Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1037: Late night secret

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I heard that Yuan Shuzhen had to bathe in this hour, and Yuexiu could not help but persuade the sentence: "It’s already half past ugly, the goddess should rest, and the palace feast will be held tomorrow!"

"I don't get in the way." Yuan Shuzheng waved his hand. "The palace feast has its own queen." She hosted the palace feast for so many years, but the experience is so much! I don't need to worry about this palace. The situation, after tomorrow night, the palace is a noble, from the queen is just a step away, the purpose is good, the palace is not a feast, what it is, the palace does not mind." She is right again Yuexiu said: "Go out, this palace bathing soup is not pleasant."

This is a problem that Yuan Shuzheng added only a short time ago. There was originally a dark cabinet in the sleeping room of the Sanchong Palace. It was the time when she lived in the life, and there was nothing else in the cabinet. It is a large bath, and Yuan Shuzhen occasionally takes a bubble bath soup inside. But in the past, I still had to serve people. But since the time of the Eight Emperors’ accident, she has had more rules. When bathing in soup, don’t let anyone serve, all of them must not be present, or even stay here. In the house.

Yuexiu does not understand why the master suddenly has such a rule, but the left and right is just a bath soup. Since the master likes a person, they are not convenient to bother. Therefore, whenever Yuan Shuzheng said that she wanted to bathe the soup, she would voluntarily quit and rushed away all the people in the house. She stayed alone outside the door, not before Yuan Shuzhen came out. Let anyone enter.

This is also the case today, and there are no more people in the temple. Yuan Shuzhen’s feet are barefoot. There is a dragon on the ground in her palace. It is not cold. She sees that she walks quickly to the corner of the screen. She gently pushes it on the wall. A dark cabinet appears immediately. She enters and waits. Turning the door of the dark cabinet back, the whole child fell into a hug, and a pair of big hands began to explore on her. Every drop was her most sensitive part, and she was transferred to Yuan Shuzhen. Soon it started. Hey.

"Wait a minute, the door is still not closed." Finally remember that the door of the dark cabinet was hidden, Yuan Shuzhen returned to close the door, but touched it several times without touching.

The man who hugged her whispered a sentence: "What are you afraid of? There is no other person in your temple. I still think that we are going out to be happy on your bed, always in a dull square space, very Not interested." The man said that he was going to open the door of the dark cabinet, and also took Yuan Shuzhen away.

Yuan Shuzhen was very scared and categorically refused: "No, absolutely not! Have you forgotten the things that I have told you about the ink? And the last time the Zhaohe Temple? Someone can be ignorant." If you don't feel that kind of part, how do you know that there is really no one in my temple?"

She said that the man did not insist on it, but he was not in a good mood. He snorted and reached out and closed the door. Then he bit hard at Yuan Shuzhen’s heart, and he bite Yuan Shu’s scream.

The two people fell into the big bath like a firewood and quickly fell into the big bath. Yuan Shuzhen didn't know how his clothes faded. He felt that after a stun, he was already red. Naked by the man tightly hugged, the man kept teasing, the two continued to fit, and finally got together.

Yuan Shuzhen is much younger than Tianwu Emperor. He was born in his teens. Now he is less than forty years old. On that day, Wudi was no longer able to survive and live, and it was no match for the needs of this age woman. What's more, Tianwu Emperor has been cold for so many years, and the re-release can not make up for the emptiness of these 20 years. However, this person is much younger than Tianwu, even ten years younger than her. It is the best age of a man. It can be given to her, and it is completely different from Tianwu. Yuan Shuzheng can ask for anything from him. In any case, this man can satisfy her and never let her down.

"How, better than your old emperor!" The man opened his mouth and spoke softly in Yuan Shu's ear. The bath soup in the pool has a very good smell of spices, but it is also more interesting. "Unfortunately, people are emperors, there are Yan Fu, you can house so many women in the palace, when to use when to use."

"Hey!" Yuan Shuzheng said coldly. "What about that? He really has to use it. After the 20 years, which woman in the palace is not alone, he will miss the cloud." Let others be left behind. If you want me to say, you might as well give a nap to the cloud, it is better to commit suicide, let her go to death, and save the eye."

"That's got to see her." The man turned Yuan Shuzhen up and continued to move. "I am a teacher, and I don't know how to do it. People can't see each other and say nothing is white." You said that the cold palace was rigorous, how can you get in?"

When it comes to Yunxiao, Yuan Shuzhen’s mood is always not very good. He simply won’t pick up the words, and only one mind will bear the joy of the moment. The two tossed a small half hour and finally calmed down. Yuan Shuzheng asked in the man's arms faintly: "Can you give him some more strength? I am always worried in my heart. I always feel that the head is out of control. You don't know, the old emperor suddenly suddenly this evening. I remembered the little **** who was thrown into the sinner, and let the queen get it back. I was really afraid that he suddenly understood it, and that was all over."

