Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1049: You are the enchanting evil of the country!

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"Emperor!" Yuangui is not happy, sitting on the side of Tianwu Emperor dissatisfied with the earth: "This time, for a while, things have been so many years, how can you do the number? Again, you are the emperor, the promise is not counted yet You are a word."

"Yuan Guizhen!" Zuo Xiang Lu Song said loudly: "The meaning of the noble lady is that the Dashun's court is a child's play? The emperor's words are a joke? If you change it, you will change it?"

The right side also said: "The noble lady! The harem is not allowed to do politics. This is the rule set by the emperor of the Taizu in the beginning of the founding of Dashun. Could it be that this generation is going to be destroyed in the hands of the noble lady?"

"Yes! The noble lady is sitting in the position where the queen should sit. Your ambitions cover the entire harem, but if it is intentionally spread to the former, it is the enchanting evil of the country and the people, and the noble lady must think twice. The person who said this was Wen Xuan Wang Xumou, the only brother of Tianwu Emperor never loved the buzz, but at this moment he said this coldly and coldly, listening to the cold air behind Yuan Guifei.

She subconsciously hid behind Tian Wudi, a poor image. It is a pity that if she had made such a pitiful appearance for a long time in the past 20 years, she would still be able to win a little bit of pity. But when she reached this age, she would be so embarrassed that people couldn’t help but feel a little bit tired. Especially the people on the side of the Nine Emperors, it is even more annoying to see her look.

However, Emperor Wu of Heaven did not bother, but also pulled her hand and whispered comfortably: "Love is not afraid, they are scared." Then he quickly looked at Wen Xuan Wang and said: "Xuanmou, you and you What is the woman's care?"

Wen Xuanwang shook his head and said: "Emperor brother, the younger brother is not concerned with a woman, but is concerned with the rules of Dashun. Dashun column ancestral sects are watching in the sky! I hope that the emperor can do his own opinion, and Not being influenced by a harem woman."

"What do you mean?" Tian Wudi was furious and turned his face to his brother for the first time. "Do you mean that you believe that the woman is disregarding the temple?"

"Yes or not, only between the emperor and the brother." Wen Xuan Wang today sighed because of his own affairs, and went to the palace to see this again, even more unbearable, simply follow Tianwu Emperor was more energetic. He even stared at the Yuangui. "The emperor Jinkou Yuyan, who has already said something, but you want to take it back in public. Yuangui, what is your heart?"

Yuangui’s glimpse, subconsciously wanted to refute, but was quickly picked up by the Eight Emperors. I saw him rushing to the literary king and holding a fist to say: "The emperor is not blame, my mother-in-law just thinks that this is above the palace feast, and it is the big-year palace feast, the atmosphere is not as serious, the courtiers are also carrying the family. Into the palace, after all, it was just a family feast, so I only said a few more words, and asked the uncle to be angry. If the uncle is not happy, the mother will not say it." After that, he turned and turned to Yuangui said: "The mother must also take care of the body, and we must not be too anxious because of the things of the children. Since Miss Feng Jiasan has the previous promise of the father, the minister is not, but the left and right are only sideways, and there is no So important." After that, he rushed to Yuangui to make a look that only the two of them understood.

Yuan Guifei no longer spoke, but Tian Wudi was very unhappy, looking at Wen Xuan Wang coldly, his face anger. For the inability to give his son a slap in the face, he felt very sorry for Xuantian Mo, so he simply said: "It’s better to change the individual, you see who the girl is, and the lord will go back to the house for you. "When I finished, I looked at the individuals who stood up and reminded him of the promise." Shen Sheng asked: "Do you have any privileges for your daughter at home? Well?"

When the words came out, the first thing was that Feng Tianyu had another sigh of relief. There was a bad feeling in my heart. I just don’t want to turn this to her.

But it is just what you want, you can't do anything, just listen to Tianwu Emperor and say: "Wind loves the Qing, I remember that your family's niece has not yet made a match with others, so it is better to marry Sheng Wangfu to be a side squat, how?"

The right phase only felt a humiliation and the body was full of anger. He is a prostitute who is right-handed and married to the emperor. Where does this leave his face? Not to mention that the eight emperors are not yet princes, even if they are princes, there is no niece who is a big member of the family to go to the door to do small things. But Emperor Tianwu has made it clear that he is looking for this step, that is, to embarrass them, how should he pick up this? Refused? He has no reason to refuse the emperor's engagement.

For a time, the atmosphere was here, and it was very embarrassing.

Xuantian ink looked at the right side of the wind with interest, and then looked at Feng Tianyu, who was in the same table at Feng Yu, and thought about it. It is also good to have a daughter from the right side to do the side room.

Just thinking like this, I was prepared to say a few words about the right side, but I didn’t want to. At this moment, suddenly his lower body was very itchy. The itch was from the inside out, as if it started to itch from the bones. In such awkward part, he stood in the middle of the hall at this time, and he was not scratching, nor was he scratching. Under the itching, his legs were tightly clamped and hesitated from time to time to illustrate the itching. After a few clicks, I found that there was no effect at all, but it was even more itch.

