could not help but have a heartbeat, and rushed to see those novel drugs.

Zirui told her the instructions written on the pill box like a little adult, and helped her to open the ointment with a face and gently applied a layer on both sides of her cheeks. Yuerong only felt that there was a burst of coolness on his face. The original pain was immediately replaced by coldness, not only a lot of relief, but also some calming effect, so that the slightly numb cheeks no longer feel numb. Very comfortable.

She couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, it is a **** medicine. The slaves really didn't think that there was a blessing in the life of Yu Wang, but now I want to come. Yesterday, the fight was worth it!" She finished, looking at Zirui, very happy to say: "There is such a sister, the young master is really good fortune." But cleverly did not ask when Feng Yuxi came, did not ask how she came, how can do it After so many guards in the palace. She knows that those are the secrets of the masters, and such secrets are still rare to know. However, she still told Zirui another thing: "The emperor is in a bad mood today, and 80% will not be called here. But he did not say that the young master will go out of the palace, so the young master is still in the yard. Don't go out."

“Is the emperor in a bad mood?” Zirui is puzzled. “How can he still be in a bad mood with his sister-in-law?”

"That is because Shu Shu Niang is not in a good mood." Yue Rong sighed, but did not say more to Zi Rui, just told her: "The accident at Zhaohe Temple, the people involved are afraid of a lot, Let's avoid it."

The Zhaohe Temple did have an accident, so that Emperor Wu of Heaven did not go to the DPRK. Today, the early morning pilgrimage, the ministers talked at the end of the Qiankun Temple, but no one knows, this emperor did not go to the DPRK, actually because after waking up, there are two more women around.

Yuan Shuzhen sat on the side of Tianwu Emperor and kept tears in his eyes. He watched the fragrant scorpion and Liu Guiren squat in front of the two. As long as the anger of the heart had already burned to the extreme, she still made a pair of grievances and generosity. Looks like this, "If the two sisters have such an idea, they can talk to their sisters, or go to the empress, or say directly to the emperor, let the hand of the house be handed over. With the rules, the three nights of this kind of thing, the face of this palace is not worth mentioning, how do you make the emperor feel? This kind of thing spread out, that is..." Her words stopped, took a look Emperor Wu of Heaven, did not say anything more.

But the words were taken over by Tianwu Emperor - "That is the confusion of the palace." Tianwu’s face has sunk to the extreme, staring at the two women in front of the clothes, who are not wearing neatly, hate to tear people away. Broken. He woke up this morning and felt that it was not quite right. The dragon couch was very spacious. He only slept with him and Yuan Shuzhen. The remaining space is still very large. But today, Mo Ming feels depressed, as if there are many people around him, and he is too sullen. He remembered that he had also called the voice of love, and then he heard Yuan Shuzhen screaming.

It was the scream that made him completely wake up, and sat up and squatted, and saw the camphor and Liu Guiren lying together on the bed. At that time, he was ashamed and annoyed. When he looked at Yuan Shu’s tears, he felt that his love was really aggrieved. He wanted to come over and comfort him, but Liu Guiren was still in the two. In the middle, he was so angry that he threw two people directly out of bed, and the two men woke up in this epicenter.

"The emperor, the courtier is awkward!" Listening to the words of Yuan Shuzhen and Tianwudi, the souls of Xiang and Liu Guiren are almost scared. At the same time, they also want to understand, obviously resting in their own palace, why did they wake up to the Zhaohe Hall? Also, who did the clothes on them take off? Why are they not at all in this series of processes?

The two men squatted on the ground and shook into a group. They only felt that the breath of death was gradually approaching. Tianwu Emperor looked angry and Yuan Shuzhen was still addicted to his side: "The emperor is a harem sister, and they must be embarrassed. Chen Chen thought that they also missed the emperor too much, and this was done. Anyway, it was because of feelings, the emperor or not... Just leave the two sisters in the Zhaohe Hall! It’s time to change to a new person to serve the emperor, and to go back to the court...not to come.”

When she finished, she stood up and went to work. Tianwu Emperor immediately panicked, and gave Yuan Shuzhen a slap back. No matter where there are other people in the inner temple, he directly puts people on his lap. , eagerly said: "Love can not say such a thing, my heart is only love one, love you can not throw it anyway!" Then, look at the two people on the ground, I hate to bite my teeth: "Take them out to the two, and the sticks! Direct sticks!"

When the rod smashed out, the scented Liu Guiren stunned, and the two screamed desperately: "Chen Chen! The vassal is really awkward! The priests don’t know anything, don’t know how to come, obviously sleep. In my own palace! But when I blinked, I was kidnapped by the court! The emperor was alive!"

Such a call called Tianwu Emperor upset, and his head seemed to hurt again. He quickly took advantage of Yuan Shuzhen and tried to find some spiritual comfort from her. Yuan Shuzhen also cooperated with him to gently pat his back, but his heart was bursting into panic. The last words of the two led her to restless...

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