Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 919: Late round house night

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This night, Feng Yuxi stayed at the Imperial Palace for the first time as a hostess. This person does not recognize the bed, regardless of past life or this life, is a few turns, not quite fixed, so it is not to say that changing places can not sleep.

But tonight is a little different, her identity has changed, no longer a guest, but the Lord, Mrs. Zhou does not think much, I heard that she and Xuantian Ming have no round room, specially laid a bed on their sleeping bed. White scorpion. Feng Yu screamed silently, but Xuan Tian Ming still hugged her behind her, and came to the sentence: "Yangzi, filial piety has passed, is it right to be a husband?"

She began to count her fingers: "Hundred days, more than three months, is it so fast?"

"Well?" Someone is not happy. "The meaning of the woman is, don't I hope that I will be there so early? I still don't want to go to the round room?"


"That is, I really want to go to the round room."

Feng Yuxi feels that she is suffering from losses on this topic, and she simply shuts up. But she didn't want to talk, but some people wanted to talk, and not only talked with her mouth, but also wanted to talk about it again. The two wolf paws are not honest. Feng Yuqi just pulled down from the waist, and the claws rose to the heart. Just pulled down from the heart, and the two claws went to pull her neck.

Feng Yuyu collapsed! She is also a healthy and normal adult girl. Well, this adult is only for ancient times. But after all, she has the soul of later generations, the real mature soul! This soul stimulates hormones! Xuan Tianming, these two claws can not pull and pull, and now they are beginning to solve the buckle between her neck!

She cried and hid? Still not hiding? It seems that I can't hide it, and secondly... there is no position to hide. I haven't heard that I haven't let my husband touch it for a few months. What's more, this is still in Yuwangfu. If the two are still not round, there is no place for this man to put it? Just she... okay! She doesn't want to, is... oh, people are a little shy!

The hero of the Ji’an County, who has always been arrogant, has become a small milk cat. The clothes have been untied by the majority of the clothes, and the large skin of the chest is exposed. Under the fingers of Xuantian’s fingers, the skin reacts instinctively. Beginning to become red, fever, her breathing also followed the rush, and my heart actually took a little expectation, I hope that the hands can go further.

This little girl with her face is red with a hot iron-burning iron, and Xuantian is so beautiful! He has endured for three years! I can finally eat the meat! This kind of hand-fed sheep is delicious! Just rest assured!

Someone turned into a hungry wolf, and after peeling off the sheepskin, he turned over and fell, and he threw himself on the bed. Then smell it first, then lick, very fragrant, very sweet, looks good.

Feng Yu's face was so blushing that the body was bleeding, and the body was very welcome, but still awkwardly biting his teeth and said: "Xuan Tian Ming you a bastard! Big color wolf!"

But when someone hears the ear, this sentence becomes: "French, you are the most powerful! Come and eat me!" He nodded with satisfaction. "Don't worry, come for the husband!"

"Where are you... Where are you going?" The little lady on the bed was covered with rain. She was really nervous and lived for two lifetimes. This kind of thing was done for the first time! What should I do now? I heard that I want to refuse to welcome it? Does this seem to be reserved and not to push people away? Also heard that it is so beautiful? This will make the husband more pity? I have seen some romance novels in the past life. The female host is crying, laughing, cooperating, and becoming passive and active... but she will not!

Feng Yu's body is all over her body, and her small mouth is bent, like she is crying. But I don't know, this appearance makes the man look at the heart, and the heart of her family is almost jumping out.

"Yiangzi, it is very hungry for the husband, can't wait." Xuantian chanting hoarse, the fire-like enthusiasm has burned to the peak, not as far as Feng Yuzhen reacted, a lively "eat sheep" action is vigorously Expanded.

Poor Feng Yuxi was a human being, never going through personnel, but on this night, her husband was tossed from dark to dawn, from the first toss of the bed to the end of the bed, and her small body, also from the beginning of the pain And discomfort, tossing to the end turned into expectation and catering. Finally, when the big gray wolf stunned and released the enthusiasm of the body, the little white sheep thought: Will it be pregnant? It is not difficult for a fifteen or six-year-old body to have a baby. Think again, forget it, Grandpa is, you can have a Caesarean section. But she still doesn't want to be a mother, she still has a lot to do! In such a troubled world, in an unstable political environment, one more child will have to worry about it. Can she protect her baby?

After all, she made a decision in secret, or take medicine! It is best for children to wait until the age of twenty or so to consider, give her a few years of psychological preparation, and also give Dashun a situation buffer for several years.

