"Dead trash, why do you make them kneel down and apologize? Have you ever thought about their character? You're enjoying it now. What will they do when they retaliate in the future? Do you understand the principle of "stop when you want"? You're a waste who can't do more than you can do! "

"Mom, how can you say that to him!" Ye Qing is not too gentle.

If Liang Xiao hadn't come back in time just now, their mother and daughter didn't know what to do.

"Why can't I say it?" Li Yuee crossed her waist, "I think our family will be dragged down by this waste sooner or later!"

She is like an ant on a hot pot, walking around the living room, holding Ye Qingwen's hand for the last time.

"Go! Go to Civil Affairs Bureau, today must divorce with this broom star, otherwise our family will be ruined by him! "

"Mom, can you stop laughing at Liang all the time? He did it to get justice for us! Moreover, you promised last time that as long as ye Chen can do this, he will not mention the divorce between me and him in the future. Isn't he doing it now? "

Ye Qing's words are correct.

Although I still don't understand how Liang Xiaogang did it, at least Liang Xiaogang just seemed to be a changed person and stood up to block all the attacks for her.

This is clearly what she wants, the kind of man who can protect her.

"Dead girl, are you crazy? Do you really want to spend your life with him, such a waste

"Yes, I'm not half hearted. Since I made this choice, I won't give up casually. Mom, I will never divorce Liang Xiao. "

Ye Qingwen extremely firm said.

Words fall, directly pull beam smile upstairs.

"You are so angry with me, ye Qingwen!" Li yue'e was so angry that she trembled all over and looked at their backs and stamped her feet.

"Well, if you want to live with this trash, you can go there. I will never care about you again! But listen to me. Don't regret it. "

"Family misfortune, family misfortune!"

Scolded for a long time, probably tired, she just shut up, decadent sitting on the sofa to continue sulking.

"Thank you, Liang Xiao."

"Thank you, wife."

Back to the bedroom, ye Qingwen and Liang Xiao express their gratitude almost at the same time.

"What do you thank me for?"

Ye Qingwen was a little confused.

"Thank you for what you just said. Thank you for not divorcing me."

Liang smiles with a happy expression.

Facts have proved that he did not read Ye Qingwen wrong. This woman is worthy of his protection all his life.

"There's nothing to thank. I did it just to make a promise to my grandfather. Don't think I accepted you. Now you haven't met my requirements. "

Although she said so, she couldn't help recalling the picture of Liang Xiaogang teaching the Ye brothers.

"I know that you want a man who can stand up and protect you for life. Don't worry, I will be the man you want from now on, and I will never let anyone bully you any more! "

Liang Xiao suddenly said such words with great heart, and his eyes were very firm.

Ye Qingwen trembled in her heart, like a tight line. At this moment, she quietly broke free from the shackles, and her whole person was much more relaxed.

If Liang Xiao said this in the past, she would only feel like laughing, but today, her heart is not controlled to believe him.

"I hope so."

After a long time, she blushed and pretended to spit out three words.

"By the way, how do you know about the Lu group?"

When ye Qingwen thought of it, he couldn't help asking.

"Oh, that's what I overheard when I was delivering delivery."

"True or false?" Ye Qingwen looked unconvinced and always felt that Liang Xiao was hiding something from himself.

"Really." Liang nodded heavily with a smile and said, "you should clean up quickly, and you'll have to go back to the company later."


Ye Qingwen didn't think much about it. In her opinion, Liang Xiao was lucky to hear it. Otherwise, could he really have the ability to ask Lu Deming to help him?

two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye's statement was broadcast on TV. Meanwhile, the front page headline of the local daily has been published, but it won't be published until tomorrow.

Ye Chen called.

"Ye Qingwen, I've done everything I should do. Can you go back to the company now?"

"Well, I'll be there now."

Liang Xiao accompanied her to the company. When she got to the door, she found that ye Daorong was standing there with the whole Ye group.

Seeing ye Qingwen, all the employees chanted: "welcome Manager Ye."

What's going on?

Ye Qingwen was alert. Although these people said welcome to her, their eyes were vicious and wanted her to die.

Liang Xiao saw through it at a glance. It must be the meaning of Ye Chen's fake biography of Ye Qingwen, which makes so many people wait in line, so that ye Qingwen can offend more people.

"Don't worry about them, just be yourself." Liang xiaorou soothed.

Ye Qingwen entered the company, put things down, prepared some information, and went to the Lu Group nonstop.

"Miss ye, President Lu has been waiting in the office for a long time." When the receptionist saw Ye Qingwen, she welcomed him warmly as if she had seen her long lost relatives.

All the way to bring ye Qingwen into the chairman's office, the front desk carefully back down.

Ye Qingwen looks at this posture and guesses that something must have happened in the two days when she left the company.

"Miss ye, please come in." Lu Deming himself opens the door and invites Ye Qingwen in.

"Mr. Lu, are you in a hurry to see me Ye Qingwen is open to the mountain.

"Nothing. I just want to discuss with you about the follow-up of the project." Lu Deming has a good fight.

Ye Qingwen frowned slightly, feeling that the situation was not so simple.

After a while, he could not help asking, "Mr. Lu, may I ask why you helped me so much?"

"Well, I'm not really helping you, I'm just returning Xiao Liang's love."

Lu Deming said in a deep voice.

Trabecular, how is this trabecular again?

Who is he, why do you want to help yourself, why does Lu Deming give him such face?

"You said Mr. Liang..." Ye Qingwen said half, and suddenly widened his eyes.

Think of these two days, Liang Xiao all kinds of foresight, as a God, ye Chen door kneel apology said exactly.

Is this Xiao Liang really Liang Xiao?

But he's just a delivery man. How can he make a big man like Lu Deming owe him?

"Mr. Lu, I venture to ask who you are talking about. Can you tell me? I can also say thank you to his face. "

A moment later, she came back and asked sincerely.

"Xiao Liang is... Er, a friend I knew before, ha ha." Lu Deming almost let slip and said, "Miss ye, let's talk about the project."


The other end.

Liang laughs out of Ye's building. Instead of delivering takeout, he rides a motorcycle to the welfare home.

"Aunt Zhang, where are you going? How flustered. "

At the gate of the welfare home, before Liang Xiao's car stopped, she saw Aunt Zhang, the Dean, running out in a hurry with anxiety on her face.

"Trabecula?" Aunt Zhang stopped, "please help me to call a doctor! The children don't know what they're eating wrong. They're all sick, vomiting and diarrhea, and some are having a high fever! "

"What's the matter?" Liang smiled and was worried.

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