Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 974: Have me, don't be afraid

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Yuan Guiren's words are equivalent to opening a skylight to Lisie's occluded thoughts. For a long time, Li Wei has only pleaded with Feng Yu, and tried to let her know how good the Six Emperors are. I hope Feng Yuxi can be in her. Under the infiltration, turn your attention to the six emperors.

However, Feng Yuxi has been telling her all the time, how deep is her feelings with the Nine Emperors, so deep feelings can not be dismantled, and Li Li is very powerless. I always feel that I am wrong in starting the direction, but I am not sure where I am wrong.

Today's Yuangui people's words, finally let her understand that to dismantle Feng Yu and Xuan Tianming, if you can't get up and down from the feelings, then there is only one way - let Xuantian die! Her sister is right, only Xuantian is dead, Feng Yuxi has the possibility of remarriage, and at the same time, Xuantian is dead, her wind will be less resistance, the emperor will be more sure .

Li Wei felt that she had mastered the "cheats" that Feng Yuxi could remarried to the Six Emperors. It was so exciting that she was so excited that she didn't sleep well this night.

And this night, inside the royal palace, Feng Yuzhen pillowed the arm of Xuan Tianming, but it was talking about Feng Zhaolian.

Listening to her, Feng Zhaolian stayed in the palace with almost the same method of rogue. She also lived in the Jingci Palace in the palace. Xuantian was not surprised at all. He said: "The lotus king took his own attachment. When I arrived in Dashun, I came to Kyoto. How could his hatred of hatred not be reported? Don’t think that the thousand-month-old monarch died. His wish for revenge has already ended. A good person has been made male and not male or female. His central acid is only him. I know it myself."

Feng Yu was reminded of the previous speculation about the Queen. She asked Xuantian: "Feng Zhaolian lived in Jingci Palace, but also went to the Queen? I always feel that the Queen’s identity is sure to know, but why Leave her behind?"

Xuantian Ming took the little lady in her arms and tightened it. This is: "Some things have been arranged by God. She has no power, but she can't get rid of her fate. She has been hiding for so many years, but she still has to face the truth. At the moment, look at it! With the action of Feng Zhaolian, the day when the truth is revealed, it should not be far away. The father’s heart is in the heart, the reason why it is not easy to move her line, one is to fish, two Come, after all, is also the mother of a country. If you move easily, you will hurt the country. And seeing which way she wants to go is life and death, and the decision is in her own hands."

"When the Zhaolin lived in, would it break the father's business?" She was not at ease. "After all, people are brought in. If it is a hindrance, I will not be able to explain it to the father."

"No!" Xuantian Ming comforted her. "There was someone watching the lotus king in the palace. He lived in Jingci Palace and had nothing to do with the purpose of the father and us. Fishing, and this big fish Naturally, that is the missing Duanmu Anguo."

When I mentioned Duanmu Anguo, everyone felt that it was a thorn in my heart. Since that person has disappeared, it has not appeared again until now, but Feng Yuxi never thinks that he is dead. On the contrary, there will always be a kind of A bad hunch is in my heart, and I feel that one day the Duanmu’an Congress will come back and bring a radical impact to their lives.

"Don't worry." I felt like the wife's worries in my arms. Xuantian Tian patted her shoulder and comforted her: "The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil, and he will not be afraid of him. He is afraid that he will never hide. He has clothed. So many chess pieces are outside, the Queen is afraid that it is the most in-depth one. As long as the old guy has ambition, this piece will never be abolished. Let's wait and see.

"There is still one person." Feng Yuqi half-supported and said seriously: "Bu Cong, Bu Cong did not know where to go."

Xuantian meditation: "There was news that the scene of Bu Cong was found in the territory of Zongtang, but in the end it was not found where the foot was." He reached out and pinched his little wife's face and told her: "Don't worry. I am here, don't be afraid."

She nodded and re-entered her under the arm, and the sense of security re-raised, closed her eyes and calmed down.

Xuan Tianming held the man in his arms. For the first time, he did not raise the idea of ​​“eat meat”. He only sniffed her faint fragrance, and the lips curled up with a good curvature, closed his eyes and slept.

Early the next morning, Xuan Tian was in the early morning, and Feng Yu was only asleep when he was asleep. When using breakfast, Huang Quan took a letter and came in front of her. "There was a beggar sent over there, saying that there was a girl who claimed to know Miss. Ask Miss to send her a letter. She said as she handed a note to the past. "The letter was sent to the Herbs in the letter. The slave looked at it and should be the two sisters who wished the family."

Huang Quan was right. Sending a letter to the Herbs is the singer of Zhukong Mountain. The note says that since they met Feng Yuxi outside Changning Palace, they felt that if there were people in the world who could help, they must be Yu Wang. Ask Wang Yu to help send a letter to Pengzhou to wish the family, let the family know this situation.

Feng Yu looked at the envelope without the lacquer and shrugged and smiled. "These two are on the road, knowing where to force, so quickly find the herb." The letter that the other party wrote to the Ouzhou Zhujia family was drawn out. "The envelope is not painted, it is also a means of pleasing."