"Reassured, my beauty." The man squeezed a hand in Yuan Shuzhen’s chest and said: "I gave the old emperor a heart, not so easy to break. If the beauty is worried, then I will put it again. The locust reminded me that it was early in the morning, and the old emperor was obedient."

"That's the best." Yuan Shu 妃 若 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元 元

This big new year, the people in the various palaces and hospitals are full of thoughts, and no one can sleep well. Feng Zirui couldn't sleep, just sit in his own room and stay with his maid. After observing the old age, there was no drowsiness. They simply talked about the day, and Yue Rong said to him: "The young master does not have to worry, and he can see the royal palace after the Ming and Qing dynasty."

Zirui nodded, and his expression was a little excited. "Yes! I can finally see my sister tomorrow. This is going back and forth to Beijing to reunite with my sister, but I didn't expect to be directly received from the palace. After this big year, I am eleven years old. I want to be able to take care of me and my mother two when I am at the age of my sister." When I mentioned Feng Yu, Zi Rui’s words couldn’t be met, and I started to talk to Yue Rong. In the days of Xiping Village, Feng Yuyu will go to the mountains to pick mushrooms and mountain vegetables, and eat them for many days. Occasionally I will bring some herbs, sell them to the barefoot doctors in the village, and change some silver to buy the tonic for the mother. Whenever he talks about Yao, Zi Rui always sighs, and he does not ask much about the monthly capacity, so he is the best listener.

The two just sat there until the child Rui finally got a little sleepy, and then he went to bed and went to sleep. It’s sleepy, it’s too hard to fall asleep. I don’t know if I just missed it with the moon and I missed it too much. Zirui felt that as soon as I closed my eyes, I could immediately see the picture of Xiping Village in front of me. There is his sister and his mother. . At that time, Yao’s temperament was weak, and nothing could be done. Even the fire would not be, but it was normal and normal. Although the kindness is too weak now, it is better than the ruthless break after returning to Beijing.

Finally, everyone fell asleep in their own minds. In the palace, Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuxi did not leave, and they lived in the guest house. The first New Year of the young couple is sweet, and in the bamboo forest, some people sleepless nights, dancing in the light snow.

This kind of loneliness has been spent for many, many years, every big night Xuan Tianhua will dance fans, and every dance fan, he is not allowed to be close to anyone, he alone enjoys his unique loneliness. Once upon a time, Xuan Tianhua felt that such loneliness was happy for him, because his life did not require anyone to accompany him. A person was very good, and he was flying in a white dress, like a heaven and earth. He likes the feeling that the cold snow falls on his face. Although the bamboo forest in winter is not green, he still has a faint fragrance, which seems to make him forget some common things in the world.

However, in recent years, I have become more and more aware that this kind of loneliness is difficult. I have a thing in my heart and I have a person. Lonely is no longer happy.

There is an audience tonight, his folding fan is no longer dancing alone, just in a small corner of the bamboo forest, there is a small figure standing quietly, looking up at him like a white porcelain doll, looking Worship and desire. The little man only had a robe, no cloak, and the small faces on both sides were frozen red, and the little hands were almost stiff, not to mention a pair of feet standing in the snow for a long time, almost falling. But this still can't stop her from looking at the dancer fan with one heart and one heart, and her eyes are shining like seeing hope and sunshine.

Xuan Tianhua knew that someone was watching him. At first, he frowned slightly. Only the people in this house were getting more and more disrespectful. The rules of many years were actually broken. I can wait until he sees that the little man standing is nothing else. It’s just when the phoenix who lives here is thinking about it, he knows that this thing is also blaming the people in the middle of the house. The girl came over. He didn't say anything, still dancing his own folding fan, but the heart that was not so calm was a little bit confused by the small figure on the side.

Reluctantly received the momentum, slightly adjusted in place, and then turned around. The eyes and the thoughts are just right in one place, I want to take a look, I want to run subconsciously, but my hands and feet are moving, my movements are slow, my feet are not listening, and this turn is actually "plop". I fell in the snow. She was slightly shocked, and she was afraid that Xuan Tianhua would think she was deliberate, because it is really like the old bridge in the drama. She didn't want to be such a delicate woman, and she didn't want to use this method to win the sympathy of her sweetheart. She bit her teeth and tried to climb up. Even if the action was very stupid and slow, it didn't look good. She still worked hard until she finally got up. I ran on the road when I was on the road.

But after listening to it, someone suddenly sighed and didn’t know when the man came to him. He only felt that his arm was pulled by someone, and he finally ran out a few steps, and he was stunned back...

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