Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 946: The mother has to be able to help her son.

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After being detained as a nobleman, Yuan Shuzhen still lived in the Cunshan Palace, but moved from the former main hall to the current partial hall. However, because Tianwu Emperor was indifferent to the harem, there was no new one to come in. This is a big one, but she still has the final say. Although it is not too much emboldened, but at least it is much stronger than the Ligui.

When the empty mountain arrives, the Yuangui people are letting the palace lady show to the banyan, seeing the empty mountain, coming in front of themselves, Yuangui nodded: "It really is a good-looking girl. I am entering the palace." At the time, your mother-in-law has not yet married, you know, this has not been able to go out of the palace, so although you are my niece, I have never seen it. I always listened to the ink in the past few days. Speaking that the cousin who is far away in Pengzhou is a sensible child, Bodhisattva has a good reputation for wishing his family in Pengzhou. I thought that it is a pity that such a good niece is raised in Aozhou. Let Moo go to the letter to pick you up, and I will be close to you as a mother." She said something, this is to indicate that the next person will wish the empty mountain, and then see the wishfulness of the mountain, not deliberately close There is no tension and alienation, and my heart is more like a few points. "There are no outsiders in this palace, sit down!"

I wish the empty mountain leaned over and leaned over. "Thank you for your aunt." Then he sat on the chair and was very acquainted. Yuan Guiren nodded again and was very satisfied.

The palace lady showed her tea and sent it to the front of the mountain. It was very polite: "Miss, please use tea."

I wish the empty mountain to thank you quickly, but did not get up, neither the share of the people, but also the hearts of the people, even the moon show to see this Miss Zhu Jia.

Of course, it is not good enough to have a good length and a good number of gifts. What Yuan Yuanren wants is her cleverness, but she does not know how this niece is capable in this respect. She thought about it, and she simply asked the sentence directly: "Empty mountain, you know that my aunt called you to come to Beijing, why?"

I wish the empty mountain was not known. The eight emperors did not say anything on the letter. They only said that the two aunts missed and invited her to play in Beijing. In addition, after returning to the government yesterday, I did not see my cousin. It is said that I was busy with my official duties. I came back in the middle of the night. In the morning, I only dropped my waistband and went into the palace early, and I didn’t have the chance to ask. However, she is a clever girl, there is speculation in her mind, there is a thought in her mind, plus what happened on the street yesterday, she thought of the reactions of the people who were the eight-story table, and my heart After pondering, the general meaning of one layer is pondered. She tentatively asked: "But I want to let the empty mountain help my cousin to make a little recovery on the reputation?"

Yuangui’s eyes brightened and his heart was overjoyed. “Good! No loss is the child born by my sister. The people of Liujia are really smart!” In order to win over this niece, it is a further step: "Your mother is my sister, but when I was in the government, my sisters’ feelings were very good. I just went into the palace early and could not take care of her for a few years. And with the big rules in the palace, this one will never go out again, and the natural family will slowly have nothing to do with it. Speaking of it, empty mountains! Your mother is wishing everything is good?" She no longer mentions the things of the Eight Emperors, but cares about the situation of the family, and it is a successful family card.

However, I wish I want to say a few more words, but I still have two gimmicks with ulterior motives behind me. I just want to go and think: "I wish my family know that I have two aunts who are blessed, and our mother and daughter are still good. After thinking about it, I specially mentioned: "The mother of the family and the two sisters are also very caring for us." Just saying this is a faint look, and I can't see any emotion related to my family.

Yuangui people have been in the palace for many years, and their minds are very much. When they hear this, they immediately feel that something is wrong. She has a slogan "Your Niangmao" on this side, and it has become a mother-in-law in the Zhukong Mountain Pass. It can be seen that this girl's speech is taken care of. But where does this take care? Her eyebrows turned lightly, and she quickly stared at the two hoes behind Zhu Yunshan. But when they saw that the two were in good shape, they couldn’t help but smile in their hearts.

So I no longer wish to mention the family, but there are so many gimmicks standing here, she said that the eight emperors are not convenient, and the palace ladies and females show the doorway, thinking, and quickly said: "The master, you are with Miss Zhang hasn't seen it for more than ten years. I want to say something that is intimate. If the slaves are inconvenienced, they will first retreat. The goddess has something to say, and the slave is guarded outside the door." After that, see Yuangui. Head, this is the two gimmicks behind Zhu Yunshan said: "The two went out with me! The rules in the palace are big, the masters say intimate words, we are inconvenienced to stay."

The two gimmicks said that they would be a small and six-person official. If there is any insight, when you walk in the palace, you will have the courage to look around and see more. The momentum is immediately smashed. Especially for the nobles of Shangyuan, this is only the woman of the emperor, whether it is a squat or an expensive person, it is the master of the righteous classics, but it is different from those on the palace. Besides, this is the palace. If you take the wrong step and listen to more words, you would rather not listen to anything. You don’t want to give feedback to the family, and you don’t want to stay in this hall for a while. When I heard the monthly show, I nodded immediately and hurried back.

