Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 902: It’s better to hold the sand without holding it.

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The letter was written by Feng Yu, and was sent to the head of the Six Emperor Xuan Tianfeng. Because the cover was written for the sake of the space, it was transferred to the embroidery shop.

It was the entourage of Xuan Tianfeng who sent the letter. After coming in, he handed the letter to him. When he turned his head, he saw the Xuantian, who was standing next to him. He couldn’t help but be surprised. He asked: "The Four Halls, You should not escape from the capital?"

Xuantian slaps his head and slaps it to the entourage: "Escape what? You have heard that you have to escape to such a place to get eye-catching?"

"Then why are you here?" The follower looked bitterly. "Who doesn't know that you were imprisoned by the emperor, don't say the capital, that is, even the government gate can't be out, how could it suddenly appear here?" ”

"It is the father of the emperor let me come!" Xuantian stunned his face: "Miss Feng San is my master, Master has ran, can I be an apprentice who can't chase it? Otherwise who taught me craft? Don't worry, just say to your six-seat home, if he wants to believe, he will write a letter to the capital to ask if the father has nodded and let me come. Oh, yes, let me have my six brothers to this end. Come see me, the fourth brother is coming, and he has to say how to say it."

Noon nodded and nodded, and asked again: "Is there anything important in Miss San’s letter? If there is no, the slave will go back and scream with His Royal Highness. If there is, the slave will also sigh with His Royal Highness. do."

It was a normal sentence, but I could see the expression of the face again, but suddenly the whole face fell down and looked sad. Xuantian and Xiao followers were both bored. I don’t understand that this is awkward. Xuantian is very happy. I took the letter and took it from the imagination. Then I glanced at it and casually followed the follower. Road: "Oh, nothing, the dead, only the phoenix yuan died."

The little follower took a long time to react and couldn’t help but swear. Feng Xiaoyuan, that is not the embarrassment of the main Ji'an County and Miss Feng San! Although I heard that the relationship is not bad, but in the end it is blood relationship, this suddenly died, no wonder Miss Feng San this expression. For a time, he didn't know how to persuade him, he didn't go, he didn't go.

It was Xuantian who gave him a solution, and rushed to the door, and opened the door and said: "Go back and tell you the truth of the six halls, so that he does not have to remember this, everything is where I am." Put the small follower on the door, and then slam the door to close the door.

In general, this letter is Feng Yu’s death in Xiang Feng’s mourning, the death of Feng Yuyuan and Yao’s, and the change before dying. Feng Yu’s description is very fair, but it’s not expressed. Any point of view of myself, but letting myself think about it, depends on how much she has affection for that father.

After Xuan Tianyi sent away the small followers, he silently returned to the side of the room, and quietly sent the bodyguards who followed him and wanted to be surrounded by the embarrassment. Until the two people left in the shop, he said: "If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you will cry out. If you die, you should cry and cry, even though you are not really good."

Feng Xiangrong also knows that Feng Xiaoyuan is not very good, but that is her father. She thought that she should cry and cry. The emotions were brewing for a long time, then I raised my hand and wiped it on my eyes, only to find that there was still no tears falling. She is helpless and reveals her bitterness: "I can't cry, am I cold-blooded?"

Xuantian swayed his head: "It’s Feng Qiyuan’s own creation. How can I blame you? Don’t believe that you will write a letter and ask your second sister, and ask her when she dies at the time of Feng Xiaoyuan’s death.”

I want to smile, "I definitely haven't stayed. The relationship between the second sister and the father is more rigid. The father's work on the second sister is simply not worthy of letting the second sister call him a father. But he is also a blessing. Before the death, there were two older sisters. I used to go to the southern border with Mrs. Yao and Fuya. Even if I was dead, there would be no corpse around me." The letter looked at it. "The second sister said that he had repented before he died. It is a pity that it is too late. If that is the reason, he will understand earlier, the days of the Feng family will not be like this. You don't know, actually Fengjia It used to be quite good, but the good one was limited to the time when the second sister was sent to the northwest, only when Mrs. Yao was still the mother of the Feng family. Later, when the mother changed to Shen, everything changed.

She sighed and countless emotions rose. For a time, from her notes, there were all memories of Fengfu, and a few tears were forced out.

Xuantian was not so convinced that the crying woman, vaguely remembered that the previous step of the nephew also cried a few times in front of him nose, he was biting his teeth, and finally could not bear to walk, but always refused to open a sentence. But now I want to cry, but he can't help but raise his arm and wipe her tears with his cuffs. It is also natural to say: "Don't cry, it's gone, there won't be good in the future." Is the day gone!"

The crying method that I want to meet is not the same as the step of the nephew. Step by step, I’m crying and I’m going to spoil, and I have to complain while I’m spoiled. I thought that I was sitting there, my body was straight, there was no sound, and the tears fell, like beads, seemingly indifferent, but it was particularly painful.

