Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 907: She is Feng Yu, no substitute!

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Xuan Tianhua has always had a sense of doing things. He will not make his own claim to appear in the backyard of the big house, and he will not make his own claim to the bride to be married. When Feng Yuxi saw him, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Gang let me come to talk to you, he will stay in the front yard for a while."

Feng Yu nodded, didn't go deep into it, just walked out of the room, took the tea tray from the end of the river, put it on the rattan table in the yard, and soaked two bowls of tea, and then handed one of them to Xuantian Tian. : "Seven brother, drink tea."

Xuan Tianhua took a light smile and went to drink. Feng Yu laughed and said: "It is drinking tea, not drinking, how is it so urgent." After that, he poured a bowl of the past.

This time, Xuantian Tian did not drink, just took it in her hand and stared at her. There was a slight ambiguity between the eyebrows. It was not obvious, but Feng Yuxi still could see it. It’s just that she doesn’t say that she always knows about Xuan Tianhua’s mind, but she never breaks it.

"The Seven Brothers came from afar, and Auntie thanked the Seven Brothers." She bowed her head halfway, and her voice was faintly mourned. From hitting this world, she only has one in my heart, but if she talks about distress, she is not Xuan Tianhua. This is not the same as the immortal, always able to hold her heart down a sorrowful grief, she does not know where the sorrow comes from, obviously a person who looks at the spring breeze at a glance, why she always Can't help but grieve for him? "Which day is the Seven Brothers?"

Xuan Tianhua said: "Yesterday."

"Oh, yesterday." She thought, she was still sitting in the Bachelor Hall yesterday, but she did not hear that the team had passed through Lanzhou. Xuan Tianhua must have come with Xuan Tiange, so many people, Lanzhou City should not have any news?

"We went around the city, didn't wear Lanzhou, and said to give you a surprise... Auntie, the next seven brothers will marry you." He called her name and trembled in his voice.

The main marriage, the seven emperors Xuan Tianhua to do the most suitable, but Feng Yu reveals a smile, "Thank you seven brothers."

"Thank you for two times, how can we have so much politeness between them." Xuan Tianhua looked at her and couldn't help but regain her gaze. She advised herself to leave and go back to the front yard several times. But it can't move. Just let her take a ride at the end, the individual, can look at this girl happiness, is the ultimate wish of his heart. "The child will treat you very well, just follow him and go!" This is the last sentence he left, and then turned and left the yard without stopping.

Feng Yuyu stood in the courtyard for a long time, until she forgot to call her, she only came back. Forgetting Sichuan frowned, it was a sigh, and did not express much. The heart of the Seven Emperors is not difficult to see, but what about it? There are always some first come and come in this world. Everyone's appearance order is arranged by God, and the position is different. No matter how good the seventh is, it is a step later than the nine.

"Tomorrow will go early to the Pingping City, the young lady will still rest early! The slaves have prepared the bathing water, and the young lady has a bubble and relieves the lack of it."

Feng Yuxi did not say anything, turned back to the house, until it was soaked in the tub, it was felt that it was very tired and felt like sleeping in the water. She doesn't know what these people will end up in the end, and I don't know what my final outcome will look like. Is it old until this time? Children and grandchildren? Looking at Xuan Tian Ming, a day of white bearded white hair? I don’t know if the purple lotus of his eyebrows will change white.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh. It seems that such a day is not hard to imagine. As long as she marries him, the two will go hand in hand, and one day they will grow old together. It’s just... she can’t imagine the future of Xuan Tianhua, and she can’t imagine the person’s white hair. It seems that the image of Xuan Tianhua has been fixed in this age, and he is the one who is a fairy. He always stands far and looks at everything in this world...

There was no dream overnight. At the end of the next day, Feng Yuxi was smashed from the bed by two hoes, and then pressed to the side of the washbasin to start washing. Until the face is washed, she is ready to make up her makeup. She is called a screaming spirit: "Don't!"

The two gimmicks were shocked, and Huang Quan blurted out: "Don't you? Miss, you have to escape the marriage at this time, but it's too late! Oh obedient, then one day, we should call you Wang Hao."

Forgetting Sichuan also smiled and said: "Remember the slaves and Huang Quan just arrived at Fengfu when they called Wang Hao. You said that you should keep a low profile in the Feng family. Don't fall into the tongue. This is called Miss for many years. Now Miss Miss. It’s a habit, and I have to change back to Wang Hao, and there are some mouthfuls.” She said, while trying to greet the face of Feng Yu’s rouge in her hand.

Feng Yuxi quickly hurriedly stopped their actions and said: "You go out first, wait outside, make up for this thing, I will definitely look better than you!" God knows she has fear of the rich makeup of the ancients. Law, every time there is a banquet in these years, she is in the space, and never dare to let these people do it. What's more, today's big marriage, she had long thought about it, on the day of her wedding, she must make a decent bride's makeup. In ancient times, these rouge can never be touched.

