Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1036: Xiaoyuanzi! Awkward little distant child!

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Speaking of it, Zhang Yuan’s slogan is quite loud, but how can he prevent Yuan Shuzhen from harming Tianwu Emperor? This is still a difficult thing. However, Zhang Yuan also has his own method. At least he knows that as soon as he mentions the moon and the palace, the emperor will have a headache. It means that Yunxiao still has an important position in his heart, but he is given The means let him forget the cloud.

Zhang Yuan thought that if he could return to the Emperor Wu of Heaven, he must read the clouds several times a day, and one day the old emperor could think of it. As long as the old emperor remembered the sky, everything would be easy.

Zhang Yuan was brought to the Zhaohe Temple by Fang Yi. At this time, Yuan Shuzhen had already been sent back to the Shoushan Palace by Emperor Wu of Heaven. The Eight Emperors were not convenient to stay in the palace, but returned to the Sheng Wangfu. Zhang Yuan was helped by Fang Yi to enter the inner hall. He just heard the empress and said to Emperor Wu of Heaven: "If you really want to be lucky, you can't just come to Yuan Shushu. Is there not so many people in the harem? You are the emperor, you have to learn the rain and dew."

Today, Emperor Wudi can say a few words. He said to the Queen: "I don't know why I was so interested in Yuan Shuzhen suddenly, even I think she is good, how to look good, really.朕Now telling you this, my heart is very awkward, it’s awkward love! It’s not good to pay attention to other women in the back.

"Other woman?" The Queen shrugged. "Chen is your queen, the queen is a wife, and it becomes another woman in the mouth of the emperor. The courtier is still the same sentence, the emperor should think more, why do you think now? Such a good love, you have not heard about it for more than 20 years, and you don’t even want to look at it."

When she mentioned this, Tianwu Emperor had a little headache. The Queen turned his head and rushed to the Fangyi who came in and waved: "Hurry up, take Zhang Yuan away, and the emperor wants to see him!"

Upon hearing the words of Zhang Yuan, Tian Wudi’s headache was relieved immediately, and he quickly turned his head to look in the direction they came. But at this point of view, I was stunned again. I pointed to Zhang Yuan and asked the Queen: "Who is this? You are talking about Xiaoyuanzi, Zhang Yuan, who used to be with the eunuch." You got it. What is it?"

The Queen told him: "This is Zhang Yuan. As for why he made this look, the emperor should ask Yuan Shuzheng and ask her what kind of hands and feet in the sin slaves, so that a good person It’s not a ghost to make people.”

Tianwu Emperor stunned, and then he carefully went to kneel, until Zhang Yuanyu came to his bed, he suddenly cried, and reached out to touch Zhang Yuan’s face: "It’s Xiaoyuanzi! It’s really awkward. Son! Xiaoyuan Zi! How did you become this look? How thin is it like a ghost?"

Zhang Yuan also couldn't hold back. He cried in the bed of Tianwu Emperor, crying and shouting: "Is it true that you don't want to be a slave? If you don't want to be a slave, you can say that you want to throw the minion into that place. Ah? They beat me every day, let me do heavy work every day, and you see the hands of Xiaoyuanzi, they are almost abolished."

The queen took a slap in the mouth and looked at the two men for a while. She shook her head helplessly and left with Fang. Until the two went out of the hall, Fang Yi asked: "How did the goddess leave? Don't stay for a while? The emperor called you to help."

"Where is the sickness." The Queen sighed: "But I just want to use the hand of the palace to get the little **** out. He has been with the little **** for so many years, and the relationship with the little **** is better than who. It’s deep. Yeah, let him pick up the past, and the eight achievements can think of something. I think that Zhang Yuan is also holding a sigh of relief. It is best to have the yuan under his influence. Shu Shu was squeezed away from the emperor's side, saving the emperor from being inexplicably murdered by the six parents."

Emperor Tianwu did not recognize the six parents. He did not recognize the chapter and said that even the nine favorite sons he had most favored before did not recognize it. Zhang Yuanzhen gave Tianwu Emperor at the bedside to see his hands that were better than his chicken claws. He cried: "The slaves are not bullied in the sinners. They all say that the emperor should not be a slave. Killed."

Tianwu Emperor looked at Zhang Yuan’s hands, and the heart hurts! He shouted: "Which is the king's eight sons who dare to bully the little distant son? Xiaoyuanzi! When you are around, you are reluctant to call it, sometimes you are tired, you are all yourself. Pour tea, just to let you sneak a sigh for a while. How do the sinners at the end of the daring dare to do this to you? Also! Xiaoyuanzi, you tell 朕, who sent you to the sin slave Secretary? They all say that they are embarrassing ideas, even the empresses say so, but how can you not think of it? You have to make a big mistake to be so heart-wrenching? Is it difficult, you are uprising? I don’t want to be so angry! I remember that last year, in order to prevent you from drinking too much, you stole a dozen or so jars of good wine, and later I learned that I didn’t care about you. Born so angry?"

Zhang Yuan wiped a tear and succumbed to the ground: "I don't really remember the emperor? It was Yuan Shu's filth slave, saying that the slaves drove her back. She hanged in the Shoushan Palace and won the emperor's sympathy. At the same time, it also evoked the anger of the emperor. You are the emperor because of Yuan Shuzhen, the anger to send the slaves to the sin slaves."

