Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1048: You can't be the master of you.

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Suddenly, the four emperors were excited and asked for a glimpse of the Emperor Wu of Heaven. Although they did not like the four sons and his son’s son, they robbed the wife and children, but they curiously asked: "Why are you? Want to marry the girl? I also made a sigh, you know that the prostitute can't be the rule of the emperor?"

The four emperors slammed their heads on the ground and said: "The children know that the children are now only a prince who has been cut off by the throne. There is a Ping Wangfu in the air. He does not participate in the political affairs and does not enjoy the honor of the emperor. I feel that my niece is a prostitute. Not to mention, the singer and the singer Feng Jiasan have studied embroidery for so many years, and they have cultivated their feelings. The children have long made up their minds to be non-indecent, and ask the father to fulfill. ""

"Isn't she not jealous?" Tianwu Emperor suddenly became furious. "What do you mean, isn't your eight brothers' sidelines?"

"Father of the Emperor! She is not the side of the eight brothers!" The four emperors were ironed and confronted with Emperor Wu of Heaven today. They almost took the courage to force the palace together with Xuantian Night. He even rushed to the eighth. Emperor Xuantian Mou said: "The eight brothers, since I want to ask Miss Yan Fengjia, I have to ask the opinions of other girls?"

At last, some people can take care of their feelings. Feng Yu whispered to the thoughts around him: "Beyond the old eight, the fourth is still reliable."

However, by not thinking about it and not thinking about it, she was all awkward, scared, and angry. The two small fists were tightly held, and the nails were pulled out of the palm.

"Let's relax!" Tian Wudi was furious. "When is the answer to the old eight, when will you get a horizontal bar? Why isn't she the side of the old eight? I said that is, the fourth, you forced the palace to commit in the early years." It’s already a net to open your life. Now you not only do not know how to repent, but you still have a resentful mind in public, and you have robbed your brother and sister with your brother, and you see your heart and brother and brother, no blood. Family. If your eight brothers don't mention this matter today, you don't say it. If you mention the eight brothers, you will come forward and ask the woman, the fourth, you are the right person to fight against your eight brothers. Be right with you!"

"Father of the Emperor! No parent! The child is really like Miss Feng Jiasan!" Xuantian sighs, he does not care who is against him, does not care who is misunderstood, he is only anxious, if he does not fight, he wants to be emperor Refers to the old eight! That is absolutely impossible, I can marry her, I can also obey her own heart to marry the old seven, or an ordinary person who is ordinary, as long as she is good, can be. But the old eight can't! For the reason why Lao Ba asked for help, he knew that he was so blindly watching the marriage. Isn’t that just looking at the fire in the fire pit? Xuantian was so anxious that he couldn’t help but continually gave Tianwu Emperor a gimmick. He said: "Let the father and the emperor become a child. As long as the father is a child, the children would rather not have the Pingwang, not the emperor. Rong, the child is willing to be only an ordinary person, just ask the father to fulfill!"

"Good!" Tianwu Emperor forced a shot on the handle of the dragon chair, angered: "You want to be a civilian, you will become yours, even if you want to die, you can also fulfill you. But you have to grab with your eight brothers. It’s impossible to marry a woman!"

"Father of Emperor!" Tian Wudi's words made Xuan Tianyi fall into despair. He looked up at the father in the dragon chair and even forced him to kill his son. At this time, he felt very strange. It’s like never knowing each other, but it’s just a stranger who has the power and the power. There is no trace of strangeness.

Standing on the side of Xuan Tianmo, watching all this, his eyes showed the joy of victory. He stepped forward and said: "The father is angry and angry, and the body is important. Don't hurt your body because of the child's affairs. If you are a child, you would rather live forever."

The anger of Tianwudi’s stomach was finally calmed down after Xuantianmo spoke. He saw that he had a sigh of relief and said to Xuantian Mou: "Ink is assured, the woman in your relationship, the father must be For you, what is the prostitute and prostitute, what is the right side, you like what she wants when she wants to be, and go back to the house." Then, the gaze began to search underneath, while looking for one side and asked: " Where is the lady of the Feng family sitting? Stand up and show it."

The fear of looking for more is even worse, and Xuan Tianyi also gave up and then pleaded with Emperor Wu of Heaven. He knew that the father was no longer useful, so he turned his eyes to Feng Yu. He knows that Feng Yu is very caring for this younger sister. As a sister, it is impossible to be willing to introduce it at this time.

But when he looked at Feng Yu, he saw that Feng Yuxi did not stand up for the sake of speaking, but stared at the direction opposite. Xuan Tianyi did not understand, looking at the past, and soon found that Feng Yuying looked at the seven emperors Xuan Tianhua. When he glanced, couldn’t it be Feng Yu’s pinning his hopes on the old seven? What can he do with the Emperor Wu of Heaven?