Until the two of them went out, the temple door was closed. I wished the empty mountain a sigh of relief. I dared to look up and look at the Yuangui, and then I screamed with emotion: "Auntie!"

Yuan Guiren nodded again and again, and then reached out to call someone to sit with him, while holding the hand of Zhu Kongshan and said: "Good boy, I must suffer in the family. I am thinking about your mother in the palace!" ”

The two very much complained about the feelings of missing, regardless of the true and false, at least it seems to be a bit touching. I wish the empty mountain to tell the origins of the two gimmicks, and also said that I wish the family attitude towards their mother and daughter, but she is a smart girl, and did not open the Yuangui people to take the initiative for them, but took the initiative to open the topic, saying Go to the Eight Emperors. She said: "The empty mountains and the niece are all small things, and the ink cousin's affairs are serious things. The empty mountain yesterday went to Beijing more and less to see the attitude of the people, and I was very worried. If this time, I can come to Beijing. Ink Joe's troubles can solve a difficult problem for aunt, this is the most happy thing for the empty mountain and the family."

Yuangui people listened to nod and nodded, but also patted her hand to promise: "Empty mountain, you are your own family, as long as you help your cousin, the day will be the day, the highest position of the harem will not run you. You can give you the right now, just put that position in your hands, the aunt can rest assured, no one else, no one. Your ink cousin has always listened to me, so you don't have to worry."

"Auntie, this is what I said." Zhukongshan hurryed: "Empty Mountain is bent on helping the cousin, but I don't want any return! When she was in Fuzhong, she often talked about the childhood when she was in the middle of the house, saying that her aunt doesn't mind. She is a sister, she cares for her, and even once she fell into the water, or her aunt took her up. Kongshan can now help her cousin, this is what cousin should do, really Wan Never ask for anything."

The more she said this, the more Yuanyou people liked it, especially when she thought of the child's childhood, she couldn't help but sigh: "Thinking that when I was still in Liufu, I was the happiest." She said to the sister. Not a hundred loves, but it is indeed a care, really not because it is a prostitute and alienated. Although he entered the palace, he was also a big man. He knew more things and had a deeper understanding of the shackles. This gradually became alienated, but fortunately, there was a palace to be a scorpion, and the other party could not pick anything up. Now think about it, fortunately, when I was in the middle of the word, I played well, and I got such a niece to help my son. She heard about the story of this empty mountain in Pengzhou, which is the female bodhisattva praised by everyone, and her ink is surrounded by such a person.

"Auntie." Zhukongshan said: "The empty mountain came from Pengzhou. My father specially brought some good things to the empty mountain to the two aunts. The empty mountain was brought into the palace today. But I always feel that those things are more valuable. I am afraid that it is not as good as the palace, so I made up my own initiative. On the basis of those things, I added some of them. They are all the vegetables that I picked in the empty mountains on weekdays. I dried them and tied them together. I wanted to give them a fresh taste. There should be a small kitchen in the palace?"

"Good boy, I really have the heart." Yuangui people are more and more fond of this nephew woman. "There is nothing in the palace, but there is no such thing as you said. I used to eat at my mother's house. Later, these dozens I have never been in the mouth for a year, I really want to be tight. It’s just your second mother...” She waved her hand. “You will know when you go to send something. She is now confined to Jingsi Palace and can’t leave the palace. I can help you see you, but you just have to look at it, you don't have to say anything. You are a smart person, some things I don't say, you should understand in your heart."

I wish the empty mountain nodded, only saying: "The empty mountain gives the gift to the second mother to leave, and will never say a word." She certainly understands that the two aunts each have a prince, but there is only one queen, she helped. The Eight Emperors couldn't manage the Six Emperors. Although they couldn't make a hatred, they couldn't go together. "In addition to the things given to the two aunts, the empty mountain also brought a lot of gifts, it is not expensive, but some of the specialties of the state of Pangzhou, they are left here, the aunt mother should be sent to which palace to send, there is a way It’s a lighthearted feeling, and Kongshan feels that such a gift is better than gold and silver, and it seems that we are not smashing.”

Yuangui nodded: "You said that the women in the palace have everything, but the emperor does not come, it is useless. Sending them jewels, they are uncomfortable in their hearts, it is better to send some food, the empty mountain is really Have a heart."

The two are very close to each other. Although they have never seen each other before, but there is blood, plus a picture, one is smart, this meeting atmosphere is very harmonious. Chatting and chatting, the topic is getting more and more into the theme. I wish the empty mountain suddenly said to Yuangui: "Auntie, you are in the harem, and the owner of the harem is the queen. Since there is no breakthrough in the emperor, you will have more Pay attention to the Queen's side. It is important that Mexico's cousin is planning outside, but you should also think of a way to return to the position as soon as possible. The mother depends on the child, but the child needs help from the mother to get better..."

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