Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 900: I'm coming!

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Feng Yuxi said that relying on it, that is, relying on it, until she brought the same thing behind her, people realized that this Ji’an County has always carried something behind him. But the thing was wrapped in cloth, and no one saw what it was. At this point, I saw that the fine cloth was opened. When people looked at the past, they couldn’t help but take a breath!

It is a bow, black and cold ancient jade carving, hail making strings, multi-color gemstones on the top, and the whole body is bright, like a layer of light and fog covering it, it is easy to let people look away and then can not bear to remove their eyes.

They are all warriors who fight on the battlefield. They have a certain degree of understanding of the things like bows and arrows. They know what a fine bow is, what is a good bow, what is the bow used by the generals, and even the martial arts camp of the nine emperors. The attacking group has also been studied in private. But when this bow appeared in front of people, everyone looked silly.

Just listen to Feng Yu's voice and come again - "This thing is called the back bow, but it is my great sacred thing, made by the ancient black Han Baoyu, weighing 186 pounds. I am Dashun. The founding Taizu was the one who shot the dagger and laid the foundation for my Dashun nationality. Since then, the emperor of the Taizu has a purpose to show that anyone who has this bow, regardless of gender, can freely enter and exit the Dashun Sifang military camp. The auxiliary generals ordered the three armed forces to help the emperor calm down the world! You said, here is the South Camp, is the county owner eligible to enter?"

A word, shocked the three armed forces.

After the bow, even if they haven't seen it, it is definitely heard. In addition, I heard that the emperor’s shackles were given to the Ji’an County lord. Before the logistical deputy blamed Feng Yu’s refusal to enter the military camp, some people felt that they were not quite right, but they didn’t think so much. I remembered that this Ji’an County was a man with a bow and a bow. What power does the surname have to prevent people from entering and leaving the camp?

With the shock of the rear bow, no one dared to say a few more words. Feng Yuxi saw that the shock had achieved the expected effect, and he no longer struggled with it. Some things are coming to an end, there is no need to stay deadlocked, and these people, if this reason does not understand, if this time, still can't figure out their position, then there is really no need to stay in it. The Biannan camp, wasted in the army.

She held the back bow in her hand and said: "In fact, the grain and escorts from Beijing have been robbed, and the nine princes are more anxious than you. Although it has been found out that the matter has already been taken, it has already been the one in Lanzhou. But those foods have been destroyed by the Vatican, and they can’t be recovered anymore. In order to keep you hungry, in order to make you hungry, the Nine Emperors themselves took out a lot of money, and the county owner personally went to Lanzhou and In the territory of Luotianfu, you can go shopping. You can ship the food in two hours. You talk about it, don’t ask the reason, just follow the noise, but I thought about it and spread it to the ears of Jiu Dian. You know, how much money do you need to support the 300,000-strong army? The unbelievers of the county can approve your leave. You can go to the territory of Luotianfu to inquire. In these days, is the county owner buying grain, is it not? I also ordered food with a large number of farmers to send them regularly. Isn't even vegetables and meat set for you!"

In a few words, the faces of these men were even more red, and they bowed their heads and blamed themselves. Feng Yu's words are tantamount to hitting their faces. They are too ignorant of these five big three thick men. There is no way for the food to be robbed. They have their own pockets to buy for them, but they don't know what to do. In this trouble, it was also made by a few of the eight princes’ prostitutes, and it’s not done. Is this a human thing?

Someone said with annoyance: "We are too impulsive, and the county lord is right. We are not waiting to see what kind of masters and sons have changed. It is not easy for Nine Highness to endure us for so long. If we are If you continue this way, it is to break the road. If one day hurts yourself, you can’t blame others."

Someone took the lead in saying this, others have expressed the same idea, and they all know that they are wrong. I hope that the Ji’an County can give them another chance. They will stand firm from now on, and they will never listen to the wind. The rain always ran with the thoughts of others. Some people even said: "These days the generals of the West have been here, and some of the brothers who followed the nine halls from Kyoto have also come here to help, and have been in contact for a few days, although we don’t say it, but in my heart. I understand that the 300,000 people in Biannan are incomparable to the brothers brought by His Royal Highness. They have a firm mind and a belief. On the other hand, we are the same every day. But... Look up at Feng Yu, and bravely said: "But there is really nothing to do in the border area of ​​the South! The nine halls of the Nguyen do not bring us, we are here every day, it is indeed a long grass in the heart, not too good Be practical."

People followed and nodded and agreed. As a warrior, it is clear that the front line is fighting, but they can't get on the battlefield, and there is a feeling of being abandoned by the coach.

