Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 976: Breaking through the private situation

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In a word, Liu is stupid, can hardly believe his ears, and asks once again: "What do you say?"

Then he repeated: "The little man at the end of the old man went back and forth, saying that the old man stayed in the room of the lady tonight, not coming to us."

"The old woman!" Liu heard this, his face immediately changed, and the tea in his hand fell to the ground with a slap in the face, and his teeth creaked. "She is not sick during the day? How can I still keep the master at night? I think her illness is also fake, just for the sympathy of Bo."

Chuntao quickly echoed and said: "It is definitely to use the method of pretending to keep the master. I want to come to the old night and stay here, the big lady can't sit still. You want to think about it?"

Liu Shi waved his hand and retired the gimmick who had sent the message. Then he stood up and glanced at the already laid bed. In order to adjust the atmosphere, the bed was specially prepared with a red candle, waiting for the master to come over tonight. I did not expect to let the old lady give away.

Her heart was not flat, she smashed two red candles and vented her anger, and then looked at the red candle at the foot, but felt that this pain was so ruined, so she stumbled and personally squatted, and then turned back to say to Chuntao. "Go, call the housekeeper, and say that the charcoal brazier in my house is not burning, let him see what is going on."

Chuntao slammed at Liu’s smile and whispered, “Mrs. Rest assured, the slaves will go, and let the little hoes in the yard have nothing to do and stop early.”

Liu nodded, still sitting back on the bed, watching the spring peach out of the house, this self-care to organize the hair, think about it, but also changed the thinner clothes. "Zhu Xinjie, you don't come, don't blame someone else."

In the end, I forgot to go out of the house, and went to buy the favorite moon cakes before the dark shop closed. When I came back, I just saw the Yan Chuntao around Liu’s side talking to the housekeeper. The spring peach was born and charming, and when he spoke, his eyebrows flew, and the housekeeper was also a pair of appearances. The two men said that the butler had something to tell the next person to say that he was optimistic about the gate. He was going to repair the charcoal stove. Followed by Chuntao and the two went one after the other.

Forgetting Sichuan’s eyes, I feel that these two people are too blatant, just in the middle of the courtyard, so many people’s eyes are underneath? However, if you look at other people, you don't seem to know how to do anything. If you do what you do, you know that you are observing the results. In fact, people are just normal business dealings.

She always felt that something was wrong, and she just kept quietly behind. Who is Forgotten! That is the big cockroach around Feng Yuzhen, trained by Yuwangfu. She wants to track two people in Liufu. It is not easy. The Qi Guanjia and Chuntao who walked in the front did not find anyone to follow. On the way to the Liu’s yard, after passing through the corridor, the housekeeper reached for the spring peach’s buttocks. In exchange for Chuntao whispering, he stunned him and said: "The hands and feet are so untrue? They are almost there, and you are not afraid to be seen by Liu Yuniang."

"Afraid of what?" Qi Guanjia is full of confidence. "It’s not the first time. I’m still less pinch of your little spring peach. I’m talking about you and Liu Yuniang, my heart is still facing you, but she is helpless, but she is the master. I don't want to give her a wait, and I won't ask you to go to the room with her in the future."

Chuntao "snapped" and said, "You still want to bring me to the house. I will take advantage of it on weekdays. Liu Yanniang said, I will find a good way for you in the future. How can I not fall behind you?" hand."

After the housekeeper listened, he snorted softly. "Don't think too beautiful. If you can't keep it, you have to ask me to accept you! After all, your little girl is still tender. According to the style of Liu, it is far worse. However, Liu recently got a lot of good things. If I want to give her a waiter tonight, I might have some benefits. I still have to lose money tonight tonight." The two said, The pace has increased quickly.

Forgetting Sichuan’s back frowning, I only wished that Miss Zhu’s wish for the empty moon was really correct. Liu’s really was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but actually hooked up the housekeeper. She quietly followed behind, staring at the housekeeper into Liu's yard, and said something about the charcoal brazier, and then, the spring peaches withdrew from the room, and gently brought the door. After a short while, I saw the red candle burning inside, and Liu’s smile came, and soon it was covered up in the man’s snoring.

Forgetting Sichuan’s lips and laughing, he quickly retired from the courtyard and turned to the same spring peach that went out the same way. He followed the stove and saw that the spring peach and the stove were hot. water. Her mind turned and followed, and went in, watching the pot in the hands of Chuntao boiling water, and then licking the empty stove, dissatisfied and said: "Is this not the hot water for Missy? How? Give it to others?"

The next person in the kitchen hurryed: "No one has come over to take the big lady. Just when Liu Yuniang wants it, she gave the spring peach girl. Achuan girl, I will give you a pot if you want."

"Isn't this still not taken?" Forgot Chuan pointed to the hand pot held by Chuntao and said: "Since it was burned for Missy, now I have come to take it. I should give it to me. As for Liu Yanniang. Just burn it again."

