Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 892: The county is mainly out of gas

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As Feng Yuxi wished, Xuantian Ming held a cremation for Feng Yuyuan. As a daughter, Feng Yuying smashed down and smashed three heads when the fire was burning. The relationship between the father and the daughter was over.

Feng Yu's mood is not good, and it is not sentimental for the death of Feng Yuyuan. To say that a person is dying and repenting can't offset the kind of hurt and hatred that he caused to his relatives and friends when he was alive, and he couldn't count on relying on the last breath to make it a jade. Not only Feng Yuyuan, but also Yao. The reason why she is in a bad mood is the kind of sadness caused by the death of these two people. It is as if life has gone to a watershed and the family is gone. There is no more Fengjia in this world.

Xuan Tianming stayed with her for two days and two nights. Finally, on the third day, this girl returned to its original position, and his familiar smile appeared on the face. Xuan Tianxiao let out a sigh of relief, "scared me."

Feng Yuxi licked the freshly washed hair, and he was very welcome to help him dry it with a towel. Xuan Tianming protested: "How can you not go to the space? Your kind of hair dryer is very useful." He used it a few times, but he didn't expect that a small thing could blow such a strong wind, and the hair would be a while. Being blown dry is very magical.

Feng Yuxi said: "There is no feeling that you wipe my hair for me."

He didn't understand: "What do I feel when I wipe your hair?"

She thought about it and said, "It's very close, very close, like a family, there is no barrier."

Just rubbing a hair, but also to wipe out so many thoughts, Xuan Tian meditation, the woman's heart, it is really difficult to estimate. However, the movements under the hand did not stop, holding the towel she used to pick up from the space and rubbing it, and then twisting it from time to time, although not very professional, but it is quite like that.

Feng Yuxi is the most difficult thing to do with the hair. In the past, even if it was a girl, when she was not attending a banquet or the like, the combing of the hair was very simple. Unlike ancient times, even if you are at home, you can comb all kinds of fancy styles. If you are too casual, you will always be said to be unruly.

"Before I felt too much in Fengfu, I had to go so far in the morning to wake up the old lady. But my granddaughter should go to see her grandmother. It’s strange to say that the house is too big, one yard to another. The yard has to go so far." She unknowingly talked about the Feng family, and then subconsciously licked the hoe, no longer continue this topic.

Xuantian took the initiative to take on the task of combing her hair, but also did not comb the fancy, but it was much better than Feng Yu. Basically, when he was together, he rarely let the next person wait for these things. Xuantian was used to it. After combing his hair, he took the initiative to pick up the breakfast that Huang Quan sent over the door. The two sat and used rice, Feng Yu. When I ate and ate, I suddenly said, "Let's go to the camp for a while."

"Good." Xuantian did not ask her to go to the big camp to do anything. In fact, there is nothing to ask. Feng Yu 珩 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意 随意He Gan and the two directly spoke to her and called the master. However, today Feng Yuxi proposed to go to the big camp, Xuantian Ming always felt that her mood is not quite right, this girl is like a mouthful of mouth, nowhere to send, do not know this tone but find a breakthrough, is It’s got a lot of noise.

After dinner, the two returned to the camp in the southern suburbs of Shaping City. The generals were very happy about the arrival of Feng Yuxi, but they also knew that she had just died of her father and mother. People were not too cheered, and some even advised. Her day is mourning. She did not explain, and did not say much, took Xuantian Ming into one empty account, and then saw her slamming weapons and ammunition from the space to the outside. Filled up a book, and went to install another account, until the two accounts were full, so that the West and He Gan called here, let them organize the soldiers of the Shenji camp to collect.

The west was originally at the head of the Biannan camp. I heard that Feng Yu came to the big camp today and ran back on the camel all the way. He said to He Gan: "I have a feeling that our master is going to be awesome!"

This feeling of the West is correct, and the feeling before Xuan Tianming is even more correct. Feng Yu’s heart is indeed a sigh of relief, there is nowhere to be made, but she can’t suffocate herself. So, this girl has a venting method. She told Xuan Tianming: “Let’s go to fight at night. Pingping City! I am upset, just take the peace of the city."

Xuantian Ming is the most used to the wife. His daughter-in-law said that he is awkward. If he wants to dry up, he will do it. Don’t say that he is playing Pingcheng. She means that he will not enter into the ancient Kyoto. He will not oppose it.

Of course, Feng Yuxi is not so tiger. The desert is too hot, and it is very difficult to push forward every time. Although the night battle can avoid some heat, but it is impossible to carry out a long-lasting war. It is necessary to end the war before the sun rises in the early morning of the next day. The biggest trouble that Xuantian Ming army is currently facing.

However, there is no problem in hitting a flat city. The reason why Xuantian Ming has not moved is because once the Pingping City is laid, the ammunition stocked by the Shenji Camp will be seen at the end, and if it encounters an ancient counterattack, Especially in the daytime counterattack, they become very passive. In addition, the location of the Pingping City is further pushed than the Shaping City, the climate is more flammable, and the body of the soldiers will take a long time to recuperate and adapt.

