Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 891: Feng Yuyuan, 殇

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Feng Yu broke into the house and personally changed the little sergeant. Together with the forgotten river, he helped Feng Xiaoyuan back to the bed.

In the process, Feng Xiaoyuan looked at her slyly, watching the daughter carry the bed with her, and covered the quilt, and sat quietly on his bedside. There is no sharpness on the surface, although it is not close, but it looks like the kind of lightness before being sent to the northwest. It’s the best result for him, Feng Qiyuan.

Feng Qiyuan did not go too far, raised his hand and wiped a hand on his face, some wet, but also found out his skinny now. He said: "Auntie, you are coming!" Then the gaze was sent back, and in the eyes, it was the father-in-law who had never felt it after the Dashun Dynasty.

She was also a bit embarrassed. Suddenly she wanted to ask if Feng Xiaoyuan was confused. Did she regard her as a former Fengshen fish? I can see that this person’s life is exhausted. She sighs in the bottom of her heart. If she is too harsh, she will not say anything. She just nodded and said, "Yes, I am coming."

Feng Xiaoyuan is a bit embarrassed, facing the second daughter, but there are a thousand words, but always do not know where to start, do not know how to open the topic with it. He couldn't quite think of how to send Feng Yu to the northwest. When Feng Yu and Feng Jia's niece, how did their father and daughter get along, only remember that the second daughter's temper was faint, what? There is not much interest, and there is not much favor for anyone. When Feng Yuxi returned to Beijing, the exchanges between them were nothing more than humming, quarreling, and not waiting to see each other.

"Hey." Feng Xiaoyuan sighed, I don't know what to say.

When Feng Yuyu first opened his mouth, he said: "I went to the mother's ancestors to worship, as a daughter, even the mother's funeral did not catch up, afraid to be the regret and embarrassment of my life. However, I still want to thank you for personally handling this matter. The selected cemetery looks good in feng shui, and the desert is far away from Kyoto. It is far from right and wrong, and the mother will like it."

Feng Xiaoyuan quickly said: "Don't thank me, your mother is my wife, these are all I should do."

Feng Yuqi shook his head: "It’s not a wife. It’s not a little bit related to the Feng family.” She said that she had held the wrist of Feng Qiyuan and only released it after a while, but I didn’t say anything about my condition, but said: “I have chosen to receive Ji’an County. After that, Anzhen’s mother will go there to live there. The house is well placed. You can rest assured. As for the whitefly, There are five princes who take care of it. As for her temper, you want to worry about her is also in vain. It is a blessing or a curse, but also depends on her own choice."

She said this, Feng Xiaoyuan listened as if he was arranging for him, and finally told him everything at home. I know that my heart is just not good. However, this ending is also within his expectation, just as he said to the little sergeant, his body is clear, and for up to two days, he can no longer hold. Fortunately, before he died, he saw Feng Yuxi, and his heart was no longer worried. So he opened his mouth and bitterly said: "I am a failed father. I will die until I die. I don't know what can be given to you." You don't need my jealousy, because every thing you do is better than my father. In contrast, I haven't even done a serious thing in these years. I am not qualified. Ask for your forgiveness, but aunt, I have to tell you that there is something left before your mother left. She said that she is not confused. She always recognizes you in her heart. She knows you. It’s her daughter, not the Fuya, that gives you peace of mind.”

"Well." Feng Yu's mood is not very good, and the mood is very low. Even though she has no feelings for Feng Qiyuan, but this body is in line with Feng Qiyuan, and it is always somewhat traction. So that now I am watching this person will die, and I have suffered such a big sin. If I don’t listen well, I can’t say it. She just said: "Since I remembered me, then I will feel at ease! Speaking of it, no one in this world would want the father to be filial, father, you have thought about it. If you treat me well, the Phoenix family will never It may become like this now! As long as I am there, the Feng family will continue to be brilliant. Unfortunately, things don't follow me."

Listening to her initiative to mention this, Feng Xiaoyuan is still very happy, there are still many words to say. He coughed for a while and then said: "I know that I was wrong. I didn't know which ribs were wrong. I thought that if the Feng family didn't even have a night, they would be unlucky with the Yao family. I am not good. It’s easy to go through the scientific research and climb the position of the left-handed person. It’s hard to pick up your grandmother. It’s this huge glory that makes me faint, so that even the most correct judgment can’t be made. After all, all of this has been cast, we just want to go back to the original and can't go back. Auntie, the only thing that is fortunate for the father is that you can live so wonderfully. There is still a child in my family. Whether you hate me or blame me, I hope that you are doing well now. Auntie, I am sorry."

Sorry, Feng Lan Yuan Lao tears, no matter how much he does not want to cry in front of this daughter so no image, but tears can not help. Fengjia, how brilliant the Feng family! But it was destroyed step by step between his thoughts. Now think about it, this second daughter has given him the opportunity of Fengjia several times, but he still can't see the situation clearly.