For this point, Xuan Tianyi also has a question mark in his heart, but to say the influence and appeal of the old seven, it is indeed he can not compare. He can't ask for it. Maybe he can really get it? But once you have found it, you will become the oldest person, then he is still a bamboo basket, and it’s empty!

Xuantian was very entangled in her heart. At this time, she could no longer sit still, and Tianwu Emperor made a speech. She had to get up and walk to the front of the temple, then kneel down and let Tianwu Emperor Look down.

For a long while, Emperor Wu of Heaven said: "It is indeed a sign of the gimmick, but unfortunately the family is a little worse, and the identity is also lower. But it doesn't matter, as long as the sly ink is liked, you will make an exception and let you enter the Sheng Wangfu as a side. From now on, you have to take good care of Moh, and take care of his food and drink. Sheng Wangfu has no hostess for so many years. In the days when you are not entering the gate, you still have to take up this responsibility. You, understand. What?"

"Emperor!" I hoped that I couldn’t help but look up and rushed: "Minister..."

"Father of the Father." Just halfway through the words of the room, I listened to the head of the emperor's seat. A gentle and dusty voice rose. In such an atmosphere, the sound made people sound very healing, as if the sound came out. The fierce arrogance that had previously risen because of the four emperors and the eight emperors vying for the women also subsided. Everyone knows who this voice is from, and everyone knows that only that person can make such a voice, but everyone does not understand why, at this time, the seven emperors actually spoke? Is it difficult for him to insert this foot? It shouldn't be! After so many years, when did the Seven Emperors look at a woman?

Emperor Wu of Heaven also felt strange. He looked in the direction of the sound, but he saw that the seven emperors Xuan Tianhua just stood up in the seat, did not walk down the hall, a white robe, refined as a painting. This son can always give him a sense of holiness, whether it is before or now, a lot of words he can say in front of others, but in front of this son always feel embarrassed to say. For example, now, he is bent on making a good thing for Xuantianmo, but he has repeatedly encountered obstacles. He wants to curse people. If he speaks for someone else, he must have passed. However, it is the seven sons, which made his swearing words have already rushed to the lips, but they could not go out anyway.

Tianwu Emperor pressed the anger and asked: "Old Seven, what do you say?" After that, he felt that the strength was not enough. He quickly added: "I have already accepted the old girl's three-headed scorpion as the side.朕金口玉言, broken without recovery, if you come to the marriage, you will be exempted!" In a word, it is to block Xuan Tianhua back.

However, Xuantian Tian did not say the same thing as Xuantian, nor did he demolish this marriage. He only reminded Emperor Wu of Heaven: "The children are knowing the words of the father, Jinkou, and saying that if they go out, they will not recover. Anxious to remind the father, when the Dashun flood, the Fengjia San missed the disaster, the father emperor called her to kiss the early dynasty, in the face of the group of ministers, the wedding of Miss Feng Jiasan can be her own commitment The father, the king is in the hall, but it is history."

When the words came out, the opposite corner of Feng Yu's lips was slightly embedded. She knew that smart, like Xuan Tianhua, would choose the most advantageous way to convince Tianwu Emperor to solve this problem. In this way, the road of the four emperors is still too shallow. In the case of knowing that Tianwu Emperor is bent on the old eight, he is confronted with others, and he is still embarrassed by the people in the old eight-phase. Not only can't save the thoughts, but it will be counterproductive, let Tianwu Emperor rebel, and more firmly want to give to the old eight.

Sure enough, Xuan Tianhua’s words came out, and Tianwu Emperor stopped it. He couldn’t remember the previous things, but after reminding him, it seems that there is a little memory in the shadows, which is not clear.

With the topic mentioned by Xuan Tianhua, the following heavy ministers standing on the side of the Nine Emperors have risen up, and under the leadership of the right-handed Fengqing and the left-phase Lu Song, help Tianwu Emperor recall the flood. Recalling the contribution that I wanted to make, I also recalled that Tianwu Emperor did make such a promise.

Of course, they all know that they were so convinced that when Emperor Wudi said this, he just wanted to help him, so that she would not be controlled by the Feng family. However, I did not expect that it was not the Feng family, but the emperor.

With so many people getting up to testify, Tianwu Emperor can't ignore this matter. Although he is confused in the matter of Yuan Guifei and Bahuangzi, he still has to be confused when he goes out to the Chao Chaotang. to the extend. Or to put it another way, Yuan Guiyu’s control over him is only in the heart, only in love, only in this throne, but not in such a large range.

Tianwu Emperor remembered the words he had made in the court and made the promise. But since he promised that Feng could make his own marriage, then he can no longer give him a marriage. Even if he is biased in his heart, he can’t give himself to the church under so many eyes. It is. Otherwise, what is the emperor? Who will he take seriously when he speaks later? Once the king of a country is out, what country is this country?

Tianwu Emperor looked at Xuan Tianhua, and then looked at Xuantian Mo, and sighed helplessly. He said: "Ink, I forgot to say that before, I am afraid that this is the case... You can't be the master of you." ”

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