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Twenty-four years of Tianwu, April 18, the nine emperors Xuantian met with the main Feng Yujun of Ji'an County.

The sedan chair was lifted from Shaping City and carried to the Pingping City. The pro-team was arranged in a long line, and all of them were in good standing. Xuantian Ming walked in the forefront, riding on the tall white camel, the red robes were particularly dazzling under the sunlight, and the nine princes who had always been evil-faced hanged a smug smile, the corner of the road. I haven't let go of it.

The bride in the sedan chair is also full of happiness, and the smile can't be covered. From time to time, shrugging and shaking twice, like a child who has stolen sugar.

In the southern desert, joy and thunder, everyone knows that God of War today greets Yaowang Bodhisattva. In Lanzhou City, the people spontaneously set off firecrackers at their respective gates, and many patients and their families who have been treated by Baicaotang came to Bai The cottage gathered together and sent a lot of gifts. Baicaotang simply opened a few tables at the door. It was a congratulatory gift to the owner. It also sent a lot of cakes and candy, which attracted more and more people to come here. It was very lively.

The southern world is bustling, and the capital is even more lively.

Feng Yu was scheduled to marry the next day, and the news was sent out in advance. Xuantian Tian Xuan Tiange had already greeted the Yao family when they went south. The Yao family is also very high-profile this time. They are not hiding at all. Not only did they let the news go out early, but they also did a big job. On the day when Feng Yu was married in the southern world, Yao was also big. The Kaifu Gate set up a wedding banquet. From the front yard to the backyard, a full eighty-eight tables were placed.

This wedding feast was brought out by Yao Xian personally. Don't look at the old man who doesn't show up in the mountains on weekdays. He doesn't have any official positions. It looks like an idle person. But in fact, almost 80% of people in the capital have received his favor. Yao Jia is a family of medicines. He has been rooted in the capital for several generations. He is a famous hundred-year-old Wang family. Even the first Fenghuang Yuan married Yao, which is because the status and reputation of the Yao family can help his Feng family. Medical family! The number of people saved has been unclear. Almost every household has it. Although the Yao family passed the disaster, but now they are back in Beijing, and the emperor’s attitude is there, who dares to despise this Yao ?

Yao Xian said that almost all the people in the capital were dispatched and rushed to Yao. Those who have had Yao Jiahui, and they don’t know how to express their gratitude on weekdays, have finally found the opportunity. The gift is a box and a box to carry it to Yaofu! There are those who are bent on Yaojie’s family. They also hold a lot of silver tickets in their hands, sharpening their heads and squeezing them into the gates of the government. They are afraid that they will not come in late. There are those who have been treated by Feng Yuzhen, who are rich and rich, have come to the door. Rich with a gift, the poor are real, and some simply carry a basket of eggs to the door.

Yao’s son-in-law went to the southern boundary. At this point, Yao Jingjun led Yao Shu at the door, and other Yao family sons and guests were entertained in the yard. Yao Jingjun treats all the people who come to Hexi equally. You are absolutely not special. You are a product and a second-class official. You are the emperor or the emperor. It is no different from those who carry eggs. When you come in, you are a guest. Who is here? Don't waver.

Of course, the Eight Emperors will not come, and the remaining big emperor, the second emperor, and Feng Yuxi’s friendship is quite good. The five emperors are not the ones who love to find nephews, let alone he has been afraid of Xuantian. The couple are more willing to take the initiative to slow down the relationship, so they come with goodwill and smiling faces.

As for the other people present, the attitude of the princes is here, what can they say? What dare they say in front of the Yao family? This Yao Xian said that he is a doctor. The relationship between the family and the emperor is almost as fast as the goal. It is an exception to open the door to welcome them to the government. If you don’t hurry, you can try to get some good words in front of Yao Xian. !

For a time, the threshold of Yao’s house was broken. People tried their best to express their blessings for the marriage of the Ji’an County and the Nine Emperors. Geely said one after the other, the gift went out without hesitation. Send, the open space of the Yaofu yard has been filled with enthusiasm, and can't walk away.

However, the crowd of people who came to congratulate was incessant. After Yao Jingjun asked Yao Xian, Yao Xian simply ordered the county government to carry the gifts to the other side. The Yao family was still the main banquet hall, and had to eat and drink.

Feng Zhaolian also came today, and she merged with Yaoli into Yao. The Yao family knew that this person had a relationship with Feng Yuxi, and he did not become an outsider. He directly entered the inner court. Feng Yu's six cousin Yao Xin said secretly with Feng Zhaolian: "You should have been in the outer court, but look at your dress and this look, and fear in the outer court will cause riots. You still go to the backyard to sit with the women!"

Feng Zhaolian smiled and said: "Well, good, the seven halls are not in Beijing. I am in the backyard and the backyard is the same." After that, he reached out and clicked on Yao Xin’s head. "You This little devil is also a big boss. How can Yao family keep his son so much? It’s almost time to find a wife for you."

Yao Xin was said to be flushed by him. He turned and ran quickly and never wanted to take care of her. Feng Zhaolian smiled and smiled, and she was tempted to persuade the sentence: "The husband is not always so good, so as not to let more people misunderstand." Misunderstanding your surname.

