Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 936: Xuan family is not reasonable

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Feng Yu's words succeeded in attracting the attention of Tianwu, and also succeeded in letting Liu Shilang have a cold sweat. He thought that the thing in the yard, Feng Yuxi, could not go to Tianwudi to make irresponsible remarks here, let alone the situation in the house, this atmosphere is not the time to say that! Besides, who heard that the two men had a few words and turned their heads and went to the emperor to complain?

But Feng Yuyu is going to do this!

She can be no matter what the atmosphere is, she only knows that this Liu family is a figure under the Eight Emperors' party feathers, and she is brought into the palace to see her own sister, and this is a bit tricky. Liu Wei is seriously ill. She has just diagnosed that there is a problem with the kidneys, but this does not mean that she can reveal the matter just now. I am kind enough to enter the palace to see your sister. You Liu is not only grateful, but when you enter the hospital, you will be counted down by you.

She looked at her and looked at Liu Shilang coldly. She also added a sentence with aggrieved sentence: "Nine Highness is the imperial son of Dashun, the father's biological son. How can he live without name? Liu What is the meaning of the ambassador’s words? Auntie still can’t understand it, and he’s very scared.”

Tianwu originally turned to Feng Yu, and then heard that the matter involved the son he cares most, and turned his face. I saw him yelling at Liu Shilang, but did not ask him, but directed Zhang Yuanyuan: "You! What happened just now? How did your son become unfair?"

Zhang Yuan had no good impression on Liu Shilang. He was standing on the side of Feng Yuzhen, so he immediately learned the words of Liu Shilang when he first entered the hospital. Tianwu listened to his face, especially the last sentence, but also touched his reverse scale--"Hey son and daughter-in-law live a name that is not right? Liu Huai, you really have a good thought!"

Then Liu Huai hurried to the ground, one head down, immediately defended himself: "The emperor, this is a misunderstanding! Chen suddenly lost words, but was uttered by the words of the nine halls! You do not know, His Royal Highness He says……"

The words have not been finished yet, Tianwu has fired again: "You are a three-product official of the DPRK, and your son is the emperor! It is the prince! How can you say that you can't do a few words? Then you are a beast now." Do you have to take this shackle back again? Come again?"

Liu Huai was so scared that he was on the ground, and he took a thousand tens of thousands of times. But Tianwu is on the air, he does not dare to say anything, after all, people are right, the emperor is jealous of you, what qualifications do you have to look back? Is it reversed?

Feng Yuyu is still wronged at the end: "Liu Shilang naturally does not dare to confront the nine princes, but to a daughter who is a little woman, bullying can be unscrupulous."

"He dares!" Tianwu violently, stood up and stood up, pointing his finger on the couch, seriously stunned Liu Wei, loudly said: "This is your sister, sister! Auntie came to the palace to treat your sister, You don't say gratitude, but with such vicious words, how many of your Liu family are in the wolf? In the end, you don't have any thoughts to see Liu Wei, and you are yelling at the aunt. The eight achievements are for this meal. Do you think that you don’t know, when your father was very vocal with Yunxiao, he forced the cricket out of the palace several times. I will tell you what you said to your father today, you Hearing it well--who is the one who squats, and which one is later, this is the embarrassing thing of the family. It’s not until you threaten the glory of the dynasty! You are the king of Dashun, if you have to be surrounded by the courtiers, You just have to sit down in this world!"

The Xuan family has always been unreasonable. Tian Wudi is unreasonable, and his sons are even more unreasonable. When Emperor Wudi really said this with Liu Shangshu on the court, he almost did not breathe a sigh of Liu Shangshu. Today, the same words were given to Liu Huai, Liu Huai’s cold sweat was leaking out at the time, not only afraid, but also very annoyed with his previous impulses. It’s hard to get Feng Yu’s cockroach into the palace to see Liu Wei’s doctor. How can he be so unsettled? If this matter is to let the Eight Emperors know that it is so bad in his hands, I am afraid that he can't explain it in front of the Eight Emperors!

Liu Huai bite his teeth and simply smashed his head toward Feng Yu. At the same time, he said: "Please ask Wang Yu to forgive sins. Wei Chen’s previous loss of words is also because Liu Wei’s mother’s illness is anxious. This is what I should say. Chen is willing to pay the blame to Wang Haotou, and also asks Wang Hao not to blame the murderer." Said, and the two heads went down.

Feng Yu didn’t say anything, but the spirit of Tianwu’s heart could not be eliminated. He yelled at Feng Yu: “Auntie, let’s go out of the palace first! It’s not good for the father, you shouldn’t call you into the palace. They are all white-eyed wolves, and none of them have a conscience. This kind of person is not worthy of pity. Since Liu Wei’s illness is too much for the hospital, it’s that she should be sick, no one can blame. Go! There is nothing wrong with you here."

As soon as I heard that Emperor Wu of the Heavens wanted Feng Yu to go out of the palace, Liu Huai was in a hurry. This was anxious, and it was really a few tears. He climbed a few steps forward, kneeling on the ground, sobbing constantly, and it was very pitiful to say: "The emperor is gracious! Ask the emperor to be merciful! Ask the emperor to read on Liu Wei’s companionship for many years. Don't watch her wait until she dies! Yu Wang's **** doctor, she will be able to save the life of Liu Wei's mother, and ask the emperor not to abandon Liu Wei's maiden!"

