Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1030: Xuan Tianhua's request

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Yunxiao said a heartfelt heart, and said that Feng Yuxi also thought of a result, which is why she was afraid to start with Yuan Shuzhen or the Eight Emperors. If Tianwu Emperor is only poisoned, or just ordinary cockroaches, or like the kind of worms in Lu Ping, they can be saved only by raising a scorpion, and she will not hesitate to kill each other, even if it is wrongly killed. Excuse me. But what she is afraid of is this kind of heart.

Yunxiao’s words are still going on. She said: “The old village owner has solved the confusion for the people in the stockade. Let us know that there are two ways to do this kind of thing, one is unilateral will, the next curse is confusing. The woman's unrequited love man gave the man such a shackle. Once the man finally did not stay with her or changed his mind in the middle, it would be equivalent to being hacked, and she would be countered and the curse would die. Another is that both sides agree that the death of love will fall, but once one party becomes guilty, then both people will die. The old village owner looked at the bodies of two people at the time, asserting that this is obviously using the second type. The method, with the consent of both people, has left a double heart."

When she finished, she looked at Feng Yuxi and said her own guess. "I don't believe that the mysterious war will make people feel like this, but if the other person wants to do this, then it is possible to try everything." Various methods, such as..."

"For example, first use a method to make the father of the illusion, let the father think that Yuan Shuzhen is the mother, you can easily make this kind of heart." This is the analysis of Feng Yuxi, and she The words also have their own reasons. "The production of this illusion is not difficult at all. I don't know if there is such a sorcerer, but at least I can use medical methods to create corresponding illusions. The process is not complicated."

Yunxiao nodded. "I think so too, so..."

"So Yuan Shuzhen and the Eight Emperors can't die, because we can't be sure who is this, who raised it." She said that in the end, there is only helplessness. After all, there is no change, everything is just them. Unilateral speculation, although this kind of speculation is likely to be infinitely close to the facts, but the fact that one day is not in the hands, it is that people can't let go of the day. Nowadays, it is necessary to keep Yuan Shuzhen and Lao Ba not to die. It is really that her teeth are itchy. You know, her brother can still be in the palace!

Feng Yuxi talked with Yunxiao, talking about the heart from the things he wanted, and later said that he hoped that Feng Yu could find a way to steal the white tiger from the Moon Palace. She was jealous. Wang Fu is really bored, so there is a boring person, Feng Yu 珩 answer.

And to try to accommodate it, a few delicate snacks have also gone out. Her craftsmanship was learned with An Shi. At that time, An Shi’s snack was a must. Yao’s favorite snack in Ang’s in Beijing was that he was later beaten by the heartfelt people and harmed Yao’s.

Today, I want to let this snack shine in the palace of the king. Just after the pot is removed, the sweet and sweet taste makes the people in the palace of the king smell the slobber, and even an old man said: "Comparatively The most famous dim sum shop in Jingli has to be fragrant, that is, I don’t know how it compares to the Imperial House in the palace."

I was embarrassed to say that I was embarrassed, and even said: "Where is the slogan, there are some small crafts that can’t be used on the countertop. If you eat it on the weekdays, how can you compare it with the Imperial Palace in the palace?"

"That's not necessarily!" There was another cook talking on the side. "The slaves remember that they also enjoyed the snacks from the former palace to our house. Although we haven't eaten them, we still saw them. Although they are more sophisticated. But the smell is not as good as Miss San. Miss San, such a delicious snack, our Highness must like it."

I was told that my face was red, and I quickly took out the snacks and put them in the food box. I left in a hurry. Only leave a good laugh in the kitchen. Everyone knows that this is a good match for the Yunxiao Empress to choose the Seven Halls. Although it was once a prostitute in Fengfuli, now Fengfu has fallen to this point, and it is worse in terms of identity. But the most powerful thing about this Miss San is that there is another identity: Yu Wang’s sister. This identity can be too valuable, and there is a royal prince in the cover, who would dare not treat this Miss Feng San as a guest? Haven't heard of it, the four emperors have also raised this high! I don’t know if Miss Feng San has the blessing to go to the place with the Seventh Hall.

When I came out of the kitchen, I immediately became worried. She didn't know where Xuantian was! Yunxiao only mentioned that she would send her a snack to Xuan Tianhua. It is so big that the palace is so big. Although she has been here, it is just a touch of the tip of the iceberg. Where can she let her go to find someone?

Fortunately, there are many people in the palace, and they are very kind. She turned around and inquired. Finally, there was a little sister who told her: "In the pavilion of the backyard, the three ladies walked along this path and bypassed. You can see the individual lake in a bamboo forest. There is a bridge directly to the lake by the lake. You can see the seven halls in the pavilion."

I want to thank you, and took the food box and hurriedly went in that direction. After about a quarter of an hour, I finally saw the artificial lake. A long stone bridge led to the lake and connected with a pavilion. Sure enough, a famous man was sitting sideways in front of her, and it was plain and white. The snow that has just been lightly raised is like a fairy in the painting.

