Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 947: Someone at home is good.

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The words of the empty mountain made Yuan Guiren’s heart tremble. This said that she went to her heart and returned to her position. This is the thought that has been entangled in her heart. The niece is right, the Queen is the idea, and the woman can’t be too comfortable in the high position.

Her mind made a decision and nodded. "The empty mountain is relieved, and the aunt knows. At the moment, your cousin is not very worry-free. You don't know, almost all of the capitals have become the Nine Emperors and the Ji'an County. In the world, the people of Beijing have supported both of them, and the nine emperors have won the victory and won the hearts of the people. It is also more popular in the DPRK!"

"My mother is in a hurry." Zhukongshan persuaded her to say: "We can't control the women in the former dynasty, and it is not convenient to interject, but the folk affairs of the empty mountain is confident to help the cousin. The empty mountain is a woman. It’s natural to be inconsistent with the Nine Emperors. The head of the Ji’an County can think of it. But listening to her aunt’s voice in Beijing, she wants to be a powerful person. I don’t think I can face it right, so I’m not struggling. Pleasant, but also unpopular, the most lacking of Cinco is now a popular heart! Auntie please take the empty mountain back to think of ways, find a breakthrough is a serious matter, and now it seems that at least she can do it. Isn't it just gathering people's hearts? If you don't say anything about empty mountains, you can still be proficient in this road. She has a hundred grass halls, and empty mountains can also find other people's doors, and will not let the reputation of ink cousin continue this way."

Yuan Guiren nodded and sighed and said: "The Ji'an County is very clever, and the people around her are well protected. Her brother was sent to the Yunxiao Academy in Xiaozhou, and the sister was also sent to Ji'an County. Go. There is a sister in Jingli, but the sister has always been inconsistent with her, that is, she will not blink when she dies, and it is useless."

"Not necessarily." I wish the empty mountain smiled. "There is a saying that people are awesome. Their sisters have a bad relationship. It is a matter between them. For others, it is her sister, too much. It’s chilling."

I wish the empty mountain no longer to say, Yuan Guiren also understand her meaning. She is now in the palace, a lot of things can be made but can't be done, and her ink child really lacks a woman who can be like a wishful mountain. When Yuangui thought this way, he even strengthened his idea of ​​letting Zhukongshan stay with Xuantianmo. Just like the nine princes have a Feng Yu, the smart woman always gives the man extra points. Her ink is that she needs such a person.

I wished that the empty mountain was away from the Cunshan Palace and went straight to the Jingsi Palace. In the early management of Yuangui, she was able to go in and sit for a while, but when the Ligui was looking at her, the strangeness in her eyes was exactly the same as that of the Yuangui. She even asked the empty mountain very rudely: "You call me my aunt? But I can't remember who you are at all. Can my family have your relatives?"

I don’t think I’m stunned by the empty mountains. I have never seen them before, and I don’t recognize them as normal. Then he explained: "My mother is the young lady of the former Liu family, the three sisters of the two noble ladies."

"Three sisters?" Ligui people still thought for a while, and finally remembered something, and they brought some emotions on the face. "It’s been a long time ago. At that time, I was still a little girl, you mother. Pro..." She thought hard in her mind, but she was still ambiguous. She finally had to give up. "I can’t remember it, it’s been too long." Look at the empty mountain again, it’s a bit sorry to say: "You Said that Yuangu people told you to come to Beijing? I want to come to her son! Since it is directed at her, then I don’t recognize this pro. I am just an expensive person, I can’t give it. Any blessings for you. Let's go! I am here in an unknown place, you should not come."

After the Ligui people finished speaking, they turned into the middle and never came out again. I wish the empty mountain standing in the same place for a while, but I feel awkward, but I feel that it is rude to go so far, so I yelled and said something to the inside: "This time the mountain goes into Beijing, it will live for a few more days. I hope to see the wind watch brother. The second mother must also pay more attention to the body." After that, they sent a Jingsi Palace in a small palace.

To the two gimmicks around him, there was another saying, one of them pouting, and turned a blind eye at Jingsi Palace: "I also know that I am just an expensive person, still a big shelf. Cut, who is willing to come ""

"No, this Jingsi Palace looks like a cold palace. It is a confinement. It means letting her die here!"

I wish the empty mountain frowning, and I took some gimmicks with some anger and said solemnly: "I have already told you when I came. Since I followed me, I will listen to me in everything. Not to mention her. Is it my aunt, but she is still a woman in the emperor, this is the palace, there are ears across the wall, what you said may be passed to somewhere, it is not enough to live, want to taste Try the tricks in the palace?"

I wish you an intimidation in the empty mountain language, but it is also true. The two gimmicks used to be used in Pengzhou on weekdays. They were also told by their mothers that they would marry the young lady in the future and make a room for the aunt. So naturally I feel that my identity is different from others. When I entered Beijing, I always wished that I would like to wake up at the empty mountain, but occasionally I had the habit of forgetting it. At this time, I would like to let the empty mountain be so a little scared. I bowed my head and never talked again.

