Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 880: County main southbound

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The news at the end of Kyoto was quickly spread to Ji'an County. After all, the mine case involved the Eight Emperors, and it was not so good, but the **** of grain was handed over to the second emperor Xuantian, and it really made her Take a sigh of relief.

Although the Eight Emperors are not going to have no move in the back of the party, they can create trouble on the way at most, and it is not so easy to say that it is easy to cheat in the hands of the grain.

However, Feng Yujun still wants to go to the south. He received the eagle book of Xuantian Ming, knowing that the first slap was very beautiful, but it also cost a lot of ammunition. She had to add it in the past. The more the war is advancing, the more the climate in the desert is not suitable for the people. She feels that it is very prescient to have a hot weapon. The reason why so many years of Dashun are not too good for the ancients. The important reason for the plan is that Dashun is not suitable for combat in such an environment.

The heat ratio is not cold, it is cold in a thousand weeks, and it is just more. But the heat in the desert, you are completely stripped, and it will be hot, not to mention fighting against the hot, it is terrible.

She also started to get up in Ji'an County, mainly to arrange some things after leaving. Fortunately, there are six emperors sitting in the town, simply taking the county internal affairs and the jade mine to take the six emperors for management for a while, the things in the house were given to Xu and Qin, the outside shop will pay Give it to you and white hibiscus.

The women didn't have any opinions. The six emperors looked helplessly: "I have been hiding from Kyoto to Ji'an County, but I still haven't escaped these common things. Brothers and sisters, you have to come back soon, it doesn't matter, you six Brother, I am not good at these things."

The two had more contact, and Feng Yuxi had a better understanding of the six emperors. She knew that Xuan Tianfeng was telling the truth, so she was embarrassed to say: "I have no way, the six brothers will take more care. You also saw it. I don’t have any people on hand. If you don’t go to the south, you don’t feel relieved. Feng Xiaoyuan also got a fake county magistrate in Lanzhou, plus the army’s desert battle, Xuantian’s letter The hot thing, I am afraid that I will not go again, they will not be able to move forward."

Xuan Tianfeng is just a slogan. In fact, he naturally understands this truth, and he has already prepared for Feng Yuxi to leave Ji'an County at any time. He told Feng Yuxi: "Let's go! I am not good at it. It is also a prince. I don't want anyone to dare to be too blatant to be embarrassed with me. What's more, there is no money to harvest! The war in the south is a matter of urgency, but You have to be cautious along the way. Even if the tiger's teeth are pulled out, it still has a lot of pieces. It is impossible to do it all at once. It is hard to guarantee that no one will make a blind man and pay more attention."

Feng Yuzhen took a serious position and handed the big seal of Ji'an County to Xuantian Feng. Xuantianfeng once again assured her: "When you return to the day, you will return it as it is."

Three days later, Feng Yu took the Huangquan forgetting Sichuan and went on the road. It seems that she has nothing to bring, but I don't know, but the space is full of stuff, all of which are stolen from the capital. She left a portion of the money in the county and handed it to Xuantian, for the maintenance of Ji'an County, plus taxation, the normal operation of Ji'an County is not a problem. As for the grain and military needs that need to be used in the south, she decided to take it on the road instead of taking it directly from here. After all, the goal is too big.

Although Kyoto’s **** of grain and grain was handed over to the second emperor, Kyoto was too far from the southern boundary. It took more than two months for large-scale grain transportation to arrive. What's more, she is more anxious about the supply of medicines and ammunition.

A carriage, galloping from southwest to Zhengnan all the way, the class took a horse whip to fly fast, if the road is too far away, Feng Yu is too tired, he really thinks that the four of them are better than horseback riding.

"Miss, is there really a hot person on the side of the border?" Huang Quan had never been to the South, and was very curious about that. "The wind and sand in the desert will be very big. I used to listen to Master when I was in the martial arts. He said that the ancient army is particularly good at using its geographical advantage to fight, and even researched a lot of methods related to the sand."

Forgetting Sichuan also nodded and said: "Yes, I have heard about this matter. The country in the desert is different from the ones in the desert. They are surrounded by sand and sand all the year round. The number of roads studied is related to the desert. The Shunshi will suffer a loss on this. Fortunately, after our Highness has passed, we will make a victory. The slaves are really worried about the stalemate like the Eight Emperors for several years." She hesitated for a while, still in her heart. I said it: "The young lady’s eyes are going to be smashed. You can’t do it with your Royal Highness."

Huang Quan is also anxious about this matter, and when he mentions it, he is depressed, and he is eager to break through the carriage in the carriage. Feng Yuxi listened straight to laugh, she was not in a hurry, and the two hoes were anxious enough? "When you first came, you said that it was easy to follow me. Followed by your Highness will always be more depressing. I have to marry him, but I still have to be with him every day. What? Now I am not afraid of depression?"

