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Yao’s rare waking is to make Fu Ya blush. She always thought that Yao was confused and had some dementia, so she was brazen enough to be her daughter and enjoy the motherly love that Feng Yu had to enjoy. But now I know that, in fact, Yao is not demented at all, but there are some things she chooses to evade and refuse to admit. This has created the situation today.

Yao pushed Fu Ya to climb the wall in a water tank on the wall. She was a little disappointed and extended her hand to try to pull Yao. - "Mrs, let's go together! At the moment, you stay 80%." There is no good end. You are not a husband and wife with that Feng Xiaoyuan, there is no need to put yourself in for their Feng family. Madame assured, Fu Ya will not drag you down, let us leave this Fengfu, then you Just go to the nine emperors, he is the husband of the county, and then you will not be embarrassed by your county owner."

Fu Ya bitterly persuaded, and it also brought five points of true love, but the other five points were that she hoped that Yao would bring her to Xuantian, so that she might have another way to go.

However, Yao is shaking his head, and his face is mad. She said, "I don't leave. Although I have never been a Fengjia person, but today I have half of my factors, if not I was too Obsessively, we can't come to this southern border. My sin always has to redeem myself. I have to plant the cause myself to collect this evil. You are going to go! Even if you are not my daughter, but you have a Like my daughter's face, I can't bear to bring you in. Good boy, go quickly, stay away from the court, find a place to live a good life, never break into this drowning water, know? Go!"

She said, she was going to push Fu Ya's foot, but at this moment, she heard a scream and footsteps getting closer and closer. Yao returned in horror, but seeing that Ji Lingtian had already rushed into the backyard with the official difference, and removed the palace, and the man who looked like a soldier, looked coldly at Fu Ya, who was kneeling on the wall, loudly: "Can't Let her run! Take her down!"

This loud drink scared Yao's, she did not care about anything, and quickly pushed Fu Ya's foot, and said: "Fast! Hurry up and jump, here I can hold for a while, you run. !"

Fu Ya can't control anything else, Yao's persuasion does not move, and now the chasing soldiers have reached the bottom of his feet. That season, Ling Tian looks murderous, and even Feng Qiyuan is taken up by the people he brought, she will not run afraid. It is not even life.

Fu Ya gritted his teeth and jumped forward and jumped from the wall. Yao’s eyes watched her escape, and a tear came out of her eyes, although she knew that this was not her daughter, but that face was her incomparable.

She turned her head and confronted the officers and men who rushed over. They opened their arms and protected their children like an old hen. They shouted loudly: "No one can hurt my daughter! You have to settle accounts, I am with Feng. Qianyuan is here, my daughter is innocent!"

The officials were rude, and where they managed, they only knew that they were doing well in Zhizhou, but because Lanzhou came to such a family of three, with a fake county owner, but they also sold the account of the three. Only then did I know that people are not inside or outside the state. They have been kept in the government for a few days, and they have been screaming for a sigh of relief. Today, I heard that it was to catch the fake county owner, but they are all gearing up.

Someone stepped forward to pull Yao, and shouted loudly: "You are a dead woman! Just because you are doing enough with that old thing? The fake county owner is going to commit, we are going to catch her, you give me Go away!"

When the man finished, he slammed Yao's side to the side, and Yao hit the tree and coughed. But this is the case, she still succumbed to physical discomfort and rushed over again, watching the man has stepped on the water tank, one hand is enough to reach the wall, she does not know where the power is actually rushing past I lived in the man’s leg and threw it down in a big way.

There was a soldier who said helplessly: "Mrs. Yao, the one who ran is not your daughter. She has been deceiving you all the time. It is a fake."

Where can Yao listen, she knows that it is a fake, but she still wants to keep Fu Ya's life. The great man was smashed down, and Yao returned to his original position, blocking the water tank, and no one would let anyone close.

Ji Ling is in a hurry, and then so dead, the fake county owner can run far! Then he yelled: "You can't pick up a group of wastes! You can't catch people today, and no one wants to live!"

Under the stimulation of life and death, the officials were also anxious. Several hands went straight to pull Yao’s, but Yao’s squatting on the big water tank, and fighting for Fu Ya to escape further and gain time. . The officers and men were furious, and they saw one person pulling out the knives and stabbing them in the light of Yao.

Behind the scene, the soldier saw this scene and shouted: "And slow!" But it was still half a beat slower. The knife has penetrated deeply into Yao's heart, and the tip of the knife has been exposed from the front. However, the official difference had a subconscious reaction after hearing this "slow". The knife just pulled in and pulled out again. Yao's blood sprang up and instantly dyed the ground.

Feng Xiaoyuan was scared, and Yao’s eyes fell to the ground. He wanted to go up and see, but he was still being held. He could only yell a few times: "Yao! Yao, you wake up! Can't die!"

