Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 881: This king is majestic and cannot be challenged.

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In the west, he talked, and He Gan went up, holding a list in his hand, and behind him, the twenty people who were later taken out. I heard that He Gan took the Western release and said: "Seeing no, of these 20 people, six of them were recruited by the ancient prisoners, because they used to go to the ancient emperor to go to the secret to discuss how to Attacking Dashun! There are three others. In the evening before the night, I sneaked into the big camp in the south of Shaping City, stealing our thunder, and after the successful stealing, I fled to the plain city and gave the thunder to the future. The ancient monks were intercepted by us on the spot. The rest were confessed by the three! You know, what kind of behavior is this for Dashun?"

He Gan Li asked, but he heard that more than half of the 300,000 troops were confused.

What is the Eight Emperors and Gu Yu still secretly discuss how to attack Dashun? Isn’t it because of the ancients and Dashun that there is hatred? Isn’t it the big shun that Gu Yu took the initiative to attack? How come there are eight emperors here? The Eight Emperors are their original masters. If the Eight Emperors really did such a thing, for whatever reason, it could be...

In an instant, a word came out in the minds of these soldiers - treason!

Eight emperors treason, why? People are puzzled and look at He Gan.

He Gan glanced at the crowd, and then he said: "What you think is right, it is treason. I will tell you plainly today that the Eight Emperors would rather sacrifice the lives of the soldiers for the sake of a throne, preferring to sacrifice the people of the southern world. In order to take advantage of the attack of the ancient Shu and the alliance of the Ten Nations, in exchange for the accidental death of the Nine Emperors in this battle. At the same time, the ancients must at least kill the two cities in order to shock the court, so that he can profit from it. Going back to the South and returning the ancient ancestor to the desert in one fell swoop. With such a battle, the throne is at your fingertips."

People listened to chills. If all this is true, then who are the eight emperors they have been loyal to for so many years? For the sake of one's own self, can actually put so many lives into it, they are not ... help you abuse?

Some people are shaken, but they still can't believe it. After all, the words on one side are too extreme. They are shocked in their hearts, but they still have deep doubts.

The people on the side of Xuantian Ming did not expect the other party to believe in one word, but they told them by the West: "Including Jiang Xuan, these twenty-one people are not stunned. Whoever said it is not even, even We said that three of them were captured on the spot, and you may not be able to believe it. I will tell you today that not only these 21 people, but also the traitors in the 300,000 army, but our generals do not want to go deeper, just hope Those who have not been identified, they have to leave some face for themselves, things can not be done too much. You are Dashun people, your home is still in Dashun, your loved ones are still in Dashun! If one day Dashun was occupied by barbarians, how should your family survive? You may have heard that a hundred years ago, the ancients also attacked Lanzhou, slaughtered the city overnight, and killed many Dashun people. How many Dashun women were raped? How many Dashun women were killed? Children? Don't you think about your family?"

In a few words, there are many people in the army who followed the movement, and some even mentioned: "Have you forgotten? When the Eighth Hall is in the south, it is indeed how many exchanges with the ancients, even once we have seen a few ancient The monks entered the handsome account of His Highness."

He said this, some people in the hearing immediately reconciled. "Yes! We have been following the Eighth Hall for so many years. How can we not know that he has always had secret contacts with the ancients? The earliest ancients have not yet followed Dashun. When I turn my eyes, the exchanges are also going to be normal exchanges. However, since the beginning of the year, the situation on both sides has become increasingly tense, and Vice President Jiang has gone to the south for many times."

"Yeah! Don't talk about it, now, there are still a few ancient girls in the red account in the camp, but we are not allowed to use it."

"We are not allowed to use ... oh!" The person who spoke slammed, "Isn't that the right of those talented people to enter the ancient woman's red account?" He said that pointing forward, it was those who were sent by Xuantian. That twenty-one. "Removing them, there seem to be a few, I have some impressions."

Someone on the side said: "I also have some impressions..." As I said, I twisted my head and immediately looked at a person who was standing not far away, and suddenly reached out and said - "And he!"

The person who was accused of glimpsed a face that seemed to be a charitable one. Suddenly, it was a stern color. A haze immediately came, and it seemed to have changed.

This person is so, how can other people not understand, for a time, people's letter to He Ganxi put two people to 90%.

