Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 883: One step wrong, step by step wrong

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Speaking of it, the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo is also quite awkward.

Originally, his plan did not leak. If his 300,000-strong army did not cooperate, he would count on the 115,000 people that Xuantian had brought with him. It was impossible to confront the ancients. The ancient ape and the alliance of the desert, it is also called a full 500,000 people, Xuantian Ming is brave again, the gap in the number is too great. What's more, the climate like the desert, the ancients, but when they play with some thoughts, the consumption can also win this battle.

It is a pity that the Eight Emperors did not expect to have the plug-in of Feng Yu, and the heavy firepower of the 21st century appeared in this era. Even though the number of ancient soldiers was much higher, the climate of the desert was hot again, and the battle was difficult, and all of them were necessary. Stand by. In the face of heavy firepower, everything in this era will be compromised.

For this reason, the situation in the southern boundary was not developed as expected by the former Eight Emperors after the arrival of Xuantian, and all progress was different from what he had imagined, even the opposite. Including Fu Ya's move, it is also difficult to get through, and the loopholes are so full that it has to be abandoned now.

Of course, all this, the eight emperors have not yet got the news, all the legends that his party feathers gave him to the eagle have been intercepted by Xuantian, so that the eight emperors far away from the capital are still doing The mysterious dream will soon die in the desert.

Ji Lingtian took the people out of the Zhizhou government. This is the first time that he came out of his own government door after Xuan Tianming came to the south. It was like a world. Once upon a time, he walked down the street. Although the people did not know how much they loved, there was still a good time to meet and say hello. But now it is different, the people look at him like a stranger, and they ignore it. This is still good, and even worse, he sneered at him. He will not be far away and will "snap" and express his spit.

Someone even pointed at him, and did not shy away from saying: "Seeing no, this is our parents, Lanzhou Zhizhou Ji Daren! It is he who took the lead in recognizing the fake county owner, we just followed it, yes He deliberately misled the people, what kind of parents do they want him to do?"

"Of course not! The parents are guilty of harming the people. Let's tell the Nine Emperors to change the position of the state of Lanzhou to another person. Never look for someone like him. The people in Lanzhou can't afford to hurt."

Ji Lingtian bowed his head and did not dare to refute. What can he say? What the people said is true. He deliberately misled people under the inspiration of the Eight Emperors to believe that Fuya was the head of Ji’an County. He also screamed like a phoenix, and now he thought about it. He wants to smoke his own two mouths, and his heart hates the three emperors and the family of Fengjia.

Ji Lingtian stepped up and stepped into the Fengfu Gate. At this time, the Fengfu Gate was closed, and there were many people outside. There were a bunch of cabbage leaves at the door, and there were many eggs in the door. The people have to come to the last time, swear a few words, throw something, in short, can not make the Phoenix family better. For this, Fengfu still adopts an attitude of avoiding, does not open the door, does not respond, and even the next person has not come out.

Ji Lingtian regretted that he had not sent anything to the Feng family before, and he was also eating silver and silver tickets, just to make them feel decent in the southern border, like the left house of the county government. I want to come, these days, the Fengfu people do not go out, but also rely on the reserves he sent from the past to live? I knew that today, I shouldn’t care for them at the beginning!

He walked to the front of the government with his official official and shouted: "Feng Yuyuan! Open the door to Laozi!" After all, he couldn’t help but slammed his feet up, and the door did not slam the ground. pain.

Damn it! Ji Lingtian was annoyed again. At the beginning, he was personally helping him to choose. The government gate was also rebuilt by him. He was very well trained. If it weren’t for this, he should open this door. Alright?

Fengfu Litou, Ji Lingtian shouted that almost all the people in the front yard heard it clearly. Someone rushed to the backyard to report with Feng Yuyuan and Fu Yazhen. The father and the daughter were sitting at this time. What should I do after discussing in the study room? The two have different positions and they are red-faced. Fu Ya wants to escape day and night, but suffers from a woman who escapes from the government and cannot settle down. In addition, her face is too famous in the southern world, even wearing a skull cap is really eye-catching. The Lanzhou Shoucheng army has been replaced by Xuantian, who is very careful about the in and out. She does not think she can escape Lanzhou City.

The rumors of the next person let the two people’s emotions fall into fear again. They didn’t move in the study room, and they didn’t say anything. The outside person thought that there was no one inside, and after repeating it twice, they ran away. It is. After a short time, I heard the eager footsteps rushing to the side. Immediately, Yao’s voice sounded and he was calling Fuya: “Come out, screaming that they have not yet entered the government, you hurry. run!"

Fu Yateng stood up, at the same time, the door of the study was pushed away by Yao. Regardless of Feng Qiyuan, he directly rushed over Fu Yachong and took Fuya’s wrist and made a strong Look outside.