I was a little embarrassed and suddenly felt that I should not destroy such beauty at this time. Xuan Tianhua is equipped with such a lake heart pavilion, and with such light snow, the beautiful is like a painting. In the painting, the immortal people quietly go down and sit alone. How can they allow the mortal family to go forward and harass?

She shouldn't think about it... The hand holding the food box is tight again, and the square's food box handles her hand, but she still can't relax. She is thinking that there are too many people in the world who like the Seven Emperors. Is everyone like her? When I can’t see it, I’m worried about it, but I’m not daring to go forward? A woman’s heart is a secret promise, is it a **** to take a step forward, or is it a flower?

In the end, there is still no courage to move forward one step further! I want to say a bit of sigh, silently turn around, I want to go, but at the moment I turned around, I saw the person in the pavilion twitching a little, and my eyes went straight to her side and explored her panicked eyes. And the chaotic heart.

I couldn't tell if I should move forward or not, but I saw that the people in the pavilion were waving at her gently. It was like a spirit, so that she didn't realize that her footsteps were already Moving forward. When I finally came back to God, I had already walked through the stone bridge, came to the pavilion, and stood opposite Xuantianhua.

I want to let a spirit, and quickly leaned over, but listened to Xuan Tianhua: "I am not a devil eating, how do you look so afraid of me?" While talking about taking the initiative to get up, I want to hold it The food box was picked up and opened again. Some of the cool snacks were still scented. Even Xuan Tianhua couldn’t help but praise: "It’s a good craft."

She groaned and subconsciously asked: "How does the Seventh Temple know what I did?"

Xuan Tianhua laughed. "If it wasn't for you, why did you bring it with a food box? Isn't it better to have a next person?" He looked at it, and he was a little embarrassed. He said: "Even if you are so big." I remember that I was just like you when I saw you." He reached out to the height of his hand. It was just ten years old, but he thought it was twelve years old. The two sisters came in intertwined, even though Xuan Tianhua, like a fairy, was lost in a time.

When I think of it, I feel that I am humble in front of Xuan Tianhua, and I hate to find a place to sneak in. I think that I don’t deserve to stand in front of this person, it will damage this painting. Xuan Tianhua said to her: "Sit down, stand up and do something, I will talk to you and look up." After that, he even solved the cloak behind him and placed it on the opposite chair. Some light snow, so sitting will not catch cold."

I want to thank you for your kindness, and I feel that I am thankful that the two of them are so embarrassed that they are too embarrassed to sit down. Xuan Tianhua’s cloak also took her body temperature, and she let her face with red eyes.

However, Xuan Tianhua did not care about this. Instead, he reached out and handed it a piece of cake and gave it to her. After she took it, he also took a break and took a bite. He said about Beijing. situation.

This is the first time I want to hear the things in Beijing so complete. Although Feng Yuxi also talked to her, but it is not careful, most of the words have been taken, for the changes of the Emperor Wu of the Palace, and Yuan For the first time, Shu Shu and the Eight Emperors were so favored.

The more direct it is, the more shocked it is. I can’t think of it completely. Why did Tianwu Emperor suddenly become like this? Why does Yuan Shuzhen suddenly be favored? So that the seven emperors and the nine emperors had to take the clouds out of the palace so that they can rest assured?

Her doubts were written on her face. Xuan Tianhua couldn't give her an answer. She even told her: "We don't know why this is. Even if there are too many conjectures, it is just a guess. Check it out. For so long, there is still no result." He looked at the thought, and said to the heart: "You should not come back, Beijing is dangerous."

I wanted to shake my head in silence, and the tension at the beginning was faded. The whole person sank into the situation of the big environment in Beijing. She said to Xuan Tianhua: "The second sister also said that I should not come back, but I feel that it is right to choose to come back. You can't avoid the problems you can face. I am the child of Fengjia, Ji'an. The sister of the county lord, blindly retreating to live under the blessing of her sister, is not what I really want. Although I can't help you when I come back, at least the second sister has to be accompanied by a person, not alone. ”

Xuan Tianhua raised a smile and said: "Now your brother-in-law is here."

"That's not the same." I want to tell him: "The brother-in-law is not the same as the sister. The specifics are different. I also say it is not good. It is a feeling. After all, my sister represents a blood relative."

Xuan Tianhua looked at the child's face and seriously said what he thought in his heart. The two eyebrows that were picked up from time to time and the way Feng Yuyu thought about the problem, could not help but sigh. He asked to say: "You live in the royal palace now?"

I want to nod. "I originally wanted to live there at the embroidered shop, but the second sister said that there is no place to live there. I must live with her."

Xuan Tianhua thought about it, but said something that made him want to be shocked and stunned: "It's better to stay in the palace!"

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