Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 879: Moved the mind that should not move

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The people at the entrance of Baicaotang had a difficult heart. Everyone felt that they had been fooled. They not only believed in the hundred cottages, but also believed that the fake county owner had paid many times to the fake person on the street.

Then people shouted and rushed to the hundred grass hall, and called the party like Jiang from the inside. Everyone knows that this hundred cottages are opened together with the head of Ji'an County. Now that the fake county owner can't find it, you must ask Fang Rujiang for a good question.

Fang Rujiang stood helplessly in the crowd, kept giving people a gift, and loudly said: "I really can't help, folks, I am also a victim! You said that I also deceived myself. In fact, in order to be able to bring out the county magistrate to help everyone see the doctor, the threshold of Fengfu was quickly broken by me, but later people simply stopped letting me enter, and wanted to see people in Fengfu. It’s hard to add up. Recently, I also think that the county owner has a problem. Nowadays, everyone is so concentrated on an analysis, plus the words of the nine-day priest of that day, and the words of the little darling of today’s singer, I think, being cheated has become Facts! I can't help everyone, I believe in the fake county owner, and I opened this hundred cottages. Everyone can rest assured that I will close the hundred grass houses and never open them. I will also go to the newspapers, I hope everyone. Can give a certificate together!"

When the people listened to Fang Rujiang, they also knew that this thing could not blame him. After all, the adults of Zhizhou took the lead in recognizing the identity of the county magistrate. What do they do not believe in the small people? So the big guy nodded and was willing to make this card. However, some people have raised questions: "Where did you go? The state government was surrounded."

Fang Rujiang thought for a moment and said, "Let's go and tell the nine halls! First find the soldiers around the Zhizhou government. They are the people under the palace of the nine, and ask them to help pass a message, saying that there is a fake county owner in Lanzhou. Let's report to the official!"

"Yes! Just do it! Let's go! Let's go to the newspaper!" As the people said, they went to the side of Zhizhou.

At the corner of the street, Fu Ya was wearing a skull and hat, and the strength of her body was removed. If there was a little peach to help her, she could hardly stand.

“What should I do?” Fu Ya asked Xiaotaoer: “You have always been a gimmick with a lot of ideas. Tell me about it, what should I do now?”

Xiaotao thought about it and said seriously: "It is still necessary to see the county owner's own choice."

"Don't call me the county lord again, I am deceiving myself. I know that the people in the house are all arranged by the season's adults, that is, the arrangement of the Eighth Hall. For my identity, I don't know if I know it." Chu, at least you can guess a seventy-eight. Especially, since you can be arranged to be my near-servant, should you understand everything?"

Xiaotao listened to her and said nothing, and she didn’t pretend to be stupid. She only nodded and said, “We are all under the Eighth Hall. We are doing the same thing. Little peach is by your side, naturally it is to share your concerns. At the moment, I am in such a difficult situation. Xiao Taoer understands your embarrassment, so I say that this matter still depends on your own choice. If you want to escape, the world is big, you should be able to. But once you escape, it is equivalent to giving up. The opportunity in the future, no matter whether it is good or bad after the Eighth Highness, has nothing to do with you. It can be said that if you choose to escape, the previous efforts will be wasted, which is equivalent to one step to the sky, you have gone halfway, after giving up Half a bit. The slaves thought it was a pity."

"You mean to persuade me not to give up." Fu Ya smiled. "But now you look at this situation. How can I not give up? You don't know what kind of person the Nine Emperor is. I have lived in Beijing for a long time. But I know something. The man is moody and murderous, and he doesn’t blink. He laughs at you the moment before, and you can smother you in the middle of the laughter after a while.” That’s what you said, but that day. When she looked at Xuantian at the gate of the government, she still imprinted the purple lotus in her eyebrows in her heart. Occasionally, the mood was followed by turbulence.

"How about that?" Xiao Taoer said: "The Nine Emperors are coming, but they have quickly laid down a city, but in the eyes of the slaves, that is not a big deal. The ancients are not small countries in the desert, not only Shaping. In addition to Shaping, there are many cities in the city, and the more you go inside, the deeper the desert is, and the more the climate is hot, the slaves don’t believe that the army of His Royal Highness is really a Heavenly Soldier, and he is not afraid of anything. It is too early to mention any military merits. The most important thing is that people are safe and peaceful. But on the battlefield, this peace and security is the most rare. Accidents will always be at any time and anywhere, and the nine emperors will die one day. He was seriously injured in the northwest. If there was no Ji’an County, his legs were still abolished. There was a second time for the first time, not to mention the presence of the Eighth Highness behind the scenes. Optimistic!"

Such a analysis of Xiao Taoer, Fu Ya feels very reasonable, but it is not so good, when she heard Xiaotao said that "the nine princes will die when they are dead", my heart is not happy. The one she doesn't want to die is Xuantian. If she must die, let Feng Yu die! According to the feelings of the nine emperors on Feng Yuxi, once Feng Yu’s death is over, then with his face, there may be another way out.

