Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 972: Let go of the dead

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Today, the lake that has iced in the palace seems to be particularly attractive. Feng Yuying threw three people in. This is no, there is news that Feng Zhaolian has broken ice fishing and turned himself to the water. Go inside.

After listening to her, she was very helpless. She had to let Xuan Tiange go out of the palace first, and she followed the palace to go to the place where Feng Zhaolian had an accident.

At that time, Feng Zhaolian had just been salvaged, and his appearance was particularly miserable. He was still hung on his head, his body was soaked, and even the shoes on his feet were dropped. Looking at people again, it is also groggy, the eyes are half-closed and half-closed, and there is no spirit at all. The palace man surrounded by the side is saying: "I don't know if I came with Yu Wang. Today, there is a palace feast at the end of Changning Palace. I want to come. It is right to report a letter to which side. "Well," he said, and when he looked up, he saw Feng Yu's rushing in a hurry and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone waited for her to salute.

Feng Yu swayed his hand: "You don't have to pay more." Then he quickly walked to Feng Zhaolian and squatted down and licked the man for a while, then reached for his wrist. I feel that this person's image is stable. Except for people who seem to be embarrassed, all kinds of body and body are very normal, and there is no discomfort caused by falling water.

But Zhao Lian could not think so. When I saw Feng Yu’s coming, I immediately asked the voice weakly: “Auntie, am I dying? I can see you again before I die. It’s good.”

Feng Yu's frowning, whispered: "Feng Zhaolian, don't pretend, hurry up to me! The ice lake in Dashun, the area, for you who grew up in the icy land like a thousand weeks, counted What? Because of your cold-resistant physique, you can take off a few big laps in this lake, don't think I don't know."

Feng Zhaolian, like she couldn’t understand, was holding her hand weakly, and kept shaking her head. "I really can’t do it, it’s so cold, there’s no strength in my body. Auntie, you can save me, take me. Go to the warm room! I don't want to die outside."

The palace people around him also said: "Yes! She is soaked all over her body, and it is really life to lie on the snow."

Feng Yuxi suddenly picked up his lips and smiled. He looked at Feng Zhaolian and asked: "There are so many palaces in the palace, you say, where do you want to raise?"

Feng Zhaolian sighed. "Auntie, anywhere, I have no strength. It seems that I need to live in the palace for a while, nursed back to health. I know that you must have a way, everyone in the palace will give You are a little thin, it is not difficult to place me a patient. Or..." She thought about it, her eyes turned around and said: "I remember that your relationship with the Queen is very good, or I will go to the Queen. There, you can rest assured that I will not cause you trouble, and if I have raised it, I will go back to the palace."

Feng Yuxi almost did not listen to music, went to the Queen to raise the wounds? This person is a refuge when the queen is there. Who wants to go? However, if I think about it, I feel that Feng Zhaolian’s entrance to the palace seems to have come with the purpose. She came in the name of the Lijing Palace banquet, but she did not step into the long palace, but she even gave her a gift. Forgot to give. People did not ask, turned and fell into the icy lake, and directly proposed to go to Jingci Palace for a while... She showed suspiciousness on her face, leaned over the probe, and whispered: "The name is sealed, what are you playing? idea?"

Feng Zhaolian did not answer, but simply turned over the eyelids and fainted.

Feng Yuxi actually wants to wake him up in a shot, fainted in the arms of a doctor, and also lost the seal of Zhao Zhaolian. However, she did not do this. Instead, she cooperated with Feng Zhaolian’s request. She told the palace people: “Go up a soft car and send people to Jingci Palace. The friend of Wang’s wife accidentally fell. The water, the body is too weak, there is no way to only raise some time in the palace, please Queen Empress to take over."

After she finished this, and then looked at Feng Zhaolian, who had already "fainted", she felt that the lips of the man were slightly raised, and the appearance of a pair of shackles hung on the face, which was very flat.

This embarrassment, Feng Yuzhen is sure to follow. She said that the reason why Zhaolian wanted to stay in Jingci Palace was to have her own reason. Just like this, I entered the palace today, just like this person who followed them to Dashun Jingcheng. Feng Zhaolian has his own ideas and secrets. Even if she looked at the face of the 100,000-strong army, she would have to help her. What's more, through the thing of Lu Yan at the beginning, Feng Yuxi also wanted to know the Queen of the Empress in the high palace, what is the secret of ulterior motives.

At this end, Feng Yu went to Jingci Palace, and on the other side, Zhu Yunshan took the three and a half dead ladies from Changning Palace to Cunshan Palace. Only when I entered the palace gate could I hear the sound of the Yuangui people igniting, as if they were blaming a palace man, but it was obviously going to the palace feast of Changning Palace today.

She ordered the three young ladies to be placed first, and they went into the partial hall of the Yuangui. When Yuangui saw her, he immediately sent the scolded palace girl, which took the wishful mountain to himself. Then asked: "What is the situation?"