The sergeant who was holding him couldn't bear it, and let Feng Xiaoyuan let go. He rushed to Yao's frontstep a few steps. When he didn't hesitate, he took the man up and took it in his arms.

Yao’s still has a sigh of relief, but she can’t resist the spread of death. She doesn’t seem to feel pain, even with a smile on her face. She looked at Feng Xiaoyuan, and it seems that she returned to her ten years ago. When she married, Feng Xiaoyuan was the champion, and she was inexhaustible in the study of the emperor. She took a long look at Fenghuangyuan’s top spot. I have already made my heart secret.

It was Feng Yiyuan’s first pro, and he asked her to be the only daughter of Yao’s family in the court. It can be said that her family with Feng Yuyuan, Yao family does not agree, especially Yao Xian, after investigating the Fengjia family and the old lady in the government, they are determined to reject. It was her Yao Yaorou who was struggling to ask her father to agree, and said that she would not regret whether she would treat her in the future.

She forced her to death, Yao Xian had no choice, and she was distressed by her daughter. Thinking of his own home, he can take advantage of the dowry in Beijing, and if he has the heart, he will not treat his daughter badly. Yao married the Feng family in this way, but did not expect that the Feng family was actually the Longtan Tiger Cave, one by one would eat people to **** blood.

She regretted that she had been so desperately holding her daughter's sacred quest and the phoenix and Yuan, and broke off the relationship and love. But now she is almost dying, gas is almost unable to breathe, and suddenly there is no such remorse, and suddenly remembered the first few years of marriage, Feng Xiaoyuan is good for her.

Yao raised his hand to touch the face of Feng Yuyuan. This person is a lot older, and he has a lot of sorrows, but she can still find the appearance of the champion. She opened her mouth and couldn't help but said: "I really loved you." But he said helplessly: "Unfortunately, you don't cherish it."

After that, I didn’t look at Feng Xiaoyuan’s eyes, but I turned my eyes to the few soldiers who were surrounded, and then waved at one of them.

The man looked stunned and squatted down and said to her, "Mrs. Yao, when the next time, all the imperial courts made orders, don't hurt you as much as possible, but... why are you suffering!"

What Yao cares about is not his own life and death. She just laboriously said to the soldier: "Tell your Highness, let him tell the aunt, just say... just say me... sorry for her. If there is a future life, she will not be me. Daughter, I... not worthy."

"Unworthy" word export, Yao's eyes began to scatter, looking up at the sky, do not know what she is watching. The smile on the face always hung, until the last breath, Feng Xiaoyuan heard her whispered: "I saw the aunt..."

Finally, the air is perfect, the eyes are slightly closed, and a tear falls down from the corner of the eye, announcing the end of this life.

Feng Yuyuan also closed his eyes and shed two tears. All the way to the present, from Shen's to Fengziyu, then to Fengshen, Jinzhen, and the old lady, plus the later Kangxi... How many people did he send away? A big Feng Fu was actually letting him toss almost close. Now Yao is dead, then...he?

The trend has gone, the trend has gone!

Feng Xiaoyuan silently lamented, and when he opened his eyes again, he said to Ji Lingtian: "Don't prestige! I was smashed by the Eight Emperors. You are also. You and I are just one of the many pieces of the Eight Emperors. If you can't use it, you don't care. You don't think that you are helping me to help me. I will know you from time to time. I know too much about the emperor. I tell you, it is impossible! He is never A person who talks and counts, he does things without rules, thinks about where to do it, what prior promises, those are shit! What's more, today, your people killed Yao Xiaorou, this Yao Yaorou, who do you know? Really Ji'an County's mother-in-law! It is the only daughter of Yao Xian, a **** doctor in Beijing. Even if the nine halls let you go, Yao will not let you go. Ji Lingtian, you are dead! And I..."

In the end, the hope of being alive was stronger. Feng Xiaoyuan let Yao go, and stood up and said to the officials and the soldiers: "You can't kill me. Although I am no longer a left-handed person, I am the owner of Ji'an County. Relatives, there is a daughter in the capital that is the future of the five emperors. No matter what point, you are not qualified to kill me."

This is not the case, but the soldiers are also clear, not to mention the order of Xuan Tian’s imperialism to bring both Feng Yuyuan and Yao to Shaping City. They did not want to have any materiality for this person. The most damage is to scare the squat, and then mainly to catch the fake county owner. For that woman, it is killing casual, Xuantian meditation, only to leave a personal head for him to look at it.

But now Fu Ya ran, and they have been chasing them here, but I don’t know if I can get back.

Yao’s death is also killed by the official in front of them. This is a bad... How to pay back?

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