Forgetting Sichuan Huangquan also knows that Feng Yuxi will drum up some makeup face, but today is no more than usual. The usual banquet Feng Yu makeup is beautiful, but compared with the big wedding makeup, it is too much, Huang Quan is not assured. "Miss, it’s a little more beautiful today, so it’s a good look with a red robes."

Feng Yu nodded. "Do not worry! You should go out first. If you have finished painting, you will come in and make up."

Listening to her, the two gimmicks were relieved and both retired. Seeing people leave, Feng Yuyu immediately slid into the space, put the cosmetics out, from the toner to the essence, seriously put the makeup on the face. Then there was not much left, with a bunch of make-ups out of the space, and the two hoes were directly called in. "You use these to give me."

She is not a master of makeup, she still has a light makeup on weekdays. Today, she has to have some ancient features. But the makeup is played by herself, and Feng Yuxi is very satisfied with his own technique. Looking at the two gimmicks, looking at the novels will not be used, and patiently explained it again.

Forgetting Sichuan Huangquan is also a smart gimmick, and soon grasped the use of the method, and then used these sets of later makeup to give Feng Yu a beautiful and bright bride makeup. Forgot Sichuan could not help but sigh: "Miss's rouge is really good, much better than those sold in the shop in the city."

Feng Yu’s herbicides in the city of Pingping also sell these things, but most of them are scattered, and there is no such thing as her. Today's big marriage, she is in a good mood, and now promised these two gimmicks: "Minger one person to send you a set." Something about the left and right is that as long as the set is taken out after a while, the inside will automatically generate a set. She glanced at the space with her mind, very good, and now has produced a new one.

The makeup was good, and soon, Xu and others also arrived. Xuan Tiange took a group of sisters to come up and added makeup to Feng Yu, and Xu also took the opportunity to tell Feng Yu: "The citrine phoenix worn on your head is from the hands of the white craftsman."

Feng Yu nodded and looked at Bai Furong: "I know that there is no such thing as a white uncle in this world. No one can do it."

Bai Furong said with a smile: "If you like it, my father and I are now starting from scratch. Some family members are not fake at home, but they are really incomparable with Tiange. I told you -" she said while pointing Xuan Tiange held a wooden box with gifts to say: "There are **** ones here, I can't afford that kind of thing." Then he handed the wooden box in his hand: "Give This full box is all the jewelry that I specially made for you, everything, you will wear it slowly."

Xuan Tiange did not care about her innocence, but said to Feng Yuxi: "No matter what, it is the intention of our sisters. We only hope that you can have a good life in the future, and nothing else. You This is marrying my nine brothers. I have a family of nine brothers in my heart, so I found some treasures, but I didn’t add anything to the money. But after I got married, it’s much more Prepare some gold tickets, but they can't let them suffer."

A few people are thinking about each other, Feng Yu said: "Not only we, you are yourself. Don't look at the princess who is now Jinzhiyuye, who knows who to marry in the future? Rest assured, let us help each other, I am Will not let you suffer."

Sisters hold hands and hold their hands, and my heart is full of emotions. Feeling acquaintance is still yesterday, they are still playing a lot of children all day long, but also remember to go to Xianyalou to eat delicious all day long. However, in a blink of an eye, they all reached the age of marriage, which is inevitably embarrassing.

I want to be silently accompanying Feng Yu's side. Anshi has already gone to the Ji'an County from the capital under the arrangement of the Four Emperors. I think it should be here. If Anshi knows that Feng Yu is married, he should be especially happy. ? She held the makeup in her hand and felt that she couldn't take it. But after a long time, she was still in the hands of Feng Yu, and said, "The original four emperors gave me some good things to let me fill your makeup. But I think, we are sisters, there is no need to make it so fake. I don’t think there is any money, the second sister knows, so I don’t have to take other people’s things to fill the facade. These are my own embroidered, some two The pattern given by my sister, and some of the patterns I thought of myself, I gave it to my second sister. It would be nice to do the decoration later."

Feng Yu took over the makeup sensation, and stood up to hold the sister in his arms and gently patted her back and said: "What we want to accommodate, no matter what, the second sister is the favorite. Rest assured, the second sister is married, but also your sister. Even if you live in Yuwangfu, you also want to come. Not to mention we have Ji'an County, don't think I really lived in Yuwangfu. It won't come out."

Everyone laughed, yeah! This is Feng Yuxi! It is the Lord of Ji'an County! How can she keep her in the little royal palace, she has her county government, she has her Ji'an County, she has her world, her life. This woman’s brilliance has to be a little bit eclipsed when she is standing next to her. Even if she marries, she is still her, the legendary King of Medicine in the Dashun people! It is a phoenix that is flying high!

She is Feng Yu, no substitute!

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