Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 897: Think of me as a phoenix, you should be happy.

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A beautiful woman in a white dress walked out of the herb, accompanied by two hoes with long swords.

Feng Yuxi has never been a very good type. The so-called first-eye beauty is not in the same position as her, but it is very resistant. It is more pleasing to the eye. However, this pleasing eye has to be a normal good person to see, if there are some bad thoughts to carefully look at her appearance, I am afraid that the more I look at the heart and the colder.

Just like now, those who have ghosts in their hearts have seen Feng Yu’s coming out. The first reaction is to escape. However, under Feng Nian’s cold and sly eyes, these people’s feet are like roots, and they can’t move in one step. They can only watch her step by step, and then find it very accurately. The few of them, the lips and corners picked, and came again: "A total of six people, I will stand there, one is not allowed to run!"

Other people still don't know what's going on, but they can also see that the Ji'an County lord is angry, and has made a big fire, and they will kill themselves whenever and wherever they want.

People stopped and looked at the so-called "six people" inexplicably. Some people wondered: "Is this a few people in the city? How have you not seen it before?"

"Yeah! The eyes are very strong, and it has been with us for a few days."

"It is they who bluff that they want to drive away Dashun. We are swindlers of ancient people! Our emotions are all provoked by them."

People are a bit stunned, but they don't know who these are. They can't help but look at Feng Yu.

At this time, Feng Yuxi was already a soft whip. The six people looked at her in the eyes but they were only six beasts. Her whiplash had already been done, and she also said: "I don't know why. Did the daughters of many people have lost it? The county magistrate told you today that these ancient sergeants who pretend to be ordinary people are immersed in the city of sacredness, looking for beauty for their lascivious marmot. Color, once they are in the middle of it, is it still a good woman? All fainted into the red account!"

Feng Yu's words made all the people who heard the city of Pingping stunned, but they chose to believe, because they are ancient monks, the ancient army is a virtue, they know too much. The original heart that was motivated to be loyal to the ancient scorpion collapsed at this moment, and at the same time, Feng Yu’s whip also flew out and fell on the six thieves, one whip and one whip, whiplash Blood, whiplash and see the meat.

Where can the six big men stand up and give her a pump, and then I want to run. It’s a pity that Feng Yu’s whip is like a long eye. No matter where they go, it will be rolled back. Even if it runs farther, Huang Quan’s forgetting the river will immediately be robbed and then sent back. Continue to squat in front of Feng Yu.

Feng Yu's heart is also angry. "Let's put a good day, but actually want to invade Dashun's land? Very good! From now on, you will open your eyes and see how Dashun will put this ancient sac in the bag, how to Let your wolf ambitions be destroyed!"

The six thieves, who were given a slap in the face by Feng Yu, eventually could not stand such a whipping, and they confessed and recognized all the crimes described by Feng Yu.

The people of the Pingping City are so angry that they will kill the six people on the spot, and Feng Yuxi has not stopped. The ones he has made must always pay for himself. It is to pay for the girls who have been caught in the red account. Let's go!

Six people were killed on the spot, or they were beaten to death by the ancient people. Dashun’s patrolling soldiers came over to deal with the body, and then they saw Feng Yu’s couple who asked her to see her. Road: "Go! Take me to your house and see your daughter. In addition, you also know which girls are persecuted and seriously ill, I also watched it!"

The head of Ji’an County once practiced medicine in the city of Pingping, but it was so vigorous and vigorous, followed by a large number of people, and wherever they went, until the night, all the girls were seen, these people counted I was relieved and thoroughly served Feng Yu's medical skills. It was said that I could accept Dashun's rule and I would never be an ancient monk.

Feng Yuxi was very satisfied with the result. Of course, he did not forget the benefits promised to the two couples.

Yes, there is nothing that would be so clever. The reason why the couple appeared at the door of Herbs was that she had arranged it in advance, but what she encountered was true. Xuantian Ming secretly investigated the result and informed her that she felt that she could make a big fuss, and then bought one of the women's mothers and let them play the show with them. Of course, for their daughters and those who were persecuted, she did do her best, and she promised to open the Herbs to the city in the near future.

Feng Yujun went to Ji'an County to go to the letter, let Wang Lin transfer two doctors to the south, one to Shaping City, one to sit in the town. She said a long time ago that in the future, the Herbs Church will be opened in every corner of the world. Although every corner is exaggerated, at least there is a place where its power lies. There must be a presence of a hundred cottages.

In this way, the hearts of the people of the Pingping City have successfully passed through the Dashun Sou, and Xuantian Ming took the opportunity to vigorously promote the New Deal. The policy in Shaping City will also be promoted here. The household registration officer who handles the household registration for Shaping City is also very It’s coming here soon. Since then, all the residents of the Pingping City have settled in Dashun, and they have nothing to do with the ancient Shu.