Feng Yu looked at him like this, and suddenly he asked: "Which doctor is talking about Liu Shilang, can you cure this disease? Even if it is a **** doctor, it is not a **** in the end. How can you be so sure?" Can this king be ruled?"

Then Liu Huai stunned and continued to cry with a cry: "Chen is also a singer when he heard it. As for which doctor said it, the minister could not remember the child. At that time, he thought about the disease of the maiden. There is a lot of chaos in the brain. However, it is a well-known thing in the world. Wang Hao is a large number of adults. Don’t worry about the micro-committee, ask Wang Hao to save Liu Yin’s mother!” This Liu Huai also sneaked out, 跪Squatting on the ground, slamming his head, where there was a tit-for-tat in the yard.

When Feng Yu took advantage of him, he thought of the Eight Emperors. It really was a party-based person. It really was a person who could help him to help the Eight Emperors. When he said it, he would mention it, and let him put it down, let it go, and let it go. Let it go. She smiled and said to Tianwu: "The father is not angry, you have to be close to yourself. Liu Shilang is right, even if you don't look at the Liu family, you can also read Liu Wei's mother! The daughter-in-law is a doctor, watching She is also uncomfortable in her heart, and she will let her daughter give her a sigh of sorrows. As for Liu Shilang..."

"Hey!" Tianwu waved his hand: "Get out! You don't have any pity for your sister. Don't visit again from now on. Roll!"

Tianwu was angry, and Liu Huai said that he had to rush out after he had said that he had to go slowly. When he left, the arrogance of Tianwu’s body was also scattered, and he glanced at the bed and could not help but sigh, and said: “Auntie, you will show her! In the past, I haven’t thought about looking at her for so many years, but I don’t want to see you again today, but it’s already like this.” He felt a lot of emotions and he was full of vicissitudes.

Feng Yuxi understands the mentality of the elderly. She also wants to cure this Liu Wei's illness. While taking care of it, she will look at what Liu Jia and Lao Ba will drum up. So I didn't say anything anymore. I went back to sit on the bed and re-opened Liu Wei's wrist. For a long while, she has basically determined her illness.

"It is kidney failure." She said to Emperor Wu of Heaven: "The father, Liu Xiiang is suffering from kidney disease, loss of kidney function, kidney failure, is in advanced stage. Although the pathological results of the adults in the hospital are different, But the result is almost the same. This situation is not saved for them."

Tianwu looked at Feng Yuxi, and easily heard her saying: "You mean, for them, it is not saved, but for you, it can still be saved, is it?"

Feng Yuqi shook his head and said: "It is not absolutely cureable. It can only be said that children are not helpless. There is a way to try it, but it is not easy to treat, and it cannot guarantee absolute success."

"Can cure more than wait for death." Tian Wu sighed, "Auntie, you don't know, for these awkwardness, although I haven't cared about it for so many years, but my love is still there. They entered. Palace, it is impossible to go out for a lifetime. Some people have sons, and they can be wider in their hearts. But for those women who have no children but have to die in the palace for a lifetime, they always try to give them aside. Some compensation, so they sealed their families and made an official. I also understand that there are drawbacks to doing this, but there is no way. I can’t do anything to give favor to anyone after I have encountered it. I feel very disgusting."

The old emperor did not ask what Feng Yuxi said, but he sat down in his chair and reached out to wipe his face. It only seemed to touch the decades of the years. Feng Yuqi also could not help but burst into sadness.

Zhang Yuan was afraid that his mood would be repressed and then affect his body. He quickly persuaded him: "The emperor has done everything right. The woman who came to the harem is not so come over? Who can guarantee that the holy shrine will always be there? It is hard to be the blind man who lost the pet. Don't live? If you really want to talk about it, the emperor is still good for the maidens, at least for their families to leave a good way, if they are still like their own 20 years ago, let them compete for themselves, maybe these years I have come to fight and fight a few more." But I can't help but know the family members who have left the road.

Zhang Yuan said it makes sense, and Emperor Wu of Heaven also understands, but there is always a hurdle in his heart. He is not a ruthless person. If it is really ruthless, the hospital has declared a critically ill person, and it is impossible for Feng Yu to come in again to criticize him. He glanced at Feng Yu and finally asked, "What method are you able to cure?"

Feng Yu sighs indifferently: "Change the kidney."

"What?" Tianwu sighed, "Change the kidney?" Finished, and subconsciously touched the waist of his own. He is a martial artist in his youth. He has a certain understanding of the structure of human organs, and it is very accurate to find the location of the kidneys. After I found it, I was very embarrassed and asked: "Can this thing be changed?"

Feng Yuqi nodded, "Children's sputum pro-automatic surgery, can. But the kidney has great risks and prerequisites, the first is to find the most suitable kidney source, must match the patient's kidney, so as to ensure maximum After the replacement, it will not be rejected by the patient, so it will run normally. Secondly, even if the kidney source is suitable before surgery, it is not guaranteed to be successful after the change, or there is a certain chance to produce rejection. The result is that the operation failed and the patient is still not saved."

Tianwu Emperor heard the confusion, change the kidney! He is really awkward to do anything, "This is the right kidney..."

Feng Yu smiled differently: "Nature is easier to find in people who have a blood relationship with Liu Wei Niang..."

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