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In the Jade Temple, the songs and dances were jubilant, and Feng Yuxi quietly retired. When he went outside the hall, he immediately found a place where no one was hiding, and quickly moved to the end of the cold palace.

She did not have any other purpose to go there, but Yunxiao once told her that she wanted to steal the white tiger and sent it to the king’s palace to be her companion. When she entered the palace today, she thought about giving it by the way. I have done it.

The cold and clear moon palace is in stark contrast with the bustle of the Jade Temple. There is no master in the palace. Not everyone knows it. It’s nothing more than a few close-knit confidants. Then he guards the sleeping hall and delivers food in a timely manner. He declares that he is a goddess. I am in a bad mood and don't want to see anyone.

This reason is justified. After all, everyone knows that the emperor is now loyal to the mother and daughter of the Eight Emperors. He has already thrown the cloud behind him. It is understandable that Yunxiao is in a bad mood. Coupled with the temperament of Yunxiao on weekdays, it is rather weird, and the weather is uncertain. It is normal to make a small temper in this section of the festival, so no one doubts anything.

When Feng Yu arrived, the white tiger was sleeping in the cage, but the alertness was still very high. When he heard someone coming, he immediately opened his eyes and pretended to be extremely fierce. But when I saw that the person was Feng Yu, the whole tiger’s style of painting changed. I immediately became charming and kept moving forward. If there was a cage, I was afraid to go directly to Feng Yu. Going to spoil.

Speaking of it, this white tiger is also aggrieved. In the past, the county government was free to play, and from time to time, he was eager to get Feng Yu’s love. Since it’s been in the cold palace, since it grows bigger, it only Can live in a cage, even if it is clear in his heart that he really does not like to eat human flesh, or no one will believe it.

Feng Yu looked at the tiger's eyes and could almost guess what it was thinking. So he reached out and touched his huge head and whispered, "Little white, know that you have been wronged. I will take you out of here, and soon I will see the beautiful Yunxiao Niangniang, someone will play with you."

A little white, a cloud of niece? The way she plays is a bit special! Oh, actually want it to be her mount, it is a loss that woman wants to come. But think about it again, forget it, when the mount is stronger than the whole day, it will be boring.

Then he nodded his head and then felt that his eyes were blooming. Even the tiger brought the cage to a strange space. The voice of Feng Yu was heard in his ear: "And stay here for a while, let's go out together later." ”

Smoothly put Xiaobai into the space, Feng Yuyu immediately turned back to the Jade Temple. When I came back to the temple, I saw that the seven emperors Xuan Tianhua were standing outside the main hall, standing with their hands on their hands, and they could not hide the sorrow.

She hurried forward and took the initiative to say: "Seven brother, how are you standing here? The outside is very cold."

Xuan Tianhua glanced at her and said very directly: "Take Yuan Guifei to adjust his body. You want to come up with this idea. You know that you can't get through? You know the danger?"

She nodded and said honestly: "I understand, but this thing can't be dragged any longer. If the father has been like this, the danger is not just me. My mind has been set, the seven brothers don't have to persuade." She said Resolutely, it also represents a determined mind, and even a bit of annoyance in the mood. A good emperor was scolded like this. Once she was asked to find out the truth, those who participated, she vowed that one would not make them better.

"Well, I don't persuade." Xuantian Tian nodded, no longer said a few words on this matter, but told her: "Just Xiaoer and his father mentioned that let Zirui go out together tonight, but unfortunately, the father Not allowed."

"I thought of it." Feng Yuxi also sighed and said helplessly: "If you don't allow it, then you have to stay one night. I will find a way to take Zirui out of the palace tomorrow night, causing the illusion that Zirui is missing. At that time, I also asked Qige to cooperate with the father to petition for Zi Rui, and to give the old eight a hat that could not keep the palace safe."

Xuan Tianhua sighed and asked subconsciously: "Can you hide Zi Rui absolutely safely? Can anyone find it?"

Feng Yu nodded, "Yes."

He didn't ask more, just said: "Reassured, I must cooperate fully."

Going back to the palace banquet, I feel that the atmosphere is not quite right. The eyes of the Eight Emperors Xuan Tianmo once again cast their heads on the table where Feng Yuxi was located, still falling in the place where they wanted to be. I was a little nervous. After all, these blatant gaze, she was even dull and aware of it, not to mention Xuantiange also said: "What does he always want to do?"

I want to let my subconscious move to Feng Yu's side, and my hands are cold and my face is white. There was a bad premonition that hit her heart and made her almost breathless. Subconsciously looking at Xuan Tianhua, the other side just looked at her, and the four eyes collided, and the mood was more urgent. She whispered to Feng Yuxi: "I want to talk to the Seventh High School. Second sister, how can I call him out?"

Feng Yuxi understands the feeling of feeling, when the little girl realizes the danger, the protection she wants to seek in the first time is from the sweetheart. It’s a pity... "It’s late."

She only had time to say this sentence, and she listened to the song and stopped dancing. Xuantian Mo, who was sitting in the position of the Prince opposite, had already got up and directed at Tianwu Emperor: "Father, today, the younger, the courtiers have something to do. I also hope that the father will be fulfilled."