It can be sealed that Zhao Lian is iron-hearted, so that everyone can misunderstand, walk the road to the waist and skill more joyous, and occasionally throw a wink at some young men, you can take away the soul of others. . Wu Liqi took him no way, only to follow in silence.

The Yao family hosted a banquet, and all of the large Beijing-Chinese high-ranking households, except the Eight Emperors' Party, were all present. But there is another family that is more entangled, that is, the left phase Lu Song family. Lu Song has been entangled in this matter since he heard that the two men are getting married, and they are entangled in the DPRK, and they are still entangled when they return home. Especially in the early morning when the emperor also specifically mentioned the matter, it is very emotional, he is even more anxious. According to my heart, Lu Song wanted to go. Because of Lu Yan’s business, he could no longer stand up with the Eight Emperors, and even had deep hatred in his heart. He and his wife Gee want to move closer to Xuan Tian Ming Feng Yu, but the two are in the southern world. He wants to rely on it and can’t rely on it. It’s hard to have such an opportunity, but... the feast is set. In Yao's house, when Lu Jia and Yao Jia were also relatives, after the release of Lu Yao, the Yao family had already listed Lu family as a refusal of the family. How does Lu Song come to the door?

He wandered around the house for a morning, and Ge's was confused, but he really couldn't come up with any ideas. The Lu family offended the Yao family very thoroughly. Of course, the Yao family also cleaned up the Lu family. The economy of their family has not recovered yet, and they can only rely on Lu Song’s embarrassment. However, it is not a problem to continue this way. Ge’s thought again, finally said that the sentence is an idea: "Or... let Pinger go for a trip?"

Lu Song stepped in, and his eyes followed! correct! He still has a daughter! Let Lu Ping go to Yaofu, and how the Yao family will not be a little girl. That is the hidden disease of Lu Ping... "Is there a hundred perfumes at home?"

Ge's nodded. "There are some, if the master has made up his mind, I will pick it up and use it for Pinger."

"Go and go, Pinger said that I personally went to say that she must go today!" Lu Song said, and quickly walked to Lu Ping's yard.


Fengfen 黛 sits in the small courtyard, the spring flowers bloom brightly, occasionally the floral fragrance comes with the breeze, and the nose is full, but she can not smell the fragrance at half point, still asking the side of the winter cherry: "This is What is the smell of flowers? Is it so bad?"

Winter Sakura said: "Back to Miss Four, is Jasmine." Then **** the nose and say a fair word: "It's quite fragrant!"

Fans shook his head and said: "It’s not fragrant at all, the Minger is pulled out, and the peony is changed."

"Peony?" Winter Sakura is very different. "Isn't the lady still said that the peony is too flamboyant? There were a few peony in the yard earlier, because the lady didn't like it, it was all pulled out."

"But I like it now." The powdery face is expressionless, but the thoughts are tumbling. From the scene when the former Fengfu flourished, she flew toward her, and those who had lived so far but had passed away revived in an instant, and those familiar scenes were staged before her eyes. She saw the old lady, saw Shen, saw the phoenix fish, saw Han, and also saw Jin Zhen. So many people, how can they just leave herself? Fanling is a bit embarrassed, and finally remembers the previous topic, but he said to the winter cherry tree: "In the past, there was a peony garden in Fengfu, and it was filled with peony, and you will be replanted again. I will think that the Feng family is still there."

Winter Sakura was a little scared, and quickly advised her: "Miss, don't think about the past, the Feng family is gone, don't we say that we will live well after that? Don't think about it anymore!"

Fengfen didn’t pick up the words, just asked: “What about the five halls? Why didn’t you come today?” I have to come here to accompany me to the powder, but today I have not visited it.

Winter Sakura reminded her: "It is said that today at the end of the southern boundary, the nine princes greet the second lady, the Yao House has a big feast, and the five halls are down."

"Dao Xi?" A glimpse of the powder, then suddenly: "Oh, they are married, it should be hi, but why not go with me?" Said: "Also, what do you do with me? It is the ancestor of Feng Yuxi, not mine. My mother is a Qing dynasty from the Hualiu alley, no relatives, I don't know the ancestors. Who is it, no help, no support."

"Miss, don't say that, you still have five halls, and the five halls are waiting for you, but it's true." Winter Sakura strongly urged, and my heart was awkward for this lady. To say that the five emperors are thinking about Fengfen, it is a woman who will be touched! At the beginning, it was just that the design was misplaced, but I didn’t expect the five emperors to actually get on the heart. Not only did she dismiss all the women in the house, but she also broke the tradition and made a prostitute in the name of the emperor. Hey. With such a good person to protect, what are the four Misses still tossing?

However, Fengfen 黛 is love tossing, from small to large, there is a suffocation in her bones. She wants to be a phoenix niece and wants to step on all the sisters. This desire has not changed.

Feng Yu is married, very good, that is her second sister, she should bless it? But why, the words of blessing are on the lips, but they can’t say a word...

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