Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 896: Want to run after the trouble? No way!

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Gradually, the wealthy households in the Pingping City began to "rebel", more and more people poured into the herb to buy perfume, and people began to try to apply sunscreen, when people realized that this kind of face cream After the use of the ancient monks, the shop next door will no longer receive the business of wealthy families. And how many ordinary people can afford a face cream that is not cheap? That Shaodong’s family was not even a bit burned with Feng Yu’s herb, and he was afraid of being arrested and killed. He had been entangled and almost never turned his back.

After all, people are not fools, anything can be distinguished from something bad. Rich households have money, they only want good things, they don't care about silver, and the so-called loyalty to the ancients is just the ulterior motive of the men's blood and the individual. For the women in the squat, the ancients and the Dashun are the same, which one can make them live better and more secure, and they are loyal to which one. Of course, we must make our own business more prosperous and more profitable.

Feng Yuxi is very proficient in this. The rich families often come to buy things and get cooked. She also opens the back door to the other side. For example, she can take the “passport” she opened and go out to Lanzhou. Lanzhou’s arrival of Dashun’s things to the Pingping City to sell, you can also bring the goods of the Pingping City to Lanzhou. And with her own hand-opening pass, Lanzhou that head will also give some support and help.

At this point, she quickly gathered the wealthy people's hearts and brainwashed the rich people and said, "When you want to know the current affairs, how much benefit can you get with the ancients? You have lived in the city for so many years, and the business is nothing more than now." In this way, I can give you a back road to develop business to Dashun. How much have you earned these days? This is just a small world in Dashun, only you can know how big Dashun is. Dashun is a big thing, not to say what is there, but anyone has to admit that the resources of goods are much richer than the ancients who are in the desert. Whoever has a good life but has to live a hard life? If you are doing sand business, don’t you want to make the business go smoothly? How many people in Dashun want to build a house, is it an ancient one? After all, this war is the first to be provoked by the ancients. For the affiliated Fanbang, Gu Yu also attacked Dashun when he knew that his national strength was not as good as that of Dashun. Have you ever thought that the ancient monk has put the lives of his people in his heart? We are big and big. Can learn Shu previous style to the massacre, but still give you a chance to stay up, the more you think about it, which is better masters, along with which side of the master in order to have more meat. "

Her words are very attractive to the wealthy families in Pingping City. The reason why these people can get rich first is because their brains are more open, and they think that things are farther than ordinary people. They all know Feng. Yu Yu is right. The trade between these days and Lanzhou also made them taste the sweetness. Even when someone passed through Shaping City, they saw that Shaping City could not be compared with the same day under the governance of Dashun. The people of Shaping also praised Dashun again and again.

As a result, people's minds have become alive. Unconsciously, the wealthy households in the Pingping City have changed their initial obsession and began to support Dashun. And this kind of emotion gradually expanded through their power, and those who were originally hostile to Dashun also changed under the leadership of the rich.

The business of Feng Yu's Herbs is better. People don't avoid it. They go straight out from the main entrance of Herbs, and buy things to buy. However, there are still some loyal supporters in the city of Pingping, and they are determined not to bow to Dashun. Every day they go to the door of Herbs to sit down and protest, and even occasionally shout slogans, and those who support Dashun are traitors.

However, what happened on this day was to let this last part of the people lose all their confidence in the ancient Shu.

The cause was a pair of middle-aged couples who went to the door of the herb, and cried for Feng Yu to cure their daughter. The two of them squatted at the door and kept coming out to receive them. Huang Quan said: "We heard that the main body of Ji'an County in Dashun is a medical doctor. Although this matter is not very open, it is also a good idea for the county to read it. Save our daughters on the part of human life!"

Huang Quan does not understand: "What is the illness of your daughter? Is there a medical hall in the city of Pingping? And it is still a medical museum opened by the ancient people. You should go see them for help. Your shop does not sell anything. To us, why did we have a disease but asked our county governor to come to the hospital? Have you heard that a country’s county owner has given the people a medical treatment? Did your old county magistrate do this?”

The husband and wife are blocked from talking, there is nothing to say, yeah, the family is the county owner, Jin Zhiyu Ye, why do they ask a country and a county to visit their own daughter? The ancient county owner? The ancient royal family met the people and even the eyes were not blind, what to see?

At this time, the people who came to the troubles on the side answered: "Isn't it true that your county owner is also treating the people in Dashun? Why can't you see them?"