"Why?" Chuntao’s eyes squinted at the Forgotten River: "I came first. You didn't write your name on this pot. Why should you give it to you? You said that you want it first." That's it? Evidence?" She had a hand-held pot and was swaying with one hand. It was very imposing. This is to say that in the past, the next person in the brothel was not daring to confront the people in the niece, but Liu’s recent winds began, and I wished that the empty mountain had found a mountain in the capital. Forgetting Sichuan is new, and Chuntao is the old man of Zhufu, how can he put a new one in his eyes. I was thinking about the new ones, and I put on the frame.

Forgetting Sichuan, but not giving up, stubbornly said: "Whether it is the water I set first, Missy is a prostitute, naturally it is possible for her to come. Although Liu Yu Niang is also a woman of the master, but in the end it is The rules of the government have always been that the young master is bigger than the younger one, and then I have to be pampered again. I have to respect the lady, and why does the spring peach girl not even understand this?"

"You..." Chuntao saw that Achuan didn't give in and he couldn't help but feel angry. "That depends on who is fighting with Missy! This pot of hot water is what Liu Yuniang wants. Liu Yanniang's identity is not you. If you say a sigh, it is embarrassing. Do not believe you to ask the lord, see who is standing on the side? Oh! Be careful, one day, Miss San will return home and drive you out of this banquet!"

Forgot Sichuan frown and looked at her for a while, the steamed **** around him quickly urged: "Achuan girl, I will help you burn a pot again, don't fight with Chuntao girl, okay?" I wish everyone knows. Liu Yu Niang is in the limelight. There are emperors and emperors in Beijing who are relying on the mountains. They dare not offend.

Forgot to think about it, he lowered his head and softly said: "Well, then give me a pot! I have a safe place, I don't want to leave the palace, I don't want to leave Missy."

Chuntao saw her take a soft, smirked open, and took the kettle away.

Forgot Sichuan did not wait in the kitchen, just said that he came over and took it, and then hurried back to Zhukongyue. I wish the empty moon is boring in the house. When she came back, she could not help but blame: "Buy a snack, how come back so late? The sky is dark, do I still eat this snack?"

Forgot Sichuan even apologizes: "It’s all slaves wrong, Missy is angry. In fact, the slaves have already returned to the house, thinking that just by the way, go to the stove to bring a pot of hot water back to Miss Dajie, who knows...who knows... ”

"What's wrong?" Zhu Yunyue heard the hesitation between her words, could not help but ask: "A pot of hot water, what can be done?"

Forget the Sichuan sigh: "When the slaves left, they told the stove to burn the hot water of Missy first, and wait for the slaves to come back immediately. But when the slaves arrived, the pot of water was robbed by the spring peach girl in the courtyard of Liu Xiongniang. First, the slaves argued with her a few words, but Chuntao said that the most favorite thing in the house today is Liu Yuniang, even though Miss Yan is not qualified to grab something with Liu Yanniang. She also said that one day Miss San will return, the position of the prostitute It’s her, she’s going to drive us out, she...”

"She dreams!" I wished the empty moon angry. "A good Liu, give your face a shame. Is this going to the house?" Don't say that her daughter hasn't returned yet, even if she is back, my mother is still in the mother. In the position, there is no root and no reason to step down. Damn, the monk can’t sit still now, want to replace us?”

Forgetting Sichuan followed the help: "The slaves also think that Liu Yiniang's yard is too arrogant. If this is the case, I shouldn't be so blatant to say it!" She added oil and vinegar, not afraid of wishing the empty moon to go to the stove. People are confrontational. After tonight, I don’t know what Liu’s fall is. Who will speak for her again? "Miss, this is not the way to go! Isn't this being bullied and dead?"

I wish the empty moon is also the idea. She slammed her feet and said: "Achuan, called the **** in the yard, and walked with the lady. The father is not in her house tonight, and this lady is going to personally Liu asked, what did she want to do!"

Forgetting Sichuan and so on is her decision. I immediately went out to gather all the people in the yard. The group of people rushed to Liu’s yard. I wish the government a six-product official, not many people, and the house is not big, and it took a while to get to the place. I wished the empty moon to open the fence at the entrance of the hospital and went straight to the house of Liu’s house and rushed.

In order to avoid the suspicion, the next person in this yard had already been rushed to the next room to go to bed. At this time, only the spring peach was kept at the entrance of Liu, just in case.

But this girl is also a colorless heart, not good to guard the door, but actually opened the door to a small slit. The voice of Liu and Qi Guanjia came out with a bang, and she heard that her body was soft and numb, so that when she wished the empty moon to rush in, she was shocked by the hoe. The first reaction was to run.

How could Forget Chuan let her run, and a few steps forward to catch people, while pulling the empty moon to rush into Liu's house. The wheezing sound from the screen is clear to the ear, I wish the empty moon is still strange, is her father not staying with her mother today?

I feel embarrassed to want to go. At this time, I listened to the man in the head and said: "Spring peach, how can you be so itch? How? Want to come together?"

I wish you a happy month, this is not her father's voice!

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