Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 901: Laugh one, the best master of the family is best

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Xuan Tianyi’s typical serious face, he did not raise his hand and swear. Feng Xiangrong suddenly flashed a question in his mind at this moment. When the grandfather had a marriage contract with Miss Stephan, was it also the virtue of Miss Stephan?

She frowned, not so much, and her mood was not good at the moment, and it was uncomfortable to show it with practical actions. I saw that I wanted to lift my right foot and stepped on the left foot of Xuantian. After the landing, I ran a few times. It hurt my eyes and turned my eyes.

"I said Xiao Master, how is your foot getting bigger and bigger? I said earlier that I shouldn’t follow your second sister to learn what to do. Women are still soft and good, and they use manual foot to kill and kill all day. Tired."

"You shut me up!" I want to grieve my teeth and want to break him. I can't help but feel that I am not enough. "Xuan Tianyi gave me away! If you don't let me, I am really shouting!"

"Little Master, you have abandoned me, and I rushed to Ji'an County to find you. For this reason, I still spent three days and three nights in the palace to ask for the father's approval. How can you see me at all? Not happy? Come, don't squint, laugh one, the best master of the family is best!"

The courage is really a prince... The local people who are squatting look at each other and pass on their thoughts with their eyes. It is generally believed that this royal son is really eye-opening! A six-prince, a good prince is not good, come here to teach. I don’t know if it’s a few emperors. I’m here to chase a woman. This is really... It’s really different from the Dragon and the Nine! Look at these two people holding tight, under the broad daylight, there is no injury, this is also ... too envious!

The ladies were stunned in their hearts, only the daughter of Feng’s family was really good, and all of them had the protection of the emperor. I heard that the lady of Fengsi in the capital also made a marriage with the five emperors early, to the body of the prostitute. Being swayed by the five emperors, I really think that people are envious and hateful!

Now these two people are loving again in Xiu, and they are not only neglected, but they have to endure the sweet offensive of these two people. It is really miserable!

The hearts of the people in the heart of Xuan Tianyi are completely unaware of it. He just wants to hold on to him. How can this little master not see his temper in the month? The strength is also bigger than the original. Of course, physical fitness is a good thing, but if the little master learns more skillfully with her second sister, then it is harder to tame! It is not appropriate, and in the future, the young master can no longer be allowed to leave the line of sight. He feels a strong sense of crisis at this moment.

"Xuan - Tian - 奕!" Feng Xiangrong almost has to be mad, and she did not worship in the end, actually provoked this god? "What are you doing?" Is Ji'an County here? Is this guy not imprisoned by the emperor? How can I actually get out of Beijing? She was shocked and could not help but said: "You should not sneak out? Xuantian, you are too courageous. If you are known by the emperor, but you are not afraid of death, are you afraid of death?" Is it sick?"

"Oh, little master!" Xuantian sighed with a sad look. "I just said that I didn't say it. It was after three days and three nights in the palace. My father agreed to nod. How can this be stolen?" Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm fine!"

I was relieved to think of this, but I immediately retorted: "I am not worried about your business. I am afraid that the emperor will blame me and then be tired of me. It’s hard to stop the days in a few days, but I can’t go wrong again." After that, I earned a few more and found that I still couldn’t get it, and I couldn’t help but feel depressed. It seems that I still have to study hard! If she had the skills of her second sister, what did a Xuantian in the district count? "What do you want to do?" The tone is not good. "Xuan Tianhao, let go of your claws. I am only a mentoring relationship with you. Are you so master to you? Are you going to bully the ancestors or What?"

"Don't let go!" Someone simply played a rogue. "If you let go, you will run. You will have to look at you every day. If you don't care, you will have no shadow."

These two people talked about me in a word, and the guys in the shop thought it wouldn’t be a thing to go on like this. The reputation of their own small clubs is still worth it! What's more, so many people are here to watch the excitement, always make people feel awkward.

So the folks began to rush to make their own ideas. Those people couldn’t keep going at the beginning. Later, the guards brought by Xuantian took out, which made the ladies and ladies retire. When I left, I didn’t know which lady was still saying: “This Highness is really affectionate, true nature.”

Feng Xiangrong was even more vomited, and she understood it. Xuan Tianyi deliberately went to Ji’an County to destroy her reputation. To map... She was a little bit mad, and she could not help but ask: "Xuan Tianhao, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that everyone was gone, the door of the shop was closed, and the guys also retired to the back hall. He then let go of the little master in his arms, and then stepped back and touched his nose in two steps: "Declare sovereignty."

Feng thought that his nose was almost mad. "What sovereignty? You want to declare sovereignty, you go back to Beijing to declare, what are you doing here? Besides, who is your sovereignty? If you talk about it, I am your master, even if you want to declare Sovereignty, that is what should be announced by my master!"

"That's OK!" Xuantian blinked his eyes. "Whether you are mine or yours, it is a meaning. Come on, Master, you declare it! I listen!"

