Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 971: The road goes all the way, each side

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This palace feast was not happy from the beginning. Now it is out of this matter. Li Wei actually said that he wants to continue. How should this continue?

There is a doubt in everyone's mind: Li Wei is not willing to end the palace feast.

But they don't understand, what is the end of a ruined broken palace feast? Why are you not willing to end? This has to be replaced by others. I am afraid that it will be a good time to finish it earlier. Is this Lily a sick person?

However, the abdomen was returned to the abdomen, and Li Wei made such an order as the head of the first house. People could not say that they would leave immediately. What's more, they also want to wait for news to see if the three people can survive. If you accidentally die, then how should this account be counted with Feng Yu?

I wish the empty mountain walked in the crowd, surrounded by many sisters, and all asked her about the matter. But what can she think about this? The situation is this situation, even if the Yuan Guiren personally came, did not find a half-benefit in Feng Yuzhen, she is a little girl with no order, how much ability can turn things around? She is thinking now, she must not make too much a living with Feng Yu, and rely on Feng Yu's behavior, which is almost arrogant and completely free of any room, and it is absolutely no good for himself. .

I wish the empty mountain has its own thoughts. The pink pheasant who walked behind was pulling a small treasure and took a few steps to catch up with Feng Yu. It was a sigh of anger: "Second sister, thank you."

Feng Yu looked at her and shook her head. "I don't appreciate, I think you are really hurting this child. Since you are in your heart, you should take care of him. Don't throw him aside for your own pleasure." A person with a heart may not dare to face you, but you can start a child behind you. Your behavior always affects Xiaobao."

Pink nodded, "Thank you for the second sister to teach, my own brother, I know how to protect him." After that, I didn't look at Feng Yu's eyes, took Xiaobao and walked a few steps, and followed the entrance to the flower hall.

Feng Yuqi walked slowly, and deliberately let Xuan Tiange not wait for themselves, until the crowd gradually entered the palace gate of Changning Palace, Huang Quan said inexplicably: "Miss stay behind, but there are still things ?"

Feng Yu did not say anything, just licked his chin, Huang Quan looked at her eyes, but saw the left side of the gate of Changning Palace, and there were two cockroaches standing in the distance of five or six steps from the palace gate. Feet, very cold, and the look of another face. Huang Quan recognized people: "Isn't that the two girls who wished Miss Zhu to go to Beijing? Why don't you go in and stand outside the door?"

Feng Yuxi said: "Look at them and follow the empty mountain into Ruimen, and then they have been thrown outside. You said, if you change your forgotten, I will let you cold and cold outside. ?"

Huang Quan shook his head: "Miss wait for slaves and forget the river like a sister, how can we not throw them outside?" Then he smiled again. "But the slaves and the forgetting river have internal forces, even if they stand. Watching the door outside the house for the young lady will not be cold and their virtues will be cold."

"How could it be that the goalkeeper is watching the wind." Feng Yuxi analyzed: "You look at the look of the two gimmicks, a look of complaints, a look of dissatisfaction... Oh, they are saying, a young lady, into Beijing With the backing of the shelf, it will be bigger every day. One day, one day, I will go back to Pengzhou and I must talk to the big lady about the things in Beijing. See how the big lady and Missess rehabilitate her.” She has not approached. Naturally, I can't hear the conversation between the two, but it can be distinguished through lip language.

Huang Quan was happy: "Hey! Isn't it a group of dare?"

The two did not say anything, Feng Yu's footsteps accelerated, and soon arrived in front of Ahuan and Aru. The two gimmicks glanced at her, first glimpsed, and then quickly squatted down: "The slaves see the royal king."

Feng Yu nodded, "Do you know me?"

A ring to the spirit is also: "There is a portrait of Wang Shuo in the Baicaotang, and the slaves have gone to the Baicaotang."

Feng Yujun did not intend to talk to them on this matter, but only lifted the handcuffs: "Get up, the ground is cool, not a serious occasion, you don't need to come and go." Seeing two gimmicks is quite a bit The heart trembled and trembled, and my heart could not help but be cold. I still remember how it looked when I saw them at the door of the embroidery shop! Sheng Wangfu really is a place to raise people. When the arrogant **** comes in, it will not be raised for many days. She asked the other party: "Are you not wishing you a family lady? How can you stay in the palace and stay here?"

Aunt Aru and two people looked at each other and listened to Ahuan Road: "The slaves came with Miss Zhu, but the lady just let us wait outside and not let us go to Changning Palace."

"Oh? Why is this?" Feng Yuxi deliberately revealed that he was incomprehensible. "When you are close to you, you have to wear it with your body. How can the master go in and throw the shackles outside? Let's go! I will take you in. I want you to come. What did you do to make Miss Miss unhappy, this Wang Hao went to say something for you, and saved the cold weather standing in this snow and ice, it is not good to freeze."

Ah Huan listened to this and quickly said: "No, no, thank you Wang Hao for being kind, the slaves are standing here, really don't go in." Jokes, where do they dare to go in. I wish the empty mountain side to follow the shackles of a grand palace, which was hand-picked to her by the Eight Emperors. The place where they are squatting in them, whoever has a little disobedience, will soon reach the ears of the Eight Emperors, and the King’s House will clean up the people. The means are brilliant, they still want to live back to Pengzhou!

