Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1026: One day, all killing!

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Outside the Zhaohe Temple, the rods blamed the voices of Xiang and Liu Guiren. It was the movement of the board on the body. Every time, Tian Wudi felt comfortable in his heart.

Last night was a shame. Although he was an emperor, although the harem was countless, although the two had been fortunate in the past, he never did anything to call the three nights. So ridiculous, what is the difference between this and the beast? If this is the case, if he goes outside, where is the face of his emperor?

When I think about it, I feel that the process of the outside stick is too slow, and I can't help but scream: "Hurry up! Hit faster! Block their mouths! Don't want to hear their voices!"

At this time, Yuan Shuzhen was sitting on the legs of Emperor Wu of Heaven. It looked like he was constantly comforting Tianwu Emperor, but he was actually comforting herself. What did the two say when they were dragged out? They said: I don't know anything! I don't know how to come, obviously sleeping in my own palace, I will be here in a blink of an eye?

In this way, Yuan Shuzhen suddenly thought of two things that Xuan Tianming had said to her. One was that the royal palace was stolen. All the gold and silver treasures were gone overnight, and God did not know the ghosts. Feeling, it seems that it has disappeared from the air. So many of the eyes of the dark guards are white and long, and even the birds are not checked. There is one more thing more horrible than losing money. That is, the confession they arranged for Feng Zirui went to her son's bed inexplicably, just like the fragrant and Liu Guiren, completely ignorant of the process, so God. Prominently come and beat people by surprise.

Intuition tells her that this series of events is done by the same person or the same group. This is terrible. The other party can actually do things so dripping. If the other party has a murderous heart last night, then it is the same. simple?

When I thought that I was likely to die in my sleep, Yuan Shuzhen suddenly slammed. Tianwu Emperor noticed that he quickly asked: "Love, what?" Seeing Yuan Shuzhen pale, I think she must also be Because she was ashamed last night, she comforted her and said, "Things are gone, you will kill the queen... Oh no, you will personally rectify the harem by love, and all those who are not pleasing to the eye will dispose of you to ensure that you will There will be no similar incidents, okay? Love you, don't be afraid, no matter when it is, you will definitely protect you, and you will never be hurt."

When Tianwu said this, the head was not very clear. This feeling was generated from time to time, some confused, some headaches, and some dizziness. If he is alone, it will be particularly uncomfortable when he comes up, and he will not be able to escape from nowhere. But once you have Yuan Shuzhen, you can do much better. As long as he holds people, as long as he keeps saying good things, as long as he can win this love, let the other person smile, all the pain he will suffer will be The smoke disappeared.

Tianwu Emperor thinks that he must have been sick, and Yuan Shuzhen is the best medicine to cure his illness. He likes to be with Yuan Shuzhen, just like a heart finds belonging, that kind of love makes him I can't hate to show my heart to the other side, but I can't even give it to me. How many times have he had the urge to pass him directly to the son of Yuan Shusheng, but when the words came to his lips, it seemed that there was another force to turn the words back, so that he would Unable to speak.

His mind is actually very chaotic. Only Yuan Shuzhen can be quiet when he is around. He enjoys this kind of silence and enjoys this feeling. So, no matter what, no one can take his love from him, everything makes His love, unhappy things, people, he must be removed, even if the empty harem is not hesitating.

At this time, Wu Ying, the newly recruited **** supervisor, came to the inner hall to report: "The emperor, the toon and the Liu Guiren have already swallowed, this body..."

"Throw and throw it!" Tian Wudi waved his hand impatiently. "Drop as far as possible!"

"The slaves are leading the way." Wu Ying finished, and looked at Yuan Shuyi again, and said: "The emperor, there is still something. Meisang Niangniang she..."

"What happened to Meilu?" Tianwu listened annoyedly. "These women are not living well, and they are getting some moths all day. If they don't want to live, they will die, and no one will stop!"

Wu Ying’s heart trembled and felt that the current emperor was completely different from the past. This temperament changed and became too fast. Although he has already invested in Yuan Shuzhen, although he hopes that the emperor will become more and more confusing, but when the temperament of Emperor Wudi becomes too obvious, his heart has to be more than a few times. "Emperor!" Wu Yingdao: "The beautiful cockroach is dead. It was drowned in the lake where the stone was tied to the Imperial Garden last night."

"What?" Yuan Shuzhen suddenly screamed, and jumped up from Tianwu Emperor and asked Wu Ying: "Is it beautiful to be thrown into the lake? Or the lake in the Imperial Garden?"

Wu Ying nodded: "Return to the maiden, it is."

"This..." She suddenly thought that yesterday, I heard that there was something happening in the Imperial Garden. A few people bullied the Feng Zirui and bothered the Queen. The demon man who lived in Jingci Palace was on the spot and drowned in the lake, and this night, another loss of Shannon, Liu Guiren, and now the beauty, faintly, seems to have a clue She caught it, but it was still unclear.

