Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 977: No one can move me!

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I heard that the source of the sound was not Zhu Xinjie. I wished that the empty moon would go crazy. I went straight to the back of the screen and saw the Qi Guanjia and Liu, who were still entangled in the bed. That Liu's eyes were slightly closed, her cheeks were red, and she had not heard so much outside. The Qi Guanjia thought that the empty moon was a spring peach, and he was preparing to swear words and say something, but he turned his head and saw the moon and the dozens of people behind him.

He squatted in a moment, and the hard place softened in an instant, but Liu also came to the sentence: "How is this so good?" Then blinked, in the opposite side, the double-fired glare After the interest, "ah" screamed.

In the end, the paper couldn’t hold the fire. The things in the Liu’s courtyard were quickly spread around the palace, and even the forgetting Sichuan personally ran to the lady’s yard, regardless of the next person’s blockade. Authentic: "Master! Grandma! Go and have a look! Liu Yanniang sneaked into the housekeeper and was met by Missy!"

The two of them had just fallen asleep and slept lightly, and they were shouted when they were forgotten. I wish Xinjie didn’t understand what was going on. I couldn’t help but ask: “What is it called outside?”

The big lady didn't fall asleep, but she heard it clearly. My heart has already opened the flowers, but I still have an unbelievable and worried look on the surface: "It seems that someone is saying that Liu Yanniang and the housekeeper are cheating? How is this possible? Master, you sleep, go out and see, yes Which gimmick dare to talk like this, Liu Yuniang puts a good niece not to do it, how can she sneak with a housekeeper, it is difficult to be in her eyes, lord you are not as good as a housekeeper?"

This is a casual statement, listening to the heart of Zhu Xinjie is a great insult to men. Qi Guanjia is two years younger than him. Is it better than him if he is not true?

I wish Xinjie a sigh of relief, quickly dressed, and went out with the big lady. Outside, Forgot to see the two came out, and quickly came forward, and said the situation on the other side of Liu, Zhu Xinjie was so angry that he shouted: "Must kill the monk!" Then pull out and go outside run.

The big lady is also running in the back, and the heart is happy! It’s just that her daughter is really fighting for it. She even caught a crime like Liu’s. This time, I look at what Liu’s face is, and I wish that the empty mountain will make a big contribution, but it’s not like Liu’s drumming. Out.

A group of people came to the courtyard of Liu, and Liu’s family with the housekeeper had been **** by the birthday of the moon. Although she is a woman here, but the strength of those women's hands is also heavy, coupled with the guilty conscience of the housekeeper, so it was so confused that he was tied up, and when he reacted and wanted to run, it was too late. After another bow, even the clothes were not worn, and the inch was not on the bed.

Looking at Liu, it is no different from him. It is also shrinking in the couch, and the mouth keeps chanting: "It’s none of my business! It’s him who came to my room, he tarnished me. I want to sue, I want to sue!"

Qi Jiajiao really wants to raise his hand to give this monk a slap, but his hand is tied, and he can't make it. I just had to swear and say: "Oh! It is obviously that you seduce me. It is obvious that you let the little hoof of Chuntao go to call me. How many times have you seduce me, but dare to say that I am your door?" ”

He just said this, and outside the door, Zhu Xinjie has already come in with the big lady. When I look at the posture, I still can't understand what happened. I wished Xinjie to go forward, and gave Liu a squat from the couch. He raised a handkerchief and took a few big ear scrapers and pumped it. He pulled Liu’s lips and blood, but he was still reluctant to say : "It's awkward! It's tainted! It's the hard-hearted housekeeper who can't resist!"

"I am!" Qi Guan was almost mad, and glanced at the spring peach who was crying on the ground, loudly said: "You said, what the **** is going on?"

After forgetting to come in, he stood behind Zhu Yunyue. At this time, he opened his mouth to remind the Chuntao Tao: "The truth is that there may be a glimmer of life. Otherwise, even if the master does not die, you will not survive."

Chuntao knows how it is useless to talk to Liu. Whether it is defiled or active, this is a scandal of Zhufu. Liu has lost his temper and can no longer count on it. Chuntao bites his teeth and simply confesses the truth: "Today's lord stayed in the room of the lady, Liu Yaniang was not happy, so she asked the slaves to come to the house with the charcoal brazier."

“Hey!” Liu’s Daxie: “How do I treat you on weekdays? You sold it to me at this time? Master –” She leaned back to Zhu Xinjie and kept fighting for herself: “Don’t listen to this. If you are embarrassed, she wants to climb the bed, and she has been blocked for many times, so she has resentment in her heart. This is the opposite of the bad language! It is not the case at all, you must believe in the whole body!"

"The slaves didn't want to climb the bed!" Chuntao was also angry. "It is Liu Yanniang who said that she will do the big lady on the house one day sooner or later. Miss San will soon become Missy, so she has made many wishes to say that she will Let the slaves be the master's room. But the slaves have never been true! Master Mingjian! Master Mingjian!"