Huang Quan coldly said: "Can you make a point to say this? Dashun's people are our Dashun's own people, not to mention the county owner, that is, there is something to ask for the emperor, and the emperor will not leave it alone. But you have told me clearly, it is for my people who are straightforward to me! Are you not acknowledging that you are a Dashun people? Isn’t you still yelling at yourself as an ancient monk? Not here every day to sit and make trouble Are you arguing that we should get out of the way? Why should our county owner save your ancient people? Don't save! Can't save or save!" Huang Quan came to the temper and went back to the store.

Forgetting Sichuan, I stayed, and looked at the couple and said: "While the words are not good, but it is really the reason. You have a slap in the side, and you have to ask people to help you. "Where is there such a fool?" she said, and looked at the man who was squatting. "If I remember correctly, in the people who made trouble yesterday, are you there too? How, now I changed. Position? Go back! Find an ancient doctor's office to treat your daughter, and our county magistrate can't manage the ancients."

Both husband and wife are stupid, and I don’t know what to do. If the ancient medical museum can be cured, how can they squint their faces and ask for this Ji’an county lord! The woman was angry, and stood up and said to her own man: "Tell you, don't follow them to make trouble, you want to come! What are you like?" What days have you been in these years? Did Gu Yu give you money or give you a house? The imperial court is not good for the people. The tax is a gift for years. It’s not enough to earn taxes in a year. You talk about whether you have to be an ancient monk. The daughter just went out to buy a piece of floral cloth, and was robbed by the man under the general. The good girl was thrown into the red account to serve as a military sergeant. Now, our daughter will have to die in the red account. You are talking about it, just like this ancient 蜀, are you loyal to it with a fart?"

The woman made a sly, and simply confronted these troubles and shook out all the anecdotes of the ancient army. "Do you know? The good-natured women who were caught in the red account can not only our daughters. One, countless cities, at least twenty! Some of these girls ran out, and some died in the red account, you--" She suddenly pointed to one of those sitting on the bench: "Do you really think that your niece was taken up by the generals? It is not! My daughter said that your niece was also sent to the red account, and it is still the kind of red account dedicated to ordinary soldiers, even the general. I can't see the face! Three days, I was just thrown into the three days and I was tortured to death by the soldiers. Do you know that? Are you still embarrassed to follow these people? Are you still clamoring for your support?"

She said something to these people, especially the one who was accused of being jealous, and the whole child was stupid. He clearly remembers that there were ancient sergeants who reported that his daughter was taken up by the generals. He made a small shackle. This time the army was evacuated. The generals took their daughter to the moon in Pingcheng! how……

“What are you talking about?” Some people think that the seriousness of the matter has been asked. “Is there really so many girls caught and sent to the red account?”

The woman nodded: "The sentence is true! And I tell you, the girls who ran out were all sick, and the family knew what was going on. But who is this kind of thing, who is going to preach everywhere? Who is going to go? I asked the doctor for treatment. I have been hesitating at home for many days. I really can’t see my daughter being sinned now. This is the time to ask for the Ji’an County Lord. But you are so troubled, you want to drive Dashun out, people will not give it. My daughter is ruled!" She cried and cried, crying and licking her own man, and even the people who took the crowded people together smashed in.

There have been discussions in the crowd, and some people think of something: "Since the generals of the generals entered the city of Pingping, I have heard that many women have disappeared. They are ordinary girls, and they are quite a bit tall. ""

"The family didn't go looking for it?"

"How can you find it? The military camp can't get in, and the outside can't find it."

"Yes, I have heard people say that their daughter was chosen to go to the general of the generals and did a small job, as if the family had got a piece of money."

"The silver of the fart!" The daughter who was arrested by her own daughter finally came back to God and slammed her feet. "It’s just five or two silver. The child and his mother also had a trouble with me because of this. It’s like this big sister said, I... how can I be worthy of my dead daughter!”

As the man’s voice burst into tears, the last batch of “loyalty” people in ancient times began to turn the wind in such a snoring. Some people are going to see the women. If they are true, they will not recognize themselves. Ancient monks. Can't afford this face! There are also some people with ulterior motives mixed in. The purpose is to provoke the masses to make troubles and to create difficulties for Dashun to take over the ancients. At the moment, when these people with ulterior motives see that the people are attracted by the things of the girls, they are not good enough to stay, so they are ready to evacuate one by one.

At this moment, I heard a crisp female voice in the herbshop. In just one sentence, let those who are ready to evacuate to fight a spirit--"When you have finished the matter, you want to go? Whose people are used to you?" Stinking?"

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