Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 920: New daughter-in-law tea

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When the two entered the palace, it was just after noon. Tianwu Emperor had just used lunch at the Moon Palace. He was still talking to Yunxiao: "The kid who seems to be unable to come today is waiting for tomorrow."

Yunxiao said: "Not necessarily, in case someone has eaten lunch, come!"

As I said, there are people to report: "The emperor, the maiden, the royal king, with the king to enter the palace."

Tianwu stood up and stood up, picking up his hand. "Hey, you guessed it is really accurate. This kid is finally willing to bring his wife into the palace!" After all, looked at Yunxiao: "New The daughter-in-law is going to worship the tea. You see, are you going to the Zhaohe Hall with me, or are you asking them to come here?"

Yunxiao has waved his hand, and it is very lazy to say: "I don't go, you don't have to stay. The emperor Wang Qijing tea is dedicated to the emperor and the queen, I don't want to mix it. Let's go!" This little thing doesn't break the rules, and they will come to me after the two of them."

Tianwuben still wants to persuade two more sentences. Zhang Yuan reminded him on the side: "Be obedient! Think about the individuals who are now united under the Eighth Highness. Which one is not the fault that you have caused, and I want to add trouble to the nine halls. ?"

Tianwu slanted the dead **** and thought that he would like to say a few more words, but he felt that people were right. This is indeed something that he does not take for granted. Then, he waved his hand: "Let's go! Set up the Zhaohe Temple. In addition, the Queen is also ready to prepare."

His Royal Highness led the main entrance of the Ji'an County to the emperor's palace to tea, the news spread in the palace, most people are happy for them. However, there are also many people who are not happy. For example, Yuangui people, such as quiet people, for example, those who are unloved in the harem. Nowadays, their natal family is supporting the Eight Emperors. They don’t know that they have been silent for many years. They have already felt like a stagnant water, but they have started to waver under the instigation of the Eight Emperors. As soon as I heard that Xuan Tianming had entered the palace, those who had not been in contact with each other for a long time began to string together, and gathered together in groups of three and five, and picked up their own thoughts.

The new daughter-in-law respects the tea to her in-laws, and she is also very particular about the folk. The palace also has a ritual. However, Tianwu Emperor has always been casual, and the Queen also feels that she is not the biological mother of Xuantian, and that the child of Xuantian is not very enthusiastic when she is young, she does not want to put too much spectrum, but also saves The heart of the Moon Palace is not happy, so I volunteered to ask everything to be simple, and when the family met, it didn’t need so much red tape.

The Queen and Tianwu Emperor have always been the best partners. She can prepare to try to figure out all the thoughts of Tianwu. Today, everything is simple and it is very harmonious. After all, Tianwu Emperor felt that his relationship with Yunxiao was somewhat relieved, but Yunhua’s woman had a virtue with her son, and she was moody. Who knows that she was unhappy and sentenced him to death! In the event of this hot tea, she was wronged in the cold palace, how can this be done. Therefore, the Queen made such an arrangement, Tianwu felt very satisfied, and also praised the sentence: "The Queen is very fluent."

Therefore, Feng Yu's tea worshipping tea is very simple, kneeling down, three heads, two bowls of tea, it will be finished. Tianwu and the Queen arrived for one person to give a big red envelope. The Queen also said to her: "If you are a bride, don't be so angry again. If you go into the palace, you will wear the crested pheasant. That is your worthy. Up."

The ceremony was simple. After finishing the tea ceremony, I listened to the Queen’s intimate words about the new wife and children. After half an hour, they went to the Han Han Palace, and Tianwu naturally followed.

Tonight, the Moon Palace has a banquet, the protagonist is Xuan Tian Ming Feng Yu and his wife.

The Moon Palace is actually lively, and Yunxiao sometimes calls Dance Jijin to dance, but today’s lively has more themes. Xuantian is married and married Yao Xian’s granddaughter. For Yunxiao, this is The perfect match in life.

At the dinner, Xuan Tianhua also sat in the corner and played the piano quietly after the song and dance. Still a white dress, or a dusty appearance, when Feng Yuxi looked at him, what was revealed in his eyes was a kind of warmth that slowly turned into a family.

Yunxiao said: "When a child is married to aunt, it is always a solution to the big thing. The next one is Huaer." After that, he glanced at Xuantian Tian.

Xuan Tianhua smiled bitterly and said nothing. He shook his head slightly and continued to play the strings. It was only after the end of the banquet that Xuan Tian Ming Feng Yu was going to go out of the palace and gave him a gift like Feng Yu.

It is a bead flower, made of pearls, not gorgeous, it looks like some years, but it makes people like it at first glance, elegant and plain, without gold ornaments, only quietly scattered its own unique The spirit of Qingning.

Yunxiao quietly told her that it was the only thing left by Xuan Tianhua’s mother. After Feng Yuzhen listened, he couldn't help it. Since the person like Xuan Tianhua chose to give it, she couldn't help but think about it. Just put it in the space. Since it is the relic of the Zhaozhao empress, it is in such a void. Keep it forever within the space!

