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Tianwu Emperor tried hard to remember the past. His expression was very serious. The more serious he was, the more he was hurting. He finally put down the hand of Yuan Shuzhen and began to squat with his head.

Yuan Shuzhen is most afraid of this. Tianwu Emperor always has a headache when he drills a horn. This is the aftermath of her secret movement. It is also a mistake that has not yet been thought of as the best solution. Seeing that Emperor Wu of Heaven was trapped in the memories of the past, Yuan Shuzheng quickly gave the Eight Emperors a look. The Eight Emperors took the heart and quickly took the glass to the Emperor Wu of Heaven: "Father, you will taste this wine again." This was the secret of the children who were buried in the palace when they were ten years old. They waited for many years to open the altar and invited the father to taste it."

Xuantianmo successfully turned his attention back with the love of Tianwu Emperor's alcoholism. When he heard the wine, it was buried in the days when Xuantian was ten years old. The person who was still desperately remembering the moment ago When I lifted my head up, I didn’t feel any pain. I rushed and asked, “Is it buried for more than ten years?”

Xuantian ink nodded, "It is true. Although there are more Tibetan wines in the palace, it has been for hundreds of years, but this altar is carefully prepared by the children. The taste is pure and delicious, and the father is good. ""

Emperor Tianwu could not afford such a temptation, and immediately gave the topic of "How did the New Year's Eve" to the past, and drank it with Xuantianmo. Yuan Shuzhen’s head was also relieved, but her heart was secretly anxious. I don’t know when it would allow Tianwu Emperor to completely abandon the past and no longer make such a headache, which made her feel scared.

After a few glasses of wine, Tianwu Emperor praised the wine with great pain, and then took Yuan Shuzheng and said: "Tomorrow is the first day. There is a palace feast at night. You will publicly declare you as a nobleman at the palace feast. It’s too hard for love to be in the palace for so many years, and to fight for the old life to make up for the debts of more than 20 years.” Then he whispered: “How can you bear for twenty years without seeing it? What about you? Really damn!"

"The emperor has to say something like this!" Yuan Shuzheng quickly smothered the mouth of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and sighed: "As long as the emperor can remember the courtiers, we will not mention the past. Not to mention the emperor. There is no disappointment to the courtiers, at least to the courtiers a son, and the courtiers have children under the knees, everything is content."

"Yeah! There are our sons." Tianwu Emperor looked at Xuan Tianmo and said: "In the next two years, I should have established a prince. I am all this age. I am afraid that I will not live for a few years. When you are alive, leave this emperor's name to our ink, just don't let other brothers bully him."

Xuan Tianmo said with a smile: "The father and the courtiers don't want the throne. As long as the father is healthy, our family is better than anything. The throne is the thing outside the body. If you get the throne, you have to lose the father. For the price of the emperor, the children are absolutely not!"

Tianwu Emperor moved and sighed: "It's a good boy, it's a good boy! If the children are like Moh, how good!" He said, and his look began again. After a burst of trouble, I always felt that there was something wrong with me. I couldn’t think of anything wrong at the moment, so I subconsciously called out: "Xiaoyuanzi! Where did you die?"

This voice almost did not call out the soul of Yuan Shuzhen, and then the person who stalked back and forth was the **** Wu Ying, and the heart began to faintly worry that it was going to be an accident tonight.

Wu Ying stood by Tianwu Emperor and respected the words. Tianwu Emperor looked at him with a few strangers. He even asked: "Where are you from the slaves? What about the little distant children who don't know how to be tall?"

Wu Ying looked at Yuan Shuzheng and saw that Yuan Shuzheng did not have any special instructions. So he bluntly confessed the truth: "Zhang Yuangong made a mistake and was sent to the sin slave by the emperor ten days ago. The emperor forgot. What?"

Tianwu Emperor stunned, "Would you take Xiaoyuanzi to the sin slave? Strange, when did you rush to go to the sin slave? How could you rush him to that place? You have not said that sin slaves Can the Secretary eat people? Then why would you let Xiaoyuanzi go?" Tianwu was in a panic, and he even looked at Yuan Shuzhen, with a question in his eyes.

Yuan Shuzhen’s heart was “squeaky”, but he could only say with a hard scalp: “The time when Yuan Gonggong really provoked the emperor’s anger, the courtiers also persuaded, but did not persuade the emperor. If the emperor wants to repent, If you want to return to the public, it’s easy. It’s just a matter of calling someone back. Today’s big, the emperor still doesn’t want to think about those bad things, happy new year, new year. Only then can the weather be smooth."

As she fell, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers sounded very loud. Xuantianmo quickly stood up and went to Futian Wudi, and said: "The fireworks, the father, let's go and see!"

Tianwu Emperor nodded and walked outside the hall with the help of Xuantian Mo and Yuan Shuzhen. He just muttered and said with a smile: "I have recently become more and more bad, in the end. When did you send Xiaoyuanzi away?"

Listening to the words of Emperor Wu of Heaven, Xuan Tianmo and Yuan Shuzhen both had concerns in their hearts, but there is no way at the moment, but they can only use his immediate attention to divert his attention. For example, fireworks, for example, the eight beautiful emperors described him to the beautiful rivers and mountains, as well as their own Lingyun ambition.

However, the fireworks did not look a little longer, and the good words did not listen for too long. Tianwu Emperor suddenly sneezed a few times in a row, and the nose sucked a few times - a cold.