He wanted to hold Feng Yu's hand, but after talking for so long, he spent a lot of effort and did not have the strength to lift it several times. When Feng Yuxi took the initiative to hold his hand, the **** were still in the veins, and the eyebrows showed a faint sorrow.

"I am going to die." Feng Yuyuan said: "I hold this breath, I just want to say sorry to you, and now my wish has been reached, and this tone can finally be swallowed." He gasped again, to I tried very hard to swallow this breath, but when he was going to die, he would have to suffer more sins. It is obvious that people have been exhausted, but this tone has been hanging, letting people feel uncomfortable. Not willing to disperse.

Forgetting Sichuan, he felt so painful when he saw him. He said: "Miss and Mr. Feng talked well, and the slaves waited outside." They rushed out of the house.

Feng Yu looked at him for a while, frowning and asked him: "Would you like me to help you, go to relax?"

Feng Yuyuan nodded again and again, "Yes, want!"

Feng Yuxi did not hesitate, reached into the sleeves and transferred the euthanasia injection from the space.

"Actually, your daughter has already died in the mountains of the northwest. I was thrown into the mass grave by two vicious villagers."

When she said that she was playing with the injection, Feng Xiaoyuan didn't take a look at the injection, but she was amazed at her words. "No wonder you said that you are not, you really are not..."

Feng Yuqi shook his head, and a needle was pushed into the body of Feng Yuyuan. At the same time, he said, "No, I am, but it is not." With the eyes of Feng Yuyuan looking forward, she still shook her head: "Tianji Do not leak."

Feng Xiaoyuan no longer asked, the eyelids were heavy, and the eyes were closed, but he whispered, "How do I feel so sleepy?"

She pulled the injection out and whispered: "Sleep and sleep, there is no pain when you fall asleep."

Then I watched Feng Xiaoyuan close his eyes a little bit, as if he had said something before he was completely closed, like "I'm sorry," but he didn't really understand it.

Finally, there is no breath, and there is no pain under euthanasia. This is the last thing Feng Yuxi can do for her daughter.

She got up and felt that there was a sullen temper in this room. Under the influence of this sullen temper, the individuals who had been in Fengfu began to flash in her mind like a movie replay. The old lady, Shen Shi, Feng Shen Yu, Feng Zikai, Jin Zhen, Han... These once-lived people have flashed through her eyes with their most distinctive gestures, and then with the past With the death of Feng Yuyuan, it completely disappeared into her world.

"From now on, there is no more phoenix!" Feng Yu squinted slightly, his nose was sour, and his eyes were even more crystal-clear. She felt very ridiculous. "When the class goes, why do you say why I cry? Is it for the Feng family?"

In the dark, the class walked and flashed, and stood behind her, silently accompanying, but did not speak.

Feng Yu smirked, "It's for Fengjia! After all, I am also a surname of Feng. If a family can live well, who is willing to fall now? Do you really think that I like to be rebellious? Do you think I like no father? Doesn't the mother have no brothers and sisters? But if they treat me with a little bit of truth, I will give back several times, and this family will not fall to the end of today."

She sucked her nose and turned to look at Feng Xiaoyuan. This father didn't look like the same day. It was as thin as a bamboo pole, and old like a 50-60-year-old man. In fact, Feng Wei Yuan is only about forty years old, and it is a prime year.

"I heard that he wants to be buried with his wife." The class finally opened his mouth, but said something that was heard from the soldiers. "He said more than once that he could not treat his wife when he was alive. It’s good to be a man who waits for her to wait for the horse before her. Even with His Royal Highness, I want to bury with my wife, but my Highness is not.”

Feng Yu珩 laughed. "Nothing should be right. I don't want my mother to have any involvement with his Feng family after he left. He can send his mother the last trip, which is the end of his two fate. Live. I can't be together all the time, why should I continue to entangle after dying?"

"How do you deal with the body of Feng Qiyuan?" The class asked: "The Shaping City can only be buried in the east of the city. When the lady is buried there, he can't go any more."

Feng Yu thought about it and said, "Burn it! Burn the ashes and put them in the porcelain jar. When you send them back to the capital, you will give them to the whitefly."

The class took a trip, "Is the four ladies of Fengjia? She still can't give up the ashes? She hates Feng Yuyuan and hates to look forward to smashing people every day. If it is given to her, it will be sent to the door. ""

"When you are raised, you will be promoted." Feng Yuxi did not care about this kind of thing. In the later generations, people who chose to bring the ashes into the sea were everywhere. "If the white mites are well buried, they will be counted as their father and daughter. If it is really raised, it is the last merit of Feng Qiyuan for his four daughters! He raised the ashes and solved the knot. Since then, I have also learned about the Feng family’s grievances... Yeah."

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