Tian Wudi took her hand and asked: "Love, what's wrong?"

Yuan Shuzhen was pale and looked like a terrible shock. Tianwu Emperor yelled at Wu Ying: "The niece is small, how can you say such **** words in front of her face? Go out quickly! Who loves who? Death, as long as your love is good, you will not report anything!"

Wu Ying squatted out of the inner hall, but Yuan Shuzhen was really scared. She suddenly realized that the four people had done the same thing before they died, that is, bullying Feng Zirui. Now that all four people are dead, what does that mean? Explain that someone is revenge for Feng Zirui, and in this world, the person who most maintains Feng Zirui, besides his sister Feng Yuxi, who else? But Feng Yu Yu... It’s hard to be... She is a demon? Otherwise how can there be such a big skill?

Yuan Shuzhen suddenly felt that the palace was full of evil spirits, and it was a bit chilly. Even the hand that was held by Tianwu Emperor became cold and cold, no matter how the Emperor Wu of Heaven could not warm up. She and Tian Wudi retired and said that they wanted to go back to the good palace to rest. Tianwu Emperor did not want her to go, but it was really bad to see her love, and what happened this night made him feel pity for Yuan Shuzhen. So, hurry and said: "That loves to sit back and watch the scorpion, and see who dares to bully love."

Yuan Shuzheng hurriedly thanked him and took the imperial concubine and returned to his palace. As soon as you enter the house, you will drive out a group of people, leaving only one person. That month's show saw the fear in the heart of his own master, and whispered comfortably: "The goddess should not think too much. If this is the case, then you can only go all the way. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you have to deal with it, you must not be treated by those things. She fell down." She finished, and presented her own analysis: "Im Man, you said, will the person who does this happen to be the demon around the Queen? The slave said that he was a thousand-year-old prince, but he was A thousand weeks ago, the monarch was not a man or a woman. Such a person is a demon person, and a demon person can make a demon thing!"

The words of Yuexiu also reminded Yuan Shuzhen, yeah, there is also a seal Zhaolian! I may have thought too much, Feng Yu is outside the palace, and now the guards in the palace are so strict, how can she come in. And Feng Zhaolian is in the palace. Since he can go to the lake to go to one, he can kill three more. This may be done by Feng Zhaolian. After all, that person was a thousand-week royal family. There may be some special means, such as drugs or something else, and then it is not good, not his face of the world!

But then think about what happened in Sheng Wangfu before, and let her heart be restless. In addition to Sheng Wangfu, yesterday, the **** Wu Ying also quietly told her that her house was suddenly evacuated. She felt that she was stolen like Sheng Wangfu. So, the crisis is lurking around. And she, but she can't even catch a shadow, this is terrible!

Yuexiu handed a bowl of hot tea to Yuan Shuzheng, but he heard Yuan Shu's teeth gnashing his teeth: "Wait! Wait a day, the palace will sit on the position of the Queen Mother, and they will all kill them all! "In a moment, Yuan Shuzhen's face was suffocating, even if she had followed her for many years, the maid's moon show could not help but chill.

In the chaos of the palace, the royal palace in the palace outside, Xuantian Ming also rushed back from the big camp, I heard that there is no early morning, and then rushed to the palace and Xuan Tianhua met. However, Bai Ze was screamed by Feng Yu, and she said to Bai Ze: "I have long wanted to let you go to Ji'an County to see Hibiscus. This is the time to close, the time is too tight, afraid It’s a big day and night, you can’t go, you can go immediately, you can arrive one day earlier, and I will meet with him at the end of Xuantian.”

Bai Ze’s heart was very touched when he heard this. If you don’t know how to do it, you have to integrate it! The master he is with is a cold face, never think of these little things, but the female master who the master is looking for is a good person! Not only did he want to be thoughtful and thoughtful, but also very generous and gentle. He thought of Hibiscus every day in his heart. If he didn't, he took the initiative to give himself a holiday.

It’s a pity that even if Feng Yuxi gave him a ban, he couldn’t leave. He told Feng Yuxi: “Under this situation, the subordinates cannot go. The crisis in Beijing is full of dangers, and it is possible to explode at any time and place. I have to stay with my highness. Thank you, Wang Hao, and Bai Zexin. As for Furong’s head... After the situation in Beijing is stable, I will go see her again.”

Feng Yu's early knowledge was the result, and it was not unexpected. He just nodded silently and said nothing. In such a chaotic world, let alone a couple in different places, even those who live in the capital can not meet every day. Bai Ze is a loyal subordinate. It is his pride to choose to protect him next to the master.

Watching Bai Ze catch up with Xuantian Ming and go to the Wangfu House, Feng Yuxi turned and went back, thinking about taking a break to make up for a sleep. At this time, he saw a guard from Yuwangfu riding back from the outside, leaving Lao Yuan is calling her: "Wang Hao! Wang Hao please wait, there is something under the newspaper -"

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