Things are also considered here, the little white sheep is not enough energy, fell asleep. In my sleep, it seems that someone carefully put her back on the pillow, the pillow was taken out of space before she was very soft. Someone gently covered her with a quilt, but after a while it was opened again. The steaming towel was gently wiped on the side of her thigh, and she was very careful about the place, for fear of touching her. But she still hurts, her eyebrows are wrinkled, and she is upset, but she is exhausted and can't even open her eyes.

Soon, there was something gently smeared there, and she separated her legs, which made her feel very embarrassed. It seems that I am also aware of what the other party is doing. It should be that the first person has been injured. This coated plaster is cool and comfortable. She thought that it should be forgotten Chuan or Huang Quan. I heard that this kind of thing was done by the old woman. There was never a woman around her. I just had to forget that Chuan Huangquan was close. It should be two hoes to help. She cooks these. What's more, she remembers that before she closed her eyes, the outer days were already white, and I wanted to come to Xuantian to get up early, and then we changed in.

She still has the leisure time to analyze in her dreams. She even thinks that Xuantian Ming is tired for a night. So she goes directly to the DPRK, will she be physically weak? Thinking about it, I slept in the past.

Until I woke up again, I turned over and felt that someone was lying around, the atmosphere was familiar and practical, and she couldn’t help but wrap her arm around and hugged her mouth. The mouth still whispered: "Xuan Tianming, what time is it?" Are you coming back early?"

The people around me whispered softly: "The king's room has a candle, what is on the early morning."

"Well?" She frowned and opened her eyes, still yawning. Look at Xuan Tianming, Chi. Naked on the upper body, very free to lie on her side, an arm gave her a pillow to let her sleep. A look of lazy looks, just put up and wake up, where is it like someone who has come back early and returned? She did not understand: "You didn't go to the DPRK?"

He nodded: "Of course, I have said that the king's room is a candle. How can I have that leisure time?"

"But..." She suddenly remembered that when she was asleep in the morning, someone wiped her body and applied the ointment, and then tried to move the body. There was still some pain, and the refreshing feeling of the ointment was still there. It seems to be true. But if Xuantian Ming did not go to the early morning, then Huang Quan could not enter the bed at that time, then... the person who gave her medicine was... "Xuan Tianming." At first, he looked at him slyly: "What did you do to me?"

Someone smiled and said, "Whatever you did."

She is sweating! Hee, "I don't mean that."

"What does that lady mean?" Someone's face came close, and the hot breath rushed in, with the evil spirit, so that she couldn't help but walk in the middle of her eyebrows across her fingers. Purple lotus has a few more eyes. As a result, I heard this person say: "This king knows that the woman is not enjoying herself. In fact, the king is not paying for it! It is just that the woman is too weak and the first time, the king is pity and jealous, and she cannot bear to pick too much. The injured place has already wiped the medicine for you. It will be raised for two days. After two days, I will serve you again."

Feng Yu's face is red enough to drop blood, especially... "Who is not doing it?"

"What does the lady mean to be very happy?"

"I..." Forget it, and if it is unclear, she retracted her head into the quilt. Really, it should have been expected for a long time. How can people who have become such a country and a country look good? A bad stomach! But think about it again, it is Xuan Tianming personally help her wipe, and took medicine, although it is a shame to throw home, but it is also a little sweet! Which man can do this under the sun? Not to mention the ancient patriarchalism, which is the 21st century in the later generations. This is also a species that cannot be found by the super searchlights.

When the little lady thought of it, she was happy. She was still beautiful in the bed for a while, but she listened to her husband. "If you don't get up again, the king will have to send someone into the palace to say something to the father. Let's ask for security." To tomorrow."

"Well?" Feng Yu stunned, "Please Ann? Please ask what?" Then ponder it again, and said: "You mean that I am going back to Beijing, should I say hello to the father? But those ministers are not collective petitions. Let me enter the palace?" She is very vengeful.

Xuantian Xiao laughed and took the man out of the quilt and said to her: "The old guys who have made troubles have been rushed back to their hometowns with a few difficult questions." It is not because you are going back to Beijing to say hello, but because we are married, according to Dashun filial piety, we are going to enter the palace to worship the father and the empress. Of course, we must also visit the mother-in-law in a new identity. ”

Feng Yuyi heard this and realized that he was negligent. Yes, I have been a real daughter-in-law, so I have to have a ritual to meet my in-laws, so I quickly sat up, and then a pain in the body reminded her that she was not in the air...

Xuan Tianming no longer teased her, took the initiative to help her take the new coat, Feng Yuxi felt that it was really uncomfortable to wear clothes. Now it’s too late to ask for water, just let it go. The mind moved into the space.

Only Xuan Tian Ming looked helplessly at the little lady who suddenly disappeared on the bed, could not help but laugh out loud. He really married a fairy!

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