Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 973: He is dead, she can marry again

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A palace banquet in Changning Palace became a joke. The things in the palace were very fast. After half a day, the excitement of this one spread throughout the harem. People used Lie as a laughing stock and became a talk after a meal.

The three women who had fallen into the water were picked up by their families. When Zhu Qishan asked his family whether they should talk to the royal family, the other party only threw the following sentence: "Everything but with the title of His Royal Highness." Going away in a hurry, no more words.

After she returned to the government, she asked Xuantian Mo, but Xuan Tianmo told her: "The three people are wrong in the first place, and they are taken by themselves. Based on this, no matter how troublesome, Feng Yuxi is not in trouble."

I wish the empty mountain to tell Xuan Tianmo the analysis of Yuangui, the other party is obviously more interested in this news, but it is just to let Yuangui people see the opportunity to act, in his words: "Women's things have to be done by women, I am in class The emperor, with the old nine-circle, is serious, and it’s not good to go with the Feng Yu."

I hope that the empty mountain is also the case, a big man always fights with a small woman? And she has to add strength to assist Xuantian ink.

After the dinner on the same day, Yuan Guiren went to Changning Palace again. At that time, Li Wei was drinking tea. The tea was the alpine cloud that the Queen had seen after her reset, but it was much better than the tea she had in the past. But she is in a bad mood today, and she is asking her left child: "Is this palace too little to do with people, so that even a palace feast will not be done? But I really don’t think it’s good to have songs and dances. Every time I have a song and dance at the banquet in the palace, I feel very annoyed. And the phoenix phoenix, the whole broken child has caused so many things, you said, will the five emperors really be embarrassed because of this?"

The left child is very pitiful and helpless to Li Wei. She really can't say anything about the palace feast. She urged Li Wei to communicate with others. She didn't persuade him before. It was useless, so she only had a phoenix. Said a few words. She said: "In fact, Miss Feng Jia is right. The goddess’s thoughts on Yu Wang’s thoughts should indeed be collected. If the head of the nine priests is stunned, the slaves will not say good things. He used to The pets are afraid to die, in case we come to Changning Palace, but we are very good. Of course, this is the need to take care of the head of the nine, but as far as Fengfen, the goddess does not have to be too scared by her. Even if there are five imperial guards, you are also the biological mother of the Sixth Highness. You must know that under the power of the DPRK, the Sixth Highness is much stronger than the Five Dukes."

She said that Li Xin’s heart was a lot wider. She only said, “That’s good, then it’s good.” But she did not care about saying that the Nine Emperor had died in the past, but she said: “ If you can let Auntie see the temper of that person, maybe she can rethink her lifelong events."

"Anniling!" The left child is a lame, how can this Li Yan not enter the oil? Why are you staring at the royal family? She wanted to persuade a few more words, but she saw a small palace girl walked in and went to the front and said: "The goddess, Yuangui people are looking outside."

Li Yan was so angry that she patted the table. "How did she come again?" But after another turn, she said: "Let her come in, and I want to know what she wants to give me this time."

Soon, Yuan Guiren was invited in, holding a jewelry box in his hand, and went to Li Wei to respect the ceremony.

Li Yan also gave her face and said: "Sister is pleased to pick up." Then someone will give you a seat.

The Yuan Guiren sat down warmly and said, "That day, I sent my sister something, but I forgot it." After that, he handed the box in front of him and opened it with his own hands. Inside, there was a jade bracelet. Not new, it looks like some years.

Lizzy is puzzled. "What are you doing with this thing?" The words are like this, but the eyes have been staring at the box. The more I think the bracelet is very familiar, I can’t help but curiously ask: "But the former willow What is in the house?"

Yuangui listened to her and said, and he was relieved. He said: "My sister is good at sex. This bracelet was left by my grandmother. When we were young, we often saw my grandmother wearing it. This is a pair, I am entering. I gave it to me at the time of the palace. I used to say that my sister was sent when I entered the palace. But my grandmother was not seriously ill at that time! When I was in a busy home, I forgot about it. A few days ago, my father picked up the storehouse. I turned it over and brought it to me in the palace. I wanted to find a chance to send it to my sister. Although the things are old, there is no comparison with the good objects in the palace, but it is our mother’s. A thought. I know that my sister does not have much affection for Liu family. I always feel that my family doesn't help you. If I don't want to talk to my sister, I just hope that my sister can think about my grandmother. Her old man really hurts you. ”

Yuan Guiren’s words were thrown out, and Li Wei remembered the kind grandmother when she was in Liufu, and she was the one who hurt her the most. The impression of this bracelet is getting deeper and deeper. I can even recall that my grandmother took her hand and said that one day she will marry. This bracelet must be one of the dowries. She liked the bracelet very much in the past, and now she sees it, and she can't help but cry, and she is full of emotions.