But now there is no such trouble, his wife and children are coming, weapons and ammunition are not inexhaustible, plus her brilliant medical skills, even after the army has smashed into the city, the ancients counterattack, the other side has no chance of winning. The chance.

He smacked the head of Feng Yu's cockroach and loved it with pity: "Well, it will be flat."

Such an important battle was settled by the two people talking and laughing. However, no one in Xuantian’s army has raised any doubts about this, even if it is Xuantian’s unclearly telling people: “Ji’an County’s main annoyed, let’s enjoy the fun of going to the city this evening, go to this time’s suffocation. ""

Two consecutive funerals, isn’t it suffocating! When the officers heard that they had to fight, they cheered one by one, and they smiled and said: "Small nephews! Forgot when I first entered Shaping, I pulled and spit one by one? Why, I forgot the scar. Pain? Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Pingping City is hotter than Shaping City!"

The soldiers did not care: "I am not afraid! Wang Hao is coming, are we still afraid of getting sick?"

West is laughing, it turns out that these little scorpions are playing this idea. But also true, Feng Yu is coming, do you still need to consider the problem of getting sick? He grinned and looked at him with He Gan, and they were full of expectations for the surprise attack this night.

They are looking forward to it, but in the city of the plains, the generals of the generals, Bixiu, and the army of the alliance, are defensively defending all day. The soldiers did not dare to go to the wall, everyone was in the wall, and some people even put their ears on the wall at night to listen to the movement outside.

It is a pity that there is nothing but the wind. Dashun people have not come for a long time. They have heard that there is a funeral over there, and they don’t know who is going to do the funeral. The original people in the Biannan army who had contacted this one did not pass the news again, and Tianlei did not steal it. For the old man, although he was at home, he still struggled extremely passively.

Bixiu drank some wine tonight, although it was not drunk, but it was a little dizzy. He felt awkward in his heart and felt like a tiger in a cage. He huddled in this flat city. It wasn’t a move. It’s not a retreat. It’s been dead for so long, and there’s no movement in Dashun’s heart. Just so sneak, hanging in the air, extremely tormented. Coupled with the instability of the army of the 10 countries of the Great Deserts, the Tianlei of Dashun is very afraid, and the Lord has already expressed his resignation to him many times. It is not only one country that has retired, but also the number of six or seven countries, which makes him very difficult.

Bixiu walked out of the handsome account, only to feel that the moonlight was bright tonight, and the wind and sand was much smaller. It was a sunny sky for the desert. However, he also understands that such a weather has no advantage for one's own side. If Dashun people choose to fight tonight, and then use that kind of thunder, it is a breeze to win the game. He hopes that the yellow sand will be long in the whole day, and it will always be like that. After all, the ancient monks are used to it, and will not have much impact on one's own side, but Dashun people are not used to it! The powerful sandstorm is the umbrella of the ancient monks, the lifeblood of the city.

Bixiu’s right eyelid jumped suddenly and suddenly became flustered. He always felt that something was going to happen tonight. The deputy in the camp will see him paying the bill, and quickly stepped forward to help him. He said with relief: "General, don't think too much. Dashun people have no action for so long. They want to come to them and they have to take care of them. I heard that they are coming. After Shaping City, most of the soldiers were sick because of the heat. If they enter the city of Pingping, they will fear that they will be more sick and their illness will be heavier. They will not dare."

"Don't dare?" Bixiu was not so optimistic. "I feel that they have nothing to dare." He walked two steps forward, some shaking, but still insisted that the deputy would not help him again, while walking and saying : "I want to find a way to mobilize the spies of Dashun Kyoto. This thing, I must let Xuan Tianmo give me a confession! He has such a strong thunder in Dashun, he is boring, and he is still like us. Come and talk about cooperation. Now we have all done what, but it has been hit so hard by the nine emperors, this account always has someone to count!"

When talking about this, the deputy will also be a fire, even if it analyzes: "The subordinates also feel that we were deceived by the Dashun people! The eight emperors and nine emperors are simply a group. For so many years, they pretend to be opposite and blind. Everyone’s eyes, but in fact, they just want to fight against me! Dashun is not satisfied with the fact that as long as the ancients are doing the country, they want to occupy this place and want to bring the old man’s income. In the bag. But..." He said this, but his voice was mournful. "But even then, what can they do? They have thunder in their hands. When the thing is blown up, how many people are not enough."

"Is it impossible to use their thunder?" Bi Xiu jumped his feet. "The generals don't believe that they really can't finish! As long as the thunder is gone, in this desert, the ancient emperor is the only emperor!" He said that while pushing the vice-minded side, he walked to the end of the red account and said, "Isn't that a new woman caught outside the city? The general is going to marry."

When I just exported, I heard a sudden bang from the direction of the North Gate! Bixiu was shocked. He could hear that the sound came from the kind of sorrow that made the ancient monks stunned--Tianlei!

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