In ancient times, the cold was called cold, and the more serious was called typhoid fever. Seeing that Emperor Wu of Heaven had sneezed, Yuan Shuzhen did not dare to let him stand in this ice and snow for too long, and quickly joined Xuantian Mo to help people back to the temple. But the spirit of Emperor Wu of Heaven came up, and suddenly there was a sudden cold, and the head was a burst of pain. The sneezes were also beaten one by one. Yuan Shuzheng couldn’t do this at first sight. In desperation, he had to declare a doctor.

The doctors came to diagnose the pulse, and the diagnosis results were nothing more than typhoid fever. However, Tianwu Emperor was older, and this body was weaker every time he was sick. It was like a big hand of a disease, and his body was hollowed out again and again. In addition, this time I drank the wine again, the doctors sighed directly, and even more people said: "To cure the emperor's disease, it is best to ask Yu Wang or Yao Xian to enter the palace. If you only use traditional medicine, you will be afraid. After the cure, the emperor’s body will have to lose too much."

Where can Yuan Shushu and Bahuangzi be willing to let Feng Yu enter the palace to give the Emperor Wu of the disease, and the doctors can only do their best to make Tianwu Emperor get better soon.

Tianwu typhoid, this disease is extraordinary, he offered to let the Queen come to the Zhaohe Temple to serve the disease, and then said to Yuan Shuzhen: "Love 妃 soon leave the inner hall, you can not pass the sickness, this harem And the former dynasty still counts on you and Moh? You can rest assured that you will be better, you will never delay the Ming Palace feast, and will not delay you as a noble."

Yuan Shuzheng opened his tears and refused to leave. She said: "Chen Chen is not afraid of illness, and the courtiers do not expect anything expensive. Just let the courtiers stay with the emperor at all times. Just guarding here."

"No." Tianwu Emperor resolutely shook his head. "The position of the nobles is the promise of you. This thing has been waiting for so long, and you must do it for tomorrow! So love you, you have to obey, you should be good." Keeping this harem, you can't fall ill, do you know? There is Moh, you think about him, Moo is the best person in your heart, you have to look at Moo!"

When Emperor Wu of Heaven said this, Yuan Shuzhen couldn’t say anything. He could only retreat to the outer hall in the resolute eyes of Emperor Wu of Heaven. He did not leave, but stood in the outer hall for a while, until the queen came in with the maid. She went up to the ceremony and said: "The outside is cold, the emperor suddenly catches the cold, and personally ordered the name of the maiden to help the sick, then there is the Queen of the Emperor."

The Queen glanced at her, her face condensed, her head tilted slightly, and the mother of a country was full of momentum. "This palace is the queen, it is right for the emperor to be sick, and Shu Shu will return without it!"

Yuan Shuzhen nodded, but looked at the queen again, whispered: "Queen Empresses have to wait for the emperor, don't let the emperor's love, don't forget, there will be a palace feast tomorrow!"

The Queen has never loved to talk to this Yuan Shuzhen. The only person in the palace who dared to threaten her was Yuan Shuzhen. Now Yuan Shuzhen has to be pampered with this. She feels that it is superfluous to say more. Not to mention the benefits, but also suddenly the coercion and degeneration of this person. She stepped up to the inner hall, but she made a mistake in her heart. When she looked at Yuan Shuzhen, she was not happy that she came to serve the disease. But the emperor is now listening to Yuan Shuzhen’s words, if not Yuan Shuzhen Who will come when she comes? The emperor himself?

With all kinds of doubts, I walked into the inner hall of Zhaohe Temple and saw the first sight of Emperor Wu of Heaven. The Queen’s heart was “squeaky” and could not help but speed up. She went up and grasped the hand of Emperor Wu of Heaven and whispered: "How is the emperor's thinness like this?"

She hasn't seen Tianwu Emperor for a long time. Since Yuan Shuzhen was favored, she has never seen it. Although the Emperor Wudi did not go to the harem in the past, she is a queen, and she still has to meet the emperor every other than three. This time, I haven’t seen it for so many days. The martial arts have lost a lot of weight. Not only are people thin, but their eyes are also black. The whole child looks very embarrassed. This kind of embarrassment is not a typhoid can be brought quickly, and it is like a long-lasting hollow body, which makes her think of the Zhaohe Temple, Tianwu Emperor and Yuan Shuzhen's night and night.

The Queen’s face is not very good-looking. I want to persuade a few words, but I feel that it is inappropriate to say that. It sounds like the mother of a country is eating a vinegar of a scorpion. Not only does it lose its grace, but it also easily causes the Emperor Wu of Heaven. Bored. So, when I got to the mouth, I swallowed it again. I only got a sentence: "The emperor still has to supplement his body and make up his strength to strengthen himself."

Tianwu Emperor did not understand the Queen's words, and even he did not carefully ponder, only when the Queen was routinely cold and warm. So he waved his hand and said to the empress: "Hey is a little thinner, nothing. Not all said that he lost his spirit? It used to be too fat, and it is quite good now." After that, he held the Queen's hand and Glanced outside.

The Queen understood what he meant and took the initiative to speak to Wu Ying, the **** who was on the side of the dragon couch. "You all go down! There is something to say to the emperor."

Wu Ying looked at Tianwu Emperor and saw that Emperor Wu of Heaven did not object. Although he was reluctant, he had to listen to the Queen. So with a group of palace people out of the inner hall, followed by the Fang Yi also closed the door of the inner hall, and then stood at the door to guard.

The Queen then asked Tianwu: "Is the emperor wanting to say something to the courtier?"

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