The situation at the Pingping City was not able to go too far in the upper general of the Pingping City. He was so angry that it was a wow, and the Ten-nation Alliance fled. After returning, five countries directly withdrew. It is even more frustrating for him.

There is no way for Bixiu to be beaten like this. He has no face on his own face, and he feels that he is panicked. Even if the Alliance Army does not leave, he will face the generals of others. Now that the league is gone, it is still fleeing without participating in the resistance of the Pingping City. At least he returned to Kyoto and still has to say in front of the monarch.

At this time, Bi correction was in the temporary house of Yuepingcheng, in his own room, and the person who was on his side was not someone else. It was that he fled from Lanzhou to the Pingping City and was taken from the Pingping City to Yuepingcheng by Bixiu. Fu Ya.

In addition to fighting, Bixiu's biggest hobby is nothing more than two, one drink, two women. There is no need for a beautiful woman, but it must have characteristics, or it is extremely thin, or it is very fat, or it is very high, or it is very short. And this Fu Ya, what makes Bi Xiu most concerned is her face that is almost exactly the same as Feng Yu. Even now, the two have been lingering on the air several times, and he couldn't help but stare at her face carefully, and from time to time, stroking his hand to the edge of his cheeks, trying to find traces of easyness.

Fu Ya was very wronged: "The slaves followed the generals for so many days, and even the general's bed was never gone. How did the general still doubt the slaves?"

Bixiu shook his head and said: "It is not doubt, but it is incredible. You and the Ji'an County Lord are not twin sisters, even relatives are not, but they can be born like this, it is really nothing in the world."

"The general said it!" Fu Ya smiled and leaned back to Bi Xiu, trying to ignore the pain caused by this movement, and raised his face to a phoenix. From the point of view, "the slave's face, even the Jeju County Lord himself was surprised." She has been brought to the bed of Bixiu since she was brought into this month, even if it is Bixiu. There is military handling, and two hoes will be left in the house to wait. Said to be a waiter, nothing more than surveillance, afraid that she ran. He will wash her body, and will also wipe some ointment for her lower body injured by excessive love. But this is still very painful.

"You said that you have also cooperated with Dashun's eight emperors, Xuantianmo?" Bixiu once again mentioned Xuantianmo, and the hatred in his eyes was no less than when he mentioned Feng Yu.

Fu Ya had already heard from him that the Eight Emperors had repeatedly found that the general had failed because of the war, and he was also hated by the Eight Emperors. At the moment, she is committed to this general, in order to find a better way for herself. She knows that she will not be able to accommodate her, and that she is in the south, and she can only rely on the ancient to survive. Fu Ya tried his best to please Bixiu: "The generals don't mention the eight emperors. His mother-in-law sent the slaves from the capital to Lanzhou, and then the eight emperors arranged to stay in Lanzhou. Step by step are based on the eight emperors. The arrangement to go, but the result? It was abandoned by the Eight Emperors! General, you said that the slave family is easy to do the Ji'an County? Every day, I am worried, I think the Eight Emperors can promise a good future. But what did he do? When he saw that the limelight was wrong, he immediately abandoned the people in Lanzhou. When the slaves followed the generals, they were still a big girl. They did so many things for the Eight Emperors. The faces of the slaves are not seen, and the slaves are unwilling."

In a few words, when talking about the heart of Bi Xiu, he pinched a message to Fu Ya: "That is a villain! If the general is not ignoring his temptation, how can he attack the Dashun with the monarch! "As soon as this is mentioned, Bi Xiu's anger will go up to the top, and the **** Xuantian ink, if one day falls into his hands, he must use all the torture in this world to torture the person to solve his heart. gas.

Bixiu came up with fire, and when he turned over, he pressed Fu Ya under his body. Fu Ya had a lot of pain, but he did not dare to refuse. He just pleaded with grief: "The general may love the slaves, and the slaves do not want to do the red account." The military, the slaves only want to be with the generals."

Bixiu sighs and sighs: "You can rest assured that with this face, the general will not easily let other people move you. It will be better to wait for the general to serve, and the Japanese general will officially accept you as a small sister. In this camp, you are the only woman who belongs to this general!"

When Fu Ya’s eyes lit up, he quickly said: “The general will rest assured that the slaves will be ready to serve.” After finishing, the body was posted and the two were glued together. At this time, Fu Ya was attached to Bixiu. The ear whispered: "The general thinks of the slave as the owner of the Ji'an County for the time being! Now that the Dachang's Ji'an County is being bullied by you, you are holding the woman of the Nine Emperor Xuan Tianming in your arms. General, think about it, don't you have a taste?"

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