Fu Ya was a little panicked and asked in a hurry: "What is the wife doing?" Since Yao’s face turned over last time, she no longer recognizes Fuya’s daughter. She later said that she is the Fengyu in Beijing, and then It is said that she is a fake person who acts as a daughter of her own. In this case, she no longer recognizes Fu Ya, and she does not allow Fu Ya to open her mother. Fu Ya had no choice. Since then, she changed her mouth and only called her a wife. Yao did not care about her any more. I didn’t expect that this suddenly happened again. Fu Ya didn’t understand Yao’s intentions and was on the spot.

Yao’s seeing that he couldn’t move Fu Ya, there was no fire in his heart, and there was still a Fengqiyuan in the house, so he rushed to him: “What is the left-handedness, what is the support of the Eight Emperors, Feng Qian Yuan, for so many years, have you ever met a master from the beginning to the end? Have you done one thing right? At the beginning, my Yao family died of a noble doctor, although the nobles seemed to be favored by outsiders, but you I don’t want to think about it. Since I’ve been in the palace, who else can be with the pets in the backyard? Yao’s family is in the wilderness, you don’t say why it’s because of what, hurriedly put our mother They all sent out the capital. Do you think that it is to the emperor? I told you that I knew it when my father returned to Beijing. The reason why the Yao family was driven to the wasteland was because the emperor did not want the Yao family to be in the third. One of the plots of the emperor was counted in, and that was the protection of the emperor's Yao family! But what about you? Indiscriminately, we drove us out of the capital. You know how much we suffered in those three years?"

Yao’s day is not so good. His thoughts are clear and well-organized. Even the eyes are less filthy when they look at people. It’s like being changed overnight, and they have changed back just a few years ago. The look that came back from the mountains in the northwest. Still weak, but it is clear and right, no one can fool her.

Feng Xiaoyuan listened to the accusation of Yao’s sentence. Although he had long understood that Yao’s going to the wasteland was a kind of protection for the emperor, this kind of thing was once again mentioned, and his heart’s annoyance was deeper. .

Yao is right! He has thought about this for many times. If it wasn’t that he was too courageous and too arrogant, and with the analysis of the old lady’s irrationality, he almost hurried the three sons of Yao’s mother and son without hesitation, and hurriedly put Shen’s help. A bit. He thought he was very clever, and this thing was also beautiful. At that time, he thought that the emperor would be able to appease him. As a result, Emperor Wudi did not react at all. He did not know this thing.

Later, he was bent on supporting the fish, ignoring the glory of Feng Yu's glare when he returned to the government three years later. Now think about it, if the Nine Emperor went to Fengfu under the banquet, he would be able to see through the relationship, and then use his mind to the second daughter Feng Yuxi, then today’s Fengfu, how beautiful it is. what!

Unfortunately, one step is wrong, step by step is wrong, he seems to be wrong with the Eight Emperors! Now that there is no room for turning back, the Feng family is gone, and Ji Lingtian also chooses to oppose him. This is a side of Lanzhou, and he is isolated.

"But it!" Feng Xiaoyuan swayed at Yao's hand. "What do you think is the use of it now? It has already been done, and the phoenix family is dead, and it will be the turn of the eye. Look, this time, it’s really hard to escape. The grudge between you and me, I’m afraid I’m going to go to the yin and sect. I’m waiting in the house, I’m going to the front yard, but I can fight for it. To the chance of being a frontline, we have to fight."

Feng Yiyuan never felt that death was so close to himself. Even if he was seriously injured by Yao, he did not feel that he would die. But now it is different. The capital is a half root of his life. This Lanzhou is not a force. Apart from Ji Lingtian, he can't even find a familiar person. However, Ji Lingtian is in the sky, is he relying on the nine emperors? The man said that he was his second son-in-law, and he did not know that he would take a soft time at this time, and then he chose to rely on it to come.

Feng Yuyuan went to the front yard with such a feeling. In the study, Yao also held Fu Ya’s wrist and smashed the person out. He said, “Children, Fengjia’s business has nothing to do with you, I No matter what you think in your heart, what kind of purpose you want to achieve, but initially it is because my confusion has brought you here. Now that the Feng family is in trouble, you don’t have to be implicated, run fast. Let's take a look at it for a while. You jumped from the wall of the three-in-one to the wall. You are young and have good legs and legs. As long as you can be smart, life is not a problem."

During the speech, Fu Ya has been pulled by Yao to the last wall of the backyard. Yao didn't know where to get a hat and handed it to Fu Ya. Then he reached into his sleeve and took a few silver tickets out of his sleeve. "This is what I secretly brought when I came out from Jingli. You take it. Let's go to escape! I can't watch you die with the Feng family."

Fu Ya's nose was sour, and I didn't expect that Yao could still think about her. She subconsciously called: "Mother..."

Yao’s swearing, but said: “Fuya girl, don’t call my mother, I used to be confused, I am too stubborn. But I know clearly, you...not my daughter. My The daughter is in the capital, it is Dashun...Ji'an County."

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