"That's not the same thing." Huang Quan slammed his feet. "Miss, are you really in a hurry? The slaves saw that the two aunts of Yao family were anxious enough! This time I went to Ji'an County and said nothing. The Yunxiao Niangniang went out of the palace and went to the court again, showing that everyone is in a hurry."

Feng Yu is helpless. "What use is it for me? It’s not that I have the final say. Besides, my lady, I am a girl, who have heard of the girl’s initiative to rush this thing?"

The two gimmicks thought, and they were right, but they were really reluctant, so Huang Quan took the eight emperors inside and outside again, until the outside team couldn’t help but follow the two sentences. It’s a little bit better.

In the southern boundary, since Xuantian Ming began to investigate the army of the border south, under the inspiration of the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo, the people who had colluded with the ancient monk began, and a total of 20 people fell into the net. When Xifang reported this data to him, he didn't feel surprised at all. He even said, "There must be, but it will take too much time to check it out. Let's do it first!"

After the Nine Emperor Xuantian Ming hit the southern boundary and took the Shaping City, he came out from the north gate of Shaping City for the first time and rode the camel sent by the people of Shaping to return to the border camp.

Because the deputy Jiang Zeng was detained, Biannan Day Camp has been in a state of no leader for a while. But it is not that no one is in charge. Xuan Tianming has allocated a large number of people to manage the affairs there, and also assisted the West to investigate the traitors. The Biannan army was initially dissatisfied, but when the soldiers of the Shenji camp held guns and slammed into the sky, 300,000 people instantly stopped! No one dares to provoke the military scorpion of Xuantian.

Until this day, Xuantian dynasty came, people came out of the account, looking at the purple figure sitting on the camel far away, still able to think of the sky and thunder that brought the day when Xuantian smashed Shaping Pingcheng, many people They all think that the shock will leave a shadow of horror in their hearts, so that when Xuantian Ming stood in front of them, no matter whether their heart was originally directed to the Eight Emperors, they were afraid of the royal king.

Xuantian’s hand held the soldier’s hand and ordered the army to gather. When the 300,000 people gathered, they raised the dust, but he was unmoved, and even his eyes didn’t blink. He sat on the high camel like that. The head of the people who kept moving below, the purple lotus of the eyebrows was more mysterious.

Jiang Xuan was also taken from the big camp in the south of Shaping City, but the soldiers who came along with Xuantian Ming were riding a camel, but he was tied around his neck with a rope, like a dog. The land was brought to the south. When the Biannan army saw the appearance of Jiang Xuan, the fear of the Nine Emperors was even worse.

In Dashun, everyone knows that the Nine Emperors are a man of volatility and volatility, and the Emperor is so petty that he has developed a character of his own desire from an early age. This is not, even if it grows up, it has led the soldiers to become generals, or the opponents are not respectful. Some people's impressions of Xuan Tianming have once again plummeted and fell to the bottom.

Xuan Tian Ming does not care about these, what he wants to do, how to prepare, never need to explain to irrelevant people. He is a general, but he is only responsible for his own soldiers. Although these people are now under his rule, they are worshipping this soldier's hand. The heart is filled with the old eight of Kyoto. They don't take him as a handsome man. Why do he think that the other is his own pawn?

Thirty thousand people, less than a hundred people on the side of Xuantian, but there is no momentum at all, and there is no feeling of a hundred times suppression. Because the person on the side of Xuan Tianming has a gun in his hand, just pull the trigger, and the opposite is only waiting for death.

Xifang took the initiative to take the first two steps, took the rope tied to Jiang Xuan, and looked at the 300,000 army with a cold eye. He said loudly: "You know why this river deputy will fall to this end?"

People shook their heads and said with boldness: "The new generals don't like us."

West zoomed in and laughed. "Short! Our generals have always waited for the soldiers to be like the brothers. When they went to kill the enemy, he always rushed to the top. No matter what the danger, he would not change his brother’s life. The life! When he marched, all the good tea he brought with him was given to the soldiers. He drank some tea foams; the snacks were given to the younger brothers, and they gimmicked. You said such a general. Don't like soldiers?"

"That's for you! It's not the same for us!" Someone was indignant. "You are his people!"

"Do you say it again?" West magnified, and immediately ordered the man who just spoke up. "You mean, we are the generals. Are you not? The general is holding the hand, but the south is thirty." Wan Wanjun’s soldiers, you don’t admit that you are his own, then I have to ask, who are you?”

"We..." The man’s language is incapable of sophistry. I can’t say that I am a person of the Eight Emperors. It has nothing to do with the Nine Emperors.

West said again: "The generals have always treated the soldiers differently. They are not jealous of you today. The reason why the 300,000 troops in the south of the border are gathered together is the same. The reason why these rivers are like dogs is the same. The days control your freedom of movement, and add so many people to guard the camp here. You really don't understand why?"

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