Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1038: If you hugged it, you have to smash it?

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Over the years, I have always remembered that during the year of the palace feast, she was pushed into the water by the powder. The seven emperors took her out of the water. When she got on the boat, the seven emperors reached out and helped her. Shoulder. At that moment, the already fascinating heart squeaked, and almost did not dare to carry it up, so that until today she did not know when she was saved by the Seven Emperors, what kind of expression is the person who saved her? .

Right now, the arm was caught again, still the man, but she still can't afford the courage. The footsteps were stopped, and the two seemed to form a stalemate. One after the other, no one spoke first.

Suddenly, I thought of Yunxiao’s saying that girls should be more active, bold, and not always unassuming. Tonight, she also drank a lot of wine. The courage seemed to be bigger under the influence of the amount of alcohol. So she bit her teeth and looked back at it. She looked straight at Xuan Tianhua, only for a moment, but at the other’s eyes. I saw a hint of concern.

I want to let my heart ecstasy, and I subconsciously ask: "Is the Seventh Highness worrying about me? I am fine, just a fall." After this, I regret it very much, because behind the fear in the gaze Then she saw another complex emotion, as if the other party was not looking at her, but was looking at another person through her. I wanted to take a look and finally lowered my head again.

Is she too passionate?

"A big cold day, if you want to come out, you can wear more." Xuan Tianhua finally spoke up, holding the hand that wanted the arm but did not let go, the other hand was also brought up. , gently fell off the snow falling on her shoulders. "I thought you had slept early, so late, what are you doing?"

I want to have a faint joy in my heart. Anyway, the Seven Emperors are willing to say a few words to her, always good. Xiaotou’s little face fluttered a little red, and turned back to look at Xuan Tianhua’s words: “I can’t sleep, my wife said that my highness is in the bamboo forest, I can come and see, I am coming.”

"Why didn't the lady tell you to wear more? The outside is cold." Xuan Tianhua shook his head helplessly, and the cloak on his wrist fell on the shoulder of his wish. He also tied the front strap for her. . The length of the fingers is like an art.

The cloak was a little big, and I wanted to let the small size fall down to the bottom of my feet. She hurried to mention it, for fear of being wet by the snow. The cautious look is like this is not an ordinary cloak, but the most precious and most valuable thing, not to be missed.

Xuan Tianhua put her hand down and said to her: "A cloak only, for your heating, what do you carry it?"

I want to let my courage grow up with the lack of alcohol, and smiled and said: "Because this is the cloak of the Seventh Highness! It is the most precious thing for the sake of the imagination. It can't make it dirty. I want to feel bad."

Xuan Tianhua looked at the little girl in front of her eyes, and her heart was inexplicably tight. The age of the imagination is like the original Feng Yu, when he took people from the big river in the suburbs of Beijing, the girl was comatose, the little body was a little thin, but when he was in a coma Very well-behaved, the nest fell asleep in his arms.

He licked his head and felt that he had thought more. The girl was no longer a little girl, she was married as a woman, and she had a sweet little day. And he, after all, is just a brother, nothing more.

"Let's go! I will send you back." Xuan Tianhua patted the shoulders of the wanted, then took the lead and walked in front, saying only: "Follow."

I want to take a sprint and follow up, with a smile on the face, beautiful, especially the cloak behind him with the unique pine scent of Xuan Tianhua, but also makes her a little confused. She didn't know where to come, but she went two more steps. The little hand tried to reach out to Xuan Tianhua's big hand. The fingertips touched it and immediately hit a stun, and hurriedly collected it again. After recovering, but not reconciled, once again tempted, but this time did not wait to find further, the big hand actually turned tightly, holding her little hand in the palm of his hand.

Xuan Tianhua slowed down the pace, letting the imagination not be as hard as it is, and the road to go back has become longer. The two men walked hand in hand in the snow, thinking that this is simply the happiest thing in this life, can get the seven emperors tonight, and let her die immediately.

But I don't know, Xuan Tianhua's mind is all the winter disaster that year, he went out of the city to avoid the mother, trapped in the snowy mountains, Feng Yu out of the city to find him, sitting in the snow and tearing heart and shouting " Seven brothers and seven brothers." That time he injured his foot. When he returned to the city, the two men walked and walked like this. Walking and walking, they became the most memorable memories of his life.

Now he is holding on to his thoughts, and his heart is unwilling to go, but he can't resist it. This child can't talk about it, but he feels very kind. Holding this little hand, walking and walking, I was able to walk out of the mood of ordinary life.

Xuan Tianhua moved in the heart and turned to look at it, but seeing this little girl was secretly laughing on the side, the smile was very cute, and even he couldn’t help but smile at the same time.

I was surprised to see that someone was watching her, and when I looked up and saw Xuan Tianhua’s smile, I couldn’t help but ask: “Why do you want to laugh under the Seventh House?”

"Then why are you laughing?"