"Sister has a heart... Father has a heart." She took the box and took the bracelet out of it. The memories filled her heart and the attitude towards Yuangui also improved a lot.

Yuangui people saw the purpose, and they laughed. They looked around again and said: "Sister has some intimate words and wants to tell her sister, can I let the palace people first withdraw?"

Li Xin’s current thoughts are all immersed in the memories of the past, thinking that the Yuan Guiren’s words to be told with her must also be related to the former Liu House. I think that the two sisters really did not have too much about the mother’s family. communicate with. This bracelet attracted her to talk more, so she waved her hand and removed all the palace people, including the close left child.

Seeing no one in the inner temple, Yuan Guiren moved forward to move the seat. This is the way: "We are sisters in the end, even if it is noisy and noisy, it is still much closer than the others. Although many times They are their sons, but sisters, let us speak with conscience. If our children are in a mixed battle with other children's children and remove their own children, is another one to save, is it their own nephew? After the child will see the wind in distress, and save the other prince?"

Li Wei was a bit worried, and she wanted to listen to the things on Liu's house. Yuan Guiren took the topic to this. But it is right to say that if the eight emperors compete with the six emperors, then they are enemies. But once all the emperors have a fight, then in addition to their own son, if there is still the ability, it must be pulled out, this is the blood!

She nodded, and she agreed to the words of Yuangui. The hand touched the jade bracelet, and the thoughts sank into the memories of the past.

The Yuangui people also knew that they had voted for what they had done. When the words turned, the topic immediately returned to the former Liufu. She said: "Remember that before I entered the palace, my grandmother took my hand and said, "The niece of Liu family is destined to marry in the palace. Today is you, tomorrow is your sister. You can remember, No matter what happens in the future, even if you are already in a situation of opposition, you will fight for me. After all, the hands and the back are all flesh. But if there are outsiders, you must unite and be consistent. I must not lose in the hands of outsiders." She said while raising her hand and pinching the puffs to wipe the eyes, and said: "I always remember the words of my grandmother! You have avoided the world these years, do not like to interact with outsiders, I am not Strongly ask, you also have the emperor's body, and the days are no longer good, and they are much stronger than those who have no children under the knee. Coupled with the splendor of the clouds, the women in the harem are actually a virtue, and no one can help. Who is it? Xu is because of this, our sisters have a special difference, and... the troupe of that day, my sister has to apologize to you." She took the initiative to mention this, "I did not expect them to Sing like that. Early theatrical program is read, but thought it was a fight in the family home stuff, who want to be able to sing like that? Then I heard people say, this has been the heart block fast enough, afraid you angry. "

She said this to her, true and false, and Li Wei is not very convinced. However, when she talked about the confession of her grandmother in Liufu, she made her resonate. In that matter, Yuangui did not lie, because she said so before she entered the palace. When the grandmother was still in the disease, she was sick to speak, but she still insisted on licking her words. It’s just that she is so lonely that she has been unwilling to go with her for years. It’s natural to be a lot less with this sister.

Today, the Yuan Guiren mentioned this, and the singer Li Lan also wiped his tears. When he looked at Yuan Guiren, his eyes also revealed his family feelings that he had not seen for many years.

The Yuangui people wanted this effect. They couldn’t help but feel secret. When they opened their mouths, they stepped into the theme of today: "My grandmother used to remember it all the time." She said: "The emperor is already high, and he is disrespectful. If you want to drive Hexi to one day, there will always be one person to inherit. The younger sister, if the final contender is between the Eight Emperors and the Six Emperors, then we should have the first half of the grandmother. You and me too They are in charge of politics. For their own sons, we are arguing for a **** battle. It is understandable. But at the moment, it is not the battle between the Eight Emperors and the Six Emperors. The biggest obstacle here is a nine-prince. !"

Li Xin took a glimpse of her heart. When she said such a serious matter, she still looked at Yuangui with caution: "Sister means..."

"Grandmother's family training is unanimous." Yuangui said seriously: "The Nine Emperors are our common enemy. Only when we unite and unite, this battle can win."

"After that win?" Li Wei asked her, "Is there not a fight between the Eight Emperors and the Six Emperors?"

"Then let them fight for it!" Yuangui people can see it. "Who is the emperor who has the ability to sit, but the sister is still the same sentence, we are a family, and no matter who sits in that position, it still has to Help each other, my brother hurts my brother, my brother and brother love my brother. You said, is this the reason?"

Li Wei didn't say anything, but still counted the words of Yuan Guiren in her heart, but she heard Yuan Guiren suddenly said: "We are sisters, what is in my sister's heart, I can guess a few guesses." If the younger sister is really in the same place, then it is a matter of urgency to find a way to get rid of the Nine Emperors! Only when her husband is killed, can she marry again, do you understand?"

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