Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1029: Can't let him live forever

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Yunxiao’s enthusiasm for these embroidered pieces made the nerves that seemed to be tight and relaxed. What is this stuff? How can there be a feeling of possession of Xuantian? When the guy first saw these novel embroidered pieces, he said the same thing.

So I wanted to take the initiative to take up the explanation. She told Yunxiao: "The paintings are embroidered with European-style garden buildings. These houses are different from ours. They are not made of wood, they are built of stone. There is also the following one. The embroidered on it is a personal belonging, named Mona Lisa, a foreigner."

"Foreigners?" Yunxiao thought for a moment, "Thousands of weeks? Ancient 蜀? These foreigners?"

I want to shake my head. "Not so close, it is a foreigner far away from us. It is on the other side of the sea." After that, he looked at Feng Yu and said: "These styles are provided by the second sister. I thought it should be seen from her Persian master?"

"Yes! It is seen from there." This is Feng Yuxi's explanation to everyone. "On the other side of the sea, people's long images are different from us. The architectural style is different from ours. We are different. I have never been there, and all the masters told me to listen to them. Even these pictures were originally left for me. Today I said that I would like to see my mother, and I feel that I have not been able to The gift that comes up with the hand is sent, and the daughter-in-law will let her bring the embroidery, and she will give her mother a boring and look fresh."

"Well." Yunxiao nodded. "It's quite fresh." After he finished, he looked up and stared at him for a long time. Suddenly he came up with a sentence: "It's a good boy, but a good boy is not blind. Shrinking behind others. If you like our family, then go chase! Sometimes girls don’t have any problems with their initiative. Don’t learn the embroidered pillows that are only worthy. Nothing. You see your second sister, Was it not too active when we were good with us?"

Have it? Feng Yu’s support, is it that the guy is active? She is not too reserved, but it seems that she is really not up to the initiative! But she is really weird. "How do mothers know that they like Seven Brothers?"

"The fool can't see it." Yunxiao came back to the big-eyed "Heavenly Brother". He even raised his legs. She pointed to Feng Yuyu and said, "Look at you and see if you come in." A peach face, a small face red, and a brow with a smile, how to look is a shy girl to see the lover of the spring girl. But this spring can not always come to me? Can not be directed at you! Then there is only one Kind of possibility - she is looking at Huaer."

"Oh." Feng Yu nodded. "The mother-in-law observation is really small."

I want to listen to these two people talking about such a shameful thing when she does not exist. I really hate to find a place to sneak in! At the same time, she also refreshed her understanding of the existence of Yunxiao. Is this the end of the palace? Why is there always a feeling of being with the Xuantian songs? It’s hard to be a person who has been with her two sisters. Is this kind of temper?

"Hey!" Just thinking, I heard a sigh from the head of Yunxiao, faintly said: "There are many things in Beijing recently, and Huaer can’t eat all the time. Three hoes, since you came, don’t be white. It’s all secondary to run a trip and give me something. The most important thing is that you have to give your sweetheart a wait. Will you make a snack?”

If I want to let me nod, I will listen to Yunxiao and say: "Is still sitting here doing cognac? Although I am his mother, but this kind of thing, I can’t control it, I have to be willing to do it myself. So Ah, it’s really useless to work with me here. It’s better to go to the kitchen to study and research, to make some delicious snacks for Hua Er, to solve his stomach, you can get his heart Ah! Do you understand?"

I want to hear the mouth and straight, how can I have a feeling of selling a child? Did Yunxiao sell the Seven Emperors? But it sells well! I want to sigh, although it is a vulgar point to send snacks, but at least... at least the family does not exclude themselves! Some small excitement in her heart, quickly got up and saluted, said: "Thank you for the clouds." Then turned and went out.

Feng Yu is sighing in the end or the temperament of Yunxiao is more likely to affect people, and I want to be able to restore the look of Xuan Tianyi with Yunxiao. At this time, I listened to Yunxiao and added another sentence: "Don't be too sweet! Huaer doesn't like to eat sweet, I don't like to eat sweet!"

Feng Yuyu once again paid the amount, "Mother, are you wanting to eat, or do you want to eat?"

"Everyone has to eat!" Yunxiao patted her back: "Before the dinner is still early, you have to eat some sly. I think your three sisters are very good, the surface looks timid, but actually The potential for discovering is still quite big. The temper of Huaer is that he needs such a person to be around, affecting him more and affecting him."

"But I want to see the Seven Brothers, I will be embarrassed." Feng Yu told the truth, "When it is with the four halls, the **** is more lively." In the end, she still feels like to follow Xuantian More appropriate, after all, who can make their sister happy, her sister is really looking at it.

