Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 935: What is the ghost?

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Every time Zhang Yuan talks with Xuantian, all kinds of collapses, "live" and "self-acceptance", use such words to describe the emperor, this is the king of the nine kings can do it.

"Then later? Liu Wei's motherland should also have some movements?" Feng Yu was busy with the topic, and did not want Xuan Tianming to open again.

Zhang Yuan feels that Feng Yu is really good, it is a savior! So hurry: "There is definitely something to do, Liu Wei's father was the ritual Shangshu at the time, and the official position of the second product. Because of this incident, Liu Shangshu was very unhappy. In the past, he accused the Yunxiao Niangniang of the harem. It was he who took the lead and provoked it. I heard that it was a lot of troubles! But the emperor was concentrating on the clouds. They couldn’t get any benefit from it. They looked at Liu Wei’s loss in the palace and his eyes were getting more and more. Many of the shackles lost power, and Liu Shangshu was so angry that he fell ill and screamed. The emperor felt that he was too unwilling to go, so he also raised Liu Wei’s eldest brother and made the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, which is also the official position of the three products. ”

"The heads of the middle school who are standing and not doing things are all like this." Xuantian Ming opened his mouth and scared Zhang Yuan. I can't help but hope that the palace will come soon. There is an old emperor in the palace that can support him, and then go with the nine emperors, his little heart can not stand it.

However, Xuantian’s meditation is not totally unreasonable. Over the years, the emperor also knows that he is very owed to the women in the harem, so he compensates as much as possible in power. He can arrange the positions of the officials, and he can find himself. Psychological comfort. But it is precisely because of the placement of these officials that many of today’s hatreds have been brought together, and these people collectively dumped them to the head of the Eight Emperors.

Zhang Yuan thought about it and thought that he still said a few more words, so he said: "The Liu Liu is seriously ill and does not know how many days have passed. Anyway, the emperor does not care about the harem, and many reports in the harem will not report to the emperor. Here. Until yesterday, all the doctors in the palace declared no way to let the preparations go, and the emperor got the letter to take a look. Wang Hao also knows that now the emperor is old, people are easy to read when they are old, and then see Liu Xie became like that, and he was somewhat annoyed. Liu Wei’s eldest brother Liu Shilang also came to the palace specially, and asked Wang Hao to enter the palace that Liu Shilang had proposed.

“Oh?” Feng Yu said: “What did Liu Shilang ask?” Then he glanced at the eyes. “That’s a little bit interesting!”

Xuantian Ming also smiled with evil spirits and came up with a leisurely sentence: "Yes! The old eight people took the initiative to ask the king's wife to go to the palace to see his sister. This is a bit of a stress."

Zhang Yuan is not stupid. When Liu Shilang made this request, he felt that he had twisted ten times. He even whispered to Tian Wudi that he had absolutely an article. I don’t know if Tianwu’s emperor didn’t hear it at all, or he’s not willing to think about the road here under the sorrow of Liu’s death. In short, his reminder failed to successfully change the decision of Emperor Wu of Heaven. Was driven out of the palace to personally go to the royal palace to invite people. Zhang Yuan is very angry about this, but now he looks at Xuan Tian's sullen face and Feng Yu's thoughtful appearance, and he is somewhat worried. Although the emperor’s acting **** is not prepared to be responsible, what if the nine emperors are quarreling with the old emperor? The old emperor is so old, can you still toss a few toss?

Therefore, Zhang Yuan began to start from Feng Yu's side and persuaded him to say: "Wang Hao, don't blame the emperor. Although this is what Liu Shilang proposed, the emperor also nodded, but Liu Wei is indeed sick. It’s especially heavy. The doctors said that it’s basically a month. It’s been a favorite of the emperor. Although it’s been said for twenty years, it’s not so bad for the emperor’s heart. Please enter the palace. Don't blame the emperor." While talking about it, he secretly pointed to the head of Xuantian, meaning that Feng Yuyu also advised.

Feng Yu did not take this nephew, she just asked: "What are the symptoms of Liu Wei's illness? What are the results given by the doctors?"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly said: "The people in the Anju Palace said that Liu Wei has always felt that he is weak all over the past year. He often walks in the garden with scattered steps and cannot rely on the **** to lift the soft sedan. Going back. This kind of powerlessness is getting more and more serious. Until nearly two months, it is said that even the bed can't be put down. The doctors can't say the truth. The report is upset, and even more people say that Liu Wei is The emperor is also more guilty of thinking about the emperor."

"There is only one month's life left, what is it called to cure?" When he arrived at the palace gate, Xuan Tianming threw such a sentence, and then personally helped Feng Yu down the palace car.

Zhang Yuan said: "It seems that there are doctors and Liu family members suggesting that Yu Wang can cure this disease."

"Which doctor is too tired to live?" Xuantian Ming's words are very welcome, from the beginning to the end did not give a good face.

Zhang Yuan didn't want to answer any more. Now he entered the palace. He hurriedly took people forward and walked to the door of Anju Palace. Only then did he hear a little palace girl say, "Zhang Gonggong can be regarded as coming back. The emperor has already urged him. I have asked many times!" After he finished, he looked up to see Xuan Tian Ming Feng Yu Yu, and quickly went down to ask.

Xuan Tianming was ignorant, and he looked at the Anju Palace and frowned. Feng Yu yelled at his sleeve and said, "Let's go to the mother's nest and sit down. I will go in. If the father is here today, I am afraid that the moon is not over, and the mother is afraid of being uncomfortable. You are more with you."