"Because Yuan Shuzhen?" Tianwu Emperor tried hard to think back, and his head was faintly painful. He said, "I haven’t been so much lately, I always forget things, as if everything I did yesterday has forgotten..." Think again, and say: "Not all of them have been forgotten. The things about Yuan Ai and Moh are remembered very clearly. Yes, Minger is the first day, and I don’t know if I can Don't miss the first banquet of the first day, and you have to announce that Li Yuanshu is a nobleman at the palace banquet!"

Emperor Tianwu said with his own words, the east sentence was a sentence, and the front was still asking about Zhang Yuan’s affairs. Later, when he spoke, he went back to Yuan Shuzhen. He holds the hand of Zhang Yuan: "Small distant child, you don't know, Yuan Shuzhen is a caring person. These days can be accompanied by her being with her side. It is not a day." It’s not good to remember, the old saying is not to say anything, one person, once he can’t remember what day, the life will soon be over. It’s not good to remember, but it’s not a fool. This brain is confused, you said, can you still live for a few days?"

Zhang Yuan gave Yuan Shushu a bite to his hate. He wouldn’t have the skill, but he would have to rush to the Shoushan Palace to kill Yuan Shuzhen. He is not afraid of life, as long as the old emperor is good. But now, this is not seen in a few days, what is the old emperor? Zhang Yuan’s heart grievances, he said to Emperor Wu of Heaven: “I don’t want to say that in the emperor, what can live for a few days? The emperor is long lived! Long live know? The memory is not good, the thought is slow, the former Everything thinks about coming back. I am not afraid of illness. If the doctor in the palace is not able to go outside the palace, please don’t you have a royal king? What disease can not be seen in her hand! What are you afraid of?"

Tianwu Yishao, "Who is Wang Yu? Who is Yu Wanghao?" After that, he summed it up for a while, then returned to God: "Oh, Lao Jiu is Yu Wang, Yu Wang is his wife. I remember His wife and daughter are very good at doctors, but Shuai Ai does not seem to like her. Hey, don’t want to talk about love, not happy. Xiaoyuanzi, you don’t know, I’m counting on Yuan Shuzhen’s life, only When I see her, my feelings can be good, and I don’t understand that feeling."

"The slaves don't understand." Zhang Yuan really hated Yuan Shuzhen. "The slaves only remember that the people who used to be in the heart of the emperor were Yunsiang Niangniang. You have loved Yunxiao for more than 20 years. How suddenly did you change? This has changed too fast. In the emperor, can you still remember the maiden maiden of the Moon Palace?"

Zhang Yuan finally mentioned Yunxiao, and then he looked at Tianwu’s reaction with his eyes wide open, and he was expecting and worried. I am looking forward to mentioning what Yunxiao can remind him of, but also worried that Tianwu’s reaction will be too intense.

But this time it was disappointing. When Emperor Wu of Heaven heard the clouds, he only looked awkward for a while. He asked him: "Clouds? Moon Palace?" Then he shook his head. "No, I can't think of it. There are too many women in the palace. Now I only have Yuan Shuyi in my heart. Other people don't want to think about it. Can you understand?" I pointed to my own head. "Sometimes I want to have more headaches, so I have the same pain in the insects. I don't like it, so I just don't want to."

Zhang Yuan was lost for a while. He knew that it was not Tianwu who really forgot the clouds, nor did he mention that Yunwu Tianwu did not respond, but the old emperor chose not to think. He knew that it would be a headache, so he would not want to go. I want to filter it out automatically.

Zhang Yuan had no way to do it at one time. He could only lean on the bed and accompany Tianwu. He listened to the old emperor’s east sentence and muttered. Most of them were related to Yuan Shuzhen and the Eight Emperors. He did not like to listen. From time to time, I inserted a sentence, and the two men found the feeling of the past.

There is no secret in the palace. Especially in the state of the close palace of the Eight Emperors, the news that Zhang Yuan returned to the Zhaohe Temple soon spread to the Shushan Palace of Yuan Shuzhen. At that time, Yuan Shuzhen had changed her bedclothes and sat on the bed. Yuexiu was handing a bowl of **** swallows to her. When the embarrassing **** Rong really passed the news, she was so angry that a bowl of blood swallows were all buckled to the ground.

The return of Zhang Yuan gave Yuan Shuzhen a strong sense of crisis. She even felt that this thing was about to collapse, and the old emperor could not control it. Kelly really said that he immediately said: "Although the chapter went back, but the emperor still said that you are good, even if the Zhang Yuan mentioned the cloud, the emperor has no unexpected emotions."

"Oh?" Yuan Shuyi came to the spirit of this, and quickly asked: "Is there a headache when I mention the cloud?"

Rong really shook his head. "No, the niece is at ease."

“Is this palace really safe?” Yuan Shuzhen sighed and waved his hand, letting that singer really retreat, then huddled in the bed and whispered in his own words: “Don’t worry!” Head, suddenly to the moon show: "You go out first! This palace wants bubble bath soup, no need to wait."

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