The so-called red account is actually the place where the army lives. The military camps are all men, and they are all young, strong and strong men. Men have normal physiological needs, and there are rules in the army. You can't leave the team to the brothel at will. You can't bring your own wife and children to the army. How can this normal need be solved? There is only a red account.

It is not every day that people go in and out. There will be people who specialize in this matter grouping the generals, how many people, and on average, each person can get twice a month, which is also humane.

There are ten red accounts in the army of the border south. There are five or six military sergeants in each account. One of them is all the women sent by the ancient 蜀, and the general soldiers can’t find them. Huan, they are dedicated to the coach and deputy, as well as some special heads.

After listening to the West, why is it easy for people to associate these ancient scorpions into the association, and then think of those who can come out of the ancient red account on weekdays, or not the twenty ones who were arrested! As a result, the emotional anger of the soldiers was ignited, and the rumors of the rumors were passed on. The truth was passed down all the time, and those who could enter and leave the ancient sacred account became the 300,000 army. The goal.

Xuan Tianming did not stop, let them bite one by one, and finally, they bite fifteen people.

"Nine Highness! New General!" Someone in the army took the lead and shouted, "I don't know that it is this mind under the Eighth House! We are all awkward!"

"Yes! The new general, we never thought about betraying Dashun!"

Even the young soldiers have smeared tears. "I still have a mother in my family. I don't have a wife. The new general will not kill us as traitors."

Xuan Tianming looked at this scene and looked at the individuals who had been arrested. He could not help but ask: "Don't you dare to do what you have done for yourself?"

Those people are squinting one by one, and no one speaks. Some of them are Xuantian Mo’s dead loyalty powder. It’s not a bad thing to kill, but the ones I’ve caught before are There is a partial confession under the intimidation of the means of Tianming. At the moment, I heard Xuan Tianming ask, they all know that these people have gone, and they don’t want to turn over again in the hands of the nine kings. From now on, they can’t help the Eighth Hall anymore. The mood is very lonely.

Najiang chose to hate and said loudly: "Hey? Why are we going to be jealous? Only the Eighth Highness is in the position, our family can live a good life! Only in the mother's wife can be like the Beijing-Chinese lady." If we have been going on like this, we will only be a soldier for a lifetime. This is not enough for the family to eat and drink. What's more, the sword on the battlefield has no eyes, and it may not be possible to return to any battle. What? Left and right are desperate, it is better to follow the Eighth Highness, for yourself and for the family to make a good future!"

When he said this, it was equivalent to acknowledging what they did. The 300,000-strong army has once again boiled, and people have never imagined it. It turned out to be true! Just for their own selfish desires, to catch the lives of so many people!

Someone asked: "You have a good day, what about us? We are soldiers to protect the country, to make the whole Dashun people live a good life! But you are going to catch up for your future. The lives of our little soldiers! Let's take the life of the entire southern people! How do you hate this kind of heart?"

The condemnation of people’s voices has led to a **** head of Jiang Xuan and others. Until this condemnation gradually weakened, Xuantian Ming raised his hand and signaled that people were quiet. So, people don't say much, look up one by one, quietly watching the new general, thinking about the thunder of the night, only that the nine emperors are really gods.

Xuantian meditation: "It is not unusual for the emperor to win the battle. It is not unusual to have a wound or a death. But the king never hopes that this kind of scolding is to use his own country and the lives of the people to make chips. That is to win. The throne is not seated. If you are still thinking about the Eighth Hall of your heart, the king will not stop, and now you can report it to the name. The king immediately puts your name on the army. Go, from now on, you are an ordinary people, you can go home to live a good life, or you can find your old master in Kyoto. In short, you don’t want such a person in the army of the king! In addition, you want to rely on the ancients, this Wang Hui personally sent you to the Pingping City, as long as the ancients will accept, you will remove the household registration from Dashun from now on! But if you want to stay in Dashun, if you want to stay in the army, then give me honestly. There is nothing to discuss in this king here, the whip and the military regulations in the hands of the king are not easily provocative!"

He spoke, and a natural pressure came down from the sky, causing the 300,000-strong army to drop their heads. The courageous person said, "Why did the generals not attack after winning the Shaping City that night?"

Xuantian meditation: "If you don't attack, when you attack, the king has his own decision. The arrangement of the master is not necessary to explain clearly to everyone. If you decide to attach, then you must follow the rules of the king. No matter how old your old masters were, I have forgotten all of them. Yes, some people have been curious about the day and tried to steal. Today, the king will let you see for yourself. Called Tianlei -"

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