Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1035: Once brilliant, it’s hard now

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Zhang Yuan knows that he has been with Tianwu Emperor in the past few years, but he has stopped a lot of enthusiasm for the emperor. Most of the blind people who want to use a bowl of soup to get close to the emperor are sent to him. Yuan Shuzhen has been stopped by him many times. Now that I have fallen into this field, I should have a lot of people who want to torture him? Counting a number... Forget it, I just can’t count it. He has that mind, it’s better to wash some clothes. The old emperor is also suffering now, then he will follow it together, can not continue to be willing, then do a good job.

Zhang Yuanjian believes that Emperor Wu of Heaven is suffering. Even in the daytime, I can often hear people say how much love the emperor and Yuan Shuzheng are, how much love they have for the Eight Emperors, and even say that they admire the emperor every day. Eight emperors countless times. The more people who sounded happy, the more Zhang Yuan decided that Tianwu Emperor was not willing. If it was not installed, the old emperor had a problem. The old emperor was too poor, and he couldn’t stay with him.

He wiped another tear and continued to wash clothes. The three people on the scene were still watching music. One of them kept throwing Zhang Yuan’s washed clothes on the ground and even stepped on his feet. Zhang Yuan saw it, didn't say anything, and came back silently until the man kept stepping on the clothes. He said, "These clothes are all the masters in the harem. Play. You can toss me, don't rush to these clothes."

"Hey! Are you still teaching people to come?" The sin slave who stepped on the clothes screamed and pointed at Zhang Yuan: "Do you think you are the red man next to the emperor? You thought that no matter who you are Respectfully, I will call you a far-reaching father? Don’t look at what kind of virtue you are now. People are sinful slaves. Who else can you teach?”

"Okay! Don't you let us step on the clothes? Then we will step on you! Come on, brothers, the **** supervisor who can only look up in the past can now be in front of us, let us take it, don't step on the white, don't step on it. !"

One sentence did not step on the white and did not step on, completely provoked the interest of the three people, so they raised their feet and greeted Zhang Yuan. Someone even yelled at the house in the yard and shouted: "Come out! Revenge on the weekdays, resentment with resentment, it is not easy for the **** supervisor to fall into our hands. Don't miss the opportunity. !"

Along with this scorpion, a large number of sin slaves emerged from the house. These monks are physically defiant, and they are not motivated by the master before, or they will be sent here if they make a mistake. One to two, the degree of metamorphosis in each heart is even stronger, so that when I hear such a good thing, I rushed out of the house like crazy, and regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the three people who followed the first hand also greeted Come over, punch and kick, and play a chapter far away and only shrink in the snow as much as possible to protect your head and face.

The pain on the body is nothing for Zhang Yuan. From the 30th board in front of the square outside the Zhaohe Hall, the pain is nothing. He has a belief that he only wants to save his life. As for beatings, or even if he is interrupted by his arms and legs, it doesn’t matter. He is a life-threatening one. The reason why he wants to live is nothing more than to look at the old emperor again. As long as he can take a look at the old emperor, he will die immediately, and he is willing.

The fists on the body are getting heavier and heavier, and many of them are still coming to his head. Even though Zhang Yuan is trying to protect his head, he will still be kicked. Gradually, he was a little dizzy, was beaten to lose his mind, and felt that he would not be able to survive. The old emperor floated out of his mind. The old emperor was drinking. The old emperor asked him to accompany him to the gate of the Moon Palace. The old emperor and the nine emperors were willing to raise their bars. The old emperor quarreled with him. There is also the old emperor secretly leaving him delicious, telling him that this dish is especially delicious today, I am not willing to eat it, leave half for you, Xiaoyuanzi you can remember to be grateful I. At other times, the old emperor's temper is very awkward. He doesn't just say that it is delicious for him. He only said that this thing is too ridiculous. He can't eat it at all, and Xiaoyuanzi will quickly eliminate them.

These pictures kept flashing in Zhang Yuan’s mind, and tears could not stop from the eyes. Gradually, the line of sight was blurred, and he was not aware that it was because of tears or because the brain had been kicked unclear. The screams of those people in the ear are slowly getting smaller, as if the pain in the body has also eased, it seems that no one is resting.

He felt that he must be dying and had an illusion. Otherwise, how could these people let him go so easily? Just a few days ago, even a large basin of cold water was poured on him, and then he was driven out of the house to freeze into ice. Later, if he was not afraid that he was really frozen, no one would let him enter the house.

Zhang Yuan still curled up on the ground with his head in his head, his body shivering, but his heart was thinking, if you don't die, you still have to wash those clothes tonight.

At this time, I heard a woman’s voice sounded, and screamed with sternness and coldness: “Who gave you the courage to bully people? It’s also a sin slave. What difference do you have with him? Why? Do you hurt your hands?"

Someone answered: "He doesn't wash clothes well."

"It’s not good to wash clothes. It’s also the responsibility of the sinner’s governor. When did you get it? When you were at your own side, you didn’t do good things and made a big mistake. Now they are sent to the sin slaves, but Still crazy, is this palace not tolerate you?"