Xuantian felt that he really felt distressed, but he really didn't know how to persuade him. He took a long time and said: "Would you like me to sing the first song?"

I want to let the "噗嗤" smile, because the sentiment caused by the death of Feng Yuyuan also diluted a lot. She reluctantly sighed and said: "I am not sad, but the cause of blood and family, tears flow out unconsciously, is the natural reaction of the body, and has little to do with the mood. But anyway, Thank you, so that I will not be alone when I learn that my father died, so that is it bleak!"

Xuan Tianqi just laughed again: "Yes! My little master should be happy. When Feng Xiaoyuan lived, he didn't give you a good life. What effect can he die on?" The Fengjia family is like this, and there is no difference between them. If you look at it, it’s better to take your mother’s family here. Doesn’t it mean that Feng Yuzhen has prepared a house for you? How good!"

I want to let this reaction come up, "Yes! My father is dead, my mother is a dim room, not in the file, not into the genealogy, and now naturally free." She finally had some motivation, pondering He received the case from Ji’an County.

Xuantian met her and regained her glory. Then she smiled and nodded, saying that she was very satisfied. Feng Yuyuan died? This is very good, the old thing he looked at in the morning is not pleasing to the eye, but also thinks that if the old is not dead, then bully his little master, he does not care to send his own to the West. "You don't have to worry!" Xuantian 奕 奕 滋 滋 滋 想 想 想 想 想 想 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

I want to accommodate this four-year-old emperor, and the days are too busy, and at the end of the capital, Fengfenyu also received a letter from Feng Yuzhen from the southern border. Along with the letter, there is also a porcelain jar with the ashes of the phoenix.

Feng Yu's letter to the whitefly is even simpler. He only said something about the death of Feng Xiaoyuan before his death. The other letter sent by him was more affectionate. It was written to the whitefly before the death of Feng Yuyuan. On that night, he was drinking with Xuantian, and gave it to Xuantian, and sent him to the hand of Fanling.

The letter is so eloquent that the white pupa can see the situation clearly. I can think more about the Feng family from small to large. I want to pay more attention to the flesh and blood, and don’t do it right with her second sister. It is even telling Fans that only after following her second sister can live a good life, and then they can safely go through the rest of their lives.

When I saw these two letters, there was no expression on the face. It was like looking at a letter from a stranger. There was no relationship with her. I was asked by the side of the winter cherry tree: "Miss, what is the letter saying?"

She faintly said: "There is nothing, just tell me that Feng Xiaoyuan is dead."

"What?" Winter Sakura was shocked. "Master, he... is it dead?"

"Well." Pink 黛 地 地 : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 黛 别 别 别 别 别Losing him, he wants to come out and do it! Let me, this is the birth daughter of the emperor, he doesn’t care, he wants to take care of a fake daughter who has no relationship with him. What kind of person is still alive and alive? I want to say that he still It’s late for death, it should die early, and it will save the reputation of Fengfu.”

After that, I was very surprised and laughed twice. I laughed at myself: "Fengfu? Now there is still Fengfu. I used to think that this mansion was so small. When I first moved, I still felt guilty. But now Look, but I feel so big, I live alone, even if there are more people, I can't change back to the prosperity of the Feng family. Winter Sakura!" She called her side, "You will be tomorrow." People take off the plaque at the door! It is no longer Feng Fen."

"What do you want to change?" Winter Sakura is also somewhat sentimental. So a big family, so it is scattered?

Fanling couldn’t think of anything to change, but he only said: "First empty, nothing to hang, wait until I want to say it again. Or simply don't hang up later, most people in Jingli know the house." Who is it, I have very few contacts with outsiders, and there is basically no one except the regular customers. A piece of money is optional."

Winter Sakura wants to persuade her to say a few more words, then she said: "After that, Miss Three or the Second Master is back? And An Zhen Niang, Miss, do you have to think about it?"

"They?" Fans smiled. "They won't come back. Don't worry! I have only one of them left here. The Feng family has long since disappeared. If we set fire to the house, there will be no more people. Speaking a few words." She was a little lost, stumbled into the yard, looked around, and suddenly laughed. For a long while, he said: "I used to fantasize that the Feng family is the only one of me. Everyone is turning around me. I will one day step on them all at one time! Now, the Feng family really only respects me, but I did not expect it. It’s such a situation. It turns out that getting it means losing it. If I want more, what will I lose?”

Her eyes were cold, her eyes were sewed, and she suddenly rushed into the hall. She took the urn of the phoenix phoenix and went out. She walked up the street and lifted the jar up and slammed it to the ground.

Suddenly there was a wind, and the one holding the ashes was not left.

"I didn't keep it before I was alive. I don't want him after death! It's gone! It's been a hundred since then!" Pink 黛 黛 如 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄

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