I wondered if I was led by him, why didn’t I understand what I said? She is helpless and bitterly persuaded: "You and I are just a mentoring relationship. I will teach you embroidery. You can't ask me more. Just like when I come to Ji'an County, whoever stipulates that I must live in it. Beijing? Who can't go out to travel as a master? How can your apprentice be so lame? Where are you going? Can you save some peace? I said Xuantian, although we are two or three years earlier. I didn’t have any contact at the same time, but you have a marriage contract with Miss Stephan. I am still clear about this. I’m also listening to the second sister. Didn’t you feel so entangled at the time? Didn’t think so It’s annoying. Why, in the government, it’s been closed for a few years, and it’s changed?”

Xuan Tianyi nodded without hesitation. "Isn't it! Who heard that a big man was embroidered in the house all day? Who heard that a prince was embroidered in the house all day? My temper has long been In the process of embroidering, there has been a change. These are the merits of the little master. For this reason, the father also praised me and said that I am now taking care of my heart. It is very good. I also said that I have the opportunity to reward you well. ""

"Forget it, I don't want it." I thought I couldn't help but turn back and find a chair to sit down. "Xuan Tianhao, as long as you don't exaggerate me so much, I will burn high incense. Look, today. So many people look at it, but it has a very bad influence on my reputation. After all, I haven’t booked a girl’s family that hasn’t been released yet. How do you call me out in the future? Can’t be poked by the bones?”

Xuan Tianyi was even more happy when he heard this. "I am not afraid of not being afraid. My reputation is broken. I am responsible for the loss! I have full responsibility! I haven’t booked a pro, I’m better, good, better.” Seeing Feng’s eyes have begun to look The violent transformation, Xuan Tianyi said: "In fact, you really should not worry about what is being poked. Do you not follow the example of your second sister? How can you not learn more about her temper? You see When she is doing things, when is she afraid of being told by others? The mouth grows on others, they love to say what to say, and you can’t drop the bad meat. How can other people’s words affect your life? You have to take this concept to ask you two sister, I guarantee that Feng Yu-heng will hit you. "

I am a bit moved when I want to hear this. Yes! She is always following the example of her second sister, but how can she learn that her second sister is so open-minded? Why can't I learn more about the courage of my second sister?

Xuantian added another sentence: "Don't classify the reason as your second sister has a backing. Yes, she has a backing, don't you have it? Fool, your biggest patron is your second sister!"

In a word, I woke up and thought about it. But she still couldn't understand why the four emperors had to go to Ji'an County and couldn't help but ask: "Why do you talk about why you came here?"

"My master ran away. No one taught me the craft. As an apprentice who was diligent and hard-working, I naturally had to follow Master's footsteps. This point, even the fathers praised it!"

I want to accommodate the amount, this emperor is really ... ... "But now, let's stay, I can't leave you around. But I don't know where to arrange your place to live, I am still temporarily Living in the house of the second sister, you are not convenient to live in. There is a house that the second sister left for me and my mother, but I have not moved, and I have not added it to clean it, and I can’t live without it. Men and women don’t kiss, you can’t live in my house.”

"Nothing, I am going to the sixth child. Where do he live? Where do I live?"

"Hey..." I thought it was a little embarrassing. "So what, the six emperors also live in the house of the second sister!"

"Then I can't live with it?" Xuantian did not do it again. "The sixth can live in it. Why can't I live?"

I couldn’t refute it. I’ve been stunned for a long time. “The Six Emperors are the second sisters who are invited to live in, and he is now in charge of Ji’an County. He is a big contributor to the county. What about you? You can What do you do in the county? Also! The second sister is now in the South, I can’t do it. You really want to live in the house and go to talk to the two ladies of Yao’s family.”

As soon as I heard that I had to discuss with the Yao family, Xuan Tian was awkward. Can you discuss with the Yao family to understand things? That Yao family, he still doesn't know! The protection is very short! Not only are they short-term protection, they are also particularly unreasonable. Even his father and the emperor are not doing anything in front of the Yao family. Does he dare to hit the knife? It’s gone. "That's really not the way I live in the inn. I spend the money to live in the inn assembly!"

I want to be reluctant and soft. I think this guy is also coming from a long distance. It’s a bit unfortunate for people to live in the inn. If you want to come, you can’t help but say: “Would you like to live in the backyard of this shop? "The backyard of Embroidery Shop is a second-in-one house. I originally wanted to give embroidered mothers or workers to live, but most of the people who come to work are nearby people. They can go home to live, plus that. The back house is really too good. The people living in it always look extravagant, and this is empty. Now it is just right for Xuantian.

Xuan Tianyi listened to this laugh, and he was happy to hold another one again - "I know that the little master is the best! Then I will move in!"

I thought that I didn't take care of him. When I struggled, I wanted to take him to the back to see the house. At this time, there was a knocking sound coming from outside the door, and some people hurriedly said: "Is Miss San there? There is a letter from the south, and the sixth hall will let the small one come to you!"

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