The letter was written to Miss Zhu Jiada, and the content written was not unexpected. It was all what Zhukongshan did in Beijing. The writing was very detailed, and even the things of the Changning Palace Palace were said to go in. However, at the same time as the narrative, adding more is the evaluation and analysis of all the behaviors of Zhukong Mountain by Ahuan.

Of course, all of these evaluations are negative, and all of them are strong dissatisfaction with the two gimmicks. Among them, Zhukongshan and the Eight Emperors joined forces to suppress and isolate them, so that their letters could not be transmitted smoothly and delayed for many days. There are also so many good things in Zhukongshan, but all of them are attributed to the eight emperors and her two aunts in the palace, but never said good things to the family.

The two gimmicks even added fuel and said that I wished my husband’s identity as a prostitute. I was very concerned about my mother’s pro-intimacy, but also asked the emperor to take care of her mother and let her present. The lady of the family and Miss Ms. step down.

Feng Yuxi looked straightforward and said: "I wish you two talents, but you can really do more with this letter! With this letter, you can do more with less. You can also send a letter to Forgot. Let's talk about this situation and let her take action. It is best not to drag the New Year."

Huang Quan nodded and prepared in a hurry.

Phangzhou, Zhufu

Mrs. Zhu’s wife was unhappy and invited the doctor from the local Baicaotang to visit the doctor. After the doctor saw the doctor, he wrote a prescription, a Chinese medicine prescription, and a Western medicine prescription exclusively for Baicaotang. Fang Zi tried two copies, quite complicated. I wished Miss Zhu to look at the empty moon for a while, and told him to be around a 20-year-old Daxie: "Achuan, go, the people around the mother are all arrogant." I am at ease, you can rest assured, or you will take a trip with the doctor."

The hoe, which is called Achuan, leaned down and respectfully said: "Missy is relieved, slaves must do good errands." After that, take the two prescriptions in their hands and watch the family give the doctor a good consultation. Then I went out with the government.

After they left the house, they bowed their heads until they passed the alley where they wished to be home. The doctor whispered: "Fortunately, I wish you a big lady, I will send you out directly, or I will be afraid to pay for it." It’s just a few days ago. I’m just looking at it, I’m afraid you can’t read it!”

It’s not a different one, but it’s just a long time ago when I came to Pyeongju to explore the forgotten river. Since I successfully mixed into the palace, I was quickly moved to the side of the big lady and stayed close to me. The six-product official's family does not have the same rules as the former Zuoxiangfu and Yuwangfu. The retention and promotion of the next generation is not so complicated. Most of the time, the master and the son will stay in use, and the requirements for selling the deed are not very strict. What's more, the Forgotten River has settled down here, and immediately went through the relationship of the Herbs Church to do a fake deed, and it is safe to use.

She went back to the doctor and said, "It doesn't matter. If I want to go out, I wish no one can stop me. But there is news from Jingli? Miss letter?"

The doctor nodded. "There are two letters, one for you. One is the two gimmicks brought to Miss Zhu Jiaxuan and sent back to Miss Zhu Jiaxuan. But they are all sent directly from the head of the family. I don’t know if the letter was intercepted, or I wished my family to leave the road of the owner, and sent it over. The letter is still in the grass, I will take it to you later."

The two did not say much more, went all the way to the Baicaotang, and when they arrived, they took the medicine first. The doctor took the letter and then stuffed it into the hands of the forgetfulness.

Back to the Zhufu, I sent the big lady's medicine to the stove, and I went back to Zhukongyue and waited for a long while, until I had a lunch break, she got back to her room and opened both letters. Read it again.

A-Ruo Aru’s letter she did not dare to be interested, just carefully read the one written by Huang Quan. The letter not only elaborated on the situation in Beijing, but also emphasized that she must be wishing to make a provocation. I wish the platform of the empty mountain to let the family be demolished, so as to achieve the best results and save the hands of the young lady.

Forgetting Sichuan feels that this idea is so good. She thought about it for a while, burned Huang Quan’s letter under the candlelight, and then stuffed the letter of Ahuan Aru into the cuff, and then hurried out of the gate.

But after I went out, I didn't return for a while. I walked away with the letter and the room that went straight to the empty moon.

I wish the empty moon is still sleeping, forgetting the river directly called people, and apologetically said: "It is not a slave to want to disturb the lady, it is a little urgent." While talking about the letter in the hand, "just slaves out Fu, I want to buy some of your favorite snacks on weekdays, and keep you refreshed when you wake up. But before you leave the gate, you don’t have to wait a few steps, there is a child who hastily stuffed. A letter came. The slave said that the letter was written by Miss Zhu Jiada, and then I came back to the office to wake you up. Miss, take a look!"

I wished that I heard that I had a letter, and I quickly took it in my hand. I only looked at the words "Mr. Zhu Jiada’s pro-initiation" on the envelope and nodded. "It’s Aru’s handwriting. These two gimmicks remember me. Master? I thought they had followed the wish of the empty mountain, and forgot this one!"

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