Feng Yuxi can certainly understand this feeling. Before that, she and Xuan Tianming also had new arrangements for the side of the South Army. When they heard the soldiers ask, she immediately said: "This, His Highness There are already arrangements, but you can't wait. We have been arranging the grain in recent days. This has put the arrangement for you aside. I didn't expect you to be so urgent." After that, don't wait for the other person to ask questions, Dao: "Now the two cities of Shaping and Pingping have been laid down. The army is camping in the southern suburbs of the Pingping City. However, the patrol and management of the two cities are somewhat incapable. The meaning of the nine halls is that the generals of the West are in the army of the border south. This selection of soldiers will be transported to the two cities of the Pingping Shaping, and the two cities that have been destroyed must not be lost. The mission of this city will fall on your head. Of course, the 300,000 army is impossible. Once in the past, Biannan still has to be stationed, but it is not always left by a group of people. The generals of the west will arrange for you to rotate to the two cities in the desert to get the job. How to arrange it, then let the generals of the west release You said."

She faintly recited these things that had been discussed with Xuantianmu early, and heard that the 300,000-strong army in the south of the country was full of blood. Although it is not going to fight on the battlefield, it can be closer to the front line. In the end, it is the task that Jiu Dian Xia personally sent, so that they no longer feel that they are abandoned groups.

The soldiers’ morale has been gradually recovering. Feng Yuxi is very satisfied with this. Before leaving, he repeatedly asked the people who chose to go to Shaping’s two cities to check the morals and ensure that the character is infallible. In the middle, the west will be taken down one by one. As for the several emperors of the Eight Emperors who were thrown out, the West proposed to dispose of the military law, which is considered to be a wake-up call for the army. Feng Yuxi had no opinion on this, and he handed over everything here to Xiping and then returned to Pingpingcheng.

The crisis at the border of the south was temporarily lifted. The two cities were more organized because of the addition of the border army. She began to deploy the summer tea in the space. After all, she could not wait for the disease to go to the treatment. She had to prevent the summer invasion from the usual time.

The southern part of the world is proceeding in an orderly manner. At the head of Ji’an County, there are six emperors Xuantian Tian personally sitting in the town. There are Xu’s Qin and a few people who want to accommodate Bai Furong. The happiness index of the people is also rising. Ji'an County has become the most enviable place in Yuntianfu. More and more people want to move to Ji'an County, so that the land in Ji'an County is getting more and more expensive, and there are no people at home who can't live in it. The poor aborigines in those counties burned incense and worshipped Buddha all day, lamenting their own destiny, and they could meet the head of Ji’an County in their lifetime, and they can see that Ji’an County has developed so well.

The embroidered shop that I want to see is also more and more prosperous. Everyone knows that she is the sister of the main county of Ji’an County, and the embroidered mother in the shop is also the best, and I have to personally adjust it. Everyone has a good craftsmanship, so the ladies and ladies who are far and near love to come to this shop. In addition to selling some finished products, they can receive a large number of orders almost every day, and some even marry their daughters at home. I am here to order embroidery.

On this day, I just want to go out from the shop, I am going to find Bai Furong, let her accompany her to go shopping, by the way to check the business of the various businesses on the main street. I still can't wait to go out, I saw Xiaoxiaoshancha rushing in from the outside, grabbed her, and gasped and said: "Miss, not good, chasing, that person from Jingli Chased it!"

I wanted to take a look and didn't respond for a while. "What's not good? Who is chasing it from Beijing?"

Camellia is awkward: "Who can have it, the four temples! Four Royal Highness chased from the capital to Ji'an County!"

When the voice just fell, I heard a burst of laughter outside the door of the embroidered shop: "Ha ha ha ha! Little Master, I am coming!"

I want to subconsciously want to turn around and run away, but I haven't waited for two steps. The arm is caught by people, and then I am forced to return. She did not stand firm and directly plunged into the other's arms. The man was not polite, and his arms were on display, holding people in front of him.

At this time, the two stood in the middle of the main hall of the store. There are so many people around them who are choosing embroidered embroidered pieces. The owner is so directly held by a man in his arms, but he is shocked by this room lady. Miss, People sighed again and again: "The sister of the county is really unrestrained!"

Let's put a fart! The inner heart of the thought is almost collapsed. The words spoken are almost roaring. She shouted loudly: "Xuan Tianhao, you give me a hand! Let go! I will call people if I don’t let go! I tell you, this Ji'an County is all our people. You are an unemployed prince, you can't find a cheaper place here, but when I call a rude, I will rush in and a lot of people will kill you!"

She shouted like this, and the house was circled again.

Prince? Karma, I dropped a day, how come a prince? What is Ji’an County? There is a county owner who does not say that the emperors are coming one by one. Is this going to be dry?

Some of the ladies who did not leave the cabinet heard that they were emperors, and they were straightforward. They have already enjoyed the appearance of the six emperors. I don’t know if this is a few emperors, and it’s good...

The Xuan family is a good person. This is a genetic gene. Xuantian is also a handsome face. When the girls looked at the past, they turned red and looked down. They were stunned by the deer. Someone who responded quickly squatted down. I don't know if a few emperors couldn't call it, but this worship is inevitable.

For a time, when the embroidered shop was smashed in the ground, only Xuan Tianqi stood and hugged and thought, and he listened to him very seriously and said: "Little Master, I miss you very much."

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