"Oh?" Tianwu Emperor came back to the spirit. "What is the matter of ink? What to say! No matter what, the father and the emperor will answer."

On the same day, when Emperor Wudi said the words "all acceptable", he wanted to take a look and his face was whiter. She always felt that 80% of the things that the Eight Emperors were asking were related to her, but the other party was the emperor, and the emperor was behind her back. What should she do if she raised the topic she most did not want to hear?

Xuan Tianhua's eyebrows also wrinkled with the words of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and Xuan Tianxiao, who was sitting next to him, said to him: "Mother said that I want to set things up with you and I want to go earlier. I feel too rushed, but now it seems that it is still late."

Xuan Tianhua ignored him, but he thought for a while, then shook his head and shook his head, indicating that she was not safe.

At this time, the voice of Xuantian Mo was raised again. It was said: "The children want to ask a woman to be a side, and ask the father to be perfect."

In a word, the crowd is stunned.

Eight emperors want to ask for a woman? Still a side? Who is it?

Although the difference between the side and the right position is too much, it is a slap in the face, although it is the prince of the prince, but there is nothing too high. However, the emperor's side shackles are different. The eight emperors will follow the emperor's position in the future. Once the princes are in the palace, then the queen can be her, and at least one of them must be sealed. Therefore, the emperor's side squatting is that everyone wants to ask for their own daughter. Now, listening to the other party has taken the initiative to ask for help. For a time, people have guessed who the person being asked will be.

Tianwu Emperor is also very high-spirited, holding Yuangui, and asked Shen Tianmo to ask forward: "Which woman is the girl who looks at it? You are not too young, it is the right, not only side, right. If you are really a person you like, you may wish to be right or wrong. As long as you are happy, the father will answer."

Xuantian Mo shook his head and said: "The child is only looking for a side. The woman is only a prostitute, but she can't take the right place. The father should just allow him to be a sideline."

"Well." Tianwu Emperor nodded. "Then you talk about it, which girl is it?"

Xuan Tianmo's lips and corners were picked, and his eyes turned to him. At the same time, he said: "It is the phoenix niece, the sister of Yu Wang, the phoenix."

"is her?"

"Is it her?"

People have been talking about each other, and they have widened their eyes and said they can't believe it. However, the person who turned his mind quickly wanted to understand the intention of the Eight Emperors. He held the most close sister of Yu Wang, and it was not the same as the personal quality! What's more, it's just a side squat. There are a lot of princes' sidelines.

Emperor Tianwu did not expect that his "favorite" eight sons actually fell in love with a little niece, the daughter of the Feng family, and he was somewhat novel. But this is nothing, just squatting, naturally, who the son likes, who is going to be, no surprise. But he still asked the love around him: "Love, what do you think?"

Yuangui knows that Xuantian Tianmo intends to do so. He also agrees very much. At this time, he heard that Tianwu Emperor asked her, and then he looked at the Phoenix and looked at it. He successfully saw the face of Feng’s wishfulness, and Feng Yuyu. The glare that came over. So she smiled and said: "Miss Feng Jiasan is the sister of Yu Wangxi. The courtiers believe that Miss Feng San is also like the royal king. It is a valuable person. I hope the emperor can become a full-fledged child."

"Ha ha!" Tian Wudi laughed happily. "The sly ink is finally open! Well, since you like it, then you will answer, there is no woman who can't be stunned under this day!"

In a word, it is a relative matter, but no one has asked from the beginning to the end that I want to let a sentence be willing or not. It is as if she does not have any thoughts at all. It is an item. Xuantian ink likes it and buys it. Can not refuse.

I was so angry and scared that one hand took the other hand out of the blood. Feng Yuxi gently held her hand and whispered to her, "Don't be afraid, there will be a way for the Seventh House."

Just after the sentence was finished, the Seven Emperor’s method had not waited yet, but he heard the four emperors Xuantian Tian suddenly shouted: “Slow!” Then he slammed forward, with an urgent color, directed at Tianwu Emperor. After squatting down, he said: "Father, please ask the father of the emperor to make an urgent conclusion. The children also want to ask the three phoenixes of the phoenix family to think about it. It is - right!"

People are still in a burst of sorrow, just how this Miss Fengjia San suddenly became popular? However, just a little niece, the Eight Emperors want her to be a hostage. What kind of wind did the four emperors follow? Actually still asking for righteousness? Can a prostitute who is a forced family be able to afford the righteousness of the emperor?

For a time, I wanted to be the focus of the audience. Everyone’s eyes were cast on her, including the phoenix sitting in the corner.

Fans did not think that today's palace banquet has made such a play, but it is good, let them fight with each other! It is best to fight until the last two losses, she can get some cheap in this troubled world. Just a little bit sour in my heart, she didn't know the source of this sorrow and grief, but she couldn't help but think of the former Fengfu people. She couldn't help but ask: "Grandmother, father, if you are still alive, you may think of today's situation. I may think that the daughters of Fengjia really become the ones who can control the political affairs as you wish. It is just this situation, not what we want..."

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