Zhang Yuan listened to the voice of this speech, and he looked at it in a confused way. But seeing a woman dressed as a woman is standing in front of herself, fighting the sin slaves with one person, but letting those sinners one by one. Going low, the atmosphere is afraid to come out. His mind was kicked a little too clearly. When he glanced at it, he didn't recognize who the person was. At this time, Liu Gonggong, the governor of the sinner, hurried out of the house and went to the woman's official. And then quickly ceremonially said: "It turned out to be Aunt Fang Yi, this big, what is the wind blowing the Fangyi aunt?"

Zhang Yuan responded to this, oh, it was the Queen’s side.

I listened to the Fangyi’s cold voice and looked at Liu Gong’s fairness: “Which wind is not, you should not blow me in this place. I am today, according to the life of the Empress, to mention Zhang Yuan, but I didn't expect to enter the yard, I saw that you guys were not playing well. If it was killed and wounded, the Queen Mother asked, how do you say it?"

"This..." Liu Gonggong sighed, subconsciously asked the sentence: "Queen of the Empress? What is the Queen's wife's seal? What people are sent by the Emperor and Shusei Niangniang!"

"Why, now in your eyes, there is only one Shu Niang in the harem? I tell you, Shu Shu is a Shu Shu, she is climbing up the sky, and there is a queen on the top! You are single-minded The ground followed the Shu-Yi Niang, but now the harem does not allow her to be the master of one person. I really want to cover the sky with one hand, and I have to wait for the Eight Emperors to really sit on the throne."

"That is nature, it is nature, the queen is still the biggest in the harem." Liu Gonggong also knows that Fang Yi is right, and he does not follow it again. He only asks Fang Yi, "The Queen Empress wants to mention this chapter. Far, can you have a purpose? It’s not a slave who deliberately succumbs. It’s really no intention to sin a slave.

"There is no purpose." Fang Yi coldly said: "But there is a Fengpai of the Queen's Empress, you look at your eyes!" She said, she showed up the waistband of a queen in her hand and stood up. That Liu Gonggong’s eyes.

The man glanced down and quickly slammed down and said: "According to the life of the empress of the empress, Zhang Yuan was immediately taken away by his aunt." Seeing the Fengpai as the Queen, this is a well-known thing in the entire palace. Although Yuan Shuzhen is gaining momentum, Fang Yi is right. After all, the emperor is not abolished. Even if Yuan Shuzhen is turned over, there is still a queen on the top, and these sin slaves can not make it before the emperor.

When Fang Yi saw him release, he stopped talking and went forward to personally help Zhang Yuan. When he saw him shaking, he quickly asked, "Can you leave?"

Zhang Yuan also understood the reason of the incident. It was the queen who wanted to see him. He didn't know what the Queen meant, but based on his understanding of the palace for so many years and his understanding of the Queen, he could think that this was not the Queen's desire to see him. It should be the Emperor Wu of Heaven. The Queen has always been the best spokesperson for the emperor. She talks about the eyes of Emperor Wu of Heaven. She basically has no opinion of her own. Now she suddenly comes to see him. It should be the old emperor.

Zhang Yuan was very excited, and nodded again and again: "Can, can go, the slave is to climb out of the sin slave."

Fang Yi feels that Zhang Yuan is not very optimistic. Then he looks at his full-featured frostbite and blood. He can't help but wrinkle his eyebrows, and then he looks at Liu Gonggong: "Go find someone to lift the car seat, if When someone asked, it was said that it was the command of the Queen's maiden."

Liu Gonggong still dared to say more, and quickly went to work in person. After a while, he called several palace people to lift the soft chair and helped Fang Yi to take Zhang Yuan to the soft chair and sit until Fang. The instrument took the chapter away from it. He wiped his sweat and said to himself: "What is going on in the end? Is it difficult for the chapter to be revived? If Zhang Yuan’s resurgence, it would not mean Yuan Shuzhen. Is it going to lose power at that end? Will the change in the palace be so fast?"

Regardless of Liu Gonggong’s thoughts on this, Zhang Yuan was happy because he was away from the sin slave. Of course, this happiness is mostly because he can see the old emperor. This is his only wish now. He asked Fang Yi: "Is the emperor thinking of something? Is it clearer than in the past? Think of me?"

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly: "I don't know what happened. I only know that the emperor suddenly became ill. The doctors said it was typhoid fever. The emperor called the empress to the Zhaohe Hall and asked a question: he was Why did you drive you away?"

Zhang Yuan cried again. He felt that he was particularly uninterested, and he cried when he couldn’t move. But when he heard the old emperor’s questioning, he couldn’t help himself. He could only keep talking with Fang Yi: “I know that the emperor will not forget. I, I know that the emperor will wake up one day. It’s not the emperor’s willingness to be with Yuan Shuzhen. The stupidity of the head here will be exposed one day, and as long as I am alive, I can’t let Yuan Shu harm the emperor. !"

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