Feng Yuxi shook his head helplessly and sighed: "When you want to come to your house, you are also a strict person. If you don't come, you won't go in! Oh, look like this little look, it's a pity to make a beautiful one. It’s really a wonderful woman to talk about Miss Zhu Jia! Not only did I do a lot of good things after I went to Beijing, but even after she did good deeds, she could not do a good job for the family. It’s really unselfish and admirable. She casually threw a sentence and took Huang Quan to turn away. When she stepped into Changning Palace, she pretended to chat with Huang Quan: "You said so beautiful two gimmicks, I wish you Miss Miss. They robbed themselves of the limelight? Or how can they be willing to throw it in this snow and ice?"

The words said, the movement is quite big, enough for A-ring Aru to hear, the two gimmicks look at each other, and the resentment in the eyes is deeper.

Of course, this resentment is aimed at the empty mountain. Since entering the Shengwang Palace, I don’t know what Zhukongshan said with the Eight Emperors. Under the arrangement of the Eight Emperors, the two of them were increasingly alienated, and even arranged the slaves of the Shengwangfu to serve the Zhukong Mountain, but her The two had a little disobedience to Zhukongshan, and the gimmick stood up and threatened to tell the Eight Emperors that they had no temper.

I have always been so frustrated, there is not even a person who vomits, I want to send a letter to my family and can not send it out, Sheng Wangfu is like a cage, to guard against strictness. To this day, A-Ruan Aru can be heard to say that someone is fair, and the person who spoke is Feng Yuzhen. This is said to be a person who is opposite to the Eight Emperors. This makes the two Shantou feel very happy, and also to the Zhukong Mountain. What I did was even more contemptuous.

A Ruo said: "Yu Wangyu said that it is correct. She said that she would like to be the daughter of the family. But she did a good job and won the award. What she benefited was her aunt's mother, what is this? I wish my daughter. Shouldn’t you be rewarded with a good deed?”

"Yes!" A-ring is also indignant. "She never thought about her family. She wouldn’t say a good word to Zhu Jia. The lord is still only a six-person official. She is a prostitute who can already enter and leave the palace. So, is there such a daughter who is not filial?"

The two gimmicks privately put Zhukongshan in a blame, and the hatred seeds between the master and the servant grew deeper.

Feng Yuqi has already returned to the flower hall at this time. The three and a half dead ladies are said to have been carried to the partial hall. Lishao kindly invited the doctor, and I wish the empty mountain is busy at the side of the temple. The people in the flower hall couldn't sit still and wanted to leave, but Li Yan had changed people to change the hot tea, so that everyone would warm up and then continue the palace feast.

Feng Yuqi shook his head slightly and went to the head of Xuantian song. He said to several sisters: "Let's go! We don't have to wait any longer. The face that has been given has already been given. As for what Li Wei wants to do, That is her own business."

She just finished talking here, but she did not wait for the sisters to resign to Li Wei. The Fengfen 黛 黛 是 扬 扬 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : My brother was frightened and his body was not good. I took him to Li Wangfu and asked the five royals to ask a doctor to go to the house to give it." After that, he did not go back.

She opened the head, and the other ladies and ladies also followed suit. For a time, the people in the flower hall walked away. It’s the end of Feng Yu’s death!

Li Wei was indifferent to the departure of those people, watching Feng Yu did not leave, and my heart was greatly relieved. She got up and walked to Feng Yuzhen in front of her, and said: "It’s still the most considerate and understanding of my heart. Let’s have a meal! Let’s hear that you love to eat your elbow, and let the kitchen be prepared. Come down, stay with us and have a meal together."

Feng Yu looked at her and frowned, but it was also unkind and honest: "No, thank you for your kindness. In addition, although you are the biological mother of the Sixth Highness, it is not a rule with me." After all, my mother-in-law in this palace is only one of the clouds, and I can barely get it, that is, the Queen Empress. So, please be cautious. In addition, today, I also invited Princess Wuyang and the wind. Together with the two young ladies, it is really to give the girl a scene, including the one hundred and two silver tickets I sent. The reason why I did this is because the six nobles helped me in Yuzhou. Busy, I still have a love affair. Today is not clear, in the future, I will not ask the matter of the Lily maiden, this Changning Palace, there will be no special reasons and will not come again, the goddess Hello."

When she finished talking, she lifted her legs and left. Li Yan wanted to stop, but she was stunned by Xuan Tiange. "Good self-sufficiency, these four words, don't you understand?" Xuantian song is even more polite, "A He said, it’s just a repayment of the six brother’s debts. Now that you’re done, you’re not entangled.”

The crowd yelled and left, and the previously popular Changning Palace was suddenly deserted, leaving only the three people who were still in a coma in the partial hall, and the empty mountain that had not left.

Li Wei was so angry that she didn't know how to vent. At this time, Feng Yu, who had just stepped forward from Changning Palace, heard a message from the population of the palace that had rushed to report...

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