I wish the empty mountain is also relieved, only the two are willing to obey, can be scared to live that well, she is afraid that these two Shantou days are not afraid of fear, then it will hurt her.

Here, Yuan Guiren’s niece entered the palace, and at the end of the Han Han Palace, someone was talking about it to Yunxiao. The cloud that never walked out of the Moon Palace and had no interest in everything in the palace actually raised a lot of eyeliner, some were arranged by Xuantian, some were arranged by Xuan Tianhua, and some were arranged by Tianwu Emperor. . These things she began to listen to, and then felt that the days are boring, it is better to be a gossip to listen to, this listened to listen for more than ten or twenty years, slowly getting used to it.

At the moment, I heard that the niece of the Yuangui people entered the palace. The Guardian also talked to her about the deeds of the niece that the Nine Emperors learned. Yunxiao listened and laughed. He said: "The days of cessation have not yet At the beginning, it is over. The daughter-in-law of this palace is really a bitter life."

I wish the empty mountain out of the palace, the last gift on the carriage was not sent out, and Aru looked at it and asked: "Miss, who is this gift? Is it forgotten to bring to Yuangui?" Where are you going?"

I wish the empty mountain shook his head thoughtfully. "No. This is to be given to another person. Let's go there now." After that, he asked the driver who was driving the curtain and asked the outside driver. "Uncle." Can you recognize the place where the former Fengjiasi Miss lived?"

The coachman was on the Eight Emperors' House. In order to facilitate Zhukongshan to walk in the middle of Beijing to recognize the road, I heard her ask, and quickly nodded: "I recognize that Miss Zhang is going to go there? The palace is still called Feng House, but only one master is living."

I wish the empty mountain road: "Let's go there, I will go see the lady named Feng Si."

"Good Le!" The driver answered, and turned a little farther in front of him, and went straight to Fengfu.

When they arrived, the five emperors Xuantian Tian just came out from Fengfu. Today, Fengfen didn’t show him his face. His mood was not bad. Watching a carriage stop at the gate of Fengfu, he looked at it inexplicably. He saw Zhukongshan walked down under the support of two scorpions. It seems that he was going to Fengfu, so he asked: "I don't know which lady is this one? Is there something to come to Fengfu?"

I wish the empty mountain is also a glimpse. I have just heard that there is only one master of Miss Feng Si, how can a man appear again? And look at this dress, it is impossible to be the next person. Her mind was slight, carefully looked at it, and finally saw the clues on the accessories of Xuan Tianyi's waist. Then think about the "Beijing City People's Spectrum" that was popularized by her in the palace before, and basically took the identity of this person. I have confirmed a seven or eight. So I hurried forward and bowed to the ceremony: "This is the Royal Highness of Li, the little girl wishes the empty mountain. It is the cousin of the Eighth Highness. This time I came to Beijing to visit the two aunts. I just came back from the palace. Special gifts have been given to the sisters in Beijing and I am thinking about sending a copy to Miss Feng Si on Fengfu."

Xuan Tianyi, a cousin of the old eight? He has always asked these things less, and he really doesn't know about the old eight cousins ​​coming to Beijing. But looking at the woman's knowledge of the book, the appearance is beautiful, not like a person who has many things, so she relaxed a few points, and reached out and gave up a handful, politely: "Since it is the cousin of the eight brothers, it is not an outsider with the king." You go in, Miss Feng Si is in the government, you know it, and there is also a boring relationship between them."

"The five halls are said to be." Zhukongshan said with courtesy: "The empty mountain is not much to accompany, this goes in, the temple is good to go." After that, he leaned over and took the next person into the house. But before looking away, he looked up at Xuan Tianyi, faint smile, courteous and polite.

Xuantian’s impression of the cousin of Lao Ba is really good. I don’t think there is any friend in the daytime. If I can make a good relationship with such a beautiful and elegant lady, I can also accept her temper.

I don’t have much time to stay in the empty mountain. Fengfen is a very emotional person. Her mood is good and bad. It’s just good when she gets along with Xuantian, but Xuan Tianyi walks, she It’s violent and it’s not pleasing to the eye. I always feel that this house is as cold as a dead man. I wished that the arrival of the empty mountain was just a symbolic accompanying saying a few words. Even the tea was not given to others. I watched people put down the gifts, and then reported the door, and then sent them away. I wished that the two empty houses in the empty mountain would be a good complaint.

In this regard, Zhu Kongshan did not say anything, short contact, so that she had a little understanding of the phoenix phoenix. For her, the flawed talent is the best to overcome, there is a need for defects, and she can do everything to meet the needs of the other side.

After wishing to leave the mountain, Fengfen was looking at the special products of the Pangzhou that she sent. She had been cooking for a long time. There were dried vegetables, pickles, and dried meat. It was said that they were all made by the people of Pangzhou farmers. Although not worth the money, it looked very kind.

Feng powder groaned, suddenly felt a sentence: "The cousin of the Eight Emperors? Come to the province of Jingli, there are her two aunts in the palace. It is good, some people in the family are good, even if they are distant relatives That is also popular. Unlike this Fengfu, it is not as good as the cold palace!"

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