Zhu Xinjie looked at this girl and didn't listen to what she said. She just asked: "Say! How many times did you marry this housekeeper with this housekeeper?"

Chuntao glimpsed, twisted his eyebrows and thought, but thought for a long time did not figure out a few times.

Wishing Xinjie to look at her like this, I couldn’t help but be angry again: "How many times is it too clear?"

Chuntao is really nodding: "Yes! Too many, slaves can't remember, probably since Miss San was five years old."

I wish Xinjie almost didn't breathe in the past, taking advantage of Liu's hand to pick up a feather duster on the table, and then drove the woman. Straight out a Liu Wow yelling, I saw blood marks on my body, I wish Xinjie still not give up, there is a posture that directly kills people.

Liu was anxious and shouted: "You can't kill me! I am the sister of Lili and Nianggui, or the relatives of the Eight Emperors and the Six Emperors. My daughter, Kongshan, is still in Beijing. It’s the righteousness of the Eight Emperors! You killed me and I’m not good for my family. The Eight Emperors won’t let you go!”

She shouted hysterically, and she was so eager to let the new scorpion’s nephew fall. Liu’s words made Zhu Xinjie think about it, yeah! There is a big backing behind this woman. If she really kills her, once she is pursued in Beijing, she will be wrong in Liu’s, and the eight emperors will not let him wish him a better family.

At first sight, Xinjie took over the situation and stopped playing. Liu quickly hurriedly said: "I have been waiting for the lord for so many years. I have no credit and hard work. If the lord does not read the old feelings, I should also think about empty mountains. I wish the family not to rely on it. In order to promote the government and make a fortune, in addition to the empty mountain road, the lord has no way to go. Is it that you will be willing to spend the rest of your life in the official residence of six products, and the sac in the place of Pengzhou? Master! Once the empty mountain becomes the Eight Emperors, what do you want? No? Eight princes are valuable, and sooner or later they are going to be big things. The lord thinks about the future and forgets it!"

Liu is also a smart and immediately throws such a big temptation to Zhu Xinjie, saying that Xinjie’s heart is also itchy. The big lady standing on the side looked at the empty moon and saw a tear in the big lady. It was very wronged: "Liu Yu Niang, what do you mean by this? Is it abandoning the old official? So it is only Is the housekeeper private? You are a woman of the old man, even if there is a backing in the capital, you can’t make such a bad thing!”

"What did I do?" Liu took the big lady and said: "You have occupied the position of the mother of the house for so many years, and what did you bring to the family? I may give you everything I can imagine." Rich and glory, that is what you can't afford in any case!"

"But my mother will not wear a green hat for my father!" I wish the empty moon could not go on, and said: "Liu, so many people are watching today, where do you let your father's face rest?"

She said this, and I wish Xinjie also realized this problem. Yes! Even if he remembers the "future" that Liu said, but now so many people look at it, if he is so forgetful, where will the future face be placed?

At this time, I wish the empty moon opened again: "Liu! You don't say anything about what the wisher will help the family, I tell you, the two gimmicks who followed the Zhukongshan to the capital have already sent letters back, we The great Miss San in the government, but did not take the family home seriously!"

I wished that I would say the contents of A-ring and Aru’s letters once and for all. After I finished, I asked Zhu Xinjie: "Father, do you think she still has hope?"

I wish Xinjie suddenly lost all confidence in Liu's, but I also know that I can't directly kill people. What if the capital city wants people? His anger was nowhere to be dispatched, so he pointed to the housekeeper: "Go! Give me this man into a meat!"

The Fuzhong people immediately came forward and carried the Qi Guanjia down with all their hands. Death deportation, let the master fight, the power of death and death are held in the hands of the master!

Just listening to the screaming of the housekeeper who killed the pig, Liu was scared to sit on the ground and did not know how to speak for a long time.

Zhu Xinjie looked at Liu, and thought about it in his heart. He said: "Put this woman into the firewood room, send it three meals a day, don't starve. Other things, I will talk about it later."

With Liu’s being held in the wood house, this farce finally came to an end. The big lady and the mother and daughter won a great victory. At this moment, they were laughing and waiting for the arrangement of Zhu Xinjie.

Zhu Xinjie calmed down at this time and whispered in a cold voice: "Today's business, no one is allowed to pass the rumor. It is necessary to block the news on the other side of the capital." After that, look at the big lady: "How to seal the mouth, give it to Madame."

The doctor hurriedly said: "The lord is relieved that he will do these things well. The master must not be affected by this matter, and the body is important."

I wish Xinjie no reason, just ask Zhu Yunyue: "The two gimmicks really have such a letter?"

I wish the empty moon nod and immediately ordered to forget the Sichuan: "You take the letter."

Forgetting Sichuan quickly went back quickly, and A-Ruan Aru’s letter was quickly sent to Zhu Xinjie’s hand. After wishing Xinjie to finish reading, he was so angry that he shook the letter into a ball, cold and authentic: “Liu, Zhukongshan I have been raising these two white-eyed wolves for so many years!"

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