"I... I am in a good mood, so I laugh." To be honest, "Mrs. said, girls should also take the initiative. They can't always hide behind others and let others do their own things. Then think bravely. Tell the Seventh Highness, I want to be held by the seven halls and keep going. It is best that this road has no end, just keep walking. This is the first time I saw the Seventh Highness from the age of ten. The wish, but at that time I was in the Feng family, my mother told me to break this thought quickly, is delusional. I am just a little niece in Fengfu, can not afford the good of the seven halls. I think now also feel I can't afford the seven halls, so I don't want to ask for it. It's enough to have this night. Seventh Highness, this is the best time to have the best, no matter how many years have passed, I still think about it. Will remember, thank you, gave me such a wonderful memory."

She said sincerely, a little bit of crystal light flashed in her eyes, like tears will soon fall, but she was controlled by her in the eyelids, did not flow out.

It was such a sudden expression that suddenly caused Xuan Tianhua to have a distressed heart, and the right hand turned to the back of the mind, and brought the person to his arms. This time, the shadow that appeared in his mind was no longer the one that was barely strong, but it was really a phoenix in the arms that was sometimes brave.

He said: "Stupid child."

I want to go back: "Silly is good, stupidity is not too much hope, no matter what the ending is, I can accept it."

He was sore and bitter in his heart. If the person of the immortal first felt that there were so many things in the world, he had disturbed his pace for a time.

"Let's go." Xuan Tianhua said, "I will send you back, it is too cold outside."

I tried to nod and nodded from this embrace, and some lost, but found that the hand that was held was not released again, and my heart was chaotic.

Xuan Tianhua said: "Before tomorrow, there are no rules in the palace, and there is no need to go to the lady to ask for peace. I am afraid that she will wake up later than you! There is a palace feast in the evening. ""

“Is there something wrong with the palace banquet?” She said that she had some little resistance to the palace banquet. She said, “I don’t really want to go at all, but I don’t know why I wrote my name on the post in the palace. I just returned to Beijing."

"There was a lot of chaos in the palace recently. Zirui was also detained in the palace. We sent people to stare at it every day, and I was afraid of something going wrong. You are careful with everything, and you will follow your second sister tomorrow. If she leaves, you will follow the Tiange." If there is something, find us as much as possible, in short, you can't drop the order yourself, understand?"

"Well." I want to have some snacks, and my heart is very warm. Seventh Highness, is this concerned about her worrying about her? Two people have known each other for many years, but they have never said so much intimate words. Tonight, Xuan Tianhua gave her a different feeling. She remembered seeing him in the pavilion some time ago, until he left. I still cried a bit. But Xuan Tianhua left again tonight, fearing that she would only laugh when she left.

The two walked out of the bamboo forest side by side, but I don't know. In one corner of the bamboo forest, three people were secretly hiding. Three people, two women and one man, not others, it is Xuan Tianming, Feng Yuxi, and Yunxiao. Xuan Tianming was looking at the two gossip women with helplessness. It was even more sympathetic and compassionate to see Xuan Tianhua and Feng Xiangrong who were gradually drifting away. It’s hard to open this seventh brother. I didn't want to be surrounded by my own wife and mother. Just now I was so excited, but I was excited about these two women!

Of course, the most exciting thing is Yunxiao. At this time, I was holding Xuan Tianming and grabbing Feng Yuyu. I said with excitement: "I have already taken it, and I have booked it, right?"

Feng Yuxi said: "Not necessarily? Is it just a moment?"

Yunxiao shook his head: "How to say that the three girls are also a clear and white girl, they have been pulled and they have been hugged. If Huaer is not jealous, what is the difference between him and the beast?"

Xuantian Ming listened straight to the white eye. "How did the Seven Brothers become a beast? But just hugged it, is it really necessary to be responsible?"

This said that Feng Yuxi did not like to listen, she looked back and yelled at him: "What do you mean? That is called gently hug? Hold so hard, do you think I can't see it? Why, do you think our sister? Not worthy of your royal family? Isn't it the son of the emperor? What is your cow? Our family thinks that even if you don't marry the seventh brother, there are four emperors! Don't think that the little girl is not remembered!"

Xuan Tianming was said to be asking for mercy, and he said that, how can this woman think of so many bends?

Yunxiao also followed: "That is, I am holding it together, but I saw it with my own eyes. Huaer must bear this responsibility. Otherwise, it is called... What is it?" She yelled at Feng Fengyu, "You were the day. How did you say it?"

Feng Yuxi told her: "Otherwise, it is called playing with women."

"Yes!" Yunxiao nodded. "If he is not jealous, he is playing with women. If you hit me, you can't agree. Anyway, this is the case. After the New Year's Eve, it's time to take care of the marriage of the two. Nothing to worry about, then you have to set the marriage first, and save yourself from being turned away. What did you say about the aunt? The fourth is also interesting to the three girls?"

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