Xuantian ink was so hard to sweat, standing on the ground and embarrassed, and felt very embarrassed. He faintly felt that this situation is not quite right. If it is just an ordinary itching, how can it be solved after moving these few times, but this feeling from the inside is straightforward and can't be removed. Suddenly he hoped that the palace feast would end soon. He instinctively told him that he was afraid that there was something wrong with his body. Because this situation has been seen in recent days, but it is not serious. He will relieve it when he grabs a few. But I did not expect that under this emerald hall today, this situation has actually been so severe that he has to use all his self-control to withstand this itch.

But what happens to that part?

The difference of the Eight Emperors may not be understood by other people. People’s attention is still concentrated on the right side of the wind engine, waiting to hear how the wind engine should be the Emperor of Heaven. Is it refusal or consent? No matter which is the case, it is a good show!

But Feng Yu is different. She not only noticed the change of Xuantian Mo, but also observed the change. He felt that his change came from, and even she understood why this happened. Because, all of this was caused by her hand, and her needle went down, and the effect finally had immediate results today.

She picked up her lips and evoked a smile that was not good, and this smile was falling in the opposite eyes of Xuantian, Xuan Tianming hit the elbow and hit the seven emperors sitting next to him, whispered: "That The girl is pondering the bad thoughts."

When I finished this, I listened to Feng Yu’s sudden opening and asked: "My brother, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Why did the father-in-law just ask the younger brother to marry the young lady of the right-hand family, you? Suddenly there was a layer of sweat on the forehead?" Her words were full of doubts and puzzles, and even guessed: "Is it difficult for Miss You to be a right-hander and a younger brother?" Let’s make the starling uncomfortable? This is the fate of the two people, but it’s ambiguous!”

She said this, people only noticed that the eight emperors, which are really abnormal, don’t matter, it’s not like Feng Yuxi’s words, sweat on his face, as if his legs are not comfortable. The two legs are fast twisted together and look particularly uncomfortable.

Right-handed Fengqing was finally relieved at this time, and he was grateful when he looked at Feng Yu. Feng Tianyu has finally returned to the soul, and hand-picked Feng Yuqi again and again thanked: "Auntie, you are powerful."

Feng Yu sneered in the heart, and then gave Tian Wudi a pressure: "Father, this marriage can be cautious! Can not be because of a side smashing the body of the starling, the father of your see, Bai Ge The face is not right."

Emperor Tianwu did not believe that the fate of life was irrelevant, but Feng Yuxi reminded him about the state of the Eight Emperors and he had to pay attention to it. After all, Xuantianmo’s state was there, and it was really It was because of one of his own proposals that he immediately became ill. It is a coincidence that it is too clever.

"Father of the Emperor." Finally, Xuantian Ming also opened his mouth. "You can't make fun of the life of your most loved eight sons! It's a big thing to make a life-breaking crime. If you don't have a good match, then If you give him a death, then you have no son."

He said that he was ridiculed and ridiculed. Tianwu Emperor couldn’t hear his heart, but when he faced the dark and uncertain face of Xuantian, and the strange purple lotus between the eyebrows, he said nothing. come out. In memory, it seems that this son has always been talking like this, and he has always been very used to it, even very useful. In the meantime, it seems that there are still individuals who will always talk to him like this. No big or small, he wanders around him all day, and he is annoyed in his mouth, but he is happy to be amused with that person. Who is that person? How did those past days pass?

Emperor Wu of Heaven had some embarrassment, but it was very much in agreement with Xuantian. In any case, it is always impossible to make fun of Xuan Tianmo's life. The right side just made him feel uncomfortable. He can find other nephews to clean up the courtiers, but there is no need to catch up with his own son. So Tianwu Emperor nodded. "The child is right, and you can't harm the ink."

Yuan Guizhen also rushed to the heart at this time. Originally, she felt that Xuan Tianmo’s prostitute of the right-handed family was also good at the side. It was also a frustration of the right-handedness of the right, and it was also a threat and a draw. At least it could Those who provoke a right-handed relationship with the Nine-Emperor Party are gradually deviating. In short, they are all good at the end. But this dream has not yet started, and Xuantian ink suddenly made a heart lift her heart.

"Ink, what's wrong with you?" Yuangui rushed to the high position, went straight to the side of Xuantian ink, and reached out to Xuantian ink head, all cold sweat. She couldn't help but start a shock, and quickly yelled: "Fast! Quickly announce the doctor! Express the doctor!"

"Mother!" Xuantian ink wants to stop, but it is very itchy, and feels that it is a doctor, he itch in that place, can not afford to lose that person. But don't you tell the doctor? This kind of itch almost made him feel that he would not heal again, fearing that he could not keep his life. So I didn't stop it. I just resisted it and said to Tianwu Emperor: "The father and the courtiers are really uncomfortable. Can you let the children go to the mother's palace to rest, wait for the doctor to see?"

Tianwu Emperor quickly nodded: "Good! Good! Go to the dragon's dragonfly and call the best doctor!" After that, they waved at the crowd. "Today's palace feast is over, you are all going out!" "When I finished, I didn't look at everyone. I rushed straight down, and together with Yuan Guifei, I took the lead in the emerald hall.

At a palace banquet, people have not responded to each other, and they have ended in such a bizarre atmosphere...

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