Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1027: I don’t want to grow up.

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Feng Yuxi heard from the waiter's mouth a message that he didn't know whether it was good or bad: I wanted to go back to Beijing, and with the four emperors, I didn't bring An's.

She didn't want to want to come back. It was just that there were too many things in Beijing at this time, and all of them were unexpected. This delayed the things in Ji'an County. Qingyu is a person who has sent out the welfare there. When I distributed these benefits, I thought that I was already on my way back to Beijing.

Because An Shi and Xiang Rong have moved to Ji’an County, there is no other place to stay in Beijing than the embroidered shop. The two left for so long, the embroidery shop was under the operation of Qingyu, and the embroidery samples from the new shop in Ji'an County were sent to Beijing. The business of embroidery shop was several times better than before. Business is good, there are more stocks, and the embroidered mothers are more than many people. Anshi and the room in the backyard where I wanted to live in the room have already been filled up by the goods and newcomers, and I want to go back to Beijing where there is no serious place.

Feng Yu took care of her and received her from the royal palace. The girl was very embarrassed to say: "I thought about speaking to my second sister. I went to the county government to live, or went to Yaofu to disturb. On the day, I’m going to go back to the New Year’s Eve.” While talking about the four emperors, Xuan Tian, ​​who was riding on the horse, said: “You will go back to your Pingwang Mansion, remember the New Year. Come to the Royal Palace to send the ceremony."

Xuantian sat on the horse's back and stunned and said: "The old nine is my brother. Even if he wants to send the ceremony, he should send it to me! Who heard that his brother gave a gift to his brother?"

Feng Yuxi only felt that she was very happy to see the two together, and her three sisters, who have always been alive, will show a brave side in front of the four emperors. This makes her feel very comfortable, so she said: "Four brothers are right, even if you want to send the annual ceremony, it is also the Royal Palace to send to Ping Wangfu."

Xuan Tianyi was very satisfied with Feng Yu's words, and nodded again and again, but did not look forward to rushing Feng Yu Yu's hand to hold the fist: "Younger brother, long time no see! The fourth brother is to listen to your words, neat, and clear things." Finished, I don’t want to look at it again, and sighed: "Not like my little master, it’s really... oil and salt don’t come in!" He said that when the oil and salt did not enter, he almost bit his teeth, Feng Yu Understand that, in the months of Ji’an County, I’m not sure how to give people a good face.

"I mean let you give me gifts!" Didn't wait for Feng Yu to open his mouth again, and he took the words and said, "When the New Year is over, shouldn't you honor Master? You can't be so conscienceless, you can't be so conscience. In the past few months, Anjun has taught you how much skill you have. You have to show something. As for who you are going to give to you, and you are the one between you, I can’t control it. OK, Go back! Don't stand here, it's eye-catching, our sisters have to talk too!"

Xuan Tianyi reluctantly spread his hand and yelled at Feng Yu: "You see me, brother and sister, this is what I am used to! It is usually too straight to her, this temper is growing, you don't know, in the economy When I was in An County, I dared to take my ankles. You said that I am also a prince, but in front of her, it would be like the three grandchildren. Hey! Life!" Xuantian said, sighed and hugged. Hushou boxing: "But since the young master has been sent back safely and handed over to the younger siblings, I will be relieved. Let your sisters talk about it! I will go back to the government, what is the ceremony, and a few days later. I sent it." After reading it, I looked at it again. I didn't feel relieved. "You have to know something about living in the nine-sister house. You can't find trouble for others. Do you know? I will pick it up in the sixth day. You, let's go back together."

I want to take a nap, airway: "The sixth day is my own back, what are you doing?"

"Nature is to protect you!" Xuantian said that he was taken for granted. "Just like a master, if you are robbed, who do I study with, right?"

Feng Yuxi is very happy to watch the two quarrels. In her opinion, this is called life. If everything is fine, she will be happy to look at the loved ones around her every day, so that everyone can live together happily. , thriving. However, the world is always not a wish, she has a peace and peace of mind, but has no choice but to succumb to this chaotic political situation, and stirred up in such a complex living environment, in addition to head-on, there is no choice.

She said to Xuantian: "There have been some changes in Beijing recently. The fourth brother should also be able to hear some. I can’t tell you the specifics. In short, since I am back, I will go to the palace to ask the father to ask you, you want Everything that I know can be seen." Although she is a younger sibling, she always thinks that she is a blind man, even if she is a few years older than Xuantian, she has to calm down in Feng Yu. I lost the battle.

He nodded and said: "I know, I will go to the father to ask for peace tomorrow." Then he said to him, "I am gone. If you have something, feel free to go to Pingwang to find me."