Xuan Tianming thinks that his wife is really understanding, so where is the clever woman who has the skill and the ability to find it! Then nodded and yelled at her: "You shouldn't be too tired. People who live around for a month are not guilty of cure. If their Liu family sent their daughter to the palace, they would have to be so good. The preparations, not to mention the water poured out by the daughter who had been married, did not enter the grave of Liu Jiazu, and what kind of strength did they make with them?" Then he turned and left.

Feng Yuxi shook his head helplessly. For a doctor, no matter whether the patient still has a month of living or only one day of living, she wants to try her best to treat it. However, Xuantian’s attitude can also be understood. After all, the Eight Emperors’ party, Liu Jia, offered to let her come to the rescue at this time. There is something wrong with the head here, she goes in and looks at it. Say.

Lifting the footsteps, stepping over the threshold of the Anju Palace, and looking at the head, I saw a man with a square face under the big tree in the palace. The age of forty years, surrounded by the gloomy face, looks It’s ugly like a dead person at home.

She didn't have much impression of the ministers in the DPRK. She is analyzing that this man can enter the harem. The eight achievements are the big brother of Liu Wei? At this time, I heard that the man suddenly opened his mouth. It was very rude to say: "The ninth imperial court and the Ji'an County Lord are all waiting for the shackles of the harem to die. All of them are dead, the clouds. The 妃 妃 娘 can only come out from the Moon Palace, and you can live more well-being."

When the words were exported, Feng Yu's footsteps stopped immediately, and for a moment, a cold child was released from the body, and Zhang Yuan, who was cold behind him, had a nap.

Seeing things is not good, Zhang Yuan quickly stepped forward, facing the square face man with a pointed voice: "Liu Shi Lang! How can you talk to Yu Wangyu? The emperor read your brother and sister love, this will allow you to go to the palace Walking, I asked Yu Wang to come to see Liu Yiniang. How can Liu Shilang know how to be grateful, but vice versa?"

"No problem." Feng Yu swayed his hand. "Liu Shilang has saved this kind of mind. I don't think it is really good for my own sister. I said that I saw the doctor's three-point ritual, unless the other party is the emperor, supreme, let the doctor I have to be afraid, other people, this Wang Hao really did not hear that there are people who dare to speak out before the doctor did not see the patient. It seems that in the heart of Liu Shilang, there is no difference between himself and the emperor."

"Speaking to the mouth of the yellow!" Liu Shilang knew that the owner of Ji'an County had a fang and a tooth, and he had prepared in his heart. He did not want to marry her with a hero in his mouth, but he just heard the words of Xuantian, but he said a few words. I didn't expect to let the other party know. "Small age is full of nonsense, I have long heard that Fengjia’s tutor is not very good. It’s true today."

Feng Yuqi nodded. "Liu Shilang is right. Fengjiajiajiao is not very good, but you can't tell me about this matter. Would you recommend Liu Shilang to go with my father?" One stretch, said behind the forgetfulness behind the body: "Remember that after returning to the government today, ask someone to buy some paper money and send it to Zuo Shi Lang, so that Zuo Shilang Liu Daren communicates well with his father. To buy more, I look at Liu Daren's posture. I am afraid that there are many words to tell my father!" She finished, her lips were picked, and then she did not look at Liu Shilang, and went directly to the main hall of the Anju Palace.

Liu Shilang gasped his teeth, but here is the palace, and Tian Wudi is still inside. He really can't say anything. However, since Feng Yuxi has come, it is easy to handle. She has to look at this disease. If she does not look at it, she will have to look at it. As for optimistic about it, it is impossible for her to say it.

Thinking of this, Liu Shilang also had a hint of evil on his face, and then looked at the main hall, and his heart was cold! What brothers and sisters are deep? When the father gave his life for the grace of this daughter, it is time to return. Liu’s family has been oppressed for so many years, and his sister should also contribute to the family. If God does not care for him, he does not believe that people who are sick can still save lives. But if you can't save it, then you have to say it.

He thought, he followed up and stepped in. When he entered the temple, Feng Yuxi had already seen the ceremony with Emperor Wu of Heaven. Although Emperor Wu of the Day thought that Liu Wei felt a little guilty, but after so many years passed, his feelings have been worn away. Now, sitting here is just giving her some comfort before the woman dies, so yes, But I can't see a little bit of affection.

Liu Shilang did not speak after he came in. He took a gift with Tianwu and then stood on the side. There wasn't even a doctor in the house. Tianwu Emperor said: "The wastes in the hospital are not going to come out. They simply don't let them come again. Auntie, you give it, what is this disease? Can you still? Governed well?"

Feng Yu nodded and took a few steps to Liu Wei's bed. The show girl enters the palace, generally no more than seventeen years old, Liu Wei is based on the age, now it is about forty, but unfortunately sick, and with no love and moisture all year round, this person seems to be like 60 years old The wife is generally, where there is a little bit of beauty.

She sighed and reached for her wrist, but also faintly said: "Aunt He De He can, can treat Liu Wei Niangniang! Liu Shilang said that I was not right with the nine halls, and said that珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ...not easy to diagnose!"

After that, I looked at Liu Shilang with a gaze and sneered in my heart. Thought that just that thing is finished? Humph! Grandma and grandma let you see what it is today - the ghost is not scattered.

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