I wished the empty mountain to think about it and said: "There is nothing else to do, the noisy between the ladies, no harm. It is the second mother..."

"Follow me, don't call her two aunts! I don't have such a sister!" No matter how much you give to Li Yan, you can take care of your son's plan, but you can stretch your own one-acre three-pointer. Can not live, in the Changning Palace, the grievances must be found back in this head, the punishment of the next person is not enough, in the face of Zhu Kongshan and Li Wei called the second aunt, she especially did not like to listen.

I wish the empty mountain can understand the mood of Yuangui, and nodded again and again: "Yes, it is Lily, I think her attitude towards the royal king is very strange, not only too passionate, and..." She pondered for a while, and said: "And I have noticed the dialogue between them, or that it can't be regarded as a dialogue. Most of them are Lishao himself saying that Yu Wangyi has nothing to say and should be suitable. Lishao said that it is related to Liu Dianxia. The matter, what the six princes have more poetry and talents, can be more worried about the emperor, more sensible and more filial. That feeling is like ... like the desperate to let Yu Wangzhen understand how good the six temples. Aunt, you Is it particularly strange to say that this is a story? It is understandable that Yu Wangxi is a big prostitute who has not yet gone out of the house. But it is understandable to be a woman who has already married, and then understand how good the Sixth House is, and what is the use? What?"

Although Zhukongshan is puzzled, but there is also a careful thought in the heart, but the total is too shocking to think of it, she did not dare to think.

However, Yuan Guiren is different. Her thoughts have always been many. She has been in the deep palace all the year round, and her heart is not bottomless. Almost at the first time when Zhu Kongshan finished these words, she understood what Li Wei had saved. Just this thought together, she couldn't help but laugh. "She wants to recruit her son to marry her daughter? What she wants to lose. That Feng Yu's escapement is another skill, and she has already married the old nine." She is going to make a fuss about it? But..." Yuangui’s eyes turned. "Well, she has the best idea. She is afraid that she will do nothing, just satisfy the status quo and look down at the high position, so there is nothing. We can use them."

I wish the empty mountain to ask her: "Is there a good way to aunt? I heard the cousin said that the 30,000 military power in the hands of the six emperors is very important to him, not to mention that the 30,000 people were secretly transferred back to the capital by the emperor. Outside, the defense is the change in Beijing. If the 30,000 military power can be held in his hands, plus the Royal Forest Army in the palace, then this capital city is the cousin's world."

"Yeah!" Yuangui nodded. "It is true. So, we have to think of it so that Lie will kill herself, and then take the lead and pull her back from the death line. This is called, Set it to death and then live."

"Don't die?" I wish the empty mountain could not understand, "How can we let her die for herself?"

Yuangui people smiled and smiled. "In the middle of the royal king, this death is not big enough?"

When I wished the empty mountain to go out of the palace, it was just Feng Yuzhen who just went to the palace car, and the curtain had not been put down. She didn't think much. She ran two steps and came to Feng Yu's front. She took the ceremony and took the initiative to say: "Was Wang Hao going back to the government?"

Feng Yu nodded, "Yes! How can I wish you a rush?"

Zhukongshan said: "I have to hurry to inform the three family members of Miss Shui Shui, I brought them to the palace. Now that something happened, I still can't tell others. Taiji said... I am afraid it is good."

"Oh." Feng Yuxi did not have any special reaction. "Let's go! If it's really bad, let the family see the last side with them."

Huang Quan also helped on the side: "Yes! I wish Miss Miss is free to talk to us at this time. It is better to get on the carriage and go for a while."

I wish the empty mountain frowning at her, and couldn't help but ask: "Was Wang Zhen really not afraid of offending people? The three young ladies are also the court officials. Why have their lives in your eyes are so worthless? ”

Feng Yuqi asked, "Why is it so worthless to have a child's life in their eyes?"

"That... that's not the same! Not to mention the child is not dead!"

"The form is the same as the original intention. It is not dead, but it is a matter of morning and evening." Feng Yuxi said: "As for the sinners, hey, this is not good, and their family members have been offended and have been offended. one time."

"To do things, you have to leave room for yourself." Zhukongshan whispered, "Yu Wangxi will not understand this truth."

"Yes!" Feng Yu blinked. "You have to leave room for yourself, and you will put the treasure on the Eight Emperors. I wish you Miss, you must not forget your roots, and don't forget your name." After that, she looked at Ahuan and Aru, who were behind her, without a trace. Then she ordered the person to put down the curtain of the car. The driver whipped the horse and quickly reported it in the snow.

I only left Zhukongshan to look at the back of her departure, thinking about the words that Feng Yuxi said at the end. At this time, he listened to the slave of the royal palace behind him and said: "Miss watch, don't listen to that. Yu Wangxi said something scary, you are the person in the hall of the Eighth Hall, your wealth is behind!"

I wish the empty mountain nodded, "I understand." Turned back to his carriage. And Ahuan and Aruo both looked at each other and thought about it in their hearts...

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