Finally, the person was sent away, and the face on the face was not optimistic when I was bickering. She asked Feng Yuxi: "What happened in Jingli? Why did the person of Pingwang House send a letter to the day? To Xuantian’s hand, his face was getting worse and worse, but I asked him if he refused to say it.

Feng Yuqi took the opportunity to enter the court, and then told the next person to pick up the carriage and the things he brought back, and let Mrs. Zhou open a guesthouse to give it up. Go back to my room. When the two of them sat down, they also went to the tea, and they also eased their breath. She said, "I didn't want you to come back, but when I was busy, I forgot to write the letter. But you will return. Come back, there are some things happening in Jingli, but they are not involved in you. You can live in a big year with peace of mind, and then go back to Ji’an County."

"Is it necessary to change in the palace?" I also have some guesses about myself. "I agree, if anything else, Xuantian will not be nervous and anxious. If you want to go, there is only a palace." What happened to the Eight Emperors?"

Feng Yu looked at the room and thought that it was really fast. When she first came, she thought that she was still a child. She stood with two ball heads and a white pheasant. Smaller. At that time, I didn’t have any idea of ​​my own thoughts. I was blindly timid, afraid of Feng Yuyuan, afraid of Shen’s, afraid of the old lady, and afraid of her. She was afraid of people in Fengfu. Every day, she walked down with her head. Who is walking? Do not dare to provoke. However, it is true that I want to be close to her. She has done a lot of efforts to change this sister, but now it seems that the transformation of her own thinking is still less than the years, not even mysterious.

I have been growing up for four years. I want to grow up. I know that thinking about problem analysis is no longer the same as before. I dare to bicker with the emperor. This is something that she could not imagine before.

Seeing that the second sister has been staring at herself for nothing, she couldn’t help but wipe her face and ask: "What happened? Why did the second sister always look at it like this?"

Feng Yu smiled and pinched her face and sighed: "The little girl who has been behind me has finally grown up. The second sister is happy, happy for you!"

However, she was not happy at all. She said to Feng Yuxi: "In fact, I don't want to grow up. When I was young, I hope I can grow up. I can be as powerful as my second sister. I don't have to stand behind my second sister. You are dragging your legs. But now... I hope that I can always stand behind the second sister. I don’t want to think about anything. I don’t bother to worry about it. No matter how windy or rainy, there are always two sisters blocking me. How good is that life. Unfortunately, I can't go back." The more she said, the more she fell, and gradually, she lowered her head.

“Are you not happy?” Feng Yu asked her. “There is a free and independent life like Ji’an County. There are people like Four Emperors who are with you. The second sister thinks you are happy.”

I want to look up, very anxiously said to Feng Yuxi: "I am happy in free and independent life, I like it in Ji'an County, but the second sister, we always look forward to one day to get rid of Fengfu. I can be the master’s own destiny, no longer in the control of Fengfu. But when I am truly independent, when my second sister leaves Ji’an County, I want to be able to go back, even if I’m intriguing, at least everyone is still together. She looked at Feng Yuxi and wanted to express her feelings as much as possible, especially for the four emperors. She said: "I used to think that when I saw the seven halls many years ago, it was a little less. I’m crazy about things, I think that when I grow up, I will give up slowly. I even try to accept Xuantian in the past and want to force myself to like him. But the second sister, I can’t do it, whenever I know more and more When Scorpio thinks about me, I also become more and more aware that I already have a person in my heart, and I can't accommodate the second one."

The more she said, the smaller the sound, and at the end, the head went down again. When I mentioned Xuantianhua, I wanted to give birth to an irresistible humble.

Feng Yuqi did not know how to persuade for a time. The hardest thing to persuade in the world is the emotional thing, because you know where to advise is the right thing, it is better. She thinks that Xuantian is suitable for thinking, but the person who wants to live together is not her own. The party is uncomfortable and dislikes. She said that it is more demanding. Just after listening to the thoughts, it is a pity to say: "The four emperors are very good for you."

I thought of it but returned her: "The seven sisters are also very good for the second sister." In a word, completely blocked the mouth of Feng Yu.

Yes! Xuantianhua is also very good to treat her, but unfortunately, she has a mysterious heaven in her heart, and can no longer accommodate other people. Even if it is the same as the world, it is not a good match for her.

"But it." She asked for a piece of broken hair, whispered: "The matter of feelings is ultimately to be the master, you have grown up, the 14-year-old girl, next year will be awkward, some things are not used I said you will understand."

Here, the two sisters Feng Yuxi talked about their feelings, while on the other side, the four emperors Xuantian Tian did not have the patience to wait until tomorrow to go to the palace to see Emperor Wu of the Emperor, separated from the sisters in front of the royal palace, and went straight to The palace has gone...

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