Compared with the eight emperors who have never met before, Fu Ya still feels more about the nine emperors Xuantian. When she first went from the northern boundary to the capital, she didn't have this state of mind, and naturally she didn't think much. But later, the situation is not so good, step by step to the point of today, the heart of her heart is unwilling to be picked up a little bit. If we must follow this path, then she would rather return to the Nine Emperors...

More than half of the people in Lanzhou thought that Fu Ya was a fake county owner. At the same time, the news of the Eight Emperors in Kyoto was not very good. In the rumor, the Eight Emperors disregarded the lives of the people. In order to fight against the head of the Ji’an County, the man’s mine in the hands of the Ji’an County was destroyed. The lives of hundreds of people were taken in by the white, and the emperor was furious. After the trial of the Criminal Department, the Eight Emperors were called to the Criminal Department every day to drink tea. Even with the gift to the southern army, the grain was transferred to the second emperor Xuantian Ling.

Someone said: "The Eight Emperors seem to be okay!"

This was passed to Fengfu. At that time, Feng Yuyuan and Fu Ya were sitting in the study room to discuss the matter. Fu Ya told Feng Xiaoyuan: "We just insisted that we can't persist for a long time. Fang Rujiang has already turned the grass. I also wrote the big-character newspaper as a fake county magistrate and posted it to the door of the Baicaotang. Now everyone knows that I am a fake person. I just know the people who walk around the gate every day. ""

Feng Xiaoyuan also knows this. He has a lame, but he can't help but say: "But how can it be? We have no retreat now! Can you go back to Kyoto? You know, you can now be in Kyoto now. Going back, it means betrayal, he wants to kill us, it is no different from killing an ant. Also - "Feng Yuyuan advised Fu Ya: "You don't think about running, don't think that the world It’s easy to hide a person, I tell you, it’s not easy at all! Just because of the power of the Eight Emperors, you haven’t waited to run out of the South, and his people will be able to catch you back, when you die. I don't know how to die."

"What do you do now? I don't always have to do this?" Fu Ya frowned and said: "Does the father only think of the way to go to the Eight Emperors? Have you ever thought that if Feng Yu died, Xuan How is Tianming?"

Feng Yiyuan, a glimpse, "Feng Yuxi will die?" Over the years, from the very beginning, the mother had returned to Beijing at the beginning of his thoughts, but later he never thought about it. In his eyes, Feng Yujun is simply a small strong man who can't die. If the Nine Emperor is a **** of war, then his second daughter is a female **** of war, but the fighting power is strong!

Seeing the phoenix phoenix god, Fu Ya could not help but sigh: "In the end she is your daughter, even if it is, you do not want her to die?"

"Nothing!" Feng Xiaoyuan waved his hand irritably. "I hope she could die a few years ago, but what happened? People live better than anyone else."

"That was before." Fu Ya looked gloomy. "Now, the Eighth Highness hopes that she will die. If the Eighth Highness can really send Feng Yu to the West, then he will be defeated in the final battle." Come, we don't have to retreat."

"Well?" Feng Yu stunned, and there was a vague feeling. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, if Feng Yu is dead, I will rely on the feelings of the nine emperors. My father thinks that this face will be useless?"

"Noisy!" Feng Yiyuan finally understood. "Don't you love the Nine Emperors? I advise you to die this heart early! Not to mention that the Nine Emperor is a singular character, he said that phoenix Yu Yu, how many people have hoped that she can die, including my father, even sent killers to assassinate her, but the last ones are those who killed her. Don’t believe, you have not experienced Feng Feng’s scenery in previous years has not seen the Feng Yu’s step by step to remove the Feng family. You have not experienced the things that the Feng family have experienced. I have not seen what it is like from the northwest mountain. The jade Rakshah that came back, so you can say such a thing, I don't blame you. But today my words are also here, just like that, if you still want to live, you can't move! ”

"Father!" Fuya stood up and walked a few laps in the room. Then, "Father, this is the long-term ambition of others, and destroys their own prestige. Well, my daughter will not mention these things for the time being, just ask. Father, if you just said what you said, let's continue to tie it on the rope under the Eighth Hall. What should we do now? You said, what should I do now? I don’t even dare to come out all the time, Lanzhou Zhizhou Ji Daren They are all locked up in the Zhizhou government. Who can we count on?"

Feng Qiyuan also knew the seriousness of the matter, and could not help but frown and thought about it. Then he said, "Don’t worry, the people of this house should be the people of the Eighth Hall. Now, when you are not looking for the face, ask the father. Do they have a way to contact the Eighth Highness, and we can send a letter to the Eighth Highness. What should I do? I have to give a statement.

Fu Ya was not optimistic about this. She said nothing and silently went out of the study. Write a letter, wait for a reply, how long will it take this one time? As for the situation in Lanzhou today, can you wait?

It seems that she has to find a way to find her own way out...

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