The news that Feng Yuqi returned to Beijing is known all over the world. Of course, Fengfen is also included. In the past few days, she felt that her own lady was not very emotional. She often tempered her next five visits to her, but when they were alone, they were rushing her in the yard. What is the specific noise she can’t hear? Clearly, only vaguely heard what entered the palace and did not enter the palace.

Until today, the five emperors personally brought the phoenix powder into the palace, and the winter sakura naturally followed, which made it clear that the original lady had been arguing for a few days and wanted to enter the palace. As for the purpose of entering the palace, when the three stood at the entrance of Jingsi Palace, Winter Sakura also completely understood, and it is not sorrowful to marry her lady!

The five emperors Xuantian 黛 琰 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤The king will do everything for you. Pink, the king’s position has been told to you more than once, but unfortunately you don’t listen. Then go! The situation is also very messy, the king wants to see See where you can go."

His voice just fell, Feng Bianzhen can't wait to lift his leg and go to Jingsi Palace. When he rubs his shoulder, he also throws a sentence: "I am not for you!"

The eyes of the phoenix powder smashed into the small door slits opened by Jingsi Palace. Xuan Tianyi frowned and looked at it for a long time. Suddenly he said to the attendant who was accompanying him: "You said, this Is it destined?"

The attendant followed him for many years, listening to a fate, let him understand what his own words mean. As for Miss Feng Jiasi’s squeezing into the Jingsi Palace from the crack in the door, she was stubborn and determined. From what time did she start, the four ladies who had no brains in the Feng family had a bit of stubbornness in that year. ? From when did the back of Miss Fengjiasi really resemble that person in that year?

"His Highness, you have more heart." The attendant did not know how to persuade, this kind of thing can not be persuaded. When the five emperors insisted on setting up a marriage with the four ladies of Fengjia, he was not twisted in his heart. After all, Fengfen was only a prostitute, and he could not see the countertop. But then think about the ridiculousness of the master of the house for so many years, the palace is not to say that it is a prostitute, even the dance Ji can be mixed into a side, compared to those women, the Feng family's Miss Yan is still relatively identifiable. I didn't expect it now... "His Highness, you have to think twice!"

"Thinking?" Xuantian smiled bitterly. "I have already thought about it for a long time. I have already told her that she has her temper. I also have my persistence. She does not listen to me. She must think that she is doing it. It’s right, I’m determined to go on, I can’t stop it. Let her go! It’s just a game around, but at least seeing her, I can see a lot of things that have passed away.” Turning back and walking into the palace, like a person without a soul, so floating in the middle of the palace road, occasionally there will be a palace pass, hit him, squatting, he did not see it, just take care of himself Walking around, until the exit of the palace door, I suddenly returned to God, and quickly told the entourage: "You don't follow it, go to the end of Jingsi Palace and wait, then you have to take her out of the palace after the girl comes out!" Don't let her get into trouble in the palace."

Xuan Tianyi finished, left the attendant, and went to the carriage of Li Wangfu alone.

The attendant returned to the palace with conviction, and quickly walked to the end of Jing Gongsi. If the five emperors don't remind him that he really forgot this thing, can't you leave Miss Fengjia four in the palace, what if you come out from Jingsi Palace? That is a serious disaster.

In the Jingsi Palace, the white pheasant is abandoning the tea from the female side of the small palace: "It’s all tea foam, how can you be so mixed now?"

Ligui people are weaker, and the sharpness of pink is never something she can fight against, not to mention that there is no niche now, but it is a small nobleman who has been shutting down in the Jingsi Palace for so long, and she has not done it for a long time. The momentum of Li Wei. A word of powder, she said that she is a beggar, she is this, and in exchange for a white eye of the powder.

The palace lady who came to tea at that end couldn’t stand the bully of her own master. I was not willing to say: "Miss Feng Si please be cautious. Although my master has dropped the position, it is also the nobleman of the emperor under the knee. Identity is not enough to speak in front of the nobles."

"Isn't it enough?" Fans are not the same children who were ignited at the beginning. The scorpion in the bones did not know when it was cultivated. When the eyes were moving, there was a bit of the taste of the phoenix fish. . She ignored the little palace girl, and no longer commented on this bowl of tea. She only looked at the Ligui people and asked in a haze: "How long has the noble lady not gone out of the Jingsi Palace? How long has it been? Have you seen an outsider?"

Ligui people listened straight and frowned. They always felt that the children of Fengfenyu were somewhat different than those they saw on the winter hunting grounds. The mind seemed to be more mature. She is not very willing to talk to Fengfen, but when she comes, she can't refuse it. She only vaguely said: "The emperor is not allowed to go out here, and it is easy not to let outsiders come in. Naturally, it is not as free as Miss Feng."

"Oh!" Feng powder nodded. "No wonder, no wonder, you can eat and sleep safely, otherwise you will change any of your mothers. When she knows that her son is doing that kind of thing, she must not be able to sit still. Understand……"

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