I can't think so, she said: "The reason why I saw Huaer is because she doesn't often see Huaer, she can't see it all the time. If she sees it, she won't be nervous! If she sees it every day, I’m used to it,” she said, and looked at Feng Yu’s eyes again. He smiled. “But you and the two children didn’t meet each other very often, but they didn’t see anything shy about you here. The expression of the class!"

Feng Yuyu wants to turn his eyes, and reluctantly called, "Female."

"Okay, I understand, you are more generous than the three-headed girl. My son is also a thick-faced one. Would you say that you are a perfect match? Just like Huaer, if I don't help him again, Zhang Luo, I am really afraid that he will be single in his life, and how hard it will be in that day."

Feng Yu thinks, generous? Just say that her face is big! However, she did not care about the cloud, she already knew how the cloud is a personality, just like Tianwu Emperor. In the palace, it is like a noble, and once it is out of the palace, it will be revealed. Many wonderful words can be said, and many strange things are also done, she should have been eccentric. If you think about it, if you are facing a mother-in-law like Yunxiao, it would be a good thing to want to marry the Seven Emperors. At least this relationship between the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law can be very harmonious.

Facts have proved that the brain hole of Yunxiao is really big, just in the time of Feng Yu’s god, she suddenly came up with a sentence: "Oh! If she and Huaer really become, then she and you will be Calling my sister, or are you calling her a nephew?"

"Mother, don't you change the subject?" Feng Yuxi listened a little scared, which is too far away? However, she also had a big brain, and then she thought that even if she didn’t want to be with Xuan Tianhua, but with the fourth child, it seems that this problem still exists...

Yunxiao also felt that he thought it was a bit far away, so he waved his hand. "But it, look at their own creations! I just want more people around me, life is full of fun, I don't have to think about those all day." Huaer, his mother-in-law went early, when I was so anxious about the women and children of the mysterious war, but the child of Huaer was born with a momentum that people could not be bored and refused. From the first sight, I was destined to raise him as a pro-son. But I have raised a **** now, and if he wants to live forever, my heart will be uneasy."

"In fact, a person is also very good." Feng Yu urged Yunxiao, "not everyone needs a partner."

Yunxiao shook his head. "That's not the same." He said, looking at Feng Yuyu, his face was serious. "If Huaer can't look at it, one mind must put that scent to death, and I don't care about him." However, he clearly has the ability to let people down, I can't see him alone for the sake of that person. I say, you can understand?"

Feng Yu’s heart trembled and quickly nodded. “Auntie knows, but Aunt’s heart can only accommodate the next person, nothing more.” This is the first time Yunxiao has mentioned this seriously. Things, Xuan Tianhua's thoughts on her, she can see that Yunxiao is not a fool, and naturally can be seen, but Yunxiao never seriously said that most of the jokes, but it does not mean that people do not make a total.

Feng Yu, Zhao Qing, fortunately stood up firmly, such a savvy mother-in-law, she even had a slight swing, afraid that she would commit the other party’s taboos? Of course, once she swayed, Xuan Tianming should not be.

"Don't say this." Yunxiao took the initiative to open the topic, but his face did not ease, and he took the initiative to raise a topic about 蛊 with Feng Yu. She said: "I thought about it recently. I used to have a Yi people in the stockade where I lived. At that time, I was still young, seven or eight years old, I remember that it was a woman, but I couldn’t remember it. I can only remember that she has a lot of silver ornaments hanging on her body, and there are bells on her feet. It’s very nice to walk along the road. It’s very nice how she came to the stockade. Anyway, it’s in the owner. I agreed to live down, and slowly became affectionate to a young man in the stockade. The two were very good for a while, and later I heard that the woman wanted the young man to go with her and return to Miao Village. The young man disagreed, the two had a fight, and the young man broke up. The girl did not say anything, but committed suicide at night. The next day, the young man died inexplicably, and his death was bizarre and his belly was bulging. Suddenly it broke open and there were a lot of bugs crawling inside."

Yunxiao said while vigorously recalling, "The worms are alive when they crawl out of their stomachs, but they soon die. People also found the worms on the woman's body, but not from the belly. I drilled it out, but I got it out in my mouth. I was very scared and disgusting at the time. Some people in the stockade said that they were afraid that they would enter the mountains and be bitten by poisonous insects. This became like that. But there are also people. It is impossible to bite the poisonous insects, because the people in our village are not afraid of the insects in the mountains. Everyone has smoked a spice all day since they were born. When they grow up, they bring their own taste. No mosquitoes will bite. For the reason of the death of these two people, in the